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1、LEARNING OUTCOMESCreate an experimental, independent variable through a valid experimental manipulation of its valueUnderstand and minimize the systematic experimental errorKnow ways of minimizing experimental demand characteristicsAvoid unethical experimental practicesWeigh the trade-off between in

2、ternal and external validityRecognize the appropriate uses of testmarketingAfter studying this chapter, you should be able to1The Nature of ExperimentsExperiment DefinedA research investigation in which conditions are controlled.Experimental ResearchAllows a researcher to control the research situat

3、ion so that causal relationships among variables may be evaluated.Independent variables are expected to determine the outcomes of interest.Dependent variables are the outcomes of interest to the researcher and the decision makers.2Basic Issues in Experimental DesignManipulation of the independent va

4、riableSelection and assignment of experimental subjectsControl over extraneous variablesSelection and measurement of the dependent variableExperimental Design3Issues in Experimental DesignManipulation of the Independent VariableIndependent variable: a variable with values that can be manipulated, or

5、 altered, independently of any other variable.Experimental TreatmentThe term referring to the way an experimental variable is manipulated.Experimental group: a group of subjects to whom an experimental treatment is administered.Control group: a group of subjects to whom no experimental treatment is

6、administered.4Experimental Design (contd)Selection and Measurement of the Dependent VariableDependent variable: the criterion by which the results of an experiment are judged; a variable expected to be dependent on the experimenters manipulation of the independent variable.Selecting dependent variab

7、les that are relevant and truly represent an outcome of interest is crucial.Choosing the right dependent variable is part of the problem definition processthorough problem definition will help the researcher select the most important dependent variable(s) whose results will help managers in decision

8、 making.5Experimental Design (contd)Selection and Assignment of Test UnitsTest units: the subjects or entities whose responses to treatment are measured or observed.Sample Selection And Random Sampling ErrorsSystematic or nonsampling errorSubject selection, experimental design, and unrecognized extr

9、aneous variablesOvercoming sampling errorsRandomizationMatchingRepeated measuresControl over extraneous variables6Experimental Design (contd)Sampling Errors (contd)Experimental ConfoundWhen there is an alternative explanation beyond the experimental variables for any observed differences in the depe

10、ndent variable.Once a potential confound is identified, the validity of the experiment is severely questioned.Sources:Sampling errorSystematic errorLater-identified extraneous variablesCareful experimental design can reduce the likelihood of confounds.7Demand CharacteristicsDemand CharacteristicAn e

11、xperimental design element or procedure that unintentionally provides subjects with hints about the research hypothesis.Demand EffectOccurs when demand characteristics actually affect the dependent variable.Experimenter Bias The influence of the presence, actions, or comments of an experimenter on s

12、ubjects behavior.8Demand Characteristics (contd)Reducing Demand CharacteristicsUse an experimental disguise.Isolate experimental subjects.Use a “blind experimental administrator.Administer only one treatment level to each subject.9EXHIBIT 9.1By Smiling or Looking Solemn, Experimenters Can Modify Sub

13、jects Behavior10Establishing ControlConstancy of ConditionsSubjects in all experimental groups are exposed to identical conditions except for the differing experimental treatments.CounterbalancingAttempts to eliminate the confounding effects of order of presentation by varying the order of presentat

14、ion (exposure) of treatments to subject groups.11Ethical Issues in ExperimentationDebriefing experimental subjectsCommunicating the purpose of the experimentExplaining the researchers hypotheses about the nature of consumer behavior Attempts to interfere with a competitors test-marketing effortsSuch

15、 acts as changing prices or increasing advertising to influence (confound) competitors test-marketing results are ethically questionable.12Fundamental Questions in ExperimentationLaboratory ExperimentA situation in which the researcher has more complete control over the research setting and extraneo

16、us variables.Field ExperimentsResearch projects involving experimental manipulations that are implemented in a natural environment.13EXHIBIT 9.5The Artificiality of Laboratory versus Field Experiments14Issues of Experimental ValidityInternal ValidityThe extent that an experimental variable is truly

17、responsible for any variance in the dependent variable.Did the experiment answer the question of causal effect?Did the manipulation do what it was supposed (predicted) to do?Manipulation ChecksA validity test of an experimental manipulation to make sure that the manipulation does produce differences

18、 in the independent variable.15Extraneous Variables Affecting Internal ValidityInternal ValidityMaturationTestingInstrumentationSelectionMortalityHistory16Effects of Extraneous Variables on ValidityHistory EffectOccurs when some change other than the experimental treatment occurs during the course o

19、f an experiment that affects the dependent variable.Cohort EffectA change in the dependent variable that occurs because members of one experimental group experienced different historical situations than members of other experimental groups.17Effects of Extraneous Variables (contd)Maturation EffectsE

20、ffects that are a function of time and the naturally occurring events that coincide with growth and experience.Testing EffectsA nuisance effect occurring when the initial measurement or test alerts or primes subjects in a way that affects their response to the experimental treatments.18Effects of Ex

21、traneous Variables (contd)Instrumentation EffectA change in the wording of questions, a change in interviewers, or a change in other procedures causes a change in the dependent variable.Selection EffectSample bias that results from differential selection of respondents for the comparison groups, or

22、a sample selection error.Mortality Effect (Sample Attrition)Occurs when some subjects withdraw from the experiment before it is completed.19Issues of Experimental Validity (contd)External ValidityThe accuracy with which experimental results can be generalized beyond the experimental subjects.Student

23、 surrogates: Atypical?Trade-Offs Between Internal and External ValidityArtificial laboratory experiments usually are high in internal validity, while naturalistic field experiments generally have less internal validity, but greater external validity.20Classification of Experimental DesignsBasic Expe

24、rimental DesignAn experimental design in which only one variable is manipulated.Diagramming Experimental Designs: Symbols21Examples of Quasi-Experimental DesignsQuasi-experimental DesignsExperimental designs that do not involve random allocation of subjects to treatment combinations.One Shot Design

25、(After Only):XO1One Group PretestPosttest:O1XO2Static Group Design:ExperimentalXO1ControlO222Alternative Experimental DesignsPretestPosttest Control Group Design(BeforeAfter with Control)ExperimentalR O1 X O2ControlR O3 X O4 Posttest Only Control Group(After-Only with Control)ExperimentalR X O1ControlR O2Compromise Designs23EXHIBIT 9.3Product Preference Measure in an Experiment24Test-MarketingTest MarketingAn experimental procedure that provides an opportunity to test a new product or a new marketing plan under realistic market conditions to measure sales or p


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