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1、Supply Chain Operations Reference- model (SCOR) OverviewScott StephensChief Technology OfficerSupply-Chain Council, Inc.April 1999 - Version 2.01. The SCC is an independent, not-for-profit, global corporation with membership open to all companies and organizations interested in applying and advancin

2、g state-of-the-art supply chain management systems and practices. Over 750 Company Members Cross-industry representation Chapters in Australia/New Zealand, Brazil, Europe, Japan, North America, and South East Asia with petitions for additional chapters pending.The Supply-Chain Council (SCC) has deve

3、loped and endorsed the Supply Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR) as the cross-industry standard for supply chain management.SCC Organization - Chapters and StaffingAustralia/New Zealand Chapter Sydney, AustraliaOwens Global LogisticsSouth East Asia Chapter SingaporeVenture Inc.Japan Chapter Tok

4、yo, JapanNECSCC Global Headquarters Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USAHPEurope Oslo, NorwayModus MediaSouthern Africa Johannesburg, South AfricaUTiNorth America Chapter Effective 7/1/03Brazil ChapterEffective 9/1/03.SCC Leadership TeamsAustralia/New ZealandOwens Global Logistics CCaltex Aus Petroleum VCL

5、exianSAPEXE TechnologiesRMIT UniversityMI ServicesBHPQueensland RailwayKPMGDeloitteEuropeModus Media CGist, Inc. VCUPM-Kymmene OyjBASFDiversey LeverAMR ResearchJonker AdiesSAPINSEADRhodiaSonoco ProductsSouth East AsiaVemtura Corporation CPhillips CFT VCModus MediaDeloitteSingapore Institute of Mfg.

6、TechnologySCM InstituteAutoscan TechnologyPrecision ValveAsia Pacific BreweriesI2 TechnologiesPerentis Sdn BhdJapanNEC CJBC Create VCMitsui Global Strategic StudiesOlympus OpticalEXAChubu Electric PowerJ.D. EdwardsNihon UnisysHitachiHokkaido UniversityMatsushita Electric IndustrialYamahaBoard of Dir

7、ectorsHP CDisney VCAMRDaimlerChrysler MOPARBusiness Process Training Center EuropePeopleSoftI2 TechnologiesGeorgia Institute of TechnologyIBMSCE LimitedICI Supply ChainAlcatel AmericasPRTMIntel.Membership750+ SCC members, Composition40%: Practitioners25%: Enabling Technology Providers20%: Consultant

8、s15%: Universities, Associations, Government Organizations.Current Technical ProjectsSupply Chain Event Mgt.Retail Operations - 1 CollaborationProduct DevelopmentC - Tom Phelps HPV Paul Schiller BP AmocoLt Col Scott Koster (USMC)Returns Retail Operations - 2Steve Miller (Disney)Michael Memmel (R.Ree

9、d)Tim Meester (Best Buy)MetricsMRO ReturnsJoe Burak (Boeing)SCOR Technical DevelopmentSteering CommitteeCaspar Hunsche (HP)Katie Kasper (DRK Associates).Supply Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR) Overview.Quantify the operational performance of similar companies and establish internal targets ba

10、sed on “best-in-class resultsBenchmarkingCharacterize the management practices and software solutions that result in “best-in-class performanceBest Practices AnalysisProcess Reference ModelCapture the “as-is state of a process and derive the desired “to-be future stateBusiness Process ReengineeringC

11、apture the “as-is state of a process and derive the desired “to-be future stateQuantify the operational performance of similar companies and establish internal targets based on “best-in-class resultsCharacterize the management practices and software solutions that result in “best-in-class performanc

12、eWhat is a process reference model?Process reference models integrate the well-known concepts of business process reengineering, benchmarking, and process measurement into a cross-functional framework.SupplierPlanCustomerCustomersCustomerSuppliersSupplierMakeDeliverSourceMakeDeliverMakeSourceDeliver

13、SourceDeliverInternal or ExternalInternal or ExternalYour CompanySourceSCOR is structured around five distinct management processesSCOR Model ReturnReturnReturnReturnReturnReturnReturnReturnBuilding Block ApproachProcessesMetricsBest PracticeTechnology.CustomersSuppliersP1 Plan Supply ChainPlanP2 Pl

14、an SourceP3 Plan MakeP4 Plan DeliverSourceMakeDeliverS1 Source Stocked ProductsM1 Make-to-StockM2 Make-to-OrderM3 Engineer-to-OrderD1 Deliver Stocked ProductsD2 Deliver MTO ProductsD3 Deliver ETO ProductsS2 Source MTO ProductsS3 Source ETO ProductsSupply-Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR) 5.0 -

15、 ProcessesReturn SourceP5 Plan ReturnsReturn DeliverEnable.SCOR BoundariesSCOR Spans:All supplier / customer interactionsOrder entry through paid invoiceAll physical material transactionsFrom your suppliers supplier to your customers customer, including equipment, supplies, spare parts, bulk product

16、, software, etc.All market interactionsFrom the understanding of aggregate demand to the fulfillment of each orderReturns.SCOR Boundaries (contd)SCOR does not include:Sales administration processesTechnology development processesProduct and process design and development processesSome post-delivery

17、technical support processesSCOR assumes but does not explicitly addressTrainingQualityInformation Technology (IT) administration (non-SCM).Material FlowSCOR Level 1Operations StrategyAnalyze Basisof CompetitionSCOR Level 2Configuresupply chainAlignPerformance Levels, Practices, and SystemsImplements

18、upply chain Processes and SystemsSCOR Project RoadmapCompetitive Performance RequirementsPerformance MetricsSupply Chain ScorecardScorecard Gap AnalysisProject PlanAS IS Geographic MapAS IS Thread DiagramDesign SpecificationsTO BE Thread DiagramTO BE Geographic MapInformationand Work FlowAS IS Level

19、 2, 3, and 4 MapsDisconnectsDesign SpecificationsTO BE Level 2, 3, and 4 MapsDevelop, Test, and Roll OutOrganizationTechnologyProcessPeopleSCOR Level 3.Mapping material flowLatin AmericanSuppliers(D1)WarehouseOther Suppliers(D1)ManufacturingEuropean Supplier(S1)(SR1,SR3)(S1, D1)(SR1,DR1,DR3)(D2)(DR1

20、)WarehouseWarehouseWarehouse(S1, D1)(SR1, DR3)(S1, D1)(SR1,DR1,DR3)(S1, D1)(SR1,DR1,DR3)(S1)(SR1,SR3)(S1)(SR1,SR3)(S1)(SR1,SR3)(S1, S2, M1, D1)(SR1,DR1).Mapping the execution processesS1D1S1M2S2D2M1D1S1S2D1M1European RM SupplierKey Other RM SuppliersAlpha RegionalWarehousesS1DR1SR1DR1SR1DR1SR1DR3SR3

21、RM SuppliersDistributorsALPHADR3SR3S1AmericasDistributorsSR1SR3.Identifying Plan ActivitiesConsumerP2P4P3P4S1D1S1P2P2P3P4M2S2D2M1D1S1S2D1M1European RM SupplierKey Other RM SuppliersS1Alpha RegionalWarehousesRM SuppliersDistributorsALPHAP1P1P1.Performance AttributePerformance Attribute DefinitionLeve

22、l 1 MetricSupply Chain Delivery ReliabilityThe performance of the supply chain in delivering: the correct product, to the correct place, at the correct time, in the correct condition and packaging, in the correct quantity, with the correct documentation, to the correct customer.Delivery PerformanceF

23、ill RatesPerfect Order FulfillmentSupply Chain ResponsivenessThe velocity at which a at which a supply chain provides products to the customer.Order Fulfillment Lead TimesSupply Chain FlexibilityThe agility of a supply chain in responding to marketplace changes to gain or maintain competitive advant

24、age.Supply Chain Response TimeProduction FlexibilitySupply Chain CostsThe costs associated with operating the supply chain. Cost of Goods SoldTotal Supply Chain Management CostsValue-Added ProductivityWarranty / Returns Processing CostsSupply Chain Asset Management EfficiencyThe effectiveness of an

25、organization in managing assets to support demand satisfaction. This includes the management of all assets: fixed and working capital. Cash-to-Cash Cycle TimeInventory Days of SupplyAsset TurnsLinking Supply Chain Performance Attributes and Level 1 Metrics.Customer-FacingSCOR Level 1supply chain Man

26、agementAssetsSupply Chain ReliabilityCost ResponsivenessDelivery performance Fill rate Perfect order fulfillment Order fulfillment lead time Supply Chain Response Time Production flexibility Total SCM management cost Cost of Goods Sold Value-added productivity Warranty cost or returns processing cos

27、t Cash-to-cash cycle time Inventory days of supply Asset turns Internal-FacingLevel 1 Performance Metrics Flexibility.Supply Chain Scorecard & Gap Analysis50%$30M Revenue$30M Indirect Cost35 days97 days0%63%Supply Chain SCORcardPerformance Versus Competitive PopulationOverview MetricsSCOR Level 1 Me

28、tricsActualParityAdvantageSuperiorValue from ImprovementsDelivery Performance to Commit Date85%90%95%Fill Rates94%96%98%EXTERNALSupplyChainReliabilityPerfect Order Fulfillment80%85%90%Order Fulfillment Lead times 7 days5 days3 daysFlexibilityResponsivenessProduction Flexibility30 days25 days20 daysT

29、otal SCM Management Cost19%13%8%3%INTERNALCostWarranty CostNANANANANAValue Added Employee ProductivityNA$156K$306K$460KNAInventory Days of Supply119 days55 days38 days22 daysNAAssetsCash-to-Cash Cycle Time 196 days80 days46 days28 daysNet Asset Turns (Working Capital) 2.2 turns8 turns12 turns19 turn

30、sNASupply Chain Response Time82 days55 days13 days45 days$7 M Capital ChargeKey enabler to cost and asset improvements$30M Revenue.S1D1S1M2S2D2M1D1S1S2D1M1S1Cycle TimeScheduleAchievementPerfect OrderFulfillmentDeliveryPerformanceSupplier on time deliveryPerfect Order FulfillmentSupplier on time deli

31、veryPerfect Order FulfillmentOn TimeIn FullDocsDamageOn TimeIn FullDocsDamageRevenueAccounts ReceivableCash FlowDecomposing MetricsEuropean RM SupplierKey Other RM SuppliersConsumerAlpha RegionalWarehousesRM SuppliersConsumerALPHA.ConsumerRM SuppliersS1D1S1M2S2D2M1D1S1S2D1M1S1Cycle TimeScheduleAchie

32、vementPerfect OrderFulfillmentDeliveryPerformanceSupplier on time deliveryPerfect Order FulfillmentSupplier on time deliveryPerfect Order FulfillmentOn TimeIn FullDocsDamageOn TimeIn FullDocsDamageRevenueAccounts ReceivableCash FlowPerfect Order Fulfillment Actual - 85%Perfect OrderFulfillmentGoal 9

33、5%ScheduleAchievementActual 95%Perfect Order Fulfillment Actual 90%DeliveryPerformance Actual 99%Supplier on time deliveryActual 85%MetricsConflictInventoryUnder-performanceProcessSystemsUnder-performanceProcessSystemsPerformance MeasurementConsumerAlpha RegionalWarehousesRM SuppliersConsumerALPHAEu

34、ropean RM SupplierKey Other RM Suppliers.Cascading Dependent Metrics to Level 2 Perfect Order FulfillmentOrder Fulfillment Lead TimeSupply Chain Response TimeTotal SCM Management CostCash-to-Cash CycleSchedule AchievementMake Cycle TimeUnit CostWIP Days of SupplySupplier On Time DeliverySource Cycle

35、 TimeMaterial Acquisition CostRM Days of SupplyDays of PayablesFaultless InvoicesOrder Management Cycle TimeOrder Management CostFinished Good InventoryDays Sales OutstandingP1P2P4P3D?S?M?.Implementation IssuesSCOR ImplementationsVary in scope and objectiveGreen FieldDistribution analysisPlanning Im

36、provementsChange Management / COTS-Consultant SelectionHow to conduct an ROI evaluationSenior Management support vs. Middle Manager resistanceProject timelinesBenchmarkingImplementationTools.ATT Wireless Fixed Wireless Operations.Suppliers SupplierSuppliersAssemble/ PackageDistribution CentersGeo Ports of Entry


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