1、 2022建筑學專業(yè)留學申請書 當你完成出國留學計劃并回國后,你將回歸到文化,語言技能,良好教育和學習意愿的新視角。毋庸置疑,所有這些都對未來的雇主特別有吸引力。這里給大家分享一些2022建筑學專業(yè)留學申請書,歡迎閱讀! 2022建筑學專業(yè)留學申請書 Dear _, Since I was young I maintained a keen interest in different types of art, as photography, making the postcards, flower arrangement, but mostly I liked dancing, drawin
2、g and painting what Ive started to learn when I was 5 years old with my parents who are the choreographers with some drawing and painting skills. At the age of 11 Ive been spotted by my teacher as creative student with the best capability to harmonize the colours in the class. And therefore he asked
3、 for my parents to transfer me to high school of art. These two and a half year in art school challenged my creative potential in painting and sculpture lessons, but drawing and modeling I have enjoyed the most, because even now I still love to see how I can start from drawing point by point, and af
4、ter line by line with solving some math problems and making everything narrowly, till the end, when I get the results which is your imagination made into reality on the paper, and it gives me the satisfaction. Unfortunately I didn?t have a possibility to finish that school, because of my parent divo
5、rce, I moved to other school in the other city with my mother. Despite all these problems Ive never stopped drawing and painting. My spare time after school has been filled with a lot of art classes, from painting with computer to mixed media. Now I have improved my IT skills and I can work with suc
6、h the programs, as PHOTOSHOP, MS OFFICE and learning with CAD. Also I have had an opportunity to be a member of senate. This let me to develop my patience in pursuance of the best results in organizing some events and shows in my school, and even in the other city schools. I always try to be enthusi
7、astic and find I get on well with other people, enjoy meeting new personalities and experiencing new surroundings. I have assisted in a lot of projects and public competitions as well. Im pleased to take a dare for myself and show what I can for the others. But the best part is to see the reaction w
8、hen my work is being seen by people. I love to hear compliments and criticism, because it makes to improve myself more and more. When I was 15 I started to think about what I want from my life and I knew that I really want to do something special that people would know about me and wonder at my stri
9、king creations. These are the causes why I have the ambition to go to university and do a degree in planning the buildings, creating some modern houses and interiors, because it will enable me to combine the strongest aspects of my personality. Nowadays many buildings are so lofty, extremely the arc
10、hitecture of London. Consequently Im here. The centre of this city is the big museum, where I could spend all my time and watch all those small, but labour-consuming details in creative constructions. Im just dreaming about the studies, because I truly want to know more about functional house, parti
11、cularly arrangements of light and space, and the physical world. Im convinced that Im ready to go to this world with all my creativeness. Its a bit hard to explain by letter why I truly want to study exactly an architecture course. Its just ambition inside. I see a lot of perspectives in architectur
12、e with creation, which is just powerful skill. Im inflamed with desire to create something, but Im missing some knowledge to realize that in the future. I love to do something new, I have a lot of ideas and I really want to show it for the world. I feel prepared to face with math, art history, Im re
13、ady to learn all these for a long years and gain a professional architect name, Im ready to take that responsibility, but Im just waiting for agreement. Yours sincerely, 芬蘭留學好的專業(yè)介紹 一、金融商業(yè) 經濟的全球化發(fā)展,帶來的是更多的商業(yè)機會,在芬蘭本地商業(yè)的發(fā)展就是特別繁榮的,再加上和歐洲各國密切的經濟聯系,可以為學生提供很不錯的學習和實習的環(huán)境。 而校內的教學,也特別注重實用的方面,大家在學習了理論知識后,就可以直接進
14、入到實踐的領域,可以很好的和市場的需求結合起來,未來就業(yè)也基本上不用過于擔心。 二、酒店管理 伴隨著旅游業(yè)發(fā)展起來的酒店的管理行業(yè),目前展示出很強大的生命力,并且隨著人們生活質量的提升,未來的需求量只會增進不會降低,所以就業(yè)的選擇也會更多,薪資報酬也不低。 提供教學的除了學校的學院之外,還有專門的學院,雖然在認可度上會稍微差一些,但是卻可以提供教學實習的一整套服務,有合作的企業(yè),可以直接進入運營的崗位。 三、公共關系 隨著各國之間的往來越來越方便和頻繁,國際之間的交流也變得越來越重要,所以大家相關專業(yè)的學習,在就業(yè)的選擇上還是比較多的,這樣可以有效的保證大家未來的就業(yè)情況比較樂觀。 當然大部分
15、的學生,還是可以擁有比較不錯的國內的交際選擇,因為公共關系囊括不同崗位不同企業(yè)之間的交流,都是可以提供比較不錯的選擇的。 四、物流管理 物流已經成為日常生活和社會發(fā)展不能夠缺少的一部分,小到大家日常線上購物配送,大到跨國的商品運輸,都與第三方的物流密不可分,而這些都是可以大大解放勞動力的發(fā)展。 教學的內容波及到了錄入、運輸、對接等各個流程,并且大家學習的內容都是一整套的發(fā)展流程,雖然后續(xù)進入到具體額工作中,只需要負責部分的內容,但是熟悉全稱對大家是有優(yōu)勢的。 芬蘭留學的常見問題解答 1、芬蘭人講英語嗎? 芬蘭有兩種官方語言,瑞典語和芬蘭語。但是由于二者都不是國際通用語言,因此在芬蘭幾乎人人都能
16、講英語,其次是德語和法語。所以如果你不會說他們的官方語言,靠英語也能正常交流。 2、去芬蘭留學可供選擇的學校多嗎? 目前芬蘭共有21所正規(guī)的高等院校,如赫爾辛基理工大學、阿爾托大學等,其中10所為綜合大學,10所專業(yè)性大學和一所軍事大學,分布在10個城市。 3、想去芬蘭學藝術的話,有哪些專業(yè)? 藝術學校因其學校的特點和方向設置不同的專業(yè),主要有藝術教育、電影與電視、攝影、舞臺設計、紡織與服裝設計、戲劇、表演、導演、舞蹈、燈光與音響設計等。 4、芬蘭IT和通訊專業(yè)怎么樣? 芬蘭是個不錯的學習IT和通訊領域的國家。如果能夠順利畢業(yè),并取得優(yōu)異的成績,日后進入芬蘭或者其他國家的IT或通訊公司,還是很有優(yōu)勢的,芬蘭現在也特別缺IT人才。 5、芬蘭留學費用高嗎? 芬蘭的大學和高校是免學費的,但也不提供獎學金。芬蘭努力發(fā)展高科技,生活等費用相對要高一點。 6、通過打工賺生活費怎么樣? 芬蘭的學生可以每周打工20個
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