1、6G Drivers and Visionby NGMN AllianceVersion:1.0Date:19-April-2021Document Type:Final Deliverable (approved)Confidentiality Class:P-PublicProject:6G Vision and DriversLeadership:Quan Zhao (China Mobile) Narothum Saxena (US Cellular) David Lister (Vodafone)Editor / Submitter:Javan Erfanian (Bell Cana
2、da)Contributors:Bell Canada, BT, China Mobile, Deutsche Telekom, NTT DoCoMo, Orange, PLDT Smart, TIM, TELUS, US Cellular, VodafoneApproved by / Date:NGMN Board, 13th April 2021 2021 Next Generation Mobile Networks e.V. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in
3、 any form or by any means without prior written permission from NGMN e.V.The information contained in this document represents the current view held by NGMN e.V. on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. This document is provided “as is” with no warranties whatsoever including any warra
4、nty of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for any particular purpose. All liability (including liability for infringement of any property rights) relating to the use of information in this document is disclaimed. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property rights are gran
5、ted herein. This document is distributed for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Readers should not design products based on this document.This NGMN White Paper has been endorsed by the following NGMN Board Member companies:Contributors:Javan Erfanian (Bell Canada) K
6、evin Holley (BT)Quan Zhao, Liang Ma (China Mobile) Konstantinos Chalkiotis (Deutsche Telekom) Atsushi Minokuchi (NTT DoCoMo)Eric Hardouin, Nick Sampson (Orange)Timothy Senathirajah, Arvin Siena (PLDT Smart) Nicola Pio Magnani, Lorenzo Santilli (TIM) Zeerak Khan (TELUS)Narothum Saxena, Sebastian Thal
7、anany (US Cellular) David Lister (Vodafone)Contents HYPERLINK l _bookmark0 Background and Introduction 6 HYPERLINK l _bookmark1 Motivation and Drivers for 6G 6 HYPERLINK l _bookmark2 Societal Goals 7 HYPERLINK l _bookmark3 Market Expectations 8 HYPERLINK l _bookmark4 Operational Necessities 8 HYPERL
8、INK l _bookmark5 A Journey Towards 6G 9 HYPERLINK l _bookmark6 Developmental Considerations 10 HYPERLINK l _bookmark7 Vision of 6G 11 HYPERLINK l _bookmark8 List of Abbreviations 13 HYPERLINK l _bookmark9 References 13Background and IntroductionThe 5G vision, outlined in successive NGMN White Papers
9、 1,2 sets out a framework for enabling digital transformation for society and across industry, with a wide range of use cases and associated requirements.Commercial deployments of 5G are now progressing around the globe, delivering new capabilities and improved performance for customers. For Mobile
10、Network Operators (MNOs), a set of features that underpin 5G, including disaggregation, softwarization, cloud-native design and operation, autonomous and distributed computing and intelligence, and a multi- access composable core, are enabling new technologies and business models.This digital transf
11、ormation of industry is just beginning and its realisation will continue well beyond this decade, supported by continuous evolution of 5G to meet the requirements of diversified industries.In this paper, the NGMN MNOs, with input from NGMN Partners (vendors, research institutions), outline their vis
12、ion for 6G representing a future evolution of networks enabling differentiated services with expanded market opportunities and novel experience. It first describes the drivers for 6G, and the key necessities to guide the future technologies to respond to the needs of the end users, societies, and MN
13、Os. This is followed with NGMNs vision of 6G, its novelty and capabilities to meet the drivers identified.We discuss a number of fundamental aspects, including new scope and approach, that need to be considered in design and development of the next generation of standards and technologies. Furthermo
14、re, we recommend that research and the development of future ecosystems prioritize the key gaps and challenges discussed in this paper.Motivation and Drivers for 6GWe believe that the continuing evolution of the mobile industry, and the underlying technologies, must be guided by the imperative to sa
15、tisfy three fundamental needs facing the society at large, and the telecoms industry in specific, namely:Societal Goals: The need to address societal objectives at large, as also expressed in the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).Market Expectations: The need to satisfy custome
16、r requirements by offering new services and capabilities, supported by evolving technologies in a cost-effective manner.Operational Necessities: The need to make the planning, deployment, operations, management, and performance of the mobile operators networks increasingly more efficient.Any future
17、technology development should be contextualized in terms of how it can help the society, the end users, and the MNOs value creation and delivery.This section captures the main attributes which are required to address the expectation of the society, the marketplace, and the MNOs. With these drivers,
18、the MNOs shall be able to deliver differentiated new services to their customers, while managing and operating the networks much more efficiently.Motivations and Drivers for 6GSocietal GoalsAdvances in communications technologies are expected to play an important role in addressing and mitigating gl
19、obal societal challenges.The UN Member States have adopted the SDGs 3; we believe that future technologies can help contribute further to the success of a number of SDG goals such as: Environmental sustainability (including smart city technologies), efficient delivery of health care, reduction in po
20、verty and inequality, improvements in public safety and privacy, support for ageing populations, and managing expanding urbanization.Network infrastructure is essential to societal needs, and it is expected to become more critical as the role of communication networks expands in every aspects of the
21、 society. Therefore, factors such as the following will be central in considering future technologies: cyber security, resilience (to climatic events, cyberattacks, equipment failures, software bugs, human errors, etc.), end-to-end environment impact of our ICT industry, energy efficiency and digita
22、l inclusion.These are only some examples where advancements in communications technologies can help address societal needs. The actual impact of future communications technologies would be far broader in scope and larger in scale, limited only by our imagination and creativity in applying these tech
23、nologies for the benefit of all.Market ExpectationsIn our continued journey towards digital transformation and automated industries, the existing and emerging 5G technologies promise to offer new types of services based on very high capacity, throughput, reliability and very low latency, thus signif
24、icantly expanding the scope of mobile applications broadening human and machine communications. We expect that tens of billions of devices will be connected using existing wireless technologies over the next decade.As an industry, we need to identify a quantifiable and differentiated role for any ne
25、w technology that is justified by market and commercial needs. To achieve this, new technologies should enable significant and novel capabilities, supporting radically new and differentiated services, opening up greater market opportunities than the currently existing technologies:Novel and Differen
26、tiated Services: New applications and services based on future technologies should be sufficiently differentiated from existing services to minimize overlap of functionalities. These new services should be customer focused, and driven by specific new use-cases, not supported by existing technologies
27、.Expanded Market Opportunity: New applications and services based on future technologies should be driven by their scope and scale for applications, and market opportunity. Development of new technology should consider the law-of-diminishing- returns, among others, quantifying demand for it in terms
28、 of market value and comparing it against the cost and environmental impact of implementation. From a business model perspective, new paradigms need to emerge to ensure value to the society and sustainable return on investment for MNOs and the various partners and players of the value chain.Fulfilme
29、nt of Service Expectations: Any future technology should make practical, significant, and cost-effective gains in delivering fundamental service expectations such as ease of accessibility, service experience, security, and privacy.In addition, any new communication technology needs to have sufficien
30、t flexibility in its design to be able to adapt to needs that were not anticipated at the time it was designed, and sufficient potential to enable innovation beyond the imagination of today.Operational NecessitiesHistorically, wireless standards and technology development efforts have rightfully foc
31、used on radio, transport and core technology innovations. Since the first generation of wireless networks, there have been significant advancements in these technologies, leading to a fundamental change in the way people communicate with each other and a significant impact on societies.However, with
32、 the implementation of multiple generations of technology, deployment of greater amounts of spectrum bandwidth, and demand for greater service reliability (whilst catering to an increasing velocity of change), the task of deploying, operating, monitoring, and managing the networks and services has b
33、ecome increasingly complex and difficult. In short, the need to manage complexity, drive efficiency, and reduce costs is now paramount, in the 5G roadmap and the path towards 6G.To ensure that these technologically intricate networks and services do not outstrip our ability to deploy, operate, monit
34、or, and manage them efficiently, the industry will need to focus on operational aspects such as:End-to-end System Automation: To manage growing network complexity, reduce operational overheads, and increase ecosystem resilience, seamless hyper-automation is essential. A complete automation framework
35、 would allow fully automated life-cycle management by operators, across services, networks, and business/policy domains. This would require end-to-end system visibility and would rely on fully integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) functionality.End-to-end System Visibility: To enable 360O system v
36、isibility, it is essential to develop a comprehensive end-to-end system monitoring and data collection capability. A complete framework would encompass full visibility across services, networks, and business/policy domains with appropriate data resolution and granularity, ensuring sufficiently rapid
37、 data collection and response capabilities. Data security, privacy and anonymity functions would be natively built in.System Efficiency and Management: As the infrastructure grows, it is vital to ensure that all aspects of system efficiency (beyond automation) are considered and addressed fully. For
38、 example, a non-exhaustive list of topics where the industry faces system efficiency and management challenges are as follows (more details on these topics will be provided in future publications):Advanced spectrum utilisation efficiency and management functionsEnd-to-end energy efficiency, monitori
39、ng, and management capabilitiesSignificant reductions in network node form-factors and energy consumptionFully automated inventory and network topology detection and management functionsAdvanced device management capabilitiesFully integrated security management functionsIntegrated Electromagnetic Fi
40、eld (EMF) measurement and management functionsIt should be noted that these topics are independent of any particular phase and generation of radio and core network technology.We recommend that these topics be given the same attention as has been historically given to the radio, transport and core de
41、velopment, and ensure that these critical functions are fully and systematically standardized, natively and horizontally integrated, and operate seamlessly within the holistic ecosystem.A Journey Towards 6GBy addressing the expectations of the society, the marketplace, and the industry at large, we
42、will make great progress towards a healthier society, superior customer experience, and more autonomous and efficient networks, operations and services. Our vision is to help make this a reality.To be successful, not only will we have to establish what the details of the next generation of standards
43、 and technologies should be, but it will also be essential to re-evaluate how the standards and technologies are developed.Developmental ConsiderationsThe way future wireless standards and technologies are developed will be crucial. There is a need to broaden, align, and rationalize the scope of sta
44、ndards and technology development process to support a healthier and more vibrant ecosystem. To date, the development of generations of mobile technology has been piecemeal based on proposals that cover specific aspects of the system. For the next generation, the industry needs to ensure that techno
45、logies are developed holistically across different standards organisations. NGMN will continue to take an active role to provide guidance in this regard.This section identifies some fundamental aspects which need to be considered before starting the development of the next generation of standards an
46、d technologies:Need for Increased Scope for the Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs): In order to drive full ecosystem automation, enhance visibility, and improve efficiency, the SDOs need to expand (or make whole) the scope of their activities to include new aspects which are not yet (or fully
47、) part of the current standards development requirements. The hope is that the SDOs and the industry in general take a holistic end-to-end view of the entire ecosystem, and not only its parts.Need for New Standards Evolution Paradigm: It is important to reconsider thetraditional notion of a “generat
48、ional” change driven solely by advancement in radio and core technologies. The focus of standards and technology development should become broader in scope, but also more incremental and agile in detail, building on the existing 5G system.Need for Unity and Integrity of Global Standards: Over the ye
49、ars, the standards development landscape has changed significantly. Rightfully, many new (and sometimes competing) SDOs have arisen to address shortcomings in the existing standards, but in addition new geo-political realities are under development and these pose a potential challenge to the overall
50、 unity of the standards driven paradigm. Therefore, it is vitally important to prevent standards duplication which causes market delays and confusion, as well as standards divergence which threatens fragmentation.Need for Differentiated Technology Evolution: Any new technological development should
51、be assessed with respect to its differentiation from 5G, and any improvements should be benchmarked, including pragmatic deployment scenarios, with the law of diminishing return in mind.Need for Supply Chain Diversity and Security: The industry must foster and encourage a healthy and competitive dev
52、elopment of the new and existing solution providers to ensure a stable global supply chain without any major disruptions. Such a development should be based on open trade, and unhindered global competition, in order to materialize significant improvements in technologies and lower costs.Vision of 6G
53、We expect the fundamental goal of enabling socio-economic transformation and automated industries will naturally continue to be realized beyond this decade and beyond the 5G design goals. We expect 6G in its novelty and capabilities to meet the drivers we have outlined, to involve new advancements i
54、n pushing the envelope of performance, provide significant change in enablers, and in addition, break new frontiers (e.g. with respect to environmental impact, societal benefits, users, scenarios, players, value creation, spectrum, etc.), new business models, and potential new paradigms unknown toda
55、y. We also require features of 6G to be introduced in a way that enhances trustworthiness, security and resilience.Given the forward-looking vision and design of 5G, the trends towards cognitive, autonomous, multi-access convergence, and disaggregated software-based networks, and its embedded capabi
56、lities, 6G is expected to break from the historical approach of technology generations. The approach for 6G should be based on agile and fully flexible systems, with distributed intelligence including at the edge. 6G will thus be built upon the features and capabilities to be introduced with 5G, alo
57、ngside novel capabilities, in order to deliver new services and value. As indicated earlier, any new technology, nonetheless, should enable superior functionalities and capabilities, supporting radically new and differentiated services, advancing digital transformation and opening up greater market
58、opportunities compared to those enabled by current technologies.In its role to meet the expected goals, 6G will involve enabling a seamless and ubiquitous experience, and service continuity, considering efficiency and affordability. Sustainability that includes energy efficiency and adoption of gree
59、n technologies and green energy, towards carbon neutrality is a key focus of NGMN, for this decade and beyond, and should be a fundamental design consideration for 6G. This can only succeed with a holistic approach by the entire ecosystem, including global standards, ecosystem design, service footpr
60、int, metering and monitoring, and deployment strategies, among other factors. Beyond network infrastructure, this holistic approach must involve user terminal design, to foster upgrades, reusability, repairability and recycling with the goal to extend their life, as well as service / applications de
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