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1、期貨和衍生品Unit 17 Futures and derivativesFutures 期貨 -contracts to buy or sell a commodity , currency or financial asset at a future date, at a price fixed at the time of making the contract.Options 期權(quán)contracts giving the right, but not the obligation to buy or sell Commodities 貨物一raw materials or primar

2、y products(初級產(chǎn)品)(metals, cereal coffee. etc)Derivatives 衍生 -a general name for all financial instruments (金融工具 ) whose price depends on the movement of another price.Hedging 套期保值 making contracts to buy or sell a commodity or financial asset at a pre-arranged price in the future as a protection or “

3、insurance” against price changes.Speculation 投機買賣 buying securities or other assets in the hope of making a capital gain by selling them at a higher price(or selling them in the hope of buying them back at a lower price). Swaps 掉期 互換Unit 18 Market structure and competition 市場結(jié)構(gòu)和競爭The market leader (

4、with the biggest market share)The market challenger (the second-biggest company in the industry)The market followersMarket share : a company s sales expressed as a percentage of the total marketPromotion : short-term tactics designed to stimulate stronger sales of a productMonopoly : the situation i

5、n which there is only one seller of a productCompetitor : companies offering similar goods or services to the same set of customersSlogan : a short and easily memorized phrase used in advertisingMarket segmentation : the division of a market into submarkets according to the needs or buying habits of

6、 different groups of potential customersMarket niche : a small and specific market segmentDifferential advantage : a factor which makes you superior to competitors in a certain respectTurn over : a business s tot al sales revenueRecession: a period during which an economy is working below its potent

7、ialBarriers to entry 進入壁壘Natural monopoly 自然壟斷Economies of scale 經(jīng)濟規(guī)模Dominant-firm oligopoly 公司寡頭壟斷example: Mainframe computersMonopolistic competition 壟斷競爭example: Confectionery (chocolate bars)Monopoly 壟斷 example: Rail transportMonopsony 買方壟斷example: arms and weapons systemsOligopoly 寡頭壟斷example:

8、cars (automobiles)Perfect competition 完全競爭example: wheatUnit 19 Takeovers, mergers, and buyouts 接管,兼并,收購Acquisition : the purchase of one firm by anotherM&A : 1.Horizontal 2. Vertical: a. forward b. backwardTo innovate (innovation) 創(chuàng)新 : designing new products and bringing them to the marketTo divers

9、ity (diversification) 多樣化: to expend into new fieldsTo merger (a merger) 合并: to unite, combine, amalgamate, integrate or join togetherA raid 通過購買股票收購: buying another company s shares on the stock exchange, hoping to persuade enough other shareholders to sell to take control of the company.To takeove

10、r bid 收購: a public offer to a company s shareholds to buy their shares, at particular price during a particular period, so as to acquire a company.Horizontal integration 橫向整合: to merge with or take over other firms producing the same type of goods or services. 像可樂收購百事Vertical integration 縱向整合: joini

11、ng with firms in other stages of the production of sale of a product 寶鋼收購澳洲鐵礦Backward integration 向后一體化: a merger with or the acquisition of one s suppliersForward integration 向前一體化: a merger with or the acquisition of one s marketing outlets 購買生產(chǎn)環(huán)節(jié)Synergy 協(xié)同效應(yīng): combined production that is greater t

12、han the sum of the separate partsUnit 20 Efficiency and employment大學(xué)生就業(yè)難 問題從經(jīng)濟方面講Macroeconomic environment(the several unemployment situation e.g. the financial crisis)Enrollment -expansion of Chinese universitiesDual labor market theory (the first/ second labor market )Economic structure being irra

13、tionalUnbalanced regional economic developmentUnit 21 Business ethicsDefinition of Business Ethics:The principles and standards that determine acceptable conduct in business organizations.能夠決定商業(yè)組織哪些是能被接受的行為的原則和標準The acceptability of behavior in business is determined by Customers, Competitors, Gover

14、nment regulators, Interest groups, and the public, as well as each individual s personal moral principles and values.Why study business ethic? (不確定考不考)Reports of unethical behavior are on the rise.Society s evaluation of right or wrong affects its ability to achieve its business goals.a response to

15、FSGO and stakeholder demands for ethics initiatives.Individual ethics is not enough.Help identify ethical issues to key stakeholders. Charities (慈善 ): institutions or organizations that provide help for people in need Legitimacy (合法,合理n.): acceptability, according to law or public opinion. Perfect c

16、ompetition : the situation when there are a large number of sellers and buyers, freedom to enter and leave markets, a complete flow of information, and so on. Welfare : a condition of general well-being (and government spending designed to achieve this) Threatening : menacing, endangering Vitality :

17、 liveliness, health, energy, strength Free enterprise : an economic system in which anyone can attempt to raise capital, form a business, and offer goods or services. Conforming (一致性 ): complying with or following (rules,etc.) Ombodied : expressed, given a material form Proponents (擁護者 ): supporters

18、, people who argue in favor of somethingUnit 22 The role of governmentP129.130 的文章大概看下costly : expensivedisposed of : spent, used or consumedon our behalf (利用 ): done for usa physician : a medical doctorailments (小病 ): (non-serious) illnessesto resort to force: to use violenceto coerce (強迫 ): to com

19、pel people to do something against their willa mortician (殯儀業(yè)務(wù)): someone who arranges funeralsa plumber: someone who fixes water pipesa host of: a large number of市場失靈- Correcting market failureexternalities ( 外部經(jīng)濟效果) :如空氣污染,污水排放public goods monopolies : 需要政府干預(yù) merit and demerit goodsunit 23 Central

20、banking, money and taxationValue added tax : 增值稅 income tax :所得稅 capital transfer tax :資產(chǎn)轉(zhuǎn)移稅 capital gains tax: 資產(chǎn)所得稅 wealth tax: 財產(chǎn)稅 direct tax: 直接稅 indirect tax: 間接稅progressive tax: 累進稅 regressive tax: 遞減稅 sales tax: 營業(yè)稅 fiscal policy: 財政政策 tax avoidance: 逃稅 tax evasion: 漏稅 tax heaven :逃稅天堂The fun

21、ctions of taxation :to raise revenue to finance government expenditurecan be designed to dissuade peopledepreciation (貶值) : reducing the value of a fixed asset, by charging in against profitsdisincentive (挫折) : something which discourages an actionregressive (回歸的): an adjective describing a tax that

22、 is proportionally higher for people withless moneyconsumption (消費) : spending money to buy things, rather tahn saving itself-employed (自我創(chuàng)業(yè)) : working for yourself, being your own bossnational insurance ( 國 家 保 險 ) : a tax on incomes that pays for sickness benefit, unemployment benefit, and old-age

23、 pensionsperks (福利) : non-financial benefits or advantages of a jobtax-shelters: a way to delay the payment of tax to a later timetax-deductible (減稅) : an adjective describing expenditures than can be taken away from taxabe income or profittax-heavens : a country offering very low tax rates to forei

24、gn businessesunit 24 Exchange ratesGovernment Economic Goals:Economic GrowthFull EmploymentPrice StabilityBalance of International BudgetRMB appreciation :(參考A+答案,自己可另外發(fā)揮)Positive : RMB revaluation could mean the advancement of the Chinese economy in the world economy Status. Appreciation of the RMB

25、 help export sectors a significant impact on foreign trade enterprises. To attract foreign investment has declined and there will be more domestic enterprises to go abroad to invest and build factories. Conditional lower the cost of imported products. The domestic residents abroad reduce the cost of

26、 travel and study abroad.( improve people s purchasing power.good for import perfect the economic solve the inflation )Negative By the impact of RMB appreciation, Chinas economic growth will slow. Affect our business and the comprehensive competitiveness of many i

27、ndustries. Not conducive to Chinas foreign trade enterprises exports. Unemployment will increase. The financial risk will increase. The inflationary pressures. The increase in the loss of creditors.(teacher: 1.make against the export.make against the introduction of foreign capita. China is the grea

28、test national debt holder of U.S.RMB appreciation will decrease 20% )Unit 25 the business cycleDefinitionExpansions/contractions in economy Stagesm號口 一室o而01The business cycle is the upward and downward movement of economic activity that occurs around the growth trend.The peak is the top of the busin

29、ess cycle.A boom is a very high peak, representing a big jump in output.The downturn is the phenomenon of economic activity starting to fall from a peak.A recession is a decline in output that persists for more than two consecutivequarters in a year.,imeA depression is a large recession.A trough is

30、the bottom of the recession or depression.An expansion is an upturn that lasts at least two consecutive quarters of a year.Internal theoriesStages order -redictableStage length/strengthunpredictableExternal Theoriesexternal InfluencesThe Business CycleMeeds: Objectives, Success Critei iaBenefits:Rev

31、iew Evaluate, MeasurePlanning: Strategic. Financial dnd Business PlansUnit 26 Keynesianism and monetarism( 貨幣主義)Supply : the willingness and ability to offer goods or services for sale.Demand: the willingness and ability of consumers to purchase goods and services.Market forces: supply and demandEqu

32、ilibrium 平衡:A state of balance, for example when supply meets demand.Fiscal policy: government or central bank measures concerning the rate of growth of the money supply (the amount of money in circulation)Monetary policy: government measures concerning taxation, public expenditure, and so onUnit 27

33、 the international tradevisible: trade in goodsinvisible: trade in services (banking, insurance, tourism, and so on)direct exchange of goods, without the use of moneythe difference between what a country receives and pays for its exports and imports of goodsthe difference between a country s total e

34、arnings from exports and its total expenditure on importsthe (impossible) situation in which a country is completely self-sufficient and has no foreign tradesurplus (順差): a positive balance of trade or paymentsdeficit (逆差): a negative balance of trade or paymentsselling goods abroad at (or below) co

35、st priceprotectionism: imposing trade barriers in order to restrict importstariff: taxes charged on importsquota: quantitative limits on the import of particular products or commoditiesUnit 28 economic and ecologyEco-economics生態(tài)經(jīng)濟學(xué)Recycling Economics 循環(huán)經(jīng)濟Green Economics 綠色經(jīng)濟The Low Carbon Economy 低炭

36、經(jīng)濟How Do We Create a Low Carbon Economy?Suggestions to Promote Low Carbon EconomyPromote awareness about impact of climate change.Use Renewable sources of energyUse CNG based public transport systemMetro rail and car sharing practices.Enhance role of nuclear and hydropowerAfforestation and land rest

37、oration.Adopt Energy efficiency labeling systemUse Biogas and solar devices.Boost energy related R & DUnit 29 Information technology and electronic commerceWhat is E-commerce ?The most successful companies embrace the Internet as a mechanism for transforming their companies and for changing everything about the way they do business.EC APPLICATIONSSupply chain managementHome shoppingRemote bankingOn-line marketing and advertisingGive some example of EC:B-C :RetailInternet bookshopCDNowShopping mallsAuctionsCollective buyingFinanceESI (stock


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