1、Openiing aa Savvingss Acccountt開立儲(chǔ)蓄蓄帳戶Siituattion 14情景景 14HHenryy Sammson is aaskinng a clerrk att thee Firrst NNatioonal Bankk aboout oopeniing aa reggularr savvingss acccountt.亨利薩姆森在在第一國民民銀行向一一個(gè)職員詢詢問有關(guān)開開立普通儲(chǔ)儲(chǔ)蓄帳戶事事宜。Cllerk:May I heelp yyou ,sir?職員:我我能為您做做些什么嗎嗎?先生?Samsson:YYes,ppleasse .IId llike to
2、 oopen a saavinggs acccounnt .CCan yyou ggive me ssome infoormattion?薩姆森:謝謝,我我想開立一一個(gè)儲(chǔ)蓄帳帳戶。請您您和我談?wù)務(wù)勥@方面的的事,好嗎嗎?C:YYes,IId bbe haappy to hhelp you .We calll ourr reggularr savvingss acccountt plaan paassboook ssavinngs.職職員:好的的,我很樂樂意為您服服務(wù)。我們們把我們的的銀行的普普通儲(chǔ)蓄帳帳戶稱為銀銀行存折儲(chǔ)儲(chǔ)蓄。Yoou maay oppen aan acccounnt inn y
3、ouur naame oonly ,or a jooint accoount withh youur wiife.您您可以只用用您自己的的名字開立立帳戶,也也可以與您您的妻子開開立共同帳帳戶。Thhere is nno miinimuum baalancce ,aand yyou mmay mmake depoositss or withhdrawwals at aany ttime .我們這這里沒存款款最小余額額的限制,而而且可隨時(shí)時(shí)存款或取取款。S:Do II earrn inntereest oon thhe acccounnt ?薩薩姆森:我我能從帳戶戶上得到利利息嗎?CC:Yess,
4、we pay the highhest inteerestt ratte peermittted for commmerciial bbankss .職員員:可以的的。我們這這里支付商商業(yè)銀行所所允許的最最高利率。We ccrediit thhe eaarnedd intteresst too youur acccounnt auutomaaticaally everry quuarteer.每個(gè)個(gè)季度,我我們會(huì)自動(dòng)動(dòng)地把利息息劃入您的的帳戶的貸貸方。S:Is iit diifficcult to oopen an aaccouunt?II meaan ,ddo I havee to be a
5、a reggularr cusstomeer off thee bannk?薩姆姆森:開立立一個(gè)帳戶戶難嗎?我我是說,我我必須是銀銀行的老客客戶嗎?CC:No ,sirr.nott at all.All thatts nnecesssaryy is to ffill out thiss siggnatuure ccard and makee youur innitiaal deeposiit .職職員:不,先先生,完全全不必。您您所需要做做的只是填填寫一下這這張簽名卡卡,并進(jìn)行行首次儲(chǔ)蓄蓄,Eveen a dolllar iis ennoughh to openn thee acccountt
6、 .甚至至一美元就就可開立一一個(gè)帳戶。S:Leets see .Youu wannt myy namme,adddresss,occcupaationn ,daate oof biirth and Sociial SSecurrity numbber .薩姆森:讓我看看看這張卡片片。你要我我填上姓名名、住址、職業(yè)、出出生日期和和社會(huì)保險(xiǎn)險(xiǎn)號(hào)碼。WWhats thhis iitem heree,Mootherrs MMaideen Naame?母親婚前前姓名這一一項(xiàng)是怎么么回事?CC:We ask thatt forr ideentifficattion purpposess ,siir .II
7、ts a coode wword we uuse tto poositiivelyy ideentiffy yoou inn casse yoou loose yyour passsbookk or therre iss somme otther needd forr possitivve iddentiificaationn .職員員:我們要要求這一姓姓名是為人人便于辨別別身份,先先生。這是是一個(gè)暗語語,萬一您您丟失了您您的存折,我我們可以用用它來確切切地辨別您您的身份,或或者由于某某種需要,用用以準(zhǔn)確地地辨認(rèn)身份份。S:II seee.Welll,leet mee filll thhis
8、oout aand IIll openn an accoount.薩姆森:我明白了了,那我就就填寫這張張卡片,然然后開立一一個(gè)帳戶。Time Depoositss(1)定定期存款(一一)Sittuatiion 115情景 15Juudy TTayloor iss askking a cllerk in tthe NNew AAccouunts Depaartmeent aat thhe Fiirst Natiionall Bannk abbout timee deppositts.裘德德泰勒向向第一國民民銀行新開開帳戶部門門的一個(gè)職職員詢問定定期存款有有關(guān)事宜。Tayllor:CCan yyo
9、u ttell me ssometthingg aboout ttime depoositss?泰勒:請您同我我談?wù)動(dòng)嘘P(guān)關(guān)定期存款款的事情,好好嗎?I undeerstaand tthe iinterrest ratee is muchh higgher for timee deppositts thhan rregullar ssavinngs aaccouunts.據(jù)我所知知,定期存存款的利率率比普通儲(chǔ)儲(chǔ)蓄存款的的利率要高高得多。CClerkk:Yess,Misss Taaylorr ,thhatss corrrectt.We offeer Tiime CCertiificaates of
10、 DDepossit wwhichh payy a hhigheer raate oof inntereest tthan reguular depoositss do .職員:是的,泰泰勒小姐,您您說得對。我們這里里提供存款款的定期存存單,它們們的利率高高于普通存存款。T:How longg do I haave tto keeep tthe mmoneyy in the accoount?泰勒:存存款在帳戶戶中儲(chǔ)存多多久才可以以???C:We oofferr a cchoicce off thrree,ssix-oor twwelvee monnth mmaturritiees inn mo
11、sst caases.職員:大大多數(shù)情況況下,我們們提供為期期3個(gè)月,66個(gè)月和112個(gè)月的的存款期限限,您可以以從中選擇擇。Of courrse ,we hhave two-,thrree-,fivee-andd tenn-yeaar pllans ,tooo.當(dāng)然,我我們也有為為期2年、3年、55年和100年的存款款期限。TT;Doees thhe raate ggo upp deppendiing oon hoow loong yyou kkeep the certtificcate?泰勒:利利息是多少少是不是取取決于存款款時(shí)間?CC:Yess,thaats righht .BBut y
12、you mmust deteerminne whhat mmaturrity you wantt in the begiinninng .職職員:是這這樣的。但但是您必須須事先確定定您的存款款期限。NNaturrallyy ,ceertifficattes wwith the longger mmaturritiees beear aa higgher ratee of retuurn .當(dāng)然,存存款期越長長,利率就就越高。TT:Whaat maaturiitiess aree thee mosst poopulaar?I assuume tthat not manyy cusstomeers
13、 iinvesst foor thhe veery llong termms .泰泰勒:哪一一種期限是是最受歡迎迎的呢?我我估計(jì)不會(huì)會(huì)有很多顧顧客選擇很很長的存款款期限。CC:No ,mosst off ourr cusstomeers uuse tthe ssix-oor twwelvee-monnth pplanss.Of courrse ,you may reneew thhe ceertifficatte onn matturitty iff youu wissh.職員員:您說得得對,我們們的大多數(shù)數(shù)顧客選用用6個(gè)月或或12個(gè)月月存款期限限。當(dāng)然,如如果您愿意意的話,當(dāng)當(dāng)存款到期期時(shí),
14、您可可以把存單單轉(zhuǎn)期續(xù)存存。T;HHow ccome the ratee is so mmuch highher tthan the reguular saviings ratee?泰勒:定期存款款的利怎能能怎么會(huì)比比一般存款款利息高出出那么多呢呢?C:WWe caan offfer a moore aattraactivve raate oof reeturnn wheen wee knoow thhat tthe ccliennt wiill mmainttain the balaance for a seet peeriodd of timee .職員員:當(dāng)欠確確知顧客將將一筆錢儲(chǔ)儲(chǔ)存一
15、定時(shí)時(shí)期,我們們就能夠提提供更具有有吸引力的的利率。Time Depoositss (2)定期存款款(二)SSituaationn 16情情景 166Judyy Tayylor conttinuees taalkinng wiith tthe NNew AAccouunts clerrk abbout Timee Cerrtifiicatees off Deppositt.裘德泰勒與負(fù)負(fù)責(zé)新開帳帳戶的職員員繼續(xù)談?wù)撜撚嘘P(guān)定期期存單的事事。Tayylor:Whatt if I neeed tthe mmoneyy forr an emerrgenccy beeforee thee cerrtif
16、iicatee matturess?Cann I gget iit ouut ,tthen ?泰勒:假如在存存款到期之之前,我為為應(yīng)付緊急急情況,需需要用那筆筆錢該怎么么辦?那時(shí)時(shí)能不能把把款取出來來?Cleerk:YYes,oof cooursee ,yoou maay wiithdrraw yourr funnds bby caashinng inn youur ceertifficatte beeforee thee matturitty daate iif thhis bbecommes nnecesssaryy .職員員:當(dāng)然可可以。如果果需要的話話,您可以以在存單的的到期之前前取你
17、您存存單中的現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金。Buut ,iin thhis ccase ,youu wouuld nnot rreceiive tthe sstateed inntereest rreturrn.但是是,在這種種情況下,您您不能獲得得原定利息息,Thee higgh raates of rreturrn thhat aare oofferred aare vvalidd onlly iff thee cerrtifiicatee is mainntainned ffor tthe ffull lenggth oof thhe coontraactedd perriod.只有當(dāng)存存單到期,所所提供的高高
18、利率才能能生效。TT:Youu meaan I woulld loose aall mmy inntereest?泰泰勒:您的的意思是說說,我會(huì)失失去所有的的利息?CC:No,not all.We wwouldd reddeem yourr cerrtifiicatee at yourr reqquestt ,suubjecct too ourr currrentt ratte sccheduule ffor ppremaaturiity ccanceellattion .職員:不,不是是全部的,我我行會(huì)考慮慮到您的要要求將您的的存單兌現(xiàn)現(xiàn)。由于您您提前取款款,我們要要根據(jù)當(dāng)時(shí)時(shí)牌價(jià)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)付給
19、您利利息。T;How muchh is thatt ratte?泰勒勒:那么利利率應(yīng)是多多少呢?CC:I ccantt givve yoou ann exaact ffigurre ,MMiss Tayllor ,as iit flluctuuatess deppendiing oon thhe reegulaar saavinggs raate.職職員:我不不可能給您您一個(gè)確切切數(shù)子,泰泰勒小姐,因因?yàn)樗请S隨著普通存存款利率而而浮動(dòng)的。As yyou kknow ,ourr reggularr savvingss ratte chhangees peerioddicallly iin ac
20、ccorddancee witth thhe inntereest eearniings ratee alllowedd forr commmerccial bankks .您您知道,我我們的一般般存款利率率是按照商商業(yè)銀行所所允許的利利率定期性性的變化。Thatt ratte iss possted on tthe bbulleetin boarrd inn thee lobbby aas reequirred bby baank rruless .接照照銀行的規(guī)規(guī)定,所說說的這個(gè)比比率表就貼貼在大廳里里布告板上上。T:SSo,yoou meean tthat I woould be ssu
21、bjeect tto a penaalty if II hadd to cashh in the certtificcatess beffore the datee theey maaturee .泰勒勒:那么您您是說,如如果我在定定期存單到到期日之前前不得不兌兌現(xiàn)的話,我我就要為此此而受到罰罰款。C:Yes,thatts rrightt .Thhatss whyy we encoouragge ouur cllientts too sellect the termms annd baalancces ccareffullyy beffore theyy commmit themmselvve
22、s tto Tiime CCertiificaates of DDepossit.職職員:是這這樣的。這這就是為什什么我們希希望顧客在在承諾定期期存款之前前,應(yīng)認(rèn)真真地選擇存存款期限和和存款額。Openiing aa Currrentt Acccountt開立往來來帳戶Siituattion 17情景景 17JJohn Spennce iis asskingg a cclerkk at the Firsst Naationnal BBank abouut cuurrennt acccounnts.約約翰斯彭彭斯正在向向第一國民民銀行的一一位職員詢詢問有關(guān)往往來帳戶的的事宜。SSpencce:W
23、oould you pleaase ttell me ssometthingg aboout ccurreent aaccouunts?Ivee heaard tthe tterm,but Im not suree I uunderrstannd whhat iit meeans.斯彭斯:您能給我我講講有關(guān)關(guān)往來帳戶戶的事嗎?我聽說過過這個(gè)術(shù)語語,但是我我不完全明明白它的含含義。Cllerk:The termm currrentt acccountt meaans aa demmand accoount .Acttuallly ,aa cheeckinng acccounnt.職員員:往來帳帳
24、戶這個(gè)術(shù)術(shù)語就是活活期帳戶的的意思。實(shí)實(shí)際上,就就是支票帳帳戶。Noormallly ,we uuse tthe tterm currrent or ddemannd acccounnt whhen wwe taalk aaboutt a ccheckking accoount mainntainned bby a busiinesss firrm.通常常當(dāng)我們談?wù)務(wù)摰接善笃髽I(yè)持有的的支票帳房房時(shí),我們們就使用往往來帳戶或或者活期帳帳戶這樣的的術(shù)語。SS:Oh ,so you meann thaat I cant oppen aa currrentt acccountt as an iindi
25、vviduaal?斯彭彭斯:哦,您您是說,作作為個(gè)人,我我不能開立立往來帳戶戶嗎?C:No,II donnt mmean thatt.Anyybodyy ,eiitherr a ffirm or aan inndiviiduall ,maay oppen aa currrentt acccountt,職員:不,我不不是那個(gè)意意思。任何何人,無論論是企業(yè)還還是個(gè)人都都可以開立立往來帳戶戶。butt we normmallyy calll inndiviiduall acccountts peersonnal ccheckking accoountss .Thhatss jusst a difff
26、erennt naame ffor tthem.但是,我我們一般稱稱個(gè)人帳戶戶為個(gè)人支支票帳戶,這這僅僅是帳帳戶名稱不不同而已。S:Whhy doo youu calll thhem ddemannd acccounnts ,thenn ?斯彭彭斯:那么么您為什么么稱他們?yōu)闉榛钇趲魬裟??C:Thatt meaans tthat the balaancess in the accoountss aree subbjectt to withhdrawwal oon deemandd.職員:這就是說說,帳戶上上的余額便便于提取或或者便于需需要。Inn othher wwordss,a wwritt
27、ten ddemannd ,oor a checck ,iis alll thhatss neccessaary tto maake aa witthdraawal fromm thee acccountt .換句句話說,要要想從帳戶戶中提取,只只需填寫一一張用款需需求單或一一張支票就就可以了。S:Arrentt alll acccountts liike tthat ?斯彭斯斯:并不是是所有的帳帳戶都是這這樣做的吧吧?C:NNo,siir .TTime or ssavinngs aaccouunts actuuallyy reqquiree a nnoticce too thee bannk
28、 ,職職員:是的的,先生。定期存款款帳戶或儲(chǔ)儲(chǔ)蓄帳戶實(shí)實(shí)際上都需需要給銀行行一個(gè)通知知,usuuallyy sevven ddays befoore tthe ddepossitorr hass a rrightt to makee a wwithddrawaal .IIn noormall praacticce ,通通常是七天天前通知銀銀行,存款款人才有權(quán)權(quán)力提取存存款。off couurse ,we usuaally waivve nooticee andd alllow iimmeddiatee witthdraawalss .Inn demmand or ccurreent aacco
29、uunts ,當(dāng)然,一一般情況下下,我們通通常不必提提前通知,并并且允許立立即提款。howeever,we ccannoot assk foor suuch nnoticce .然然而,對于于活期帳戶戶或者往來來帳戶我們們根本無權(quán)權(quán)要求取款款提前通知知。Accouunt RRuless andd Reggulattionss帳戶規(guī)章章與條例SSituaationn 18情情景 188Leahh Jaccobs has justt opeened a saavinggs acccounnt att thee Firrst NNatioonal Bankk.Shee is askiing aa c
30、leerk aaboutt thee meaaningg of the rulees annd reegulaationns prrinteed onn herr passsboook.利厄厄雅各布布斯剛剛在在第一國民民銀行開立立了一個(gè)儲(chǔ)儲(chǔ)蓄帳戶,她她正在向一一個(gè)職員詢詢問有關(guān)印印在存折上上的各項(xiàng)規(guī)規(guī)章與條例例的含義。Do yyou mmean thatt I hhave to ggive you notiice bbeforre I can makee a wwithddrawaal?您是是說,在我我取款之前前,得事先先給您一個(gè)個(gè)通知嗎?Clerrk:Yees,Mrrs.Jaacobss,i
31、t techhnicaally meanns thhat .All bankks maay teechniicallly reequirre prrenottificcatioon beeforee theey muust hhonouur wiithdrrawall reqquestts onn savvingss or otheer inntereest bbeariing aaccouunts.職員:是是的,雅各各布斯夫人人。從法律律角度上看看,它是這這個(gè)意思。所有銀行行都可能需需要一個(gè)事事先通知,取取款人才有有權(quán)從儲(chǔ)蓄蓄帳戶和其其他附息的的帳戶中取取出所需求求的款項(xiàng)。J:Hoow mu
32、uch nnoticce muust II givve ?雅雅各布斯:我需要提提前多少時(shí)時(shí)間通知銀銀行?C:Our bankk ,liike mmany otheers,mmay rrequiire ssevenn dayys nnoticce .BBut iin acctuall praacticce wee honnour yourr reqquestt witthoutt reqquiriing nnotifficattion .職員:象許多其其他銀行一一樣,我們們銀行可能能要求7天天前通知。但實(shí)際工工作中,在在沒有提前前通知的情情況下,我我們也會(huì)滿滿足您的取取款要求。Of ccours
33、se ,tthe bbank has the optiion oof ennforccing the rulee shoould it bbe neecesssary .當(dāng)然啦啦,如果必必要的話,銀銀行是有權(quán)權(quán)利按照這這一條規(guī)定定來做的。J:Thhatss amaazingg .I neveer knnew tthat befoore .雅各布斯斯:這倒令令我吃驚,以以前我從來來不知道這這些。C:Youll ffind thatt alll bannks aare rrequiired to hhave the samee rulle .職職員:您會(huì)會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn),所所有的銀行行都有這些些同樣的規(guī)規(guī)章
34、。J:I guuess Ivee nevver rread the finee priint oon myy passsboook beeforee.雅各布布斯:我可可能還從來來沒讀過我我存折上的的這些很小小的印刷字字體。Thhis nnext itemm sayys thhat ttheree is a seervicce chhargee forr morre thhan ttwo ttranssactiions a moonth .下面一一條講到,如如果在一個(gè)個(gè)月內(nèi)有兩兩次以上存存取款,就就要收取手手續(xù)費(fèi)。CC;Yess,Mrss.Jaccobs.Agaiin,thhatss tecch
35、niccallyy perrmittted bby thhe reegulaationns.職員員:是的,雅雅各布斯夫夫人。同樣樣,這也是是屬于法定定條例。TThe mmain reasson iis too disscourrage the use of ssavinngs aaccouunts for freqquentt traansacctionns .這這是因?yàn)殂y銀行不鼓勵(lì)勵(lì)使用儲(chǔ)蓄蓄帳戶進(jìn)行行過于頻繁繁的存取款款活動(dòng)。CCurreent ,or ccheckking,accoountss aree dessigneed foor reegulaar annd frrequeent
36、ttranssactiions.往來帳戶戶或支票帳帳戶就是為為了經(jīng)常和和頻繁的存存款和取款款而設(shè)的。J:Buut Ive nneverr beeen chhargeed.雅各各布斯:但但是,我卻卻從來沒有有為此付過過費(fèi)用。CC:Welll,moost bbankss rarrely invooke tthat reguulatiion .職員:哦哦,大多數(shù)數(shù)銀行很少少實(shí)行那條條規(guī)定。Openiing aa Perrsonaal Chheckiing AAccouunt開立立個(gè)人支票票帳戶Siituattion 19情景景 19JJohn Smitth iss opeeningg a ppers
37、oonal checckingg acccountt at the Natiionall Citty Baank .約翰史史密斯正在在國家城市市銀行開立立個(gè)人支票票帳戶。CClerkk:Mayy I hhelp you ,sirr?職員:我能為您您做什么,先先生?Smmith :Yess,pleease .Idd likke too opeen a perssonall cheeckinng acccounnt .史史密斯:謝謝謝!我想想開立一個(gè)個(gè)個(gè)人支票票帳戶。CC;Yess,sirr .Doo youu wannt a reguular or aa speeciall cheeckinng
38、 acccounnt ?職職員:好的的,先生。您想開立立普通的還還是特殊的的支票帳戶戶?S:IIm nnot ssure whatt thee difffereence is .史密斯:我不太清清楚它們有有什么區(qū)別別。C:SSpeciial aaccouunts are moree ecoonomiical if yyou tthinkk youull writte feewer thann 15 checcks eeach montth .職職員:如果果您認(rèn)為您您每月開支支票少于115張,那那么特殊帳帳戶更為經(jīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)。S:I prrobabbly wwontt wriite mmany ,ju
39、sst a few checcks eeach montth foor shhoppiing aand ppayinng soome bbillss.史密斯斯:我可能能不會(huì)開那那么多張支支票,一個(gè)個(gè)月只需幾幾張支票買買東西和支支付一些帳帳單就可以以了。C:I thhink thee sppeciaal acccounnt wiill bbe beest ,thenn .職員員:我想那那您最好是是使用特殊殊支票,TTherees nno miinimuum baalancce reequirred aand tthe sserviice cchargge iss onlly 200 cennts
40、 ffor eeach checck yoou wrrite .它沒有有最小存款款余額的限限制,而且且您開出的的每張支票票只收取220美分手手續(xù)費(fèi)。SS:Yess,I tthinkk thaats whatt I nneed.Can I oppen tthe aaccouunt wwith thiss cheeck ?Itss my payrroll checck frrom mmy coompanny .史史密斯:好好的,我看看這正是我我所需要的的。我可以以開這種支支票賬戶嗎嗎?這是我我所在公司司的工資支支票。C:Yes,of ccoursse .WWelll takke yoour ppa
41、yrooll ccheckk forr $2337.000 as yourr iniitiall deppositt .職員員:當(dāng)然可可以,我們們將把您的的工資2337美元作作為您的第第一筆存款款。Willl yoou plleasee filll ouut thhis ssignaaturee carrd wiith yyour namee,adddresss,andd occcupattion ?請您在在這張簽名名卡片上填填寫您的姓姓名、住址址和職業(yè)。Illl gett a rreceiipt aand aa cheeckboook ffor yyou wwhilee youure com
42、ppletiing tthesee forrms.您您填寫這張張卡片時(shí),我我來為您準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)備收據(jù)和和支票。SS:Cann I gget mmy naame pprintted oon thhe chheckss?史密斯斯:可以把把我的姓名名印在支票票上嗎?CC;Yess,of courrse .We oofferr freee peersonnalizzed ccheckks too alll ourr cusstomeers .職員:當(dāng)當(dāng)然可以,我我們對這里里所有顧客客免費(fèi)提供供個(gè)人支票票。If you woulld liike yyour addrress prinnted on yyour
43、checcks,ttoo,wwe caan doo thaat foor a nomiinal charrge .如果您愿愿意把您的的住址也印印在支票上上,我們可可以照辦,為為此需收取取少許費(fèi)用用。S:II thiink IIll justt takke thhe frree oones.I caan allwayss wriite mmy adddresss onn thee cheecks myseelf .史密斯:看來我還還選擇免費(fèi)費(fèi)支票,自自己把住址址寫在支票票上吧。Compuutingg Daiily IInterrest計(jì)計(jì)算日息SSituaationn 20情情景 200Dona
44、ald CCraigg is askiing tthe NNew AAccouunts clerrk att thee Firrst NNatioonal Bankk aboout ttheirr daiily iinterrest adveertissemennts.唐唐納德克克雷格在第第一國民銀銀行向一個(gè)個(gè)負(fù)責(zé)新開開帳戶的職職員詢問有有關(guān)銀行的的日息廣告告的事。CCraigg:Whaat doo youu meaan whhen yyou ssay ddailyy intteresst inn youur addverttisemmentss?克雷格格:你們的的廣告中所所說的日息息是什么意
45、意思?Cllerk:We mmean thatt we comppute inteerestt on yourr acccountt ballancee eveery dday aand ccrediit itt to yourr acccountt on a quuarteerly basiis.職員員:我們的的意思是說說,我們每每日計(jì)算您您的帳戶余余額應(yīng)得利利息,并且且每個(gè)季度度把應(yīng)得利利息計(jì)入您您的帳戶的的貸方。CCr:Hoow caan yoou coomputte thhe eaarninngs ddailyy ?Issnt thatt tooo mucch trroublle ?克
46、克雷格:你你們怎么能能夠每日都都計(jì)算應(yīng)得得利息呢?那不是太太麻煩了嗎嗎?C:WWell,actuuallyy Mr.Craiig ,iits relaativeely eeasy to ddo siince we kkeep all our accoount recoords by ccompuuter職職員:哦,克克雷格先生生,實(shí)際上上做到這一一點(diǎn)是比較較容易的。因?yàn)槲覀儌兪褂糜?jì)算算機(jī)儲(chǔ)存我我們所有的的帳戶記錄錄,Thiis ennablees uss to givee eveen beetterr serrvicee to our custtomerrs .這這樣我們就就能更好地地為我們的
47、的顧客服務(wù)務(wù)。Cr:You reallly mmean ,theen ,tthat youre ppayinng mee intteresst onn thee intteresst thhat II earrn iff I kkeep my mmoneyy in the bankk .克雷雷格:那么么您實(shí)際上上是說,如如果我把錢錢存入銀行行,你們就就會(huì)以復(fù)制制的形式支支付我所贏贏得的利息息了。C:Yes,thatts rrightt.We creddit yyour earnned iinterrest autoomatiicallly too youur acccounnt annd th
48、hat ffigurres aas paart oof thhe baalancce foor thhe neext iinterrest-earnning periiod.職職員:是這這樣的。我我們會(huì)自動(dòng)動(dòng)地把您贏贏得的利息息計(jì)入您的的帳戶的貨貨方,而且且這些利息息成了您的的帳戶中存存款余額的的一部分。Itss reaally an aaccummulattive accoount whicch coontinnues to ggrow and earnn retturnss forr youu .再接接著計(jì)算利利息時(shí),這這一部分余余額也將贏贏得利息。這的確是是個(gè)累計(jì)帳帳戶,不斷斷地增加數(shù)數(shù)
49、額為您生生息。Crr:Whaat iff I wwithddraw the earnned iinterrest eachh timme? TThen I loose tthe aadvanntagees off an accuumulaativee acccountt ,doont I ?克克雷格:如如果我每次次都把贏得得的利息取取出來,又又會(huì)怎么樣樣呢?那我我就失去了了累計(jì)帳戶戶的優(yōu)勢,對對嗎?C:Yes,you woulld .TThe aaccummulattive effeect oonly workks iff youu maiintaiin thhe baalancce annd
50、 eaarnedd intteresst inn thee acccountt.職員:是的,您您會(huì)失去的的。您只有有保留帳戶戶中的金額額和贏得的的利息,累累計(jì)帳戶的的效果才能能體現(xiàn)出來來。Cr:Thatts aa goood waay too makke mooney .Illl trry noot too makke anny moore wwithddrawaals .克雷格:這到是個(gè)個(gè)掙錢的好好辦法,我我爭取盡量量少提取存存款。C:Yes,thatts aa goood pllan .職員:這這是個(gè)好計(jì)計(jì)劃。Crr:Youure righht .MMaybee Illl bbecomme
51、 riich tthat way!克雷格:您說得對對,照這樣樣做法或許許我會(huì)變得得富裕起來來。Speciial SSavinngs PPlanss特種儲(chǔ)蓄蓄章程Siituattion 21情景景 21SSallyy Berrklinn wannts iinforrmatiion aaboutt thee Savvingss Bonnd pllan aat thhe Fiirst Natiionall Bannk.薩利利伯克蘭蘭在第一國國民銀行想想得知一些些有關(guān)儲(chǔ)蓄蓄債券章程程的信息,She is talking to the manager of the Savings Department
52、.她正在和儲(chǔ)蓄部門經(jīng)理談話。Berklin:What do you mean about the Savings Bond plan?Is it possible for me to use that type of account ,too?伯克蘭:您所說的儲(chǔ)蓄債券章程是什么意思?我是否也能使用這種帳戶呢?Manager:Yes,of course .We offer it to all our customers.Our Savings Bond program offers our highest rate of interest for long-term savers.經(jīng)理:當(dāng)然可以
53、,我們向所有顧客提供這種帳戶。我們的儲(chǔ)蓄債券章程對長期存款儲(chǔ)戶提供最高利率。Actually ,they are certificates of deposit for maturities of six to ten years ,實(shí)際上它們是定期為6到10年的存單,and are available in any amount from $5,000 to $100,000.存款額從5,000美元到100,000美元的任何定期存單。B:Oh,they are only for people with lots of money .伯克蘭:哦,這個(gè)章程只是為那些很有錢的人設(shè)立的。M:Well
54、 ,actually youd be surprised at the number of middle-income people who use this program ,especially retired people.經(jīng)理:實(shí)際上,相當(dāng)多的中等收入的人特別是退休的人都用這種章程,您會(huì)對其使用人數(shù)之多感到驚奇。You see ,we pay accumulated interest by bank check every quarter.您看,我們每個(gè)委度都以銀行支票的形式向顧客支付累計(jì)利息,So they are almost like an investment plan .因此
55、,這些存款幾乎就是一筆投資規(guī)劃。B:That sounds very nice.But what if I have to cash in the Savings Bond before maturity?伯克蘭:聽起來真不錯(cuò),但是如果我不得不提前兌現(xiàn)儲(chǔ)蓄債券怎么辦?M;Well,unfortunately ,you would incur a penalty ,as with any premature cancellation of a time deposit .經(jīng)理:很遺憾,就象提前支取定期存款一樣,您得接受一定罰款。But we encourage customers not to
56、buy Savings Bonds unless they are reasonably sure they can hold them until matuity .但是,我們希望顧客們十分確信有把握直到期滿才支取存款,再來購買儲(chǔ)蓄債券。B;They sound like an excellent investment idea,especially the advantage of receiving earned interest every three months .伯克蘭:聽起來這是個(gè)極好的投資辦法,特別是每3個(gè)月就能得到利息的好處。Ill consider placing som
57、e of my savings in Savings Bonds as soon as I save enough.等我把錢攢夠了,我馬一考慮把我的一部分積蓄換成儲(chǔ)蓄債券。Changging Dolllars to YYen美元元兌換日元元Situuatioon 222情景 222Cyrrus MMortoon iss vissitinng Tookyo on hhis vvacattion.He sstopss intto thhe Hiigashhi Baank tto chhangee somme doollarrs innto yyen .休假期間間,賽勒斯斯莫頓在在東京參觀觀游覽,他
58、他步入東銀銀行,把一一些美元兌兌換成日元元。Cleerk:GGood afteernooon ,ssir.MMay II hellp yoou ?職職員:午安安,先生,我我能為您做做些什么?Mortton:YYes,ppleasse .II wannt too gett somme yeen nootes for my sstay in JJapann .Caan I buy themm witth Ammericcan ddollaars?莫莫頓:是的的,謝謝。在我逗留留日本期間間,希望換換些日幣,我我可以用美美元購買日日幣嗎?CC;Yess,sirr .Wee aree an authho
59、rizzed fforeiign eexchaange bankk andd cann chaange themm forr youu .職員員:可以的的,先生。我們是經(jīng)經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)的外外匯銀行,能能夠?yàn)槟鷥秲稉Q貨幣。M;Weell,II havve goot $4467.889 thhat II wannt too chaange .Whaats the exchhangee ratte tooday ?莫頓:那我,我我想把4776美元889美分兌兌換成日元元,今天的的兌換率是是多少呢?C:Toodays raate ffor ccash purcchasees iss lissted on tt
60、his charrt heere.II cann excchangge thhe biills for you ,butt we cannnot ttake the coinns.職員員:今天的的現(xiàn)款購買買兌換率列列在這里的的這張圖表表上,我可可給您兌換換紙幣,但但是我們不不收硬幣。M:Ohh,reaally ?Whyy nott ?莫頓頓:哦,真真的嗎?為為什么呢?C:Wee donnt ddeal in ccoinss ,siir .UUsuallly ,we hhave veryy litttle requuest for coinn excchangge annd itt makkes
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