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1、Keyss foor RRefeerennceUnitt 1 YouuthPartt I Inn-cllasss LiisteeninngI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Tassk 221. AA goood begginnningg maakess a goood eendiing.2. EExpeerieencee iss thhe bbestt teeachher.3. RResppect youurseelf, orr noo onne eelsee wiill resspecct yyou. 4. KKnowwledd

2、ge in youuth is wissdomm inn agge.5. TTimee annd ttidee waait forr noo maan.II. Unddersstanndinng aa Coonveersaatioon1. AA giirl whoo accts or dreessees iin aa booyissh wway.2. TTheyy haave shoort haiir, theey oonlyy weear T-sshirrts, jeeanss, aand tennniss shhoess, aand theey nneveer wwearr maakeuu

3、p aand theeir voiicess arre kkindd off thhroaaty.3. TTheiir sstylle hhas a nnicee, caasuaal aand connfiddentt feeeliing; itt loookss veery natturaal. 4. BBecaausee shhe iis aa tyypiccal exaamplle oof ttombboyss.5. YYes, booth of theem llikee toombooys. Thhey consiiderr thhe ttrennd oof ttombboyss as

4、s ann exxpreessiion of inddiviiduaalissm.III. Unnderrstaandiing PasssageesListteniing Tassk 1115 DCDDABListteniing Tassk 2214 FTTTFPartt III AAfteer-cclasss LListteniingI. UUndeersttanddingg Baasicc SkkilllsListteniing Tassk 221. LLilyy, Neellyy 2.wheetheer, weeathher, weetteer 3.knocckedd, loockeed

5、 4. thiink, thhin, thhinggs 5. Cannnerrs, caan, caan, caan, caant, ccannnedII. Unddersstanndinng aa Convverssatiion1. ddisttribbutiing/ haandiing outt, offficce 2. aassiistaant, tuutorr, viisioon, mooneyy 33. sstimmulaate, iinsppiraatioon 4. ppurpposee, poostggradduatteIII. Unnderrstaandiing Passsag

6、eesListteniing Tassk 1114 ACBBCListteniing Tassk 22mindd 22. wwilll 33. eemottionns 4. oveer 5. desserttingg 66. wwrinkkle 7. sooul 8. Whhethher 60 or 16, thheree iss inn evveryy huumann beeinggs hhearrt tthe lurre oof wwondder 9. Inn thhe ccentter of youur hhearrt aand myy heeartt thheree iss a wir

7、releess staatioon 10. buut aas yyourr aeeriaals aree upp, tto ccatcch wwavees oof ooptiimissmUnitt 2 FasshioonPartt I Inn-cllasss LiisteeninngI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Taskk 1(F) 1. Nicce tto mmeett yoou, tooo.(R) 2. Shaall we go andd seee hher noww?(F) 3. Youu diid aa goood j

8、obb, rreallly.(R) 4. Ah, reeallly?(F) 5. It souundss niice.(R) 6. A rroomm foor ttwo?(R) 7. Do youu thhinkk thhat youu caan hhelpp mee?(F) 8. I wwondder if I hhavee seeen youu soomewwherre bbefoore.(R) 9. Its aa smmalll woorldd, II shhoulld ssay.(R) 10. Coouldd yoou sshow mme tthe wayy too thhe PPeo

9、pples PParkk frrom herre?Listteniing Taskk 22. WWordds oof ddegrree 4. Asskinng qquesstioons 5. Emmphaasiss 7. Liisteen tto nnatiive speeakeers as mucch aas pposssiblleII. Unddersstanndinng aa ConvverssatiionListteniing Tassk15 FFTTTTIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssageesListteninng TTaskk 1Sugggestted a

10、dvvicee: 11. IIronn yoour cloothees. 2. Weear a ggoodd smmilee. 3. Keeep youurseelf in shaape. 4. Maainttainn thhe llookk off whhat youu weear.Concclussionn: hhow youu taake carre oof tthemm annd yyourrsellfListteniing Taskk 21. sshirrt aand tiee 2. weeddiingss 33. jjob inttervviewss 44. TT-shhirtts

11、 5. jeeanss 66. aa buusinnesss caasuaal aatmoosphhereePartt III AAfteer-cclasss LListteniingI. UUndeersttanddingg Baasicc SkkilllsListteniing Taskk15 ABDDDCII. Unddersstanndinng aa ConvverssatiionListteniing Tassk14 BACDDIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssageesListteniing Taskk 11. FFashhion collor chaange

12、es wwithh thhe ppasssagee off tiime.2. SSomee brrighht ccheeerfuul jjeweel ttonees3. TThe risse oof sstreeet styyle saww bllackk reeducce tthe collor pallettte tto aa shhadee caard.4. BBrigghteer ccoloor.5. BBecaausee coolorrfull annd ccheeerfuul ffabrric priintss beecamme ppopuularr.Listteniing tas

13、sk 21. sstylle aand fitt 2. tiire of 3. cassuall weear 4. bee drresssed up 5. loook shaarp 6. chhangges reggulaarlyy 7. caare aboout 8. Too knnow whaat iis iin ffashhionnUnitt 3 LovvePartt I Inn-cllasss LiisteeninngI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Taskk1. 4416 2. 9,7743 3. 19,8577,24

14、41 4. teleephoone nummberr 5005-666100 55. 118000年 6. 20000年 7. 19880s 8. 5411 BCC 9. Mayy 1sst 10. 9:555 11. 24:00 122. 99:155 133. 7/112 14. 1/22 155. 0.1157 166. 16.09%II. Unddersstanndinng aa Coonveersaatioon14 CCDDAIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssageesListteniing Tassk 11Secttionn A1. LLovee iss a

15、strrangge tthinng. 2. Saay iit. 3. Emppathhizee. 4. Exppectt noothiing in retturnn. 5. Reaalizze iit ccan be losst. 6. Neeverr sttop lovvingg.Secttionn B14 DCAACListteniing Tassk 221. SShe toook tthemm hoome andd puut tthemm inn a smaall cagge.2. SShe graaspeed hhim so wilddly thaat tthe birrd ddied

16、d.3. SShe lifftedd annothher birrd ffromm thhe ccagee annd ttosssed himm sooftlly iintoo thhe aair.4. TThe birrd ccirccledd thhreee tiimess, ffleww clloseer, lanndedd sooftlly oon hher shoouldder andd saang thee swweettestt meeloddy tthatt shhe hhad eveer hhearrd.5. TThe fasstesst wway to losee loov

17、e is to holld oon iit ttoo tigght, annd tthe besst wway to keeep llovee iss too giive it winngs.Partt III AAfteer-cclasss LListteniingI. UUndeersttanddingg Baasicc SkkilllsListteniing Tassk 111. 6604-13992, 4066-32239, 1667-667522, 5588-740062. 226thh, 882ndd, 115thh, 550thh3. 118099, 116000, 115677

18、, 1192774. 11:300 pmm, 88:055 am, 7:55 pm, 9:42 pm5. 77,0668; 1,0055; 144,9008; 566,7334Listteniing Tassk 221. 112:115 2. 2488 3. 2322-52205 4. Auggustt 266th 5. 122:011:500 6. 6441,55 7. 122,9225 8. 7200,0000 9. 145988 100. 332,5547,2000II. Unddersstanndinng aa Coonveersaatioon13 CAAAIII. Unnderrst

19、aandiing a PPasssagee15 CAAADAIV. Rellaxaatioon1. aall thee beeautty ttheyy poosseess inssidee 22. mmakee itt eaasieer 3. seaarchhingg foor aa heero 4. deepennd oon mme 5. If I ffaill, iif II suucceeed 6. taake awaay mmy ddignnityy 77. LLearrninng tto llovee yooursselff 88. FFindd yoour strrenggth i

20、n lovveUnitt 4 Wayys oof llearrninngPartt I Inn-cllasss LiisteeninngI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Tassk 1115 DCCCDCListteniing Tassk 2215 BBBBABII. Unddersstanndinng aa Coonveersaatioon1. mmeannt 2. cattch 3. Prreviiew 4. spparee 55. aacceess 6. onnlinne 7. repplayyed 8. connfidde

21、nttIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssaggesListteniing Tassk 1115 BCDDCBListteniing Tassk 22 (FFor reffereencee onnly)1. llotss off prractticeea) yyou donnt hhavee ennouggh cchanncess too sppeakk inn Enngliishb) wwoulld uuse Engglissh aall dayy, eeverry dday/ havve mmoree chhancces of praactiicinng EEnglli

22、shh3. TTherre aare somme aapprroacchess too immproovinng yyourr wrrittten Engglissh.a) TTry to reaad EEngllishh ass muuch as posssibble.b) PPraccticce wwrittingg (bby ddoinng eextrra wriitinng aassiignmmentts oor wwrittingg too Enngliish speeakeers onllinee).c) WWorkk ouut aa pllan of impprovvingg w

23、rritiing andd obbey it.Partt III AAfteer-cclasss LListteniingI. UUndeersttanddingg Baasicc SkkilllsListteniing Tassk 1115 CCCCDCListteniing Tassk 221. ttwo cittiess 2. thherees ssomeethiing wroong witth iit 3. danngerrouss 4. waalk or tallk 5. I haave no timme, I haave no monneyII. Unddersstanndinng

24、 aa CoonveersaatioonListteniing Tassk 13 CABBIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssaggesListteniing Tassk 11 13 BCDDListteniing Tassk 22 (Foor rrefeerennce onlly)summmariizinng tthe expperiiencce iin llearrninng EEngllishh 22. wwidee reeadiing 3. llangguagge iinpuut 4. leaarniing by heaart as manny wwelll-wrr

25、ittten esssayss ass poossiiblee 55. mmemoorizzatiion witth aa goood unddersstanndinng 6. puut wwhatt wee haave leaarneed iintoo prractticee 77. ddoinng mmoree reeadiing, wrritiing, liisteeninng aand speeakiingKey to Uniit 55 LiifePartt I Inn-cllasss LiisteeninngI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsL

26、istteniing Tassk1. eesseentiial 2. piccturre 3. praccticce 4. weaalthh 5. innspiirattionn 6. cirrcummstaancees 7. acccummulaatedd 8. behhaviior 9. iggnorrancce 100. juddgemmenttII. Unddersstanndinng aa ConvverssatiionListteniing Tassk14 CDCCCIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssageesListteniing Taskk 11. iin

27、diispeensiiblee 2. neecesssitiees 3. rangge 4. linee 5. talkk 6. lovee 7. myysteerioousnnesss, mmainntaiin 8. poppulaaritty, lattesttListteniing Tassk 215 CBAADAPartt III AAfteer-cclasss LListteniingI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Tassk1. ggoess wiithoout sayyingg 22. armmed to thee

28、 teeethh 33. selllinng llikee hoot ccakees 4. go Duttch 5. reaad bbetwweenn liiness 66. notthinng bbut 7. froom hhandd too moouthh 88. Lasst bbut nott leeastt 99. makke tthe lonng stoory shoort 100. toook FFrennch leaaveII. Unddersstanndinng aa ConvverssatiionListteniing Tassk1. bbornn, maarriied, d

29、iie, ceeremmonyy 22. cchoiice 3. cerrebrratee, diffferrs 4. go thrrouggh 5. sorrroww 66. mmourrninngIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssageesListteniing Taskk 116 TFFFTTTTListteniing Tassk 21. iincuurabble 2. cuut ooff 3. booredd 44. wwortthwhhilee 55. ssacrrifiice 6. haangiing 7. enngagged 8. feelloowshhip

30、 9. prractticaallyy 110. losse hhopeeUnitt 6 HummorPartt I Inn-cllasss LiisteeninngI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SkilllsListteniing Taskk 11. iit aalloows youu too maake a ppoinnt wwithhoutt drrawiing bloood2. tthatt maakess mee laaughh foor ffivee seeconnds andd thhinkk foor tten minnutees3. aand a

31、ssunnny sspirrit takkes theeir placce4. tto cconssolee hiim ffor whaat hhe iis5. ppartt off thhe aart of leaaderrshiipII. Unddersstanndinng aa CoonveersaatioonListteniing Tassk1. tto aachiievee doominnancce, forr seelf-prootecctioon, to connstrructt sooliddariity2. ttelllingg a jokke, doinng ssomeet

32、hiing silllyIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssaggesListteniing Tassk 1114 FTFFTListteniing Tassk 2214 DCAAAPartt III AAfteer-cclasss LListteniingI. UUndeersttanddingg Baasicc SkkilllsListteniing Tassk1. ccomiing 2. woondeer 3. clooud 4. suurprriseed 5. truue 6. neaaresst 7. creeatiion 8. exxplaanattionn 9

33、9. ffounnd 10. arrounnd 11. wiind 112. samme 13. leeavees 14. brreezze 15. plleassingg 116. wissh 17. thhrouugh 188. mmineeII. Unddersstanndinng aa Coonveersaatioon Listteniing Tassk1. mmuchh moore shaare stooriees oof tthinngs goiing wroong or havvingg prrobllemss, oor aan eembaarraassiing sittuatt

34、ionn, ppreffer eittherr jookeyy baanteer orr teelliing a jjokee inn a mucch mmoree soolo wayy2. aa jooke creeateed bby wwomeen 3. kkeeppingg soometthinng aall to youurseelf andd noot ssharre iit wwithh ottherrsIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssaggesListteniing Tassk 1115 FFFFTFListteniing Tassk 22 1. ffri

35、eendss 22. llitttle 3. teest 4. chhemiistrry 5. queestiionss 66. wwatcchinng TTV 7. worrrieed 8. callm 9. coiin 10. riightt 111. cheeerffullly 12. toossiing a ccoinn foor hhalff ann hoour andd haandeed iin hhis papper onee hoour earrlieer tthann thhe rrestt off uss 113. thrrew it in thee aiir, cauug

36、htt itt inn hiis hhandd annd llookked at it 144. YYou ffailledUnitt 7 SigghtsseeiingPartt I Inn-cllasss LiisteeninngI. UUndeersttanddingg Basicc SkilllsListteniing Tassk 111. WWinddsorr Caastlle iis oofteen ssaidd too bee thhe QQueeens ffavooritte ooffiiciaal rresiidennce.2. TThe Staatuee off Liiber

37、rty wass a gifft tto tthe USAA frrom Fraancee inn 18886.3. IIn BBrittainn, yyoull finnd aattrracttionns nno mmattter whaat yyourr liifesstylle oor iinteeressts aree.Listteniing Tassk 221. tthe smaalleest of thee Caanaddiann prroviincees bbothh inn siize andd poopullatiion2. rraisse aa faamilly; opee

38、ratte aa buusinnesss; rrejuuvennatee thhe mmindd3. ccraffts, thheatterss, aand fesstivalls tthatt ceelebbratte llifee heere4. eenjooy ddeliicioous lobbsteer ssuppperss, sstrooll on unccrowwdedd beeachhes, pllay gollf oon mmoree thhan a ddozeen ccourrsessII. Unddersstanndinng aa Coonveersaatioon List

39、teniing Tassk14 BCAACIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssaggesListteniing Tassk 1113 AADDListteniing Taskk 215 FTTTFF (Plleasse rrefeer tto tthe scrriptt foor tthe corrrecctioon oof wwronng sstattemeentss.)Partt III AAfteer-cclasss LListteniingI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Tassk1. YYou wi

40、lll pprobbablly aagreee tthatt thhe mmostt poopullar subbjecct oof AAmerricaan eenteertaainmmentt iss loove.2. NNot onlly ddo AAmerricaans bellievve iin rromaantiic llovee buut ttheyy allso bellievve tthatt itt iss thhe bbestt baasiss foor mmarrriagge.II. Unddersstanndinng aa Coonveersaatioon Listte

41、niing Tassk1. TThe Golldenn Gaate Briidgee.2. TThe briidgee issnt ggoldden, buut rred. It iisnt nnameed ffor itss coolorr. IIts naamedd foor tthe Golldenn Gaate.3. TThe Goldden Gatte iis tthe opeeninng iin tthe lannd. Watter froom tthe seaa coomess thhrouugh thiis oopenningg innto Sann Frrancciscco

42、BBay.4. YYearrs aago menn caame to Callifoorniia tto llookk foor ggoldd. MManyy caame by shiip. Theey ccamee innto thee baay tthrooughh thhe oopeninng. Forr thhem it wass a gatte tto ggoldd. TTheyy naamedd itt thhe GGoldden Gatte.III. Unnderrstaandiing PasssaggesListteniing Tassk 1114 TFFFTListtenii

43、ng Tassk 221. ssituuateed 2. acccumuulatted 3. 7660 4. peaarl 5. reenammed 6. rooundd 77. ssoutth-wwestt 88. ccombbineed 9. is resstedd uppon the mouuntaainss 110. hillls inn thhe wwateer, thee liightt off waavess, sshaddow of misstsUnitt 8 Dreeam & IddeallPartt I Inn-cllasss LiisteeninngI. UUndeers

44、ttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Tassk15 BBAADD 610 AABBBBII. Unddersstanndinng aa Coonveersaatioon Listteniing Tassk14 FFTTTIII. Unndersttanddingg PaassaagessListteniing Tassk 1114 ACDDBListteniing Taskk 2 1. pproffitss 22. strrivees 3. sennsibble 4. fooundded 5. neecesssarry 6. advvicee annd

45、ssuppportt 77. pproffesssionn 88. eentrrustted witth ssaviing peooplees llivees 9. devveloop tthe anaalytticaal sskillls neccesssaryy 10. I willl reealiize my ideeal if I ppresservve iin tthiss puursuuitPartt III AAfteer-cclasss LListteniingI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Tassk15 AD

46、CCBC 610 DDCCCC II. Unddersstanndinng aa Convverssatiion 13 BBCIII. Unnderrstaandiing Passsagees Listteniing Tassk 1115 BDAABDListteniing TTaskk 21. ttwinn 2. caare forr 33. aadmiirerrs oof aall agees 4. chaarmiing 5. poppulaaritty 6. coome cloose to 7. boxx offficce 8. donne hher shaare 9. coouplle

47、d witth 10. hiigheest-paiid aacUnitt 9 WorrkinngPartt I Inn-cllasss LiisteeninngI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Taskk15 CBDDAB 610 CBAACDII. Unddersstanndinng aa ConvverssatiionListteniing Tassk15 TFFFTT 67 FTTIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssageesListteniing Taskk 11. vvariiouss 22. add

48、d 3. payycheeckss 4. expplorratiion 5. carreerr-chhanggerss 6. unccerttainnty 7. terrriffic 8. rubb 9. as manny kkey peooplee ass poossiiblee 100. exttremmelyy boorinng wworkk thhat no onee ellse wannts to doListteniing Taskk 214 BDACCPartt III AAfteer-cclasss LListteniingI. UUndeersttanddingg Basii

49、c SSkilllsListteniing Tassk1. ffivee 2. 9:110 3. 20 4. 1400 5. 8:115 6. 15% 7. 50 8. 1000 9. 5 100. 50II. Undeersttanddingg a ConvverssatiionListteniing Taskk 13 BBDIII. Undeersttanddingg PasssageesListteniing Taskk 115 FTTTTFUnitt 100 Trradiitioon & CuustoomPartt I Inn-cllasss LiisteeninngI. UUndee

50、rsttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Tassk 111. aa foortnnighht (14天) 2. fouurteeen hunndreed hoourss (114點) 3. a ddecaade (100年) 4. siix oocloock shaarp (6點整) 5. teen bbefoore ninne (9分50點)Listteniing Tassk 221. 44 miinuttes. 2. At 3:445. 3. Att 4:00. 4. 1:33. 5. Forr 166 hoourss annd aa haalf.

51、66. AAt aarouund middnigght. 7. Att 8:00 am. 88. AAt 110:445 ppm. 9. 7 houurs. 5. 22 weeekss.II. Undeersttanddingg a ConvverssatiionListteniing Tassk14 DABBDIII. Undeersttanddingg PasssageesListteniing Tassk 11Simiilarritiies:1. tthe mosst iimpoortaant 2. beeforrehaand, a joyyouss attmosspheere 3. a

52、 fammilyy reeuniion, a squuaree feeastt 44. nnew cloothees, lovvelyy prreseentssDifffereencees: 1. NNo. 2. Haavinng rreliigioous bacckgrrounnd aand Sannta Claaus whoo brringgs cchilldreen ppressentts. 3. Payiing a ccalll orr viisitt on eacch ootheer. 4. Seendiing eacch ootheer CChriistmmas carrds.Li

53、stteniing Tassk 221. TTo bbrinng aa giift. 22. EEighht, beccausse tthe nummberr eiightt iss connsiddereed lluckky. 33. AA giift whiich is tooo exxpennsivve. Beccausse tthe hosst wwilll feeel neeeds to bannkruupt himmsellf tto rretuurn youur ggeneerossityy. 4. He willl kkeepp itt unnwraappeed aand pl

54、aace it sommewhheree prromiinennt. Beccausse oopenningg thhe ggiftt tooo hhasttilyy annd iin ffronnt oof tthe guestt maay bbe cconssideeredd grreeddy aand unggrattefuul. 5. Bee suure to be faiir.Partt III AAfteer-cclasss LListteniingI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Tassk15 DDBBAB 610

55、 BADDDCII. Undeersttanddingg a ConvverssatiionListteniing Tassk14 CDCCBIII. Undeersttanddingg PasssageesListteniing Tassk 11 13 BDDDListteniing Tassk 221. eearllierr 2. laate 3. teelepphonne 4. deelayyed 5. 8 ppm 6. 9 pm 7. drrinkk 88. inntrooducced 9. Yoou ddont hhavee too waait to be inttrodduceed

56、 10. Its qquitte nnormmal forr soomeoone to havve aa shhortt coonveersaatioon wwithh yoou aand theen ggo onn too taalk to othher peoopleeUnitt 111 Taalenntedd PeeopllePartt I Inn-cllasss LiisteeninngI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Tassk 1115 ABABBB 68 ABBAListteniing Tassk 2216 CDAB

57、ACCII. Unddersstanndinng aa CoonveersaatioonListteniing Tassk1. SSeptt. 300, 119200 22. SShannghaai 3. onee off thhe fforeemosst wwritterss off loove stooriees aand novvelss 33. llovee beetweeen mann annd wwomaan/ tennsioons beetweeen mann annd wwomaan iin llovee 44. Yuaan oof HHalff a Liffe; Lovve

58、tthatt Faallss a Citty; Reccordd off a Golldenn Loock; Thhe RRed Rosse aand thee Whhitee RooseIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssagessListteniing Tassk 1115 CDBBCDListteniing Tassk 221. rraciial tennsioon 2. deesiggnedd 3. in relligiion 4. orrgannizeed aa prroteest 5. raaciaal ssepaarattionn 6. Maartiin aa

59、nd hiss foolloowerrs hhad wonn thheirr sttrugggleePartt III AAfteer-cclasss LListteniingI. UUndeersttanddingg Basiic SSkilllsListteniing Tassk 16 BAAAACDDII. Unddersstanndinng aa CoonveersaatioonListteniing Tassk15 TFTTTFIII. Unnderrstaandiing PasssaggesListteniing Tassk 111. PPerfformm annd sshoww

60、onn Ammeriicann raadioo, aand latter on telleviisioon. 2. Knoown nott ass soomeoone whoo saaid funnny thiingss, bbut as sommeonne wwho saiid tthinngs in a ffunnny wway. 3. Borrn iin CChiccagoo, IIlliinoiis; his parrentts wweree reeliggiouus JJewss. 4. “Mottionn Piictuure Daiily” vootedd hiim tthe co


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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