1、分包合同同協(xié)議SUBCCONTTRACCT AAGREEEMEENT該合同簽簽訂于220144年_月_日,簽簽訂地址址:_THISS AGGREEEMENNT iis mmadee thhe _ dayy off _220144,att_合同雙方方BETWWEENN甲方:是是在_法律律下單獨(dú)獨(dú)構(gòu)成、成立的的一個(gè)公公司,其其公司總總部在:_在(國(guó)家)注冊(cè)的的辦公室室在:地地址 (以下稱稱為“承承包商”)M/s Xinnjiaang Beiixinn Rooad & BBriddge Grooup Co., LLtd a ccomppanyy duuly orgganiizedd annd eex
2、isstinng uundeer tthe lawws oof tthe _ hhaviing itss Heead Offficee att _ aand reggisttereed OOffiice in (Coounttry)at (aaddrresss) (herreinnaftter refferrred to as CConttracctorr ) off thhe oone parrt;及乙方:_其辦公公室位于于_(以下下稱為“分包商商”)AND _Whhosee offficce iis ssituuateed aat _(heereiinaffterr reeferrredd
3、 too ass thhe Suubcoontrracttor ) of thee ottherr paart.鑒于1.承承包商已已經(jīng)與_業(yè)主(以下稱稱為“業(yè)業(yè)主”)簽訂了了一個(gè)合合同(以以下稱為為“主合合同”)關(guān)于執(zhí)執(zhí)行_(項(xiàng)項(xiàng)目名稱稱)_(以下稱稱為“項(xiàng)項(xiàng)目”)的施工工合同。工程師師是_(工工程師名名稱) (以下下稱為“工程師師”)。WHERREASS 1.TThe Conntraactoor hhas enttereed iintoo a Conntraact (heereiinaffterr reeferrredd too ass thhe “Maiin CConttracct”) w
4、iith (EEmplloyeer) , (herreinnaftter refferrred to as thee Empployyer ) foor tthe Connstrructtionn Coontrractt foor (Prrojeect Namme) (herreinnaftter refferrred to as thee “PProjjectt”). Thhe EEngiineeer iis (Enggineeer) (hhereeinaafteer rrefeerreed tto aas tthe “Ennginneerr”). 2.承承包商已已經(jīng)出標(biāo)標(biāo)分包工工程范圍圍為
5、_(以下下稱為“分包工工程”)由承包包商施工工主合同同工程(以下稱稱為“主主合同工工程”)的部分分工程,其分包包工程按按照主合合同規(guī)定定的條款款及條件件實(shí)施除除非本分分包合同同(以下下稱為“分包協(xié)協(xié)議或分分包合同同”)有有其他規(guī)規(guī)定,及及2.TThe Conntraactoor hhas offfereed tto ssubllet cerrtaiin wworkks wwithh sccopee off _(hhereeinaafteer rrefeerreed aas “Subbconntraact Worrks”) wwhicch aas ppartt off woorkss too b
6、ee exxecuutedd byy thhe CConttracctorr unnderr thhe MMainn Coontrractt (hhereeinaafteer rrefeerreed tto aas tthe “Maain Conntraact Worrks”), undder thee teermss annd CCondditiionss ass deescrribeed iin tthe Maiin CConttracct uunleess othherwwisee sttateed iin tthiss Suubcoontrractt Aggreeemennt (her
7、reinnaftter refferrred to as thee SSubcconttracct AAgreeemeent or Subbconntraact) tto tthe Subbconntraactoor aand3.同同時(shí)分包包商已經(jīng)經(jīng)同意作作為分包包商執(zhí)行行該工程程,并同同意完成成分包工工程的施施工及維維修,其其分包工工程在承承包商的的指示及及監(jiān)督下下實(shí)施,并嚴(yán)格格按照分分包商合合同規(guī)定定的條款款執(zhí)行及及業(yè)主與與承包商商簽訂的的主合同同條款實(shí)實(shí)施工程程。 3.WWhille tthe Subbconntraactoor hhas agrreedd too exxecuute t
8、hee saaid worrks as Subbconntraactoor, andd too coomplletee annd mmainntaiin tthe proopossed parrt oof tthe Subbconntraact Worrk hhereein agrreedd, uundeer tthe dirrecttionn annd ssupeerviisioon oof tthe Conntraactoor aand strricttly in acccorddancce wwithh thhe pprovvisiionss sttipuulatted in thee
9、Suubcoontrractt ass weell as Maiin CConttracct ssignned in bettweeen tthe Conntraactoor aand thee Emmplooyerr.4.構(gòu)構(gòu)成合同同的文件件應(yīng)認(rèn)為為是互相相說明的的。為了了解釋的的目的,文件的的優(yōu)先次次序如下下:4.TThe doccumeentss foormiing thee Suubcoontrractt arre tto bbe ttakeen aas mmutuuallly eexpllanaatorry oof oone anootheer. Forr thhe ppurppos
10、ees oof iinteerprretaatioon, thee prriorrityy off thhe ddocuumennts shaall be in acccorddancce wwithh thhe ffolllowiing seqquennce:分包協(xié)議議a) Thee Suub CConttracct AAgreeemeent中標(biāo)函b) Lettterr off Acccepptannce備忘錄(如果有有)c) Meemorranddum of Unddersstanndinng (if anyy)d) 分包包合同特特殊條款款d) Parrticculaar CConddit
11、iionss off Suub-CConttraccte) 分包包合同一一般條款款e) Thee Geenerral Conndittionns oof SSub-Conntraactf) 應(yīng)用于于該分包包合同的的主合同同一般條條款及特特殊/特特定條款款、規(guī)范范及圖 f) Genneraal aand speeciaal/PPartticuularr Coondiitioons, Sppeciificcatiionss annd DDrawwinggs oof MMainn Coontrractt, aappllicaablee too thhe ppressentt Suub-CConttr
12、acct aagreeemeentg) 標(biāo)價(jià)的的工程量量清單g) Thee prriceed BBilll off Quuanttitiiesh) 履約保保函h) Perrforrmannce Seccuriity任何由承承包商通通知的其其他分包包合同文文件Any othher doccumeent reggarddingg suub-cconttracct aand nottifiied by thee Coontrracttor.如果以上上各文件件之間存存在任何何分歧,應(yīng)該由由承包商商進(jìn)行書書面澄清清。If aan aambiiguiity or disscreepanncy is fou
13、und in thee doocummentts, thee Coontrracttor shaall isssue anyy neecesssarry cclarrifiicattionn orr innstrructtionn. 5. 考考慮到承承包方付付給分包包商的各各項(xiàng)款額額,分包包商特此此立約向向承包方方/業(yè)主保保證遵守守合同的的各項(xiàng)規(guī)規(guī)定實(shí)施施和完成成工程,并修補(bǔ)補(bǔ)其任何何缺陷。5. IIn cconssideerattionn off thhe ppaymmentts tto bbe mmadee byy thhe CConttracctorr too thhe SSubccon
14、ttracctorr ass inndiccateed iin tthiss Aggreeemennt, thee Suubconttracctorr heerebby ccoveenannts witth tthe Conntraactoor/tthe Empployyer to exeecutte tthe Worrks andd too reemeddy ddefeectss thhereein in connforrmitty iin aall resspeccts witth tthe proovissionns oof tthe Conntraact.6. 鑒鑒于分包包商執(zhí)行行、完
15、成成工程及及工程維維修,承承包商由由此保證證按照合合同規(guī)定定時(shí)間及及方式向向分包商商支付。6. TThe Conntraactoor hhereeby covvenaantss too paay tthe Subbconttracctorr inn coonsiiderratiion of thee exxecuutioon aand commpleetioon oof tthe Worrks andd thhe rremeedyiing of deffectts ttherreinn, tthe Conntraact Priice at thee tiimess annd iin tthe
16、mannnerr prresccribbed by thee Coontrractt.此立據(jù)。本協(xié)議議書于上上面所定定的日期期,由合合同雙方方根據(jù)各各自的法法律簽署署訂立,開始執(zhí)執(zhí)行。IN WWITNNESSS WHHEREEOF thee paartiies herretoo haave cauusedd thhis Agrreemmentt too bee exxecuutedd inn acccorrdannce witth ttheiir rresppecttivee laaws on thee daay, monnth andd yeear inddicaatedd abbovee.
17、For and on behalf of the ContractorFor and on behalf of the Subcontractor Signed by: Signed by: Witness:Witness: 中標(biāo)通知知書Lettter of Acccepttancce致:中標(biāo)標(biāo)單位(分包商商) 日日期:To: XXXX (nnamee off Suubcoontrracttor) Datte: 關(guān)于實(shí)施施_項(xiàng)目目分包工工程_中標(biāo)標(biāo)通知書書Subjjectt: LLettter of Acccepttancce ffor Subbconntraact Worrks _foor
18、PProjjectt off XXXX 貴單位所所提交的的關(guān)于實(shí)實(shí)施_項(xiàng)目目分包工工程的報(bào)報(bào)價(jià),現(xiàn)現(xiàn)已經(jīng)由由我方審審核通過過,分包包合同金金額為:_(大寫寫:_)。Thiss iss too nootiffy tthatt yoour bidd offferr foor eexeccutiion of thee suubcoontrractt woorkss _ foor PProjjectt off XXXX aas eestiimatted accceptted subbconntraact priice is equuivaalennt oof _(in worrds: Saay _oo
19、nlyy) iis hhereeby cheeckeed aand accceptted by thee unnderrsiggnedd off thhis commpanny. 請(qǐng)貴方根根據(jù)合同同條款第第7條規(guī)定定按照我我方提供供的保函函格式在在收到該該中標(biāo)通通知書后后的_天天內(nèi)提供供中標(biāo)金金額100%的銀銀行保函函。In ppurssuannt tto tthe claausee 7 of thee Suubcoontrractt Aggreeemennt, youu arre rrequuestted to furrnissh tthe Perrforrmannce Seccuriity
20、 as perr thhe sspeccifiied andd acccepptedd off thhis commpanny wwithh ann ammounnt oof 110% of thee acccepptedd suubcoontrractt prricee wiithiin _ daays of recceippt oof tthiss Leetteer oof AAcceeptaancee. 特別提醒醒:如果果貴方在在收到該該中標(biāo)通通知書后后28天天內(nèi)未向向我方提提供要求求的保函函,則認(rèn)認(rèn)為貴方方自動(dòng)放放棄履約約本分包包工程,則雙方方前期簽簽訂的分分包合同同協(xié)議書書(或其其他
21、意向向書)及及該中標(biāo)標(biāo)通知書書將視為為無效。Specciall Nootess: IIf yyou aree faail to proovidde tthe reqquirred Perrforrmannce Seccuriity witthinn 288 daays aftter recceivve tthiss LOOA, andd thhen youu arre cconssideeredd too waaivee too peerfoormaancee thhis subbconntraact worrks by youurseelf, thhereeforre tthe siggne
22、dd Suubcoontrractt Aggreeemennt (or thee siigneed LLettter of Inttentt) aand thiis LLOA is herrebyy shhalll beecomme vvoidd. 新疆北北新路橋橋集團(tuán)股股份有限限公司Xinjjianng BBeixxin Roaad & Brridgge GGrouup CCo., Lttd 中標(biāo)通知書的簽收 Receipt of the Letter of Acceptance (LOA)分包商代表名字: _ Received by the name of representative:_
23、分包商代表職務(wù):_ Position of the representative:_分包商代表簽字:_ Signing & Stamp:_現(xiàn)在同意并簽收該中標(biāo)通知書。Acknowledgement this LOA and received by the Subcontractor簽收日期:_ On the day of _DD_MM_YY. 第D部分分-分包包合同特特殊條款款Secttionn D-Paartiicullar Conndittionns oof SSubcconttracct AAgreeemeent分包合同同數(shù)據(jù) Datta ffor Subbconntraact Agrr
24、eemmentt 項(xiàng)目 Items 參考通用合同條款 reference to clause of General Conditions數(shù)據(jù) Data承包商名稱 Name of Contractor 地址及聯(lián)系方式 Address and Contact Clause 1.1分包商的名稱 Name of Subcontractor 地址及聯(lián)系方式Address and ContractClause 1.2業(yè)主名稱Name of EmployerClause 1.3工程師名稱Name of EngineerClause 1.4開工日期 Date of Commencement of Subcon
25、tract WorksClause 3.1 Within 14 days of Commencement Date完工期限Time for Completion Clause 3.2 _日歷天 calendar days 缺陷責(zé)任期Defected Liability PeriodClause 22.4365天(calendar days)適用法律Applied LawsClause 25主要語言Applied LanguageClause 25英語 English 交流及合同語言Govern Language for communication and Subcontract Agreeme
26、ntClause 25英語 English 履約保函Performance GuaranteeClause 7應(yīng)開具占合同金額10%的無條件銀行擔(dān)保 10% of Subcontract Price in form of unconditional Bank Guarantee 工程延期損失及最大限額Delay Damages & Max. amount for delay damagesClause 3.5.3每天扣取最終合同金額的0.1%,延期最大損失限額10%0.1% (one tenth percent) of the Subcontract Price & Max. delay da
27、mage amount is limited as 10% of Subcontract Price暫定金額Provision Sum 無 Nil分包合同調(diào)差表Cost Adjustment Table Clause 9.3 不可調(diào) NO Adjustable 動(dòng)員預(yù)付款Mobilization Advance PaymentClause 9.1分包合同金額 %Sum of % Subcontract Agreement Price預(yù)付款分?jǐn)偡颠€比例Mobilization Refund Installation Clause 9.1. %Deduct % from IPCs保留金百分比Rat
28、io of Retention MoneyClause 10.1每份支付證書的10%10% deduct from each IPC保留金限額Limited Retention Money Clause 10.1合同金額的5%5% of Subcontract Agreement Price中期支付證書最低額度Min. Amount of IPCClause 9.3分包合同價(jià)格的5%5% of the accepted subcontract agreement price延期付款利率Delay interest rateClause 11.1無 Nil分包商提供的保險(xiǎn)Insurance of
29、 the Subcontractor Clause 19設(shè)備、人員及第三方責(zé)任險(xiǎn)Insurance for Subcontractors Personnel, Machinery/Equipment & The Third Party Liability特殊條款款 Paartiicullar Proovissionn 以下特殊殊合同條條款(PPC)將將作為通通用合同同條款(GC)修正和和補(bǔ)充。當(dāng)通用用條款與與特殊條條款出現(xiàn)現(xiàn)分歧時(shí)時(shí),應(yīng)以以特殊條條款為準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)。The folllowwinggs PPartticuularr Coondiitioons andd cllausses (PCC) a
30、are sett foorwaardiing to forrm aas aamenndmeent andd suuppllemeent of thee Geenerral Conndittionns (GC) off thhe SSubcconttracct AAgreeemeent. Anny ddispputees aarisse bbetwweenn thhe GGeneerall Coondiitioons andd thhe PPartticuularr Coondiitioons of thiis SSubcconttracct AAgreeemeent theen tthe Pa
31、rrticculaar CCondditiionss shhalll bee prrevaaileed.第E部分分-分包包合同一一般條款款Secttionn E-Genneraal CCondditiionss off Suubcoontrractt Aggreeemennt Secttionn E Geneerall Coondiitioon oof SSubcconttracct AAgreeemeentConttentts Defiinittionn annd EExpllanaatioon thee “Conntraactoor”the “Subbconntraactoor”the “
32、Empployyer”the “Enggineeer”the “Maiin CConttracct” thee “Subbconntraact Worrks”the “Subbconntraact Agrreemmentt”the “Subbconntraact Priice”the “Draawinngs”the “Speecifficaatioon”Scoppe, Conntennt aand Mannnerr off Exxecuutioon 2.11 Sccopee off Suubcoontrractt Woorkss2.2 Conntennt oof SSubcconttracct
33、 WWorkks2.3 Mannnerr off Exxecuutioon oof SSubcconttracct WWorkks3. DDatee off Coommeenceemennt aand Timme ffor Commpleetioon 33.1 Commmenncemmentt off Suubcoontrractt Woorkss 33.2 Timme oof CCompplettionn foor SSubcconttracct WWorkks 33.3 Worrkinng PProggramm 33.4 Reaasonnablle EExteensiion of Timm
34、e ffor Commpleetioon 33.5 Dellayeed bby SSubcconttracctorr 4. GGeneerall Prroviisioons4.1 Binndinng oof tthe Maiin CConttracct4.2 Subbconntraactoors SSitee Innspeectiion 4.3 Subbconntraactoors IIndeemniify4.4 Subbletttinng oof tthe Subbconntraact Worrks4.5 Setttinng OOut 4.6 Exeecuttionn off thhe TT
35、empporaary Worrks 5. TThe Conntraactoor 5.1 Conntraactoors RRighht oof AAcceess5.2 Conntraactoors SSitee Suuperrvissionn5.3 Rigght of thee Coontrracttor5.3.1 RRighht oof IInsppecttionn5.3.2 RReduucinng oor IIncrreassingg 5.33.3 Rigght of thee Coontrracttor to Chaargee 5.33.4 Remmovaal oof tthe Subbc
36、onntraactoors EEmplloyeee6. TThe Subbconntraactoor6.1 Suubcoontrracttors SSupeerinntenndennce 6.2 Subbconntraactoors CCoopperaatioon 6.3 Thee Thhirdd Paartyy Liiabiilitty oof tthe Subbconntraactoor6.4 Obeey IInsttrucctioon oof tthe Conntraactoor aand Enggineeer 7. PPerfformmancce GGuarranttee7.1 Pro
37、oviddingg off Peerfoormaancee Guuaraanteee7.2 Exppiree annd EExteensiion of Perrforrmannce GuaarannteeeReleeasee off Peerfoormaancee Guuaraanteee8.Suubcoontrractt Prricee8.1 Thee Prriceed BBilll off Quuanttityy8.2 Taxxes9. SSubcconttracct PPricce aand Payymennt9.1 Mobbiliizattionn Addvannce9.2 Matte
38、riial Advvancce9.3 Adjjusttmennt iin EEscaalattionn off Coost9.4 Apppliccatiion of Intteriim PPaymmentt Ceertiificcatees9.5 Finnal Billl9.5.1 PPrepparaatioon aand Subbmisssioon oof tthe Finnal Billl9.5.2 PPaymmentt off Fiinall Biill10.RReteentiion Monney10.11 Deeducctioon oof tthe Rettenttionn Moone
39、yy10.22 Reefunnd oof RReteentiion Monney11. Conntraactoors DDefaaultt11.11 Deelayy Paaymeent11.22 Teermiinattionn off thhe MMainn Coontrractt12. Subbconntraactoors DDefaaultt12.11 Exxecuutioon oof WWorkks12.22 Suubcoontrracttors BBankkrupptcyy orr Reegrooup12.33 Woorkiing Proogreess12.44 Faail to Fo
40、llloww Orrderrs12.55 Peenallty on Subbconntraactoors DDefaaultt 13 .Terrminnatiion of Subbconttracct AAgreeemeent13.11 Teermiinattionn duue tto EEmplloyeers Reasson13.22 Teermiinattionn duue tto SSubcconttracctorrs Reasson14. Suppplyy off Drrawiingss & Doccumeentss14.11Preeparratiion & SSuppply of t
41、hee Drrawiingss14.22 Haand oveer tthe Draawinngs & DDocuumennts15. Varriattionn16. Vallue of Varriattionns17. Matteriial, Maachiinerry aand Worrkmaanshhip 17.11 Suupplly oof MMateeriaal17.22 Coontrracttor Insstruuctss too Reemovval 17.33 Innspeectiion froom tthe Empployyer/Enggineeer/Conntraactoor17
42、.44 Coontrracttors CConttroll 17.55 Inncreeasiing of Inssuffficiientt Reesouurcee17.66 Prropeertyy inn Maaterrialls aand Plaant18. Staaff andd Laabouur19. Inssuraancee19.11 Innsurrancce oof MMachhineery/Equuipmmentt annd PPerssonnnel of thee Suubcoontrracttor19.22 Innsurrancce ffor Subbconntraactoor
43、s AAll Rissk aand Thiird Parrty Liaabillityy20. Saffetyy Coonsttrucctioon aand Envviroonmeent Prootecctioon PPoliicy21. Hanndinng/TTakiing Oveer oof tthe Subbconntraact Worrks21.11 Teestiing on Commpleetioon 21.22 Prrepaarattionn off Ass-Buuiltt Drrawiingss annd DDocuumennts21.33 Taakinng OOverr Cee
44、rtiificcatee21.44 Deefeccts Liaabillityy Peeriood 21.55 Deefeccts Liaabillityy Ceertiificcatee/Peerfoormaancee Ceertiificcatee22. Speeciffic Rissks23. Notticees aand Claaimss 24. Appplieed LLawss annd LLangguagge25. Ameendmmentts 26. Setttleemennt oof DDispputees Conffideentiialiity Geneerall Coondi
45、itioon oof SSubcconttracct AAgreeemeentDefiinittionn annd EExpllanaatioonIn tthiss Suubcoontrractt Aggreeemennt (as herreinnaftter deffineed) thee foolloowinng wwordds aand exppresssioons shaall havve tthe meaaninngs herrebyy asssiggnedd too thhem, exxceppt wwherre tthe conntexxt ootheerwiise reqqui
46、rred:1.1“Conntraactoor meaans M/ss Xiinjiiangg Beeixiin RRoadd & Briidgee Grroupp Coo., Ltdd(whhichh ass deefinned in thee Suubcoontrractt Daata)as conntraactoor iin tthe Maiin CConttracct aacceepteed bby tthe Empployyer& naamedd ass “Conntraactoor” inn thhe SSubcconttracct AAgreeemeent andd inncluu
47、dess itts aauthhoriizedd reepreesenntattivees, leggal succcesssorrs aand anyy asssiggneees.1.2 “Thee Suubcoontrracttor” meeanss thhe ppartty wwhicch hhas siggnedd thhis Subbconntraact Agrreemmentt wiith thee Coontrracttor forr thhe eexeccutiion of thee Suubcoontrractt Woorkss annd iinclludees iits a
48、utthorrizeed rreprreseentaativves, llegaal ssucccesssorss, bbut nott anny aassiigneees.1.3 “Empployyer meeanss thhe ppersson nammed as empployyer in thee Suubcoontrractt Daata andd thhe llegaal ssucccesssorss inn tiitlee too thhis perrsonn.1.4“Enggineeer meeanss thhe ppersson apppoinntedd byy thhe E
49、Emplloyeer tto aact as thee Ennginneerr foor tthe purrposses of thee Coontrractt annd nnameed iin tthe Subbconntraact Datta, or othher perrsonn apppoiinteed ffromm tiime to timme bby tthe Empployyer andd nootiffiedd too thee Coontrracttor.1.5 “Mainn Conttracct” meaans Conntraact siggnedd beetweeen t
50、hee Coontrracttor andd thhe EEmplloyeer, inccluddingg itts cconttracct ddocuumennts, sppeciificcatiion andd anny ssuppplemmentts aas iissuued forr coonsttituutioon oof ddocuumennts forr thhe MMainn Coontrractt. 1.6 “Suubcoontrractt Woorkss” mmeanns thhe wworkks aas ddesccribbed in Claausee 2 oof tth
51、iss Suubcoontrractt Aggreeemennt, andd inncluudess alll tthe worrks undderttakeen bby tthe Subbconntraactoor aas wwelll ass anny mmainntennancce wworkks aafteer tthe commpleetioon aand durringg thhe DDefeect Liaabillityy Peeriood.1.7 “Subbconntraact Agrreemmentt” meeanss thhis Subbconntraact Agrreem
52、mentt siigneed bby tthe Conntraactoor aand thee Suubcoontrracttor, allongg wiith anyy apppenndixxes, ammenddmennts, vaariaatioons annd ssuppplemmenttaryy fiiless.1.8 “Suubcoontrractt Prricee” mmeanns tthe summ sppeciifieed iin CClauuse 8 off thhis Subbconntraact Agrreemmentt ass paayabble to thee Su
53、ubcoontrracttor forr thhe wworkks as aare sett foorthh inn BOOQ aand alsso ssubjjectt too suuch addditiionss thhereeto andd deeducctioon ttherrefrrom as mayy bee maade undder thee prroviisioons herreinnaftter conntaiinedd.1.9 “Draawinngs” meeanss deesiggn ddrawwinggs pprovvideed bby tthe empployyer
54、andd deetaiiledd coonsttrucctioon/sshopp drrawiingss & As-Buiilt Draawinngs proovidded by subbconntraactoor aand appprovved by thee Ennginneerr, aand covverss alll ddrawwinggs, callcullatiion, saamplles, paatteernss, mmodeels, opperaatioon aand maiinteenannce mannualls oor ootheer ttechhniccal inffo
55、rmmatiion of simmilaar nnatuure.1.100 “SSpeccifiicattionn” mmeanns SSpeccifiicattionns mmenttionned in thee Maain Conntraact andd anny sspeccifiicattionn prroviidedd byy thhe EEngiineeer oor CConttracctorr too bee apppliied forr thhis Subbconntraact Worrks.Scoppe, Conntennt aand Mannnerr off Exxecuu
56、tioon oof SSubcconttracct WWorkks2.1 Scoope of thee Suubcoontrractt WoorkssThe Scoope of thee Suubcoontrractt Woorkss shhalll bee ass sppeciifieed iin tthe Lettterr off Acccepptannce or secctioon/sscoppe ddesiignaatedd byy thhe CConttracctorr.2.2 Thee Coonteent of thee Suubcoontrractt WoorkssThe con
57、ntennts of thee Suubcoontrractt Woorkss arre aas llistted in billl oof qquanntittiess off thhis Subbconntraact Agrreemmentt annd aany meaasurres inccluddingg anny worrks forr inncorrporratee inn thhe ppermmaneent worrks as anyy auuxilliarry wworkks, temmporraryy woorkss & buiildiingss, pprovvidiing
58、seccuriity prootecctioon, andd ettc. as reqquirred in thee Maain Conntraact, annd aany othher worrks herreaffterr maay bbe iinsttrucctedd byy thhe EEngiineeer oor CConttracctorr foor ffulll coomplletiion of thee Suubcoontrractt Woorkss.2.3 Thee Maanneer oof EExeccutiion All worrk tto bbe ddonee unnd
59、err thhe SSubcconttracct AAgreeemeent shaall be exeecutted in thee maanneer sset outt inn thhe sspeccifiicattionns, or wheere nott soo seet oout, too thhe ssatiisfaactiion of thee Coontrracttor andd/orr Ennginneerr, aand alll thhe SSubcconttracct WWorkks oon ssitee shhalll bee caarriied outt inn acc
60、corrdannce witth ssuchh reeasoonabble dirrecttionns aas tthe Enggineeer mayy giive thrrouggh tthe Conntraactoor.The Commmenncemmentt, TTimee foor CCompplettionn, WWorkkingg Prrogrresss & Dellay 3.1 Commmenncemmentt off Suubcoontrractt WoorkssWithhin 14 dayys oof rreceeiptt thhe wwritttenn Coommeence
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