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1、挫敗Personal success program個人成功管理系統(tǒng)課程課程內(nèi)容 了解時間的真義認(rèn)識最有價值的資源培養(yǎng)掌握管理了解設(shè)定目標(biāo)行動是動力發(fā)揮潛能,超越自我學(xué)習(xí)設(shè)定目標(biāo)設(shè)定目標(biāo)與成功的關(guān)鍵本課程導(dǎo)師趙趙智光博博士透過互動動體驗式式訓(xùn)練,對個人人作最深深入、最最透徹的的了解,充分運運用閣下下的心態(tài)態(tài),邁向向成功之之路。最具分量量之成功功課程!EQ博士士趙智光光先生獨獨創(chuàng)!即學(xué)即用用,物超超所值!國際杰出出講師、激勵訓(xùn)訓(xùn)練專家家、著名名EQ博士士。從事探討討人類行行為及訓(xùn)訓(xùn)練工作作逾二十十年,擁擁有豐富富的訓(xùn)練練經(jīng)驗。注重實效效訓(xùn)練,演繹幽幽默生動動,甚具具啟發(fā)性性。學(xué)會了解解自己!提升

2、動動力!運運用潛能能!發(fā)揮揮自我!邁向青青云路!組織計劃劃與時間間管理研習(xí)目標(biāo)標(biāo):一,解時時間的真真義二,時間間是人生生中最有有價值的的資源三,會好好好掌握握自間的的人,就就是好的的管理者者重點內(nèi)容容:正確的時時間觀念念有效使用用時間的的八大法法則節(jié)省時間間的有效效途徑時間管理理新秘方方正確的時時間觀念念:時間是世世界上最最短缺的的資源我們不能能管理時時間,只只能管理理我們的的活動時間管理理觀念是是要先做做重要的的改天,等等一下的想法法意味著著失敗時間的類類型:工作時間間休息時間間健康時間間娛樂時間間學(xué)習(xí)時間間寧靜時間間Timee時間管管理*Yoou ccan nevver mannagee

3、tiime youu onnly cann maanagge yyourr acctivvitiies. *你不不能管理理時間,你只能能管理你你的行動動 *重要 不重要DABC時間版緊急 不急百萬富翁翁組織計計劃工具具Thinngs To Do今日行動動20 WWayss too saave timmeYou cannnott maanagge ttimee, yyou cann onnly mannagee acctivvitiies.Pinppoinnt yyourr gooal.“Whhat preecisselyy, ddo II waant to acccompplissh?”Do

4、tthe worrk iin tthe ordder of impporttancce. Lisst tthe impporttantt & urggentt joobs, doo thhe uurgeent firrst andd immmeddiattelyy foolloow bby tthe impporttantt onnes befforee thhey beccomee urrgennt.Motiivatte yyourrsellf, by rewwarddingg yooursselff foor tthe jobb doone.Estaabliish datteliiness

5、 orr tiimellinees. Sayy, “Ill ansswerr thhe llettter befforee luunchh,” inssteaad oof, “Ill ansswerr itt laaterr.”Be ddeciisivve aand follloww wiith acttionn.Say, “NNO.” Thheree iss noo neeed to makke ppoinntleess commmittmennts.Keepp phhonee coonveersaatioon ssimpple, shhortt annd tto tthe poiint.W

6、ritte ddownn iddeass annd aappoointtmennts immmediiateely as theeyre madde.Stopp innterrrupptioon, freee yyourrsellf.Listten by cheeckiing youur 55Ws & HHLookk foor sshorrtcuuts. Innsteead of A, B, C & D, doo itt A, B & DDAntiicippatee exxtraa neeedss, rreaddy eextrras, haave theem rreaddy, (a bigg

7、joob ccan be sloowedd byy laack of a ssmalll ppin).Do iit nnow! Doont ffooll yooursselff wiith waiitinng ffor thee beest timme. Thee Beest plaan ttomoorroow iis nneveer bbettter thaan aa goood acttionn toodayy.Use traavell & waiitinng ffullly.Maxiimisse yyourr leeisuure timme. (Seelecct mmoviies, pr

8、rogrramss, mmagaazinnes, ettc ccareefullly.)Be aactiive.Starrt eearllierr.Resppectt yoour timme aand thee tiime of othherss.Alwaays askk, “Whaat nnextt?” It givves urggenccy tto yyourr woork.成功利用用時間二二十法你不能管管理時間間,你只只能管理理每天活活動。清楚了解解你的目目標(biāo),“我到底底要完成成什么?!泵刻炖糜脮r間版版。激發(fā)自我我,作完完了獎勵勵自己。設(shè)立結(jié)束束或終止止限制。立定主決決議,立立刻行動動

9、。你可說“不”。用電話時時,緊記記“清,短短,點”。立刻寫下下新的計計劃,意意見,見見解和立立刻寫下下新的約約會。給自己安安排空間間。有效的聆聆聽。不要死板板。要有充足足的準(zhǔn)備備。不要等了了,現(xiàn)在在是最好好的時候候。不白等了了,要會會利用等等待的時時間。娛樂或愚愚樂。活動是動動力。早人一步步。尊敬和敬敬重自己己同他人人的時間間。做好了,要問“下來是是.”。Actiion andd PoowerrManyy arre mmisttakeen iin tthe bellievve tthatt “kknowwleddge is powwer” noothiing is furrtheer ffro

10、mm thhe ttrutth, forr thheree arre mmanyy leearnned menn thhat aree pooor andd miiserrablle bbothh inn thhe ppockket andd inn thheirr heeartts.The usee off knnowlledgge iis PPoweer, thiis iis tthe esssencce tto llearrninng. Knoowleedgee wiithoout acttionn iss juust thaat - knnowlledgge, it is jusst

11、llikee mooneyy unnderr thhe mmatttresss, waaitiing forr yoou tto pput it to usee.We migght havve rreadd maany boooks, liisteenedd too reecorrdinngs, atttenndedd maany semminaars, wee doo haave morre kknowwleddge on howw too bee annd ddo bbettter, buut yyet we prooducce rresuultss att a levvel wayy b

12、eeloww ouur ppoteentiial. Thhis is beccausse mmuchh off thhe kknowwleddge we havve llearrnedd juust staays in ourr miind tilll wwe mmakee a connsciiouss effforrt aand putt ouur kknowwleddge intto aactiion.Justt thhe aawarreneess of thee poowerr off acctioon iis nnot enooughh, ffor youu too puut kkno

13、wwleddge to acttionn yoou mmustt deecidde wwhatt yoou wwantt too chhangge.The powwer to chaangee anny aareaas oof yyourr liife willl bbe iin tthe apppliccatiion of thee knnowlledgge yyou havve iin yyou.It iis nnot a qquesstioon oof hhow mucch yyou knoow, butt whhat usee yoou mmakee off whhat youu kn

14、now. Noot aa quuesttionn off whhat youu haave acqquirred andd hoow yyou hadd beeen traaineed, butt off whhat youu arre aand whaat yyou cann doo.“Aree yoou iin eearnnestt? SSeizze tthiss veery minnutee; wwhatteveer yyou cann doo, oor ddreaam yyou cann doo, bbegiin iit! Bolldneess hass Geeniuus, Powwe

15、r andd Maagicc inn itt.”Goetthe行動就是是力量許多人錯錯誤相信信知識就就是力量量,這完完全是不不正確的的;所以以許多有有者感到到窮末路路,愁苦苦一生。知識只是是潛伏的的力量,真的力力量來至至知而行行。學(xué)以致用用才會發(fā)發(fā)揮它的的力量,知識沒沒有化為為行動還還是于知知識。這這好比金金錢放在在床墊而而沒有去去應(yīng)用我我們可能能閱讀過過許多書書本聽過過錄帶,參加過過不少研研討會,豐富的的知識告告訴們怎怎樣做得得更好。但是,業(yè)業(yè)績只在在一般水水平,未未達(dá)理想想,這是是因為許許多豐富富的知識識所學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)到的都都停留在在我們的的腦袋里里而沒有有盡力的的把所學(xué)學(xué)到的知知識化為為行動去

16、去發(fā)揮。了解知識識化為行行動是不不夠的,你還要要決定把把灌輸?shù)牡闹R化化為行動動去改變變些什么么。這股力量量去改變變你的人人將取決決于你所所擁有的的知識,不在于于你懂得得多少,而是你你能實踐踐多少你你所懂得得。不在乎你你擁有多多少和所所接受的的訓(xùn)練,而是你你本質(zhì)和和能力。A SIIMPLLER LIFFEBeecomme aa SppeciialiistMManyy clliennts comme tto mme wwanttingg too leearnn hoow tto mmanaagettheiir ttimee moore efffecttiveely. Thhe vvastt “m

17、mounntaiin” of tassks theeyarre ttryiing to acccompplissh eeachh daay iis ooverrwheelmiing. Soome areeanggry. Soome aree exxtreemelly sstreesseed. Somme aare simmplyyinccapaacittateed bby tthe dauuntiing chaalleengee. AAll of theem aasktthe samme qquesstioon:”Howw caan II maanagge aall of thiis?”I w

18、woulld llikee too suuggeest a ddifffereent perrspeectiive. Innsteead ofttryiing to thiink of “hoow” to mannagee itt, ttry thiinkiing firrst of“whaat” it is youure tryyingg too maanagge. Movve ffromm beeingg aggeneerallistt too beecommingg a speeciaalisst.TThe firrst steep iis tto ttakee innvenntorry

19、 oof wwhatt yoou aare tryyinggto acccompplissh eeachh daay. Staart by askkingg yooursselff thheseequeestiionss:-Whaat ddo II reeallly wwantt too doo? WWe oofteen tthinnk, “Iff I donntdo thiis, it wonnt gett doone.” TThatt mootivvatiion commes froom aasennse of oblligaatioon aand guiilt rattherr thha

20、n dessiree. TThiss caan(aand oftten doees) leaad tto ffeellinggs oof rreseentmmentt. LLearrn ttosaay “no” too thhinggs yyou donnt rreallly wannt tto ddo. Speeciaalisstshhavee a reaal ppasssionn foor wwhatt thhey do.-WWhatt amm I exppecttingg off myysellf? Youu geet oonlyy 244 hoourss eaachdday likke

21、 eeverryonne eelsee. GGivee yooursselff a breeak! Loook atwwhatt yooure tryy too fiit iin tto eeachh daay. Is it reaasonnablle?SSpecciallistts hhavee a keeen ssensse oof wwhatt thhey cann acccommpliishaand thee tiime it takkes to acccompplissh iit. Theey ddont“ovverbbookk” ttheiir sscheedulle.-Whhat

22、 do I ddo bbestt? IIf yyou cannt coook vveryy weell, sttopttryiing to be thee chhef. Yooulll jjustt geet “burrnedd” aand no oneewilll llikee whhat youu “ccookk” aanywway. Sppeciialiistss arre ttaleenteedinn a narrroww fiieldd. BBy llimiitinng yyourrsellf tto ddoinng wwhatt yooudoo reeallly wwelll, y

23、youll gett evven bettterr att itt.-Whhat willl II deeleggatee? MManaagerrs aare oftten guiiltyy off haavinngthheirr “ffinggerss” iin eeverrythhingg. TThiss onnly draainss tiime anddeneergyy awway froom tthosse ttaskks tthatt onnly youu caan ddo. If youucannt truust othherss too acccommpliish thiings

24、s, yyouve gott ottherrisssuess too deeal witth. Speeciaalissts aree veery goood aat wwhatt thheyddo bbecaausee itts aall theey ddo. Braain surrgeoons donnt ttreaatinn-grrownn tooenaailss.Thhe nnextt sttep is to do it. Annsweerinng tthe aboove queestiionsswilll hhelpp yoou ddefiine youur sspecciallty

25、 areea. Staart smaall byeelimminaatinng aa feew ttaskks tthatt doont ffit intto yyourr sppeciialttyarrea. Onnce youu beeginn, yyoull finnd iit eeasiier to conntinnue tonnarrrow youur ffocuus bby aautoomatticaallyy sccreeeninng oout thoose tasskstthatt doont ffit. Yoou mmustt bee wiilliing to givve uup tthe ideea oofbeeingg “aall thiingss too alll ppeopple.” IIts mmuchh beetteer tto bbeprrofiicieent at a ffew thiingss thhan to be meddioccre at man


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