1、 64/64(English Version)Table oof ConntentChapterr 1 Conneectionn betwween IInmarssat annd PC. Paage3Chapterr 2 - AMOSCConnecct Quiick Innstalllationn Pagge 42.1 Veriify Coonnecttion Pagee 5Chapterr 3 AMOSCConnecct simmple uuser gguide. Pagee 73.1 Starrt AMOOS Connnect Page 73.2 Editting aaddresss bo
2、ooks Page 73.3 Comppose nnew emmail Page 103.4 Comppose FFAX (TText OOnly) Page 143.5 Comppose FFAX (Attacchmentt) Page 163.6 - Comppose TTelex Page 183.7 Diall and conneect Page 203.8 Checck connnectiion sttatus Page 22Chapterr 4 FAQ SSessioon. Pagee 23Appendiix I . Paage 366Importaant Noote:After
3、iinstalll AmoosConnnect, pleasse makke surre youu backkup thhe follder CC:AM332AMPPO (or C:AMPOO) at leastt oncee per monthh, so you ccould recovvery aall yoour AmmosConnnect settiing annd hisstory in caase yoou PC have technnical probllemHow to Backuup AmoosConnnect aand Reeinstaall inn New PC Copy
4、 thhe follder CC:AM332AMPPO ( tthe maail paath foolder couldd be ffound in Heelp/abbout AAmosCoonnectt) at leastt oncee per monthh to oother PC orr Hardd DiskkIf PC wwith AAmosCoonnectt havee probblem, copy the AAMPO ffolderr to tthe neew pc Installl AmossConneect veersionn 7.4 by cllick AAC-7.44.16
5、 (Setupp.exe) fromm you AmosCConnecct CD , thee Setuup.exee is iin thee sourrce foolder , donnt usse settup.baat unnless you wwant tto insstall new ddatabaase After iinstalllatioon , cclick “Connnect tto exiistingg postt offiice” Chose LLocal Databbase aand brrowse to thhe follder oof AMPPO In C:AAm
6、32, or C:proggram ffileAAmosCoonnectt, finnd outt filee “ ReesetDeeviceCComputter.exxe “ and ddoublee clicck it ( to resett the modemm drivver) Your AmmosConnnect shoulld be fullyy recooveredd Chapterr 1 Conneectionn betwween IInmarssat annd PCInmarsaat B:Computer(9 Pin COM Port)Inmarsat B Terminal(
7、DTEComputer(9 Pin COM Port)Inmarsat B Terminal(DTE Port)Computer(9 Pin COM Port)(9 Pin or 25 pin )(9 Pin or 25 pin )Inmarsaat Minni-M:Mini-M TerminalMini-M Terminal(9 Pin Data Port)Computer(9 Pin COM Port)Computer(9 Pin COM Port)Computer(9 Pin COM Port)Computer(9 Pin COM Port)Inmarsaat F (RS2232 Dii
8、rect Conneectionn):Inmarsat-Inmarsat-F Terminal(RS232 Port)Computer(9 Pin COM Port)Computer(9 Pin COM Port)RS232 Serial RS232 Serial FAX MachineFAX MachineTelephoneTelephoneInmarsaat F( Witth ISDDN TA):ISDN TAInmarsat-ISDN TAInmarsat-F Terminal(ISDN Port)Computer(9 Pin COM Port)ISDN LineComputer(9 P
9、in COM Port)ISDN LineSerial LineSerial LineFAX MachineFAX MachineTelephoneChapterr 2- AMOOSConnnect QQuick instaallatiionTelephonePlace AAMOSCoonnectt CD in tthe CDDROM ddriveDouble clickk to oopen ”MMy Commputerr” on deskttopDouble clickk on CCD-ROM ddrive Double clickk “Settup”, a winndow wwill pp
10、op upp, keepp waitting dduringg the instaallatiion unntil yyou seee thee messsage AMOS-Mail restoored. Pleasse tryy to rrun AMMOS Coonnectt and confiirm After iinstalllatioon hass beenn comppletedd, thee winddow wiill cllose aautomaaticallly.For Re-Instaallatiion, folllows tthese stepss :Remove “AMO
11、SS Connnect” underr “Addd/Remoove Prrogramms” inn “Conntrol Panell” Delete the wwhole direcctory C:amm32 Start iinstalllatioon froom steep 12.1 Verrify CConnecctionDouble the iicon AMOSS Conneect on deesktoppClick tthe DDail buttoon, folllow byy the ”Connnect” buttoonIf no errorr messsage ppop upp a
12、nd you ccan seee staatistiics coount , thatt meanns thee connnectioon is in prrogresss. Now, yoou cann starrt to use AAMOS CConnecct.If erroor messsage pop uup or you ccannott makee a coonnecttion, pleasse reffer too Chappter 44 FAAQ Sesssion for ttroublleshooot forr trouubleshhootChapterr 3 AMOSCCo
13、nnecct simmple uuser gguide3.1 Staart AMMOS CoonnecttDouble clickk the icon AMOSS Conneect on deesktopp3.2 Ediiting Addreess Boooks (E-maiil, Faax andd Teleex Serrvice)Click tthe Addreess bbuttonn, the Addrress BBook windoow willl popp upClick tthe New buttton, the New Direcctory willl pop upAdding
14、contaacts iin Adddress Book :Adding Emaill addrress:Select Inteernet in tthe TTemplaate ppull-ddown mmenuInput tthe emmail aaddresss in the AAddresss. (e.gg. Thee Emaiil adddress is HYPERLINK mailto: seerviceexanttic.neet as shownn in tthe foollowiing exxamplee)Adding FAX nnumberr:Select Fax” in thh
15、e Teemplatte puull-doown meenuInput tthe fax nuumber in thhe Adddress. (e.gg. Thee fax numbeer is +852555555555 as shownn in tthe foollowiing exxamplee)Adding telexx numbber:Select Teleex inn the Tempplate pulll-downn menuuInput tthe teelex nnumberr in tthe Adddresss. (e.g. Thhe tellex nuumber is +8
16、5331103 ass showwn in the ffollowwing eexamplle.)3.3 Commpose new eemailClick tthe NNew iicon aat topp-leftt handd cornn, the New Messaage aand Addreess Seelectiion windoows wiill poop upClick tto sellect tthe reecipieent, clicck To, Cc or Bcc tto putt it oon thee listtClick Closee whhen fiinishEnte
17、r tthe suubjectt and conteent foor thee emaiilClick Attacch buutton if yoou wannt to add aattachhment, the Add Attacchmentt(s) windoow willl popp upFind annd cliick onn the targeet fille, clicck oppen.The atttachmeent wiill bee put into the nnew meessageeClick the Send butttonThe emaail wiill bee pu
18、t in ”Send Queuee”, peendingg for delivveryThe emaail wiill allso maake a copy in “SSendBoox” foor reccord3.4 Commpose FAX - Texxt Onlly, onnly seend FAAX witth Engglish conteentClick tthe NNew buttoon, the New Messaage aand Addreess Seelectiion winddows wwill ppop uppClick tto sellect tthe reecipie
19、ent, cclick To, Cc or Bcc to puut it on thhe lisstClick Closee whhen fiinishEnter tthe suubjectt and conteent foor thee emaiilClick tthe SSend buttoon 3.5 Commpose FAX - Atttachmeent meethod, can be ussed wiith anny priintingg-capaable ssoftwaareStart AAMOS CConnecctUnder aany prrintinng-cappable so
20、ftwware, selecct AMMOS Faax foor priintingg. For exampple : FAX uunder “MS WWord” documment :Print tthe doocumennt, seleect too use the pprinteer “AMMOS-Maail Faax” After ppress “OK” , The documment wwill bbe sennt too AMOOS Connnect , seelect the rrecipiient llist aand prress tthe SSend buttoon to
21、send it3.6 Commpose TelexxClick tthe NNew bbuttonn, thee Neww Messsage and Addreess Seelectiion wwindowws willl popp upClick tto sellect tthe reecipieent, cclick To, Cc or Bcc to puut it on thhe lisstClick Closee wheen finnish4. Enteer thee subjject aand coontentt for the eemail3.7 Diaal andd Connne
22、ctIn the SenddQue windoows, cclick the Dial buttoon, a wiindow Diall Remoote Poost Offfice willl pop upSelect the ssuitabble moodem ddeviceeClick tthe CConnecct buutton to deeliverr the messaageRemark: All messaage (ee.g. eemail, fax or teelex) in SeendQuee willl disaappearred affter ddeliveery Afte
23、r tthe coonnecttion ssucceeed, thhe folllowinng winndow wwill ppop upp:3.8 Cheeck coonnecttion sstatuss- All mmessagge (e.g. emmail, fax oor tellex) iin SenndQue will disapppear afterr deliivery ! (You can ppress F5 too refrresh tthe sccreen !)- Messaages wwill rremainn in SSendQuue unttil itt is ss
24、end oout suuccesssfullyy- Afterr the messaage haas beeen dellivereed, itt willl showw a TTimer iconn in tthe “SSentBoox”:- Inmarrsat-CCwill autommaticaally iissue alertt if aany emmails faileed to delivver !- If thhe maiil is delivvered succeessfullly, aa iconn “Ticck” wiill shhown (Afterr you make
25、a diaal connnectiion neext tiime ) :- If maail caannot be deeliverred (eeg. Maails ddeleteed froom ”SeendQuee” ), a “Noo Entrry Siggn” willl showwn :Chapterr 4 FAQ SSessioonPlease checkk the folloowing firstt :A . Inmmarsatt - AEnsure that the ppower of mmodem is swwitcheed onEnsure that you aare us
26、sing 22-pin telepphone wire, convverterr willl be nneededd for 4-pinn wiree, pleease ccontacct us for aarragnnment B. Inmaarsat - BEnsure that the Data Numbeer opeerate normaallyEnsure that you hhave rregisttered and aable tto usee Stattion 112 chaannelC. 衛(wèi)通 MMini - M Ensure that you hhave rregistte
27、red and aable tto usee Stattion 112 chaannelAMOS Coonnectt connnectioon nummber ccheckThe connnectiion nuumber of AAMOS CConnecct is basedd on tthe tyypes oof Inmmarsatt, you can ppress the “Phonne” buutton to chheck tthe deetailss :Common conneectionn numbbers aas folllowinng :Inmarsat A (eg : JRC
28、JUE-45)T*12#,65#Inmarsat B (eg : JRC JUE-310)012#65#Mini-M (eg : Nera)65# (Need to select Station 12 channel on inmarsat)The connnectiion sttring 012# or T*122# meaniing too chooose Sttationn 12 aas thee commmunicaation channnel annd 655# iss the speciial coonnecttion nnumberr on oour seerver.For ot
29、hher innmarsaats cconnecction numbeer settting, pleaase reefer tto Apppendixx I.AMOS Coonnectt cannnot deetect modemm (fail to innitiallize tthe moodem) Cause oof thee probblems and ttroublleshooot steeps:Problemm on DDTE caable cconnecction.Please checkk the conneectionn of DDTE caable wwith PPC an
30、dd Inmaarsat Termiinal, pleasse usee COM Port oon PC for cconnecction. For conneectionn portt in iinmarssat, ppleasee refeer to relatted maanual or coontactt withh the suppllier Inmarsaat prooblem or daata teerminaal settting errorrPlease contaact wiith thhe inmmarsatt suppplierAMOSConnnect COM Port
31、 ssettinng errrorPlease do foollowiing :Start AAMOS CConnecctSelect and cclick “Remoote” - “Moodem SServicce”Double-clickk relaated mmodem devicceChange “Deviice” ssettinng to a suiitablee COM portClick “OK” to cconfirrmWrong sselectt on mmodem deviccePlease do foollowiing :Start AAMOS CConnecctSele
32、ct and cclick “Remoote” - “Moodem SServicce”Check tthat tthe moodem ddevicee is oon thee listtYes MModem devicce havve insstalleed prooperlyyNo Moodem ddevicee haveent iinstallled pproperrly, ppleasee checck andd corrrectClick tto sellect uunusedd modeem devviceClick “RRemovee” buttton tto dellete t
33、the moodem ddeviceeClick “Add”, thee “Addd New Modemm Deviice” wwindowws popp upSelect “Use AM deevice”, find a suitable device under the ”Modem” pull-down list. Select a suitable COM port under the “Device” pull down list. Normally it is COM 1 or COM 2Click “DDial” underr the ”Senddque” windoowSele
34、ct suitaable mmodem devicce undder thhe ”Deevice” listClick “CConnecct” too makee a coonnecttion aagain If the abovee methhod iss not workiing, ppleasee try the ffollowwing ssettinng (Onnly suuitablle forr Inmaarsat-B useer)If Winddow haaventt insttall Standdard 119200 bps MModem, Pleease iinstalll
35、:Click “Starrt” - “Setttingss” - “Conttrol PPanel”Click “ Phonee and Modemm Optiion”Add “Sttandarrd 192200 bpps Moddem”Add “Sttandarrd 192200 bpps Moddem” uunder AMOS ConneectStart AAMOS CConnecctSelect and cclick “Remmote” - “MModem Serviice”If therre is “Stanndard 192000 bps Modemm”, seelect and c
36、click the “Remoove” bbuttonnClick “Add”, the “Add New MModem Devicce” wiindow pop uupClick “Use TAPI ddevicee”, seleect “SStandaard 199200 bbps moodem” underr “moddem” ppull-ddown llistClick “OK” to cconfirrmClick “DDial” underr the ”Senddque” winddowSelect “Staandardd 192000 bpss Modeem” unnder tth
37、e “DDevicee” lisstClick “CConnecct” tto makke connnectiion aggain No Carrrier CCause of thhe prooblem and ttroublleshoooting stepss :Signal unstaableWait unntil tthe siignal becommes noormal and mmake aa connnectioon agaainInmarsaat siggnal wwill bbe dissturbeed durring ccargo loadiing/unnloadiing a
38、tt harbbour tterminnal, waitt untiil thee signnal reeturnss normmal annd makke connnectiion aggain.Wrong DDialupp StriingClick “DDial” in thhe ”Seendquee” winndowClick tthe buutton besiddes “PPhone”, the “AMOSSConneect Seerver” windoow willl popp upAccordiing too the type of Innmarsaat Terrminall, e
39、ntter thhe suiitablee diall striing (PPleasee refeer to Appenndix II, AMOOSConnnect ssectioon). Checksuum errror / Receiive Tiimeoutt CCause of thhe prooblem and ttroublleshoooting stepss :1. Signnal unnstablleWait unntil tthe siignal becommes noormal and mmake cconnecction againnbInmarssat siignal
40、will be diisturbbed duuring cargoo loadding/uunloadding aat harrbour termiinal, wait untill the signaal retturns normaal andd makee connnectioon agaain.If alwaays haave “CCheckssum errror / Receeive ttimeouut” errror, theree may have probllem wiith thhe harrdwaree drivver, ppleasee conttact uus forr
41、 furtther ttroublleshooot“Sendquue” diisappeeared or pllaced else wheree Caause oof thee probblem aand trroubleeshootting ssteps:1. Thee “Sendqque” wwas noot sellectedd a. Cllick “WWindoww” - “Tilee Horiizontaally” to ree-arraange tthe wiindowssAppendiix Modem ddriverr and dialiing sttring Please se
42、t uup youur Deffault LES aas 0112 ! Open AmmosConnnect , theen remmote/MModem serviicesClick aadd annd choose thhe moddem drriver from beloww tablle, pllease chosee the correect coom porrt For Fleeet 777 (Nerra, Saailor and FFurunoo) Dirrect RRS232 Conneectionn( witthout ISDN TA), clickk detaail ann
43、d theen cliick emmail , checck thee box beforre : eenablee PPP Coompatiible mmode oon thiis devvice Click DDial , and chosee the devicce jusst insstalleed , then clickk the box oon rigght off Phonne andd filll the numbeer of 65 , clickk the locattion aand fiill prrefix and ssuffixx baseed on the ffo
44、llowwing ttableyou couuld allso fiillingg in tthe tootal ddialinng strring iin thee phonne enttry iff you AmosCConnecct alllow yoou do so , but ppleasee makee suree locaation prefiix andd sufffix arre alll emptty. Satcom Mini-M TerrminallIf the no coonnecttion ppossibble affter iinstalllatioon, plle
45、ase adjusst minni-M ddata sspeed to 96600 orr 48000 via it meenu MakerModelModel DDriverr (AAM Devvice)PhoneLocatioon preefixLocatioon sufffixDialingg striingT&T3064AT&T minni-M 33064A65#65#NeraWorldphhone MMarinee Nera Sttandarrd M 2240065#65#Satcom Fleett 33 TTerminnal If the no coonnecttion pposs
46、ibble affter iinstalllatioon, pllease adjusst fleeet 333 dataa speeed to 1152000 or 192000 viaa it hand set mmenu MakerModelModel DDriverr (AMM Deviice)PhoneLocatioon preefixLocatioon sufffixDialingg striingT&T3088 AT&T Fleeet 333AmosCConnecct65#65#NeraFleet 333Nera Flleet 33365#65#FurunoFleet 333Fu
47、runo Fleett 3365#65#Satcom Fleett 77, 55 Teerminaal witth dirrect RRS232 Conneectionn The settting only applyy to ddirectt connnectioon bettween PC coom porrt andd RS2332 porrt (X110 forr T&T and RRS232 A forr Neraa and Furunno) off fleeet terrminall Very Immportaant !After mmodem is chhose, pleasse
48、 cliick deetail and tthen cclick emaill, Tick thhe boxx befoore : enablle PPPP Comppatiblle modde on this devicce MakerModelModel DDriverr (AMM Deviice)PhoneLocatioon preefixLocatioon sufffixDialingg striingT&T3084 AT&T Fleeet 555/77 IISDN65#65#NeraFleet 777Nera Flleet 555/33 and GGAN65#65#FurunoFle
49、et 777FurunoFFleet 55/333 ISDNN 65#65#Satcom Fleett 77, 55 Teerminaal witth extternall ISNDD TA ISDN TAA needded foor thee folllowingg modeel: JRRC JUEE 410 and TT&T 30084A wwith SSoftwaare veersionn loweer thaan 1.330MakerModelModel DDriverr (AMM Deviice)PhoneLocatioon preefixLocatioon sufffixDialingg striingMutilteec128ST IISDNMultiteech 1228ST IISDN65
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