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1、IDES - The SAP Model Company Translated by HYPERLINK / Pages 25/25Purchase Orders and Follow- On Functions With Batches, QM and Sample Admin.采購訂單及帶批次、QM、抽樣管理的后續(xù)功能PurposeIn this process, you order a material, post the goods receipt for the purchase order, and then settle the order.在這個過程中, 你將訂購一個物料, 為

2、采購訂單收貨過帳, 以及作訂單的結(jié)算.You ccan finnd mmoree innforrmattionn abboutt thhis proocesss uundeer .Proceess FloowYou ccan finnd tthe datta ffor thiis pproccesss unnderr . HYPERLINK /FD78BBFB05D811D2A56E0060087D1BFC/content.htm Creattingg a Purrchaase Ordder HYPERLINK /FD78BBFE05D811D2A56E0060087D1BFC/content

3、.htm Postiing thee Gooodss Reeceiipt forr thhe PPurcchasse OOrdeer HYPERLINK /FD78BC0105D811D2A56E0060087D1BFC/content.htm Enterringg thhe IInvooiceeAddiitioonall Prroceess InfformmatiionThis proocesss ddemoonsttrattes a oone-timme oordeer. A mmateeriaal pproccureemennt ccoulld aalsoo bee thhe rresu

4、ult of a pproccesss chhainn trrigggereed bby mmateeriaals plaanniing. Thheree arre vvariiouss ottherr tyypess off puurchhasee orrderrs aand outtlinne aagreeemeentss inn thhe PPurcchassingg apppliicattionn. TThiss prroceess redducees pproccureemennt tto oonlyy thhe mmostt fuundaamenntall sttepss off

5、exxterrnall maaterrialls pproccureemennt iin tthe R/33 Syysteem. To do thiis, we usees tthe bassic forrm oof aa puurchhasee orrderr doocummentt, tthe staandaard purrchaase ordder. Thhe ssetttinggs iin tthe matteriial massterr reecorrd eensuure thaat aa gooodss reeceiipt is auttomaaticcallly ppostted

6、 to thee innspeectiion stoock andd thhat an insspecctioon llot is genneraatedd.Dataa Ussed Durringg Thhis ProocesssFielddDataVendoor1006Orderr tyypeNBPurchhasiing orgganiizattionn1000Purchhasiing grooup008Plantt 1100Storaage loccatiion0001Materriall300-1130 Creaatinng aa Puurchhasee OrrderrCall up t

7、hee trranssacttionn ass foolloows:Menu PatthFrom thee Maaterrialls MManaagemmentt noode, chhoosse Puurchhasiing Puurchhasee Orrderr Creeatee Venndorr/Suuppllyinng PPlannt KKnowwnTranssacttionn CoodeME21NNOn thhe CCreaate Purrchaase Ordder scrreenn, eenteer tthe folllowwingg daata:FielddDataStanddard

8、d POOVendoor1006 or Blaackss AGGDocummentt daateTodayys datte (deffaullt)Choosse .If neecesssarry, youu caan eexpaand thee heeadeer ddataa arrea by chooosiing Heaaderr.On thhe OOrg.datta ttab pagge, entter thee foolloowinng ddataa:FielddDataPurchhasiing orgganiizattionn1000Purchhasiing grooup008Comp

9、aany codde 1000If neecesssarry, exppandd thhe iitemm ovvervvieww arrea, byy chhoossingg Ittem oveerviiew.Enterr thhe ffolllowiing datta:FielddDataMaterriall300-1130PO quuanttityy1000C (Caateggoryy off deelivveryy daate)D (daay fformmat)Delivveryy daateOne mmontth ffromm toodayys datteNet ppricceAny

10、ppriccePlantt 1100Storaage loccatiion0001 Choosse .It iss poossiiblee thhat thee maaterriall allreaady hass ann innfo reccordd, wwhicch ooverrwriitess thhe aamouunt youu haave jusst eenteeredd.Choosse .The ssysttem connfirrms thee poostiing andd asssiggns a ppurcchasse oordeer ddocuumennt nnumbber.

11、Maake a nnotee off thhis nummberr.Choosse .Posttingg thhe GGoodds RReceeiptt foor tthe Purrchaase OrdderCall up thee trranssacttionn ass foolloows:Menu PatthFrom thee Innvenntorry MManaagemmentt noode, chhoosse GGoodds MMoveemennt Gooods Recceippt Forr Puurchhasee Orrderr PO Nummberr Knnownn.Transsa

12、cttionn CoodeMIGOThe GGoodds RReceeiptt Puurchhasee Orrderr sscreeen apppearrs.Enterr thhe ffolllowiing datta:FielddDataPurchhasee orrderrYour purrchaase ordder nummberrChoosse .The ssysttem coppiess thhe hheadder datta oof tthe purrchaase ordder intto tthe heaaderr daata areea oof tthe GR doccumeen

13、t.The ppurcchasse oordeer iitemms aappeear in thee GRR ittem oveerviiew.The PPO nnumbber youu ennterred apppearrs iin tthe Currrennt ppurcchasse oordeer ffielld, andd thhe PPO nnumbber fieeld is oncce aagaiin rreaddy tto aacceept inpput. If yoou cclicck oon iindiividduall ittemss, tthe sysstemm diis

14、pllayss ann ittem datta sscreeen (alllowwingg yoou tto cchannge thee inncommingg quuanttityy, ffor exaamplle).In thhe hheadder datta aareaa off thhe GGeneerall taab ppagee, eenteer tthe folllowwingg daata:FielddDataDocummentt daateTodayys datte (deffaullt)Postiing datteTodayys datte (deffaullt)Selec

15、ct yyourr ittem, thhen chooosee thhe WWherre ttab pagge aat tthe botttomm off thhe sscreeen to cheeck youur oorgaanizzatiion datta.If neecesssarry, entter thee foolloowinng ddataa:FielddDataMovemmentt tyype101 (Gooods recceippt)Plantt Berliin oor 111000Storaage loccatiionOutbooundd waarehhousse oor

16、000011On thhe QQuanntitty ttab pagge, entter thee foolloowinng ddataa:FielddDataQuanttityy inn unnit of enttry50 CAANChoosse .The ssysttem auttomaaticcallly cconvvertts tthe quaantiity of conntaiinerrs (50) innto thee unnit of meaasurre rrecoordeed ffor thiis mmateeriaal iin tthe warrehoousee.In thh

17、e iitemm ovvervvieww arrea, seelecct OOK ffor youur iitemm.If thhe OOK iindiicattor in thee ittem oveerviiew areea iis nnot acttivee, eeithher cloose thee ittem dettaill arrea or sellectt Ittem OK in thee loowerr paart of thee ittem dettaill arrea.In thhe uuppeer ppartt off thhe sscreeen, chhoosse P

18、Postt .The ssysttem connfirrms thee poostiing andd asssiggns a mmateeriaal ddocuumennt nnumbber. Maake a nnotee off thhis nummberr.You hhavee thhus inccreaasedd thhe wwareehouuse stoock andd geenerrateed aan iinsppecttionn loot.Choosse uuntiil tthe oveerviiew treee aappeearss.PS. 此此時物料料已過帳帳到質(zhì)量量檢驗庫庫存

19、, 但同時時也算是是公司自自有庫存存, 因因為此時時會計憑憑證已經(jīng)經(jīng)產(chǎn)生, 并且且緊接著著下一步步可以做做發(fā)票校校驗. 但如此此一來, 會存存在一個個問題, 就是是如果先先做了發(fā)發(fā)票校驗驗, 然然后進行行QM質(zhì)質(zhì)檢, 當發(fā)生生品質(zhì)不不合格退退貨時, 是否否會導致致發(fā)票也也被沖銷銷或需要要先沖銷銷發(fā)票再再退貨? 下面面來證實實一下.Entteriing thee InnvoiiceProceedurreCall up thee trranssacttionn ass foolloows:Menu PatthFrom thee Puurchhasee Orrderr noode, chhoosse

20、 FFolllow-On Funnctiionss Loogissticcs IInvooicee VeerifficaatioonTranssacttionn CoodeMIRO;MR33MChoosse SSwittch commpanny ccodee.In thhe EEnteer CComppanyy Coode diaalogg boox, thee syysteem ddispplayys tthe commpanny ccodee thhat is currrenntlyy acctivve ffor invvoicce vveriificcatiion. Thhis reff

21、erss too thhe ccomppanyy coode lasst uusedd byy thhe uuserr.If reequiiredd, eenteer tthe folllowwingg daata:FielddDataCompaany codde 1000Choosse .In thhe ffielld ddireectlly aabovve aand to thee leeft of thee ittem oveerviiew, usse tthe inpput hellp tto cchooose Purrchaase ordder/schheduulinng aagre

22、eemeent (iff itt dooes nott allreaady apppearr ass thhe ddefaaultt teext) .You ccan alsso uuse thiis aactiivitty tto eenteer iinvooicees wwithh reeferrencce tto aa deelivveryy noote, foor eexammplee. TThe sysstemm prropoosess thhe vvaluue llastt ennterred by thee usser in eacch ccasee.On thhe BBasii

23、c DDataa taab ppagee, iin tthe heaaderr daata areea, entter thee foolloowinng ddataa:FielddDataDocummentt daateTodayys dattePostiing datteTodayys datte (deffaullt)Tax aamouunt, riightt-haand fieeldDomessticc innputt taax 116%To thhe rrighht oof tthe Purrchaase ordder/schheduulinng aagreeemeent inppu

24、t fieeldYour purrchaase ordder nummberrChoosse .In thhe iitemm ovvervvieww, tthe sysstemm diispllayss thhe ppurcchasse oordeer ddataa, aas wwelll ass thhe nnet amoountt inn thhe bbalaancee fiieldd thhat is reqquirred to callcullatee thhe ggrosss aamouunt. Thhe ttraffficc liightt foor tthe Ballancce

25、ffielld iis rred.The vvaluue oof tthe gooods delliveeredd pllus VATT iss noormaallyy ennterred on thee innvoiice sennt tto yyou by thee veendoor. In thiis pproccesss, wwe ssimuulatte tthiss prroceedurre aand dettermminee thhe iinvooicee ammounnt ooursselvves.Choosse tthe Taxx taab ppagee.Enterr thhe

26、 ffolllowiing datta:FielddDataCalcuulatte ttaxSelecctWhen youu acctivvatee Caalcuulatte ttax thee syysteem ddispplayys tthe grooss amoountt inn thhe bbalaancee fiieldd. TThe corrressponndinng ttax porrtioon aappeearss inn thhe TTax amoountt fiieldd.If yoou hhavee seelecctedd thhe ttax codde NNo ttax

27、 proocedduree, oor AA/PSSalees ttax exeemptt, tthe Taxx ammounnt ffielld cconttainns tthe vallue 0. In thiis ccasee, tthe Ballancce ffielld cconttainns tthe nett ammounnt.Choosse tthe Bassic datta ttab pagge.Enterr thhe ffolllowiing datta:FielddDataAmounntGrosss ammounnt ddeteermiinedd(On thee ittem

28、 linne)Selecct Choosse .When youu coonfiirm youur eentrriess, tthe traaffiic llighht tto tthe lefft oof tthe Ballancce ffielld cchanngess too grreenn.In thhis exaamplle, we asssumee thhat thee innvoiicedd ammounnt eequaals thee caalcuulatted amoountt.Choosse .The ssysttem connfirrms witth tthe messsagge DDocuumennt nno. # crreatted.The iinvooicee iss innitiiallly bblocckedd foor ppaymmentt. PPosssiblle rreassonss inncluude varrianncess (ssetttlemmentt daate tooo eaarlyy, ffor exaamplle), orr spporaadicc cconttroll bll


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