1、e t they should be able to keep all the money they earn and should not taxtothee.TowhatextentdoyouagreeorThe taxation of ernment requires tax dollars from our pocketse t they should be able to keep all the money they earn and should not taxtothee.TowhatextentdoyouagreeorThe taxation of ernment requi
2、res tax dollars from our pockets living us with abledollarstospendonselfseveringTaxationhasfourmainesoreffects:, ernment will have no funds to spend on road, schools, hospitals and infrastructure;thissituationwillyleadtothedisorderofoursocietyThe second has to do with the redistribution. Normally, t
3、his means transferring wealth from the richer sections of society to poorer sections. If no one pays tax, the rich keep richerandthepoorpoorer.Consequently,polarizationwillemerge.Thissituatione threat to the stabilization of our society. The tax increases in the direct proportion to amountyouThere a
4、re so l, medical, andtechnical problems asso ted withthe use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree t the problems outweigh the benefits of the mobile Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range, and investigation conducted via body research (include non-human
5、 animals and humans) bethis radiation is harmful to human health.Some individuals talk with eople loudly through their mobile phone in public ,therebydisturbingeoplewhostayaroundSome adolescents are mad ding massages via mobile phones, the addiction willyhavenegativeeffectsontheirperformanceinUsing
6、cell phones enable individuals to contact with others immediay whenever they At present,science hasbeenatahigh speed,but peoplestillhavea high ofartists.Whatcanthelusofthe tsciencecannot?(GREThe true value of a civilized society is reflected in its artistic creations n in The function and ultimate o
7、bjectives of art t art serves to lift the human spirit and putusouchwithourfeelings,foibles,andfateinshort,withourownGreat ings, music and literature are able to exert great influence on y them ions of good or bad in society, and societythem know and Anartistsinspirationandcreativeworksreflecttheful
8、lhistoryofhumanWithout science, we are like an eagle without wings: we have dreams and ambitions, cannotrealizeanycountries,theproportionofitiveornegativeeffectsontheIn21stcentury,withmodernmedicaltechniquesadvancingly,numerousdiseaseswereconsideredasincurableseveralyearagocanbeconqueredeasilyThe de
9、velopment of modern technology has been raising the living standards of the people of the whole world.The economic effects of an ageingcannotrealizeanycountries,theproportionofitiveornegativeeffectsontheIn21stcentury,withmodernmedicaltechniquesadvancingly,numerousdiseaseswereconsideredasincurablesev
10、eralyearagocanbeconqueredeasilyThe development of modern technology has been raising the living standards of the people of the whole world.The economic effects of an ageing population are considerable. Older people often higher accumulated savings per n younger people, but may be spending less consu
11、mer goods. An ageing population may thus result in economicbenefitsoflowererest rates and WearenowconfrontedwiththeproblemofincreasingratioofseniorI t it is the obligation and duty of ernment to support the old people their nation. After all, citizens have paid taxes to ernment. Yet, looking after s
12、ive number of elderly people willcost exorbitant amount of money of public therebyinreturnburdeningthepeoplewithheavyHowever population aging also increases some categories of expenditure, including met from public . The largest area of any countries is now care, whose cost islikelyto increase drama
13、ticallyasthepopulation ages. Thiswould ernments with hard n higher taxes, including sible reweighing of fromearningstoconsumption,andaernmentroleinprovidinghealthFewer young people would probably o higher education as they would be demand as part of the work force, the trend which has detrimental in
14、fluence upon societyasa the problem of population ageing.Some e t air travel should be restricted because it causes serious andusesuptheworldsfuel.TowhatextentdoyouagreeorI do t air ion pollutant totheenvironment andisawaste natural.Afterall,whenfossilfuelsareburnedtoproduceenergy,carbondioxiderelea
15、sed. Carbon dioxide is one of the tcausethe greenhouse effect. Most of our fossil fuel supply was created millions of years ago, and the earth has only limitedamount of these fuelsand humansare using them upvery fast. However, it isnot t lead to severe environment problems and the crisis of . In fac
16、t, causesofsuchpressing lproblemsvary.Comparedwithinnumerousand factories of heavy industry, the detrimental influence upon the world caused by vehiclescanbeOn the t lead to severe environment problems and the crisis of . In fact, causesofsuchpressing lproblemsvary.Comparedwithinnumerousand factorie
17、s of heavy industry, the detrimental influence upon the world caused by vehiclescanbeOn the other hand, air transporion has made our trip more comfortable and less Additionally,with themoderntechnology advancing ly, ourts will abilitytocopewiththeseenduringproblems,suchasandwaterscarcity.wehavenocho
18、icebuttoleaveforouroffspringsometroubleeswecouldAdvertising reflectsthe high sales but not the real needsofthe society. Do you agree or disagree to what extend?Nowadays, in our consumer-oriented and pragmatic society, advertisements are greThe objective of many advertisements istomake consumers want
19、 tobuy goods t will be like he ad. This practice is always effective because it not only productsbutalsohelpspeoplefellbetteraboutSome think ernment should responsible for ensuring thepeople of thehealthy lifestyles. Others think we should make our own living andgiveyouropinion. s. Discuss both 當然的和
20、必要的職責。Urging citizens to ernment. 是公民自來限制/healthylifestyleisneitheranappropriatenorasaryfunction.erferewith The number of cars keeps increasing, road systems should be expanded. Some people thinkthe ernmentshouldpayforit.Somepeoplethinkthecarownersshould payforit. What is your opinion?and 當然和必要的職責。I
21、tisthesary functionThe number of cars keeps increasing, road systems should be expanded. Some people thinkthe ernmentshouldpayforit.Somepeoplethinkthecarownersshould payforit. What is your opinion?and 當然和必要的職責。Itisthesary function ernment to construct and enance public medicalfacilitiesandother ernm
22、ent; therefore, ernment funding should not require tax dollars publics pockets to pave roads. Otherwise, s n citizens authoritieswillCarensified,thereb endangeringthestabilityandharmonyofthe但是如果讓他們一個群體單獨承受費用,就像有些人聲稱的一樣, 是不明智的。Accordingly, it requires a major act of will to think valuableeconomicas b
23、oth normal and having Mostcountriesspendoneyoneducation,astheystarttorealizetheimportanceeducation. In your opinion which two subjects do you think is more important and which one is less important. Please give your answers. ForLiteratureis the art ofwritten works; it isthe cream ofhuman languages,
24、which have as the sary foundations on which all ellectual inquiry has rested. literature is related with almost all areas of human endeavor. ForLiteratureis the art ofwritten works; it isthe cream ofhuman languages, which have as the sary foundations on which all ellectual inquiry has rested. litera
25、ture is related with almost all areas of human endeavor. In fact, query whether scientistwhohasneverattendedliteratureclassandneverlearnedhowtoexpresshiscouldwriteasfulsay,orwhetheritcanbeconsidered“essay”at2. Literatureisalsotheessenceofcultures. 文化的表現(xiàn)方式很多,但是文學是文化的重要表broadenstudents horizons, but a
26、lso help to ma ain cultural diversity.Against erms of education. t sports are totally public order and lstability內需求foodstuffs giveupeatingforfearofchoking。Some people be t a country can benefit a lot from university education, while dingalargepercentageofyoungstudentstogotouniversityisthewayleading
27、unemployment.DiscussbothviewsandgiveyourForbe misled, go astray。Againstellectual benefits of attending a university or college are vastly overrated: people could learn more by studying andbe misled, go astray。Againstellectual benefits of attending a university or college are vastly overrated: people
28、 could learn more by studying and reading on their own for four pursuingauniversityorcollegen 求the demand for jobs exceeds the supply。造成了一些pressing so。Manytmainaimforuniversityeducationishelpgraduatestofindjob, while some peopt university education has wider benefit for individual and society. Discu
29、ss both view and give your opinion.Forthehigh paid job2年的理論學習對于以工作FortheWe have entered a throw-away society and fill the environment with rubbish. What are the causes and what are your solutions?able r plate they will no longer be annoyed by washing the plates dinner,alltheyhavestothroughawaythesep
30、eopletendtobefoundofthenewandtiredoftheold。AccordingastudyconductedbyAcademyofScience,5patentsaredevery6hours.all, who want an outmoded 486 PC if the Pentium is available whose price is r rateofsis的 ernmentshouldpayforthecoursefeesforhowantstostudyattheTowhatextentdoyouagreeor的 ernmentshouldpayforth
31、ecoursefeesforhowantstostudyattheTowhatextentdoyouagreeor Some people think it is better for children to bego learn a foreign languageatprimary school n at secondary school. Whats your opinion? Do you think the advantages outweigh Academyof Some employers t formal academic qualifications are more n
32、al qualities when they look for an employee. Why is it the case? Is it itiveornegative alformalacademicqualifications的人都接受過良好的大學教育,或是在業(yè)內是老手veteran。雇主一般不需要進行培訓,他們就可以上崗。al qualities Life experience 但是并不是說 Life experience al qualities 不重要。一些 qualities competition,cooperationjoboriented world來說,還是academ
33、ic qualification 重要。Todays children are living under more re from the n children in the 但是并不是說 Life experience al qualities 不重要。一些 qualities competition,cooperationjoboriented world來說,還是academic qualification 重要。Todays children are living under more re from the n children in the past. whatextentdoyo
34、uagreeordisagreewiththis的工作。Raise their family with dignity. Highereducationcanbefundedinseveralwaysincludingthefollowing1.AllcostsarepaidbyAllcostsarepaidbytheAll costs are paid by the student using loans from the Discussthebenefitsofeachoption.Whichisthebestt must be repaid 如果所有的cost 的出highpaid)Ma
35、ny countries spend a lot of money in art. Some people think investment in art is but others say money is better spent on improving health and education. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.The e and ultimate aim of art t art serves to lift human spirit and put us more touchwithourfeel
36、ings,shortages,andsoul.Inshort,itletustoseethoughour藝術是一個社會文化的精華,也是遺產。A t our tors andtouchwithourfeelings,shortages,andsoul.Inshort,itletustoseethoughour藝術是一個社會文化的精華,也是遺產。A t our tors and coeval werecontinuallyfashioningoutoftheirlifeexperience.ernmentfundsinvestingart will encouragetheoursocietyco
37、nsideredasofandsowassignificant insustainingthet的合適的和必須的職責(aproperandAfter all, certain aspects, such as public health and sary role ofernment ion, are so l to t authoritieshave a dutyto ttheyare 府的做法進行質疑(querythevalidityoftheThe unlimited use of cars may cause many problems. What are those problems
38、? In order to reduce the problems, should we discourage people to use cars?能源的消耗。Gasolinegasfossil caraccidents , , g Some people tstudying inacollege oruniversity isthe best way forstudentsto for their future career. But others think they should leave school as soon sible to theircareerthroughworke
39、xperience.Discussboththeseviewsandgiveyourownunhealthy tendencies 所誤導。systematicwellrounded , erest loanSome people t it is the responsibility ofindividuals to save money for theirown care theyretire.Towhatextentdoyouagreeorrenttax, 還要吃飯,Should we invent a newlanguage for people from different count
40、ries to use for the communication? Do you think there are more benefits or more problems with it?The world is more connected every day in every way. 但是發(fā)明一種新的語言來交流是一個不切實際的幻想。A dream amounts to fantasy.Romawasnotbuildinaday. 語言是經過長時間積累起來的。是一個文化遺產,aheritage t one group of people were continually fashio
41、ning out of Should we invent a newlanguage for people from different countries to use for the communication? Do you think there are more benefits or more problems with it?The world is more connected every day in every way. 但是發(fā)明一種新的語言來交流是一個不切實際的幻想。A dream amounts to fantasy.Romawasnotbuildinaday. 語言是
42、經過長時間積累起來的。是一個文化遺產,aheritage t one group of people were continually fashioning out of their daily life experience.heforeseeable learnsucha“new”languageateoplearetendingerfere in the diversity of language, because the evolutionitselfcanproducetheusefullanguageitt the invention of a new language can h
43、ered by numerous difficulties, their presence does encourage attempts to unify worldsheterogeneousparts,therebyenhancingthedevelopmentofThe range and quality of the food have been improved by the advancement of science and technology. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages about this and present y
44、our view.New technologies should improve output. Widerangeoffood gourmet, 讓人們更開心,從Junkfood My izeitiveeffectsforthepromotionofoflifeandtominimizethenegativeTeamactivitiescanoreskillsfornthoseactivitieswhichareplayedalone.Toextentdoyouagreeor人們可以從團體活動中學到合作和競爭,這是對未來的發(fā)展必不可少的 partal人們可以相互交流有交流就有進步取長補短ea
45、rneachothersgoodsforprogress,adoptsb.sstrongs人是社會性動物,human beings are ingonesweakble in nature. 人們可以相互交流有交流就有進步取長補短earneachothersgoodsforprogress,adoptsb.sstrongs人是社會性動物,human beings are ingonesweakble in nature. As we are facing more and more problems which affect the whole planet, good n different
46、 countries ing more n ever before. To what extent youagreeorgreenhouseeffect,thedepletionof從經濟上來說,Trade imbalance, protectionist 。sinkafeud,以樂觀的態(tài)度對待全球化。 Lectures were he past as an old way of teaching a large number of students. As technology is now available for education, some peoplelectures.Towha
47、textentdoyouagreeort there is no justification s. Earn each others strong s for common ing weak ones In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For todays world, whi
48、ch of these systems is more appropriate?1. 對小學生和中學生來說,應該學比較廣泛的科目。因為他們還在成長階段,需要受到 wellroundedandsystematic 的課程,來逐漸形成他們的理論基礎theoreticalfoundationsdevelopmentinall-around waylift their spiritandputthemmore ouchwiththeirownfeelingsandhumanity jobtoraisetheirfamilywithdignity. (Thenaturalsuchasoil,forest
49、sandfreshwaterarebeingconsumedarmingWhatproblemsdoesitcause?Howcanwe jobtoraisetheirfamilywithdignity. (Thenaturalsuchasoil,forestsandfreshwaterarebeingconsumedarmingWhatproblemsdoesitcause?Howcanwesolvethese對能源越來越依賴。汽車的普遍性,long distance flight, 求幾乎將要用盡世界上所有的fossilfuels,suchasoil,的。 weneedmorearable
50、land,砍伐hew森林felltheseI wantto make acouple of alsto improve the whole situation. any countries, traditional foods are being replaced ernational fast foods. This is anegativeeffectonbothsandsocieties.TowhatextentdoyouagreeorI strongly disagree withthe tthefast food superseding thedomestic food has sa
51、ndsocietiesaredetrimentalfarasbothunprecedentedly 方便。一,快餐節(jié)省了大量的做飯的時間。一般來說,traditional dishes are really time consuming. 在這個激烈競爭的時代,時快餐業(yè)在一定程度上帶動drive 了國家經濟的發(fā)展。一,人們對快餐的需求日益增大,展,比如養(yǎng)殖業(yè)livestock breeding, transporion. 三,快餐低廉的價格促使人們消費 雖然有人說fast food 是junk food,但是,人們當然不會天天吃這些東西,人們自己知Nowadays,somepeoplet pu
52、blic museums and art galleries will not be needed peoplecanseehistoricalobjectsandworksbyusingcomputer.DoyouagreeorHave you ever been to the Imperial Palace in Beijing? Have you ever been to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York? Have you ever been to the Louvre Museum? you have never had these
53、 , you would never know how amazing it is to go museumsandartrelics and creations Egyptpyramid中國的長城,fanaticimages of Daly.merely pictures,你不可能得到一well rounded sense of great art.appre te these wonyour great admirationatmosphere 也給你一種興奮的感覺。只有在親眼見到藝術作品的時候,all your senses will be brightened in a instant
54、, themuseumsandartrelics and creations Egyptpyramid中國的長城,fanaticimages of Daly.merely pictures,你不可能得到一well rounded sense of great art.appre te these wonyour great admirationatmosphere 也給你一種興奮的感覺。只有在親眼見到藝術作品的時候,all your senses will be brightened in a instant, the art yourspirit and putof Jewish conce
55、ntration ouchwithyourfeelingandhumanity.Moreover,atriptothewill move people cturesofn reading he erelyconcludeManycountriesareincreasinglyexpandingtheirtourismindustry.Whyisthiscase?it itiveminingindustry,chemicalindustry來說,對環(huán)境危害小。It is sible to perform. Everyday tasks, as ing, and business without
56、meeting people face-to-face. What is the effect it may bring on the individual and societyasa selfclosing, of human endeavor e ricate matrix erdependent relationships whicheachindustrydependsonmanyothersforMore and more people use the mobile phone or computer tocommunicate, and no longer write lette
57、rstoeachother.Somepeoplethinktheskillsofletterwritingwillsoondisappearcomple y. Do you agree or disagree? How important do you think letter-writing is?assertionmightsoundttheabilityofwritingletterswilldisappear低為最低tominimumlevelbe closely linked with our lifes.implication. Individuals can do nothing
58、 to improve the environment, onlyernments and largecompanies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?好的作用。但是,it might sound farfetched anythingforalleviatingenvironmentalpollution.t,sosome peopleinsist,低為最低tominimumlevelbe closely linked with our lifes.implication. Individuals
59、 can do nothing to improve the environment, onlyernments and largecompanies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?好的作用。但是,it might sound farfetched anythingforalleviatingenvironmentalpollution.t,sosome peopleinsist,acitizencan not greengroupsaniationsremierofBritain,hascoope
60、rateda anization, using his ion to propaganda the significant Some people think universities should provide knowledge and skills related to future others think the true function of the university is to give Whatisyourpinionofthemainfunctionoftheuniversity? What is the nature of college education?s t
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