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1、翻譯的層次:直譯或意譯常見的文體嚴格 的直譯 譯文的可讀性要求嚴格的直譯條約、法典、規(guī)章、政府公文政治論文及文獻基本直譯一般學術(shù)理論、科技情報與著述一般要求直譯,但必須考慮可讀性新聞報道和分析報刊特寫直譯與意譯兼顧,充分考慮可讀性傳記、游記、札記文藝小說基本意譯,力求獲得可讀性舞臺或電影劇本抒情散文必須完全意譯方能達意,力求獲得最佳可讀性與藝術(shù)性歌詞詩歌翻譯常用技巧1.選詞用字dictionMarxism= 馬克思主義wife: 妻子、愛人、夫人、老婆羊: sheep, goat, ram, ewe, lambteenager: 13-19歲的青少年clock-watcher:總是看鐘等下班的

2、人prey: 被捕食的動物陰(the soft, inactive, female principle or force in the world)價額低cheapcheap jewelries, cheap dress, cheap furnitureI bought a cheap watch for my child.I bought an inexpensive dress for my girlfriend.價廉物美fine and inexpensive我們已按很低價格向你們報盤。We have made you an offer at a very competitive pri

3、ce.Please make us your lowest quotation for the clinical thermometers.請報體溫表最低價。You will find our prices for these goods very popular.你們將會發(fā)現(xiàn)我們這批貨物價格很便宜。我們的報價已是最低價,折扣不能再多給了。As we have quoted you our rock-bottom price, we cant give you any more discount.真朋友crocodile tears armed to the teethchain reacti

4、ongentlemens agreementstrike the iron while it is hot鱷魚的眼淚武裝到牙齒連鎖反應君子協(xié)定趁熱打鐵假朋友eat ones wordsThe sea refuses no rivers.sweet water blue wool承認錯誤貪得無厭淡水,飲用水高級羊毛譯語中沒有完全對應的詞語或?qū)~語不合習慣怎么辦?根據(jù)直接語境、間接語境提供的線索選定了某個詞語的釋義,可是,其對應詞語有時不宜直接套用在譯文中。若硬行套用,會使譯文表達不合譯語習慣,意思不妥貼,甚至與上下文脫節(jié)。這時就不能固守這個對應詞語,而要分析其核心意義,參照上下文,對意義進行擴

5、大、縮小,或加以解釋,即使用“抽象化”、“具體化”或“解釋法”進行翻譯。在我的印象中,鐘先生是不大作風景畫的,倘偶一為之,觀者便會為他不凡的手筆所傾倒。As I remember, it is seldom that Mr. Zhong paints landscapes, but if he ever does one, the viewer cannot help being overcome with admiration for his extraordinary skill.如果譯語中根本沒有對應詞,又無法造新詞,就 很可能要加以解釋。先生筆下的人物大都是平庸之輩。沉默、平和而自在,

6、顯得十分的謙和,十分的淡泊。The people under Mr. Zhongs brush are mostly mediocre, quiet, peaceful and at ease, looking perfectly modest, and perfectly contented with what they have(above fame and wealth).增補The young girl thumbed her way to the passing cars.那個年輕的姑娘站在路邊不停地向來往的汽車擺動著豎起的拇指表示她要搭車。漢譯英典型錯誤分析他告訴父親,他第二天該起

7、得早。He told his father that he should get up earlier the next morning.He told his father, “I shall get up earlier tomorrow.”我國艱巨的社會主義建設(shè)事業(yè),需要盡可能多的知識分子為它服務(wù)。The colossal cause of our countrys socialist construction needs as many intellectuals as possible to serve it.China (This nation) needs the service

8、s of as many intellectuals as possible for the colossal cause of building socialism.任何新生事物的成長都要進過艱難曲折。The growth of any new thing always has to experience difficulties and setbacks.New things always have to experience difficulties and setbacks as they grow.一到新加坡,我的朋友就在機場等著接我。On arriving at Singapore

9、, my friend was waiting for me at the airport.On arriving at Singapore, I found my friend waiting for me at the airport.盡管是一個大學生,我兄弟連一封英文信都寫不好。In spite of a college student, my brother cannot write a letter in proper English.We went out in spite of the rain.由于失業(yè)率增高,美元幣值下降,股票市場處于困境之中,經(jīng)濟問題將是總統(tǒng)所面臨的最嚴峻的

10、考驗。With unemployment rate high, the dollar value low and the stock market in distress, the economy problem will be the Presidents sternest trial.英語較少使用范圍詞,rate, value 和problem 都應該去掉。一般人要到失去他們所擁有的一切時,才會珍惜他們所擁有的一切。People at large do not appreciate what they have after they lose it.最近人口統(tǒng)計顯示中國人口已超過十億。Th

11、e latest census shows the Chinas population has surpassed on billion.The number of students in this school exceeds 5,000.reach over one billion.在晚會上,邀請了一個外國老師為我們唱幾首民歌。At the party a foreign teacher was required to sing some folk songs for us.Prof. Zhang was requested to give a lecture on English usa

12、ge.At the party a foreign teacher was invited/asked to sing some folk songs for us.我們已經(jīng)從其他國家有計劃地進口了一些成套設(shè)備。We have imported in a planned and selective way from other countries some complete security plants.tipsRead morePractice moreThink moreDiscuss more減詞omissionWhat is the shortest possible way to

13、Penn Station?去潘恩車站哪條道最近?我們必須培養(yǎng)分析問題和解決問題的能力。We must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems.減詞Ice is a solid. If we heat it, it melts and becomes water.冰是固體,如果加熱,就融化成水。John got up very early in the morning. He put on his jacket, sat down at his desk and began to do his homework.約翰早晨起床很早,他

14、穿上夾克,就坐在桌旁開始做家庭作業(yè)。As it is late, let us go to bed.不早啦,睡吧!增詞The sun rose thinly from the sea. 一輪紅日從海邊淡淡升起。 The lion is the king of animals.獅子是百獸之王。 I had imagined it to be merely a gesture of affection, but it seems it is to smell the lamb and make sure that it is her own. 原來我以為這不過是一種親熱的表示,但是現(xiàn)在看來,這是為

15、了聞一聞羊羔的味道,來斷定是不是自己生的。 She ate little. Food sickened her, and I think much of life too. 她吃得很少;她厭惡食物,我覺得她也厭惡生活。 秦始皇Qin Shihuang, the first emperor in Chinese history who unified China in 221 B.C.天安門Tiananmen, the Gate of Heavenly Peace增詞amplification人和動物不同。Man is different from other animals.I could k

16、nit when I was seven.我七歲時就會織毛衣。重復repetitionPractically every river has an upper, a middle and a lower part.事實上每條河都有上游、中游和下游。Whoever drives through the red light should be fined.誰開車闖紅燈誰就要被罰款。釋義(paraphrase)The study had a Spartan look.書房看起來很簡樸。(古希臘斯巴達人以生活簡樸而著稱。可看出,此處重意不重典,所以只用翻譯出其意。)She scolded her ma

17、id and was as cross as two sticks.她罵斥自己的女仆,而且脾氣非常不好。(如直譯為像兩根棍子一樣暴躁,讓人不知所云,并且此處重意不重形,翻譯時只好采用釋義法。)釋義(paraphrase)是指舍棄原文中的具體形象,直接解釋出原文的意思。在翻譯一些具有鮮明民族色彩的詞語(如成語、典故)時,如果直譯不能使譯入語讀者明白意思,而加注又使譯文太嚕嗦,并且原文重意不重形、重意不重典時,可采用釋義法。 加注(annotation)Hygeia herself would have fallen sick under such a regimen; and how much

18、more this poor old nervous victim?按照這樣的養(yǎng)生之道,別說這可憐的老太太了,就連哈奇亞*也會害病。*哈奇亞是希臘神話中的健康女神。 Big Ben is ringing the hour.大本鐘*在當當報時。*倫敦英國議院塔上的大鐘。歸化(domestication)One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.一個和尚挑水吃,兩個和尚抬水吃,三個和尚沒水吃。Im a diplomat, a linguist, altogether a bespectacled cream puff.我是個外

19、交官,一個語言學家,總而言之,是個戴眼鏡的銀樣邋槍頭。Last night I heard him driving his pig to market.昨夜我聽到他鼾聲如雷。由于文化上的差異,英譯漢時有時直譯原文就會使譯入語讀者感到費解,甚至誤解。這時,就有必要借用漢語中意義相同或相近、且具有自己鮮明文化色彩的表達法對原文加以歸化。歸化翻譯法常用于處理某些英語成語、典故、形象詞語等一類文化色彩較濃的表達方式。恰倒好處地歸化可以使譯文地道簡潔、生動活潑,便于譯入語讀者理解和接受。 異化(foreignization)to lock the stable door after the horse

20、has been stolen. 賊走關(guān)門 西施(西子)Chinese Cleopatra異化在翻譯過程中以承認并能客觀看待不同文化之間的差別為前提,譯者更多地考慮是從原文出發(fā),以原文作者為中心,請求譯者向原文作者靠攏,譯者盡可能不去打擾作者,使得讀者向作者靠攏,力爭采用相應于源語的表達方法,再現(xiàn)原作的作風特點與文化氣味。轉(zhuǎn)換(conversion)Im all for you opinion.我完全贊成你的意見。In his article the author is critical of mans negligence toward his environment.作者在文章中,對人類疏忽自身環(huán)境作了批評。In some of the European countries, the people are given the biggest social benefits such as medical insurance.在有些歐洲國家里,人民享受最廣泛的社會福


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