



1、實用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-40948第1頁共 6 頁gre 作文高分句式資料整理表象與本質、目的與方法、批評與贊揚、批判與繼承英文:Superficialconfrontationindicates the similarity ofessenee。中文:表象的對立往往意味著本質的相同??萍寂c人文;創(chuàng)新與傳統(tǒng)英文:Tech no logyseem in gly pushes huma ns forward, yetforward to the unknown; huma nities mirror huma ns into thepast, the past of existe nee

2、 and hope。中文:科技貌似推動人類向前,可前方是一片彷徨;人文讓我們照見過往,給了我們存在希望。批判、傳統(tǒng)與創(chuàng)新、教育英文:The prerequisite of rationalcritical thinkingis thearduous training and un dist in guished in herita nee。中文:批判的前提的訓練和繼承。個體與集體、創(chuàng)新與傳統(tǒng)、自由英文:The greatness of individuals lies in the uncompromisedstruggleagainst the collectiveconformity.Th

3、ey fight forfreedom, a freedom banned by the collectivism。中文:個體的偉大在于始終與集體不懈的斗爭。個人追逐自由,集體實用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-40948第2頁共 6 頁限制自由。法律與道德英文:Laws prohibit human s evils. It is the invention from gover nment.By laws, huma ns do not tur n to dem ons; morality glorifies huma ns, turning them into an gels。中文:法律限制

4、人的基本的惡,來自于政府,讓人不至于淪為惡魔道德是讓人性更加光輝,從而成為天使。個體與集體、成功英文:Success is in dividual behaviors. Collectivism is in no n eedof this; collectivism desperately n eed con formity中文:成功永遠只是個體行為,集體不需要成功,相反、集體需要平庸改革、個人英雄主義英文:Any cha nge is revealed in a minute manner, undying andunstoppable. Revolutions, on the contra

5、ry, are just a carnival celebratedby the mass, ig nited by a few and blessed by none中文:任何改變都是微小而持續(xù)的;革命,只是少數(shù)個體的一場喧嘩 而已。國際化、全球化英文:Internationalarena is a jungle, in which just a fewcoun tries use their fists with rati on ality and man euvers。中文:國際化只是把人與集體的關系放到了原始蒙昧社會了而已。在無政府的狀態(tài)下,叢林法則永遠是唯一的法則,只不過,有人可以理

6、實用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-40948第3頁共 6 頁性的使用自己的拳頭而已。創(chuàng)新與守舊、外部經(jīng)驗的借鑒英文:Internal conflicts can only be solved by external forces, becauseintern ality requires conven ti ons and in ward-look ing。中文:內部矛盾的解決需要依靠外部力量,因為內部永遠是守舊的、自我封閉的。感性與理性、教育、事實與抽象感念英文:Aware ness origi natesfrom emoti on alityand fin allytran sce nds

7、 to rati on ality.So tran sie nt is emoti on alitythat itbears the resembla nee of a fast white horse fleeti ng over a gap, and soeternal is rationality, of a bright star hanging over the dark night。中文:認知始于感性最終上升成為理性。感性轉瞬即逝如白駒過隙 : 理性永垂不朽如寒夜亮星?!締J分資料】GRE寫作實用咼頻詞匯匯總分享GRE寫作實用高頻詞匯:數(shù)量詞數(shù)量詞在新GRE寫作考試中會經(jīng)常用到, 多

8、樣化的用詞能讓你的文 章增色不少,更容易吸引考官的注意取得咼分。作為咼頻詞匯中最有價值的一部分,請每位考生都好好掌握運用。些a range of ;a variety of ;a series of ;an array of無數(shù)innumerable ;countless許多plenty of ;many ;much ;a great deal of ;a lot of ;ample實用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-40948第4頁共 6 頁非常多(大)的tremendous依序列舉list in sequeneeGRE寫作實用高頻詞匯:時間詞時間詞常用于舉例和論證,合理運用能更好的展示凸顯你

9、詞匯量掌握和使用的能力。過時的outdated ;an tiquated ;outmoded ;obsolete ;an achr oni stic短暫的ephemeral ;transitory ;transient ;short-lived不合時宜的anachronism可持久的durable ;able to stand wear ;last a long time再time after time ;again and again初始的preliminary前述的aforementioned ;aforesaid ;former自古至U今from ancient times to the

10、 present day ;down throughthe ages年輕人young people ;youngster ;youth ;young adult老式的old-fashioned ;out of date ;dated偶爾from time to time ;now and then ;once in a while ;at timesGRE寫作實用高頻詞匯:成語及俗語及搭配方式對成語俗語的使用和搭配,可以很直觀的看出你的英文功底和日常閱 讀量的積累程度,好好運用絕對會為你的文章增光添彩,提升文章整 體的評價,但在使用時實用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-40948第5頁共 6 頁

11、也請務必保證準確性,如果使用不恰當可能會弄巧成拙。建議搭配一些句型句式使用更好。想法frame of mind;mind set;the way one is thinking想出come up with找出come up with;find out禾用use;take advantage of夸耀brag about;boast about;show off;speak too highly of照顧take care of;take charge of;attend to;watch over對很了解have a deep knowledge of對抗權威stand up against

12、authority;resisit boldly the authority對有信心have con fide nce in說清楚articulate;verbalize;put in words;utter接受之美意embrace the offer of累積amass;accumulate;heap up;assemble連系tact;get in touch with;c on tact with排除這可能性rule out the possibility等于is equivale nt to;equal選擇choose;elect;opt for;pick;single out發(fā)出deliver;give out;hand over繞路detour;take a detour;take a roundabout wayGREissue語法錯誤多怎么辦實用文檔系列文檔編號:YL-SY-40948第6頁共 6 頁Q:老師,現(xiàn)在我issue的觀點例子都有,但是語言比較局限單一,有的語法錯誤看不出來,可以試試用GRE官網(wǎng)上那個score it改一 下嗎?A:語言錯誤太多是很多同學的問題,建


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