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as/nzs 1167.1:2005as/nzs 1167.1:2005australian/new zealand standardwelding and brazingfiller metalspart 1: filler metal for brazing and braze weldingas/nzs 1167.1:2005this joint australian/new zealand standard was prepared by joint technical committee wd-002, welding consumables. it was approved on behalf of the council of standards australia on 19 september 2005 and on behalf of the council of standards new zealand on 16 september 2005.this standard was published on 25 november 2005.the following are represented on committee wd-002:australian chamber of commerce and industrybureau of steel manufacturers of australiabusiness new zealandcsiro manufacturing and infrastructure technologywelding technology institute of australiakeeping standards up-to-datestandards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems. to maintain their currency, all standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. between editions, amendments may be issued. standards may also be withdrawn. it is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current standard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the standard was purchased.detailed information about joint australian/new zealand standards can be found by visiting the standards web shop at .au or standards new zealand web site at www.standards.co.nz and looking up the relevant standard in the on-line catalogue.alternatively, both organizations publish an annual printed catalogue with full details of all current standards. for more frequent listings or notification of revisions, amendments and withdrawals, standards australia and standards new zealand offer a number of update options. for information about these services, users should contact their respective national standards organization.we also welcome suggestions for improvement in our standards, and especially encourage readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. please address your comments to the chief executive of either standards australia or standards new zealand at the address shown on the back cover.the standard is downloaded from standard sharingthis standard was issued in draft form for comment as dr 05342.as/nzs 1167.1:2005australian/new zealand standardwelding and brazingfiller metalspart 1: filler metal for brazing and braze weldingfirst published as as 11671971.revised and redesignated as 1167.11984. second edition 1993.as 1167.11993 revised and redesignated as/nzs 1167.1:2005.copyright standards australia/standards new zealandall rights are reserved. no part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher.jointly published by standards australia, gpo box 476, sydney, nsw 2001 and standardsnew zealand, private bag 2439, wellington 6020isbn 0 7337 7011 83as/nzs 1167.1:2005prefacethis standard was prepared by the joint standards australia/standards new zealand committee, welding consumables, to supersede as 1167.11993, welding and brazing filler metals, part 1: filler metal for brazing and braze welding.the objective of this standard is to specify requirements for brazing filler metal.the main changes in this edition have been driven by the increasing international concern at the risks of cadmium exposure and strategies at the global and australian levels, and were aimed at cadmium minimization. hence, the deletion of nine alloys containing cadmium (a4 to a7, a9 to a12 and a17) and the addition of six cadmium free alloys (a18 to a23) in table 1.other significant technical changes included the following:(a) deletion of alloys with very little usage (a1, a3, a13, a14 and b5).(b)reduction of cadmium impurity levels, in tables 1 and 2, from 0.05 to 0.01%.(c) updating of melting ranges to show true liquidus values, and addition of indicativebrazing temperature ranges in table 2.(d)deletion of alloy r4343 from table 4, and updating beryllium content from 0.0008%to 0.0003% to align with iso standards.in addition, appendix a has been fully revised to update references to current equivalenten, aws and iso standards.mechanical properties of brazed joints are not covered in this standard but will generally be found in the relevant application standards.the standard is downloaded from standard sharingthe term informative has been used in this standard to define the application of the appendix to which it applies. an informative appendix is only for information and guidance.contentspage1scope .4 2referenced documents . 43definitions. 44chemical composition and analysis. 45identification . 56form and size . 57packing. 58general safety warnings . 59identification and marking . 5appendix a australian alloy classifications andtheir equivalents. 115as/nzs 1167.1:2005the standard is downloaded from standard sharingstandards australia/standards new zealandaustralian/new zealand standardwelding and brazingfiller metalspart 1: filler metal for brazing and braze welding1 scopethis standard specifies requirements for filler metals in all forms for brazing and braze welding processes. it includes requirements for chemical composition and analysis, packing and marking. in addition, a standard form of colour coding designed to be mutually acceptable to manufacturers and users has been recommended for identification purposes.note: in this standard, the term brazing is used to imply both processes.2 referenced documentsthe following documents are referred to in this standard: as1674safety in welding and allied processes1674.1part 1:fire precautions1674.2part 2:electrical2700colour standards for general purposes2812welding, brazing and cutting of metalsglossary of termsansi/awsa5.8specification for brazing filler metalen1044brazingfiller metalsiso3677filler materials for self soldering, brazing and braze weldingdesignationwtiatn 07health and safety in welding technical note 7fume minimization guidelines3 definitionsfor the purpose of this standard, the definitions given in as 2812 apply.4 chemical composition and analysisthe chemical composition of the brazing alloy, determined in accordance with the relevant methods of the appropriate volume of the current book of ansi/astm standards, or in accordance with other methods that are not less accurate, shall comply with the appropriate requirements given in tables 1 to 4.note: appendix a gives australian alloy designations and their european, american, and isoequivalents. standards a.au5 identificationindividual items of filler metal shall be identified by either embossing or colour coding. where colour coding is used, the colours employed should follow the colour guidance given in tables 1 to 4.6 form and sizespecification of the required form and size is a matter for the purchaser at the time of placing the order. if required, filler rods may be supplied coated with a suitable brazing flux.7 packingbrazing filler metals shall be packed to guard against damage and deterioration during transportation, handling and storage.8 general safety warningsa label shall be attached or a statement displayed with at least the following warning:protect yourself and others. read and understand this label.fumes and gases can be dangerous to your health.heat rays (infra red radiation from flame or hot metal) can injure eyes.warning:read and understand the materials safety data sheets on file with your employer and your employers safety practices.keep your head out of the fumes.use enough natural ventilation, or exhaust ventilation at the fume source, or both, to keep fumes and gases from the breathing zone and the general area.wear correct eye, ear and body protection.see as 1674.1, as 1674.2, wtia technical note 7 and wtia fume minimization guidelines, or our fillermetal suppliers recommendations for further information.do not remove or cover this warning.9 identification and markingeach container, package, spool or mandrel of brazing filler metal shall be clearly marked with the following information:(a) the words designation to as/nzs 1167.1 followed by the brazing alloy designation inaccordancewithtables 1to 4,asappropriate, e.g.,designationto as/nzs 1167.1a2.(b) name of manufacturer.(c) contents of package, nominal size and mass. (d)warnings (see clause 8).(e) manufacturers batch .au standards australiatable 1silver brazing alloysthe standard is downloaded from standard sharing(f) identification by colour coding, or embossed or printed designation.note: manufacturers making a statement of compliance with this australian standard on a product, packaging, or promotional material related to that product are advised to ensure that such compliance is capable of being verified. standards a.au standards a.auas/nzs 1167.1:200571234567891011alloydesignationchemical composition*, percentmeltingrange ccolour identification guidesilvercopperzinctinnickelothermin.max.min.max.min.max.min.max.min.max.typemin.maxsolidusliquiduscolouras 2700colour no.a255. brownx65a1629.031.034.536.530. greeng13a1944.*the maximum impurity levels applicable to all types of alloys are as follows:aluminium + beryllium0.0015%bismuth, tellurium0.005%eachtitanium + zirconium0.005%cadmium, phosphorus0.01%eacharsenic + indium + antimony + tin (as an impurity)0.10%other elements present as impurities0.05%total of all impurities0.25% the melting range shown is for general information only and does not constitute a requirement for the product concerned.table 3copper brazing alloysthe standard is downloaded from standard sharingtable 2copper-phosphorus brazing alloys1234567891011alloydesignationchemical composition*, percentmelting rangecindicative brazing temprange ccolouridentification guidesilvercopperphosphorusmin.max.min.max.solidusliquiduscolouras 2700colour no.b1remainder7.008.25705800720840signal redr13b21.802.20remainder6.007.00645820740830canaryy11b34.755.25remainder5.756.50645810710820silverb414.5015.50remainder4.505.50645800720820tanx51* maximum impurity levels applicable to all types of alloys are as follows:cadmium, aluminium0.01% eachzinc0.05%lead0.02%tellurium0.005%bismuth0.001%total of all impurities0.20% the melting range shown is for general information only and does not constitute a test requirement for the product concerned. standards a.au standards a.auas/nzs 1167.1:2005912345678910111213141516alloydesignationdescriptionchemical composition*, percentmelting rangeccolouridentification guidecoppersiliconmanganesealuminiumleadtinironnickel inc. cobaltphosphoruszincsolidusliquiduscolouras 2700 colour no.min.max.min.max.min.max.max.max.max.max.min.max.max.rcuzn-atobin bronze57. bronze56. to1.1050.25 to1.25rem870900aquab25rcuzn-dnickel bronze46. bronze94.02.804.001.500.010.021.500.501.5 max.9701020notcoloured* the impurities antimony, arsenic and bismuth are limited to 0.01% max. each. total of all impurities and elements not specified (including aluminium and lead but excluding iron) are0.5% max. the melting range shown is for general information only and does not constitute a test requirement for the products concerned. where a rod is suitably identified by embossing, the colour identification may be .au standards australiaas/nzs 1167.1:200510thestandardis downloadedfrom standardsharingtable 4aluminium brazing alloys12345678910111213141516alloydesignationaluminiumchemical composition, percentmelting range*,ctip colouridentification guidesiliconcopperironmanganesemagnesiumzincberylliumtitaniumotherelementssolidusliquiduscolouras 2700colour no.min.max.max.max.max.max.max.max.max.each max.total max.r4047rem11.0013.00.3000.200.00030.050.15565595goldenyellowy14r4043rem4.56.00.3050.100.00030.200.050.15565630notcoloured*the melting range shown is for general information only and does not constitute a test requirement or the product concerned. some imported wire may have green colour code.11 as/nzs 1167.1:2005appendix aaustralian alloy classifications and their equivalents(informative)australianstandardas 1167.12005europeanstandarden 1044:1999american standard aws a5.8iso 3677:1992a2ag 102baag-7b-ag56cuznsn-620/650a8bag-4b-ag40cuznni-660/780a15b-ag39cuznsn-650/705a16b-cu36znagsn-665/755a18ag 106*b-cu36agznsn-630/730a19ag 104bag-36*b-ag45cuznsn-640/680a20ag 502bag-22*b-ag49zncumnni-680/705a21b-ag49cuznmn(ni)-670/690a22ag 103b-ag55zncusn-630/660a23ag 403b-ag56culnni-600/710b1cp 201* cp 202*bcup-2*b-cu92p-705/800b2cp 105bccup-6*b-cu92pag-645/820b3cp 104bcup-3*b-cu89pag-654/810b4cp 102bcup-5*b-cu80agp-645/800rcuzn-arbcuzn-ab-cu60zn-870/900rcuzn-crbcuzn-cb-cu58znsn(fe)(mn)(si)-870/900rcuzn-dcu 305rbcuzn-db-cu48znni(si)-920/940rcusi-ab-cu94si-970/1020r4047al 104*ba1si-4b-a188si-565/595r4043al 101*b-a195si-565/630*these alloys are equivalent but their specifications are not .au standards australiaas/nzs 1167.1:200512the standard is downloaded from standard sharingnotesstandards australiastandards australia is an independent company, limited by guarantee, which prepares and publishes most of the voluntary technical and commercial standards used in australia. these standards are developed through an open process of consultation and consensus, in which all interested par


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