



department of the navyoffice of the secretary1000 navy pentagonwashington, dc 20350-1000in reply refer tosecnavinst 12432.1asn(m&ra)/dasn(cp/eeo)30 august 2000secnav instruction 12432.1from:secretary of the navysubj:actions based on unacceptable performanceref:(a) chapter 43 of title 5, united states code(b) title 5, code of federal regulations, part 432,“performance based reduction in grade andremoval actions”(c) dod 1400.25-m, subchapter 430, “performancemanagement” of dec 96 (notal)(d) secnavinst 12430.4 of 11 aug 97(e) chapter 71 of title 5, united states code1.purpose.to establish department of the navy (don) policyfor effecting reduction in grade and removal of employees based solely on unacceptable performance, in compliance with references(a) through (c).2.background.reference (d) established the don two-levelsummary rating performance appraisal program.this programappraises an employees performance at either the “acceptable” or“unacceptable” level.3.policy.at any time during the appraisal period thatperformance is determined to be unacceptable, employees are to beformally notified in writing, as required by references (a)through (c), and given a reasonable opportunity to demonstrateacceptable performance.if, at the conclusion of the opportunityperiod, an employees performance continues to be unacceptable,the activity must initiate reassignment, reduction in grade, orremoval action.specific procedures for reduction in grade and removal based on unacceptable performance will be addressed through implementing guidance.secnavinst 12432.14.definitionsa.acceptable performance.performance of an employee whichmeets the established performance requirement(s) or standards, at30 august 2000a level above unacceptable, in all critical elements of anemployees position.b.reduction in grade.the involuntary assignment of anemployee to a position at a lower classification or job gradinglevel.for purposes of this instruction, a reduction in grade isalways to the first step or entry salary level of the grade towhich the employee is reduced.c.removal.the involuntary separation of an employee fromemployment with an activity or command.d.unacceptable performance.performance of an employeewhich fails to meet established performance standards in one ormore critical elements of the employees position.5.responsibilitiesa.the assistant secretary of the navy (manpower and reserveaffairs) is responsible for the development and issuance of implementing guidance and procedures.this responsibility is redelegated to the deputy assistant secretary of the navy(civilian personnel/equal employment opportunity) (dasn(cp/eeo).b.echelon 1 and 2 commands are responsible for assuringthat this policy is implemented within their respectiveorganizations.c.heads of naval activities and marine corps commands:(1) are delegated authority to propose and decidereduction in grade and removal actions based on this policy.(2) may delegate authority to propose and decide suchactions to subordinate managers and supervisors to the extentthey deem appropriate.2secnavinst 12432.1(3) are reminded of their obligations under the federal servicelabor-management statute, reference (e), to fulfill anyrequirement for collective bargaining prior to implementation.6.action.the dasn(cp/eeo) will issue implementation guidanceand procedures which conform to this policy.addressees will30 august 2000follow this instruction and implementation guidance wheneffecting actions based on unacceptable performance.richard danzigdistribution:(see page 4)3secnavinst 12432.130 august 2000distribution:sndl a(navy department)a6(cmc)b3(college and university)21a(fleet commanders in chief)23(force commanders)24(type commanders)26f(operational test and evaluation force)26n1(headquarters support activity lant)26s1(coastal warfare group lant)26s2(coastal warfare group pac)26u(regional maintenance center)26z(shore intermediate maintenance activity)(less pearl harbor)26dd(mobile diving and salvage unit and detachmentand consolidated divers unit)26jj(fleet area control and surveillance facility)26qq2(special warfare group unit and detachment pac)(comnavspecwargru 1, only)26rr(fleet imaging command, center, facility anddetachment) (less fltimagcomlant jacksonville)28c2(surface group and force representative pac)(comnavsurfgru midpac, only)39b(construction brigades)39i(construction battalion maintenance unit)40b(control of shipping officer) (bahrain, only)41a(commander, msc)41b(area commander, msc)41c(sub-area commanders, msc)41d(offices, msc) (pusan, seattle, and portcanaveral, only)42a(fleet air commands)42b1(functional wing commander lant)42b2(functional wing commander pac)42d(fleet aviation specialized operational traininggroup and detachment)42p1(patrol wing and squadron lant (vp (vpu)(patwing 5, 11, only)42p2(patrol wing and squadron pac (vp (vpu)(patwing 1, 2, 10, patwingspac, (kadena, misawa,only)45(fleet marine force - ground)46(fleet marine force - aviation)4secnavinst 12432.130 august


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