【BS英國標準】BS EN 61300-2-48-2009 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components — Basic test and measurement procedures — Part 2-48 Tests — T_第1頁
【BS英國標準】BS EN 61300-2-48-2009 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components — Basic test and measurement procedures — Part 2-48 Tests — T_第2頁
【BS英國標準】BS EN 61300-2-48-2009 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components — Basic test and measurement procedures — Part 2-48 Tests — T_第3頁
【BS英國標準】BS EN 61300-2-48-2009 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components — Basic test and measurement procedures — Part 2-48 Tests — T_第4頁
【BS英國標準】BS EN 61300-2-48-2009 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components — Basic test and measurement procedures — Part 2-48 Tests — T_第5頁
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bs en 61300-2-48: 2009bsi british standardsfibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components basic test and measurement procedures part 2-48: tests temperature-humidity cyclingno copying without bsi permission except as permitted by copyright lawraising standards worldwidebs en 61300-2-48:2009british standardnational forewordthis british standard is the uk implementation of en 61300-2-48:2009. it is identical to iec 61300-2-48:2009. it supersedes bs en 61300-2-48:2003 which is withdrawn.the uk participation in its preparation was entrusted by technical committee gel/86, fibre optics, to subcommittee gel/86/2, fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components.a list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.this publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. users are responsible for its correct application. bsi 2009isbn 978 0 580 59416 8ics 33.180.20compliance with a british standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.this british standard was published under the authority of the standardspolicy and strategy committee on 31 may 2009amendments issued since publicationamd. no. date text affectedbs en 61300-2-48:2009european standarden 61300-2-48norme europenneeuropische norm may 2009 ics 33.180.20supersedes en 61300-2-48:2003english versionfibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures -part 2-48: tests - temperature-humidity cycling (iec 61300-2-48:2009)dispositifs dinterconnexionet composants passifs fibres optiques - mthodes fondamentales dessaiset de mesures - partie 2-48: essais -cycles dhumidit et de temprature(cei 61300-2-48:2009)lichtwellenleiter - verbindungselemente und passive bauteile -grundlegende prf- und messverfahren - teil 2-48: prfungen -temperatur-feuchte-zyklus(iec 61300-2-48:2009)this european standard was approved by cenelec on 2009-04-01. cenelec members are bound to comply with the cen/cenelec internal regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this european standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the central secretariat or to any cenelec member.this european standard exists in three official versions (english, french, german). a version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a cenelec member into its own language and notified to the central secretariat has the same status as the official versions.cenelec members are the national electrotechnical committees of austria, belgium, bulgaria, cyprus, the czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, iceland, ireland, italy, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, malta, the netherlands, norway, poland, portugal, romania, slovakia, slovenia, spain, sweden, switzerland and the united kingdom.ceneleceuropean committee for electrotechnical standardization comit europen de normalisation electrotechnique europisches komitee fr elektrotechnische normungcentral secretariat: avenue marnix 17, b - 1000 brussels 2009 cenelec -all rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for cenelec members.ref. no. en 61300-2-48:2009 ebs en 61300-2-48:2009en 61300-2-48:2009 2 forewordthe text of document 86b/2807/fdis, future edition 2 of iec 61300-2-48, prepared by sc 86b, fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components, of iec tc 86, fibre optics, was submitted to the iec-cenelec parallel vote and was approved by cenelec as en 61300-2-48 on 2009-04-01.this european standard supersedes en 61300-2-48:2003.the main changes are the addition of the category o cycle procedure and the severity reconsideration. the following dates were fixed: latest date by which the en has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identicalnational standard or by endorsement(dop)2010-01-01 latest date by which the national standards conflictingwith the en have to be withdrawn(dow)2010-04-01annex za has been added by cenelec.endorsement noticethe text of the international standard iec 61300-2-48:2009 was approved by cenelec as a europeanstandard without any modification.in the official version, for bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards indicated:iec 61300-2-21note harmonized as en 61300-2-21:1997 (not modified). iec 61300-2-46note harmonized as en 61300-2-46:2006 (not modified).bs en 61300-2-48:2009 3 en 61300-2-48:2009annex za(normative)normative references to international publications with their corresponding european publicationsthe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. for dated references, only the edition cited applies. for undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.note when an international publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant en/hdapplies.publicationyeartitleen/hdyeariec 61300-1- 1)fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures -part 1: general and guidanceiec 61300-3-1- 1)fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures -part 3-1: examinations and measurements - visual examinationiec 61300-3-4- 1)fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - basic test and measurement procedures -part 3-4: examinations and measurements - attenuationen 61300-12003 2)en 61300-3-12005 2)en 61300-3-42001 2)1) undated reference.2) valid edition at date of issue. 2 61300-2-48 iec:2009(e)contents1scope . 52normative references . 53general description . 54apparatus . 64.1chamber . 64.2optical source and detector . 65procedure . 65.1preparation of specimens . 65.2preconditioning . 65.3initial examinations and measurements . 65.4conditioning . 65.4.1method a . 65.4.2method b . 75.5recovery . 85.6final examinations and measurements . 86severity . 97details to be specified . 9bibliography. 10figure 1 temperature-humidity profile for tmax = 65 c, tmin = 10 c . 7figure 2 temperature-humidity profile for tmax = 85 c . 8table 1 test severities . 9bs en 61300-2-48:200961300-2-48 iec:2009(e) 5 fibre optic interconnectingdevices and passive components basic test and measurement procedures part 2-48: tests temperature-humidity cycling1scopethis part of iec 61300 details a procedure for determining the suitability of a fibre optic device or closure to withstand variations in humidity and temperature that may occur during operation, storage and/or transport. the test is intended to indicate the performance of such devices when exposed to heat and humidity followed by short-term freezing.in general terms, this test provides a high temperature to induce potential failures due to softening and expansion, a high humidity to encourage moisture absorption and swelling and a low temperature to facilitate ice formation, embrittlement and contraction.this test differs from other cyclic environmental tests, notably the damp heat cyclic test of iec 61300-2-46 and the composite temperature-humidity cyclic test of 61300-2-21, by incorporating alternative levels of severity. this is achieved througha) a greater number of cycles;b) a greater cyclic temperature range;c) a decreased cyclic period.2normative referencesthe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. for dated references, only the edition cited applies. for undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.iec 61300-1, fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components basic test and measurement procedures part 1: general and guidanceiec 61300-3-1, fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components basic test and measurement procedures part 3-1: examinations and measurements visual examinationiec 61300-3-4, fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components basic test and measurement procedures part 3-4: examinations and measurements attenuation3general descriptionthe specimen is placed in an environmental chamber and subjected to a number of temperature-humidity cycles, as defined in the relevant specification. the attenuation of the specimen is monitored throughout the duration of the test.bs en 61300-2-48:2009 6 61300-2-48 iec:2009(e)4apparatus4.1chamberthe apparatus shall consist of an environmental chamber capable of maintaining the temperature and humidity requirements within the specified tolerances.the chamber shall be constructed so thatit is capable of housing the specimen;it allows access for measurement;it is capable of maintaining homogeneous conditions;it uses distilled, demineralized or deionized water to achieve the required humidity conditions;no rust or corrosion contaminants are imposed on the specimen;no condensed water can fall on the specimen;the conditions experienced by the specimen and the temperature- and humidity-sensing devices are as similar as possible.4.2optical source and detectorthe optical source and detector used to measure changes in attenuation shall comply with those specified in iec 61300-3-4.note a device to record attenuation over time (x, t) should be used where the optical detector does not have the capability to monitor continuously.5procedure5.1preparation of specimensprepare the specimen according to the manufacturers instructions or as specified in the relevant specification. the specimen shall be terminated with a sufficient length of fibre cable to facilitate connection with the optical source and detector.5.2preconditioningplace the specimen in the chamber and precondition for 2 h at the standard test conditions, as defined in iec 61300-1 unless otherwise specified in the relevant specification.5.3initial examinations and measurementscomplete initial examinations and measurements on the specimen as required by the relevant specification.5.4conditioningset the chamber temperature and humidity profile to achieve the specified severities.5.4.1method afor category o, it is necessary to move to transition rapidly from the low temperature to the high temperature without a dwell at 23 c. in this case, make the temperature changing according to the following cycle:the specimen shall be subjected to a temperature cycle from tmax c 2 c to tmin c 2 cfor a total of 14 cycles, where tmax and tmin are defined by the relevant specification.bs en 61300-2-48:200961300-2-48 iec:2009(e) 7 examples of tmax and tmin are shown in table 1. temperature change from 23 c to tmin and tmin to 23 c shall occur in 1 h. temperature change from tmin to tmax and tmax to tmin must occur faster (20 min max.) to maximize condensation. dwell times for this test shall be aminimum of 2 h.note dwells occur at tmax, 23 c and tmin c.the humidity shall be controlled from tmin to tmax as follows:at 23 c maintain a constant relative humidity of 95 %;between 23 c and tmax relative humidity is uncontrolled;at tmax maintain a constant relative humidity of 95 %;between tmax and tmin relative humidity is uncontrolled;at tmin the humidity is uncontrolled. however, water vapour should not be evacuated from the environmental chamber. this is to allow condensation and the formation of ice to occur.a schematic showing of an example of the temperature-humidity profile for tmax = 65 c andtmin = 10 c is shown in figure 1.note the tolerance on relative humidity values is 5 %. this means that the actual operating humidity may be up to 100 % rh, for short term operation, however a 95 % rh upper limit has been specified for practical measurement purposes.attenuation measurements shall be made throughout the duration of the test. the attenuation measurements shall be within the specified limits defined in the relevant specification.7060temperature (c)50one cycle40302010humidity control0humidity control102002468101214time (h)iec 379/09figure 1 temperature-humidity profile for tmax = 65 c, tmin = 10 c5.4.2method bthe specimen shall be subjected to a temperature cycle from tmax c 2 c to 40 c 2 c for a total of 42 cycles, where tmax is the upper temperature limit, defined by the relevant specification. (examples of tmax are shown in table 1). the rate of temperature change shall be 1 c per minute and dwell times for this test shall be a minimum of 1 h.note dwells occur at tmax, 23 c and 40 c.the humidity shall be controlled from 10 c to tmax as follows:bs en 61300-2-48:2009 8 61300-2-48 iec:2009(e)at 23 c maintain a constant relative humidity of 85 %;between 23 c and tmax maintain a nominal linear change in relative humidity;at tmax maintain a constant relative humidity of 20 %;between 10 c and 23 c maintain a relative humidity of 85 %;below 10 c the humidity is uncontrolled. however, water vapour should not be evacuated from the environmental chamber. this is to allow condensation and the formation of ice to occur.a schematic showing an example of the temperature-humidity profile for tmax = 85 c is shown in figure 2.note the tolerance on relative humidity values is 5 %. this means that the actual operating humidity may be up to 90 % rh, for short term operation; however a 85 % rh upper limit has been specified for practical measurement purposes.attenuation measurements shall be made throughout the duration of the test. the attenuation measurements shall be within the specified limits defined in the relevant specification.10080dwellrelative humidity604020 dwelldwelltemperature0temperature (c)andrelative humidity (%)204060dwell0510time (h)iec 3809figure 2 temperature-humidity profile for tmax = 85 c5.5recoveryallow the specimen to remain under standard test conditions for 2 h, as defined in iec 61300-1, unless otherwise specified in the relevant specification. clean the specimen according to the manufacturers instructions.5.6final examinations and measurementson completion of the test, remove all fixtures and make final measurements, as defined by the relevant specification, to ensure that there is no permanent damage to the specimen. the results of the final measurement shall be within the limit established in the relevant specification.unless otherwise specified, visually examine the specimen in accordance with iec 61300-3-1. check for evidence of any degr


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