



常用介詞搭配(除不及物動詞的賓語固定搭配):Above: above all 尤其是,最重要的是;above praise 贊美不盡;above reproach 無可厚非;above the average 超過一般水平;above ones head 不可理解;above ones income (means) 入不敷出;above suspicion 無可懷疑;above criticism 無可指責;above price 價值連城;be above oneself 興高采烈。After: after all 畢竟,到底;one after another 接二連三;year after year 年年歲歲;bus after bus 一輛接一輛;day after day 日復一日; page after page 一頁又一頁的;wave after wave 一波又一波的;time after time 一次又一次的。At: affected at 感動;at the sight of 看到;at (ones) ease 在安樂中,放心;at the thought of 想到;at liberty 閑暇,自在,隨意;at large 自由自在;at ones height 酒酣;at bay 陷入絕境; at the zenith 在高峰狀態(tài);at anchor 停泊;at an end 結束;at a loss 迷惑,茫然;at fault 迷惑;at ones will 隨意;at (ones) command 依的命令;at random 隨便的;at intervals 時時;at ones mercy 任人支配;at dusk 黃昏;at length 詳細的;at least 至少;at half price 半價;moved at 感動;at the news (sound) of 聽到;at (ones) leisure 在閑暇時;at a drought 一口氣;at peace 和平,心情平靜;at home 安適;at stake 在危險中;at ones wits end 智窮才盡;at ones convenience 在方便時;at a standstill 停頓;at rest 休息,靜止;at sea 茫然;at sixs and sevens 混亂;at ones beck and call 任人支配;at ones discretion 隨之意;at ones disposal 任人支配;at ones summons 聽憑使喚;at the expense of 以為代價;at ones service 任人使用;at hand 不遠,在身邊;at the risk of 冒險;at any rate 至少;at most 至多;at a cost 虧本;at one stroke (blow) 一下子;at full speed 以全速;at a trot 快步;at the risk of 冒的風險;at cost 照原價;at all events 不管怎樣;at a bargain 廉價;at the earliest (latest) 最早(遲);at a profit 獲利;at the point of 就要。Before: before long 不久;long before 很久以前。Beyond: beyond words 難以言喻;beyond all comprehension 不可理解;beyond all hope 毫無希望;beyond all comparison 無可比擬;beyond ones grasp 力所不及;beyond criticism 無可非議;beyond human endurance 非人所能忍受;beyond belief 不可信,難以置信;beyond description 無法描繪;beyond control 難以控制,不受控制;beyond dispute 無可爭議;beyond doubt 無可懷疑;beyond controversy 無可爭論;beyond reproach 無可厚非;beyond redemption 不可救藥;beyond the help of the doctor 無法醫(yī)治。But: but for: 要不是,如果沒有;nothing but 只是,不過是;anything but 決非;all but 幾乎,差不多;cannot but 只好,不能不;the least but one (two, three) 倒數第二(三,四)。By: by rule按規(guī)則;by degrees逐漸的;little by little漸漸的;Mary by name名叫瑪麗;a grocer by trade職業(yè)是雜貨商;by accident偶然;意外的;by good luck僥幸;by turns輪流;reduce by half減少一半;too many by one多一個;by force用武力;by persuasion憑說服;by sight僅識其面;by contract承包;year by year 年復一年;step by step逐步; honest by nature天性誠實;a teacher by profession職業(yè)是老師;by chance 偶然;by request應邀;by mistake 弄錯;larger by half 一大半;by way to經由;by far遠得多;by heart熟記;by wholesale批發(fā);by auction 拍賣;by post郵寄;by express以快件;by means of用;by virtue of 憑借;by retail零售;by appointment約定;by all means用一切手段;by airplane乘飛機;by boat 乘船。For: cut out for 有才能;for all盡管,雖然;for certain 的確;for the present暫時;for the moment暫時;for the time being暫時;bound for啟程往;for all I know就我所知;for life終生;for good永遠;answer for負責。From: from far 從遠出;from now on 從現在起;from top to bottom徹頭徹尾;from above (below)自上(下);from bad to worse每況愈下.In: in chorus合唱;in full dress盛裝;in mourning穿喪服;in spectacles戴著眼睛;in a good (bad, ill) humor心情極(不)佳;in high (low, poor) spirits情緒高昂(低沉);in a good (bad) temper脾氣好(壞);in a rage盛怒;in despair失望;in luck幸運;in comfort在安樂中;in the blues憂郁;in conclusion總之;in tears流淚;in wonder驚奇;in horror恐懼;in a fog困惑;in need 在患難中;in debt負債;in good condition情況良好;in chores混亂;in ones way妨礙;in haste匆忙;in sickness患?。籭n fashion流行;in the air傳播;in whispers低語;in disguise假扮;in white穿白衣服;in high feather興高采烈;in a good (bad) mood 心情好(不好);in violation of違反;in anger憤怒;in hope在希望中;in fun開玩笑;in distress悲痛;in trouble處于困境;in any event無論如何;in pain在痛苦中;in alarm驚惶;in astonishment (surprise)驚奇;in fear在恐懼中;in safety 在安全中;in dilemma進退維谷;in good order秩序良好;in good repair情況良好;in confusion凌亂;in disorder混亂;in good (poor) health健康(不佳);in a fever發(fā)燒;in vogue流行;in force在實施中;in operation在實行;in progress在進行中;in love戀愛;in session在開會(庭);in ruins荒廢;in secret秘密的;in the right正確;in print在印刷;in width在寬度方面;in hand在進行中,在考察中;in shape在形式上;in (full) bloom盛開;in heaps堆積;in the bud含苞待放;in twos and threes三三兩兩;in broad daylight在白晝;in miniature小型的;in quest of 尋求;in pursuit of 追求;in memory of為紀念而;in reward for作為的報酬;in token of作為的表示;in proportions按各種比例;in connection with和有關;in due course在適當的時候;in fact事實上;in the event of萬一;lie in在于;in short總之;in other words換言之;in stock有貨;in particular特別是;in terms of用的術語,根據;in respect to關于;in the eyes of在看來;in the light of根據;in the open在露天;in time及時;in vain 徒勞;absorbed in專心于;engaged in從事于;immersed in沉淀于;in touch 聯系;in labour 在分娩中; in public 公開的;in use 在使用中;in doubt 懷疑;in earnest 認真的;in the wrong 錯誤;in black and white 白紙黑字;in length 在長度方面;in flower 開花;in every respect 在每一方面;in blossom 盛開;in rows 一排排;in the raw 在自然狀態(tài);hand in hand 手牽手;in search for 尋求;in large (small) questions 大(?。┑牧?;in favor of 贊成;in honour of 對表示敬意;in behalf 為的利益;in revenge of 作為的報復;in addition 另外;in brief 簡單的說;in essence 本質上;in disrepute 聲名狼籍;in general 一般來說;in possession of 占有;in line with 按照;in opposition to 與相反;in support of 支持;in part 部分的;in turn 依次;in no time 馬上;in regard to 關于;in the interests of 為了的利益;in the main 基本上;in all 總計;in times 常常;in view of the fact that 鑒于這一事實;indulged in 沉溺于。Of: of ones own accord 自愿;of ones own free will 出于自己的意志;a palace of a house 宮殿般的房子;ease somebody of 減輕;heal sb. of 治療;lighten (free) sth. of 減輕;absolve of 赦免,免除;clear (wash) of 清除;strip (divest) of 剝奪;dispose (dispossess) of 剝奪;defraud (fleece) of 詐??;devoid of 沒有,空的;of ones own choice 出于自己的選擇;of oneself 靠自己,自動的;a mountain of a wave 山一般的海浪;relieve sb. of 解除,減輕;cure sb. of 治愈;break sb. (oneself) of 戒除;rid of 解除,免除;break of 分離;plunder of 搶奪;cheat of 騙取;bereave of 奪去;empty of 空的。On: on the ground(s) of 基于的理由;on the wane 正在衰落,正在虧損;on edge 緊張;on duty 值班;on leave 休假;on the market 出售;on hire 出租;on display 展示;on hand 在場,現在在手頭;on a picnic 野餐;on the way 在旅途中;on the wing 飛行,傳播;on the increase 增加;on fire 失火,憤怒;on the alert 警惕;on the brink of 正要的時候;on the point of 瀕于;act on principle 按原則辦事;on this (that) understanding 在此條件下;on such terms 根據這樣的條件;on purpose 故意;on the contrary 相反的;on pins and needles 坐立不安;on the one hand 一方面;have sth. on good authority 從可靠方面獲悉某事;on account of由于;on thorns 心煩;on ones mind 在沉思;on guard 警戒;on strike 罷工;on holiday (vocation) 度假;on view 展出;on trial 受審;on a trip 旅行;on half pay 支半薪;on parade 游行;on the rise 上漲;on the ebb 退縮,減弱;on the watch 戒備,注意;on the carpet 在討論中;on the verge of 處于.的邊緣;on the margin of 接近的邊緣;on condition that 在條件下;on the decline 在下降;have effect on 對有影響;on second thoughts 三思之后;on the average 平均;on behalf of 代表;on the other hand 另一方面。Out of: out of fear 出于恐懼;out of charity 出于仁慈;out of necessity 出于必要;out of pity 出于同情;out of revenge 出于報復;out of patience 不耐煩;out of sorts 不適;out of order 雜亂;out of danger 脫險;out of hearing 聽不見;out of fashion 不流行;out of politeness 不和禮節(jié);out of hand 失去控制;out of step 不一致;out of wedlock 未婚的;out of print 絕版;out of stock 缺貨;out of practice 缺乏練習;out of country 失去控制;out of date 過時; out of work 失業(yè);out of breath 上氣不接下氣;out of trouble 擺脫麻煩;out of sight 看不見;out of season 不和季節(jié);out of place 不適當;out of proportion to 不勻稱;out of the ordinary 不平凡;out of ones element 不得意,不適應;out of temper 發(fā)怒;out of shape 健康不佳; out of ones powers 力不能及。To: to a certain extent 在一定程度上;to the contrary 相反;to a degree 非常;to the good 有好處;compare to


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