1、登陸my ncbi(沒有的話請注冊)點(diǎn)擊manage filters點(diǎn)擊create custom filter在彈出的query terms的對話框中輸入包含所有影響因子大于30、20等的檢索式save filter as 中輸入名稱,如“if30”,點(diǎn)擊save filter最新的影響因子檢索式如下:直接復(fù)制進(jìn)去進(jìn)行if30“ca-a cancer journal for clinicians”journal or “new england journal of medicine”journal or “chemical reviews”journal or “reviews of mod
2、ern physics”journal or “nature”journal or “annual review of immunology”journal or “nature reviews genetics”journal or “l(fā)ancet”journal or “nature biotechnology”journal or “nature reviews cancer”journal or “nature reviews drug discovery”journal or “nature reviews molecular cell biology”journal or “nat
3、ure materials”journal or “nature reviews immunology”journal or “nature nanotechnology”journal or “cell”journal or “science”journal or “nature reviews neuroscience”journal or “chemical society reviews”journal or “jama-journal of the american medical association”journal20if30“nature photonics”journal
4、or “nature genetics”journal or “physiological reviews”journal or “nature medicine”journal or “progress in polymer science”journal or “annual review of biochemistry”journal or “nature methods”journal or “progress in materials science”journal or “nature immunology”journal or “l(fā)ancet oncology”journal o
5、r “surface science reports”journal or “accounts of chemical research”journal or “annual review of astronomy and astrophysics”journal or “cancer cell”journal or “nature reviews microbiology”journal or “nature chemistry”journal or “physics reports-review section of physics letters”journal or “annual r
6、eview of neuroscience”journal or “cell stem cell”journal or “annual review of pathology-mechanisms of disease”journal or “l(fā)ancet neurology”journal or “trends in cognitive sciences”journal or “trends in cognitive sciences”journal or “nature physics”journal or “annual review of psychology”journal or “
7、annual review of psychology”journal or “annual review of cell and developmental biology”journal or “nature cell biology”journal10if20 “immunity”journal or “l(fā)ancet infectious diseases”journal or “endocrine reviews”journal or “annual review of plant biology”journal or “pharmacological reviews”journal
8、or “annual review of pharmacology and toxicology”journal or “nano today”journal or “annual review of genetics”journal or “advances in physics”journal or “journal of clinical oncology”journal or “alzheimers & dementia”journal or “progress in energy and combustion science”journal or “cell metabolism”j
9、ournal or “l(fā)iving reviews in relativity”journal or “annual review of marine science”journal or “bmj-british medical journal”journal or “aldrichimica acta”journal or “annals of internal medicine”journal or “clinical microbiology reviews”journal or “neuron”journal or “cancer discovery”journal or “natu
10、re reviews clinical oncology”journal or “annual review of physical chemistry”journal or “reports on progress in physics”journal or “annual review of materials research”journal or “energy & environmental science”journal or “annual review of medicine”journal or “advanced materials”journal or “trends i
11、n ecology & evolution”journal or “journal of the american college of cardiology”journal or “nature climate change”journal or “nature climate change”journal or “microbiology and molecular biology reviews”journal or “jnci-journal of the national cancer institute”journal or “molecular psychiatry”journa
12、l or “nature neuroscience”journal or “behavioral and brain sciences”journal or “behavioral and brain sciences”journal or “circulation”journal or “european heart journal”journal or “annual review of physiology”journal or “molecular cell”journal or “science translational medicine”journal or “psycholog
13、ical bulletin”journal or “psychological bulletin”journal or “advanced energy materials”journal or “molecular biology and evolution”journal or “astrophysical journal supplement series”journal or “nature reviews neurology”journal or “molecular systems biology”journal or “plos medicine”journal or “gast
14、roenterology”journal or “journal of experimental medicine”journal or “genome research”journal or “fems microbiology reviews”journal or “journal of clinical investigation”journal or “archives of general psychiatry”journal or “archives of general psychiatry”journal or “american journal of psychiatry”j
15、ournal or “american journal of psychiatry”journal or “trends in biochemical sciences”journal or “trends in plant science”journal or “gut”journal or “astronomy and astrophysics review”journal or “archives of internal medicine”journal or “nature chemical biology”journal or “ecology letters”journal or
16、“annual review of entomology”journal or “annual review of microbiology”journal or “progress in lipid research”journal or “nature reviews endocrinology”journal or “nano letters”journal or “annual review of clinical psychology”journal or “annual review of clinical psychology”journal or “immunological
17、reviews”journal or “trends in neurosciences”journal or “world psychiatry”journal or “world psychiatry”journal or “psychological science in the public interest”journal or “advanced drug delivery reviews”journal or “genes & development”journal or “european urology”journal or “annual review of biomedic
18、al engineering”journal or “trends in cell biology”journal or “annual review of biophysics”journal or “cell host & microbe”journal or “molecular interventions”journal or “coordination chemistry reviews”journal or “acs nano”journal or “trends in immunology”journal or “american journal of respiratory a
19、nd critical care medicine”journal or “cell research”journal or “annals of neurology”journal or “annual review of condensed matter physics”journal or “l(fā)iving reviews in solar physics”journal or “materials science & engineering r-reports”journal or “plos biology”journal or “nature geoscience”journal o
20、r “nature structural & molecular biology”journal or “journal of photochemistry and photobiology c-photochemistry reviews”journal or “trends in genetics”journal or “bulletin of the american meteorological society”journal or “systematic biology”journal or “journal of the american chemical society”jour
21、nal or “autophagy”journal or “angewandte chemie-international edition”journal or “annual review of fluid mechanics”journal or “journal of allergy and clinical immunology”journal or “hepatology”journal or “circulation research”journal or “oceanography and marine biology”journal or “annual review of p
22、hytopathology”journal or “american journal of human genetics”journal or “annual review of ecology evolution and systematics”journal or “materials today”journal or “nature reviews gastroenterology & hepatology”journal or “embo journal”journal or “nature communications”journal or “natural product repo
23、rts”journal or “genome biology”journal or “annual review of nutrition”journal or “advanced functional materials”journal or “journal of hepatology”journal or “reviews of geophysics”journal or “developmental cell”journal or “molecular aspects of medicine”journal or “progress in neurobiology”journal or
24、 “neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews”journal or “nature reviews rheumatology”journal or “brain”journal or “nano energy”journal or “annual review of earth and planetary sciences”journal or “nature reviews cardiology”journal or “trends in molecular medicine”journal or “quarterly reviews of biophys
25、ics”journal or “trends in biotechnology”journal5if10“trends in pharmacological sciences”journal or “perspectives on psychological science”journal or “exercise immunology review”journal or “current biology”journal or “npg asia materials”journal or “progress in retinal and eye research”journal or “pro
26、ceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america”journal or “trends in microbiology”journal or “advances in anatomy embryology and cell biology”journal or “biological reviews”journal or “acta neuropathologica”journal or “blood”journal or “progress in photovoltaics”journal
27、 or “advances in optics and photonics”journal or “journal of cell biology”journal or “atherosclerosis supplements”journal or “plant cell”journal or “physics of life reviews”journal or “biological psychiatry”journal or “journal of the american society of nephrology”journal or “clinical infectious dis
28、eases”journal or “acm transactions on intelligent systems and technology”journal or “current opinion in plant biology”journal or “l(fā)eukemia”journal or “psychotherapy and psychosomatics”journal or “psychotherapy and psychosomatics”journal or “l(fā)aser & photonics reviews”journal or “studies in mycology”j
29、ournal or “cancer research”journal or “annals of the rheumatic diseases”journal or “isme journal”journal or “american journal of gastroenterology”journal or “international journal of epidemiology”journal or “seminars in cancer biology”journal or “sleep medicine reviews”journal or “annual review of g
30、enomics and human genetics”journal or “wiley interdisciplinary reviews-computational molecular science”journal or “biotechnology advances”journal or “trends in endocrinology and metabolism”journal or “drug resistance updates”journal or “nucleic acids research”journal or “ieee transactions on industr
31、ial informatics”journal or “fish and fisheries”journal or “current opinion in structural biology”journal or “current opinion in cell biology”journal or “progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy”journal or “human reproduction update”journal or “advances in colloid and interface science”jou
32、rnal or “schizophrenia bulletin”journal or “schizophrenia bulletin”journal or “chemical science”journal or “diabetes care”journal or “current opinion in genetics & development”journal or “thorax”journal or “oncogene”journal or “chemistry of materials”journal or “kidney international”journal or “elif
33、e”journal or “l(fā)ight-science & applications”journal or “diabetes”journal or “journal of molecular cell biology”journal or “frontiers in ecology and the environment”journal or “cell death and differentiation”journal or “physical review x”journal or “nature reviews nephrology”journal or “biomaterials”j
34、ournal or “cerebral cortex”journal or “neurology”journal or “metabolic engineering”journal or “geochemical perspectives”journal or “embo molecular medicine”journal or “cold spring harbor perspectives in biology”journal or “global change biology”journal or “clinical cancer research”journal or “progre
35、ss in solid state chemistry”journal or “plos genetics”journal or “advances in catalysis”journal or “medicinal research reviews”journal or “gondwana research”journal or “annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering”journal or “plos pathogens”journal or “mass spectrometry reviews”journal or
36、“current opinion in biotechnology”journal or “arthritis and rheumatism”journal or “current opinion in immunology”journal or “obesity reviews”journal or “embo reports”journal or “critical reviews in biotechnology”journal or “neuropsychopharmacology”journal or “theranostics”journal or “academy of mana
37、gement review”journal or “annual review of analytical chemistry”journal or “journal of pineal research”journal or “nature protocols”journal or “clinical chemistry”journal or “pharmacology & therapeutics”journal or “physical review letters”journal or “psychological review”journal or “psychological re
38、view”journal or “antioxidants & redox signaling”journal or “current opinion in chemical biology”journal or “hypertension”journal or “ageing research reviews”journal or “neuroscientist”journal or “biochimica et biophysica acta-reviews on cancer”journal or “frontiers in neuroendocrinology”journal or “
39、journal of biomedical nanotechnology”journal or “acs catalysis”journal or “cold spring harbor perspectives in medicine”journal or “personality and social psychology review”journal or “mucosal immunology”journal or “small”journal or “journal of psychiatry & neuroscience”journal or “journal of psychia
40、try & neuroscience”journal or “jacc-cardiovascular interventions”journal or “bmc biology”journal or “journal of cachexia sarcopenia and muscle”journal or “plant physiology”journal or “clinical pharmacology & therapeutics”journal or “british journal of psychiatry”journal or “british journal of psychi
41、atry”journal or “nanotoxicology”journal or “academy of management annals”journal or “epidemiologic reviews”journal or “journal of pathology”journal or “emerging infectious diseases”journal or “mutation research-reviews in mutation research”journal or “bmc medicine”journal or “journal of controlled r
42、elease”journal or “molecular & cellular proteomics”journal or “global ecology and biogeography”journal or “acta crystallographica section d-biological crystallography”journal or “current opinion in microbiology”journal or “cell reports”journal or “annals of surgery”journal or “clinical psychology re
43、view”journal or “current opinion in solid state & materials science”journal or “earth-science reviews”journal or “stem cells”journal or “chest”journal or “european respiratory journal”journal or “chemsuschem”journal or “ecological monographs”journal or “autoimmunity reviews”journal or “environmental
44、 health perspectives”journal or “journal of autoimmunity”journal or “archives of neurology”journal or “critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences”journal or “particle and fibre toxicology”journal or “jacc-cardiovascular imaging”journal or “circulation-cardiovascular interventions”journal or “n
45、ano research”journal or “fungal diversity”journal or “human brain mapping”journal or “american journal of clinical nutrition”journal or “diabetologia”journal or “mbio”journal or “journal of management”journal or “green chemistry”journal or “plant journal”journal or “structure”journal or “current opi
46、nion in neurobiology”journal or “circulation-cardiovascular imaging”journal or “health psychology review”journal or “journal of neuroscience”journal or “nanoscale”journal or “new astronomy reviews”journal or “chemical communications”journal or “journal of physical chemistry letters”journal or “human
47、 molecular genetics”journal or “bulletin of the american museum of natural history”journal or “neuron glia biology”journal or “annual review of public health”journal or “annual review of public health”journal or “oncotarget”journal or “journal of materials chemistry”journal or “trac-trends in analyt
48、ical chemistry”journal or “molecular plant”journal or “polymer reviews”journal or “journal of bone and mineral research”journal or “chemistry & biology”journal or “annals of oncology”journal or “european journal of heart failure”journal or “harvard law review”journal or “aids”journal or “internation
49、al materials reviews”journal or “cytokine & growth factor reviews”journal or “clinical gastroenterology and hepatology”journal or “ieee wireless communications”journal or “ieee transactions on industrial electronics”journal or “ieee communications surveys and tutorials”journal or “annual review of n
50、uclear and particle science”journal or “seminars in immunopathology”journal or “cancer treatment reviews”journal or “biosensors & bioelectronics”journal or “cancer and metastasis reviews”journal or “genetics in medicine”journal or “molecular therapy”journal or “critical reviews in toxicology”journal
51、 or “current opinion in colloid & interface science”journal or “new phytologist”journal or “journal of investigative dermatology”journal or “modern pathology”journal or “journal of the american academy of child and adolescent psychiatry”journal or “journal of the american academy of child and adoles
52、cent psychiatry”journal or “journal of economic literature”journal or “science signaling”journal or “organic letters”journal or “philosophical transactions of the royal society b-biological sciences”journal or “psychological inquiry”journal or “journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism”journal
53、or “ieee transactions on fuzzy systems”journal or “current opinion in virology”journal or “drug metabolism reviews”journal or “oncoimmunology”journal or “astrophysical journal”journal or “development”journal or “advances in ecological research”journal or “environmental microbiology”journal or “biote
54、chnology for biofuels”journal or “journal of high energy physics”journal or “clinical epigenetics”journal or “trends in parasitology”journal or “radiology”journal or “american journal of transplantation”journal or “epidemiology”journal or “epidemiology”journal or “international journal of cardiology
55、”journal or “ophthalmology”journal or “anesthesiology”journal or “carbon”journal or “wiley interdisciplinary reviews-rna”journal or “critical care medicine”journal or “neuroimage”journal or “brain behavior and immunity”journal or “seminars in immunology”journal or “catalysis reviews-science and engi
56、neering”journal or “molecular cancer therapeutics”journal or “cladistics”journal or “critical reviews in microbiology”journal or “geoscientific model development”journal or “journal of catalysis”journal or “international journal of neural systems”journal or “cortex”journal or “journal of finance”journal or “heart”journal or “precambrian research”journal or “physics letters b”journal or “stroke”journal or “applied catalysis b-environmental”journal or “current issues in molecular biology”journal or “global environmental change-human and policy dimensions”journal or “global environm
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