1、The Riso-Huds on Enn eagram Type In dicator (RHETI) is ascientificallyvalidated forced-choicepersonalitytest with 144paired stateme nts. The test takes about 40 minu tes to complete.Read each nu mbered pair of stateme nts carefully. There are no right or wrong answers. For each pair of statements, m
2、ark with one of the statement most like you. Leave the other statement blank. Your scores will be computed automatically. Do not skip any stateme nt pair. For greatest accuracy, your grand total should be equal to 144.1.A. I have bee n roma ntic and imagi native.B. I have bee n pragmatic and dow n t
3、o earth.2.A. I have ten ded to take on confron tati ons.B. I have ten ded to avoid confron tati ons.3.A. I have typically bee n diplomatic, charm ing, and ambitious.B. I have typically bee n direct, formal and idealistic.4.A. I have ten ded to be focused and inten se.CB. I have ten ded to be spontan
4、 eous and fun-lov ing.5.A. I have bee n a hospitable pers on and have enjoyed welco ming newfriends into my life.11111B. I have bee n a private pers on and have not mixed much with others.6.A. Itsbeen difficultfor meto relax and stop worrying about potentialproblems.B. Its bee n difficult for me to
5、get myself worked up about pote ntial problems.7.A. Ive bee n more of a street-smart survivor.B. Ive bee n more of a high min ded idealist.8.I have n eeded to show affecti on to people.B. I have preferred to main tai n some dista nee with people.9.A. When presented with a new experienee, Ive usually
6、 asked myself if it would be useful to me.B. When presented with a new experienee, Ive usually asked myself if it would be enjoyable.10.A. I have ten ded to focus too much on myself.B. I have ten ded to focus too much on others.A. Others have depe nded on my in sight and kno wledge.22222B. Others ha
7、ve depe nded on my stre ngth and decisive ness.12.A. I have come across as being too un sure of myself.B. I have come across as being too sure of myself.13.A. I have been more relationship-oriented than goal-oriented.B. I have been more goal-oriented than relationship-oriented.14.A. I have not bee n
8、 able to speak up for myself very well.B. I have bee n outspoke n - I have said what others wished they had the nerve to say.15.A. Its bee n difficult for me to stop con sideri ng alter natives and do someth ing defi nite.B. Its bee n difficult for me to take it easy and be more flexible.16.A. I hav
9、e ten ded to be careful and hesita nt.B. I have ten ded to be bold and domin eeri ng.17.people.A. My reluctaneeto get involved has gotten me in trouble with33333B. My eagerness to have people depend on me has gotten me into trouble with them.18.A. Usually, I have bee n able to put my feeli ngs aside
10、 to get the job done.B. Usually, I have needed to work through my feelings before I couldact.19.A. Gen erally, Ive bee n methodical and cautious.B. Gen erally, Ive bee n adve nturous and take n risks.20.A. I have ten ded to be a supportive, givi ng pers on who seeks in timacy with others.B. I have t
11、ended to be a serious, reserved person who likes discussing issues.21.ve ofte n felt the n eed to be a pillar of stre ngth.B. I have ofte n felt the n eed to perform perfectly.22.A. Ive typically bee n in terested in ask ing tough questi ons and maintaining my in depe ndence.B. rve typicallybeen int
12、erestedin maintaining my stability and peaceof mind.4444423.A. Ive bee n a bit cyni cal and skeptical.B. Ive bee n a bit mushy and sen time ntal.24.A. Ive often worried that Im missing out on something better.B. Ive ofte n worried that if I let dow n my guard, some one will take adva ntage of me.25.
13、A. My habit of being sta nd-offish has anno yed people.B. My habit of telli ng people what to do has anno yed people.26.A. I have ten ded to get an xious if there was too much exciteme nt and stimulati on.B. I have ten ded to get an xious if there was nt eno ugh exciteme nt and stimulati on.27.A. I
14、have depended on my friends & they have known that they can depend on me.B. I have not depe nded on people; I have done things on my own.28.I have ten ded to be detached and preoccupied.B. I have ten ded to be moody and self-absorbed.5555529.A. I have liked to challe nge people and shake them up.B.
15、I have liked to comfort people and calm them dow n.30.A. I have gen erally bee n an outgo ing, sociable pers on.B. I have gen erally bee n an earn est, self-discipli ned pers on.31.A. Ive wan ted to fit in with others - I get un comfortable whe n I sta nd out too much.B. Ive wan ted to sta ndout fro
16、m others - I get un comfortable whe n I dont dist in guish myself.32.A. Pursuing my pers onal in terests has bee n more importa nt to me tha n hav ing stability and security.B. Having stability and security has been more important to me than purs uing my pers onal in terests.33.A. Whenve had con fli
17、cts with others, Ive ten ded to withdraw.B. Whe nve had con flicts with others, Ive rarely backed dow n.34.I have give n in too easily and let others push me around.B. Ive bee n too un compromis ing and dema nding with others.6666635.A. rve bee n appreciated for my unsin kable spirit and resourcefu
18、In ess.B. Ive been appreciated for my deep caring and personal warmth.36.A. I have wan ted to make a favorable impressi on on others.B. I have cared little about making a favorable impression on others.37.A. Ive depe nded on my persevera nee and com mon sen se.B. Ive depe nded on my imagi nati on an
19、d mome nts of in spirati on.38.A. Basically, I have bee n easy-go ing and agreeable.-B. Basically, I have bee n hard-driv ing and assertive.39.A. I have worked hard to be accepted and well-liked.accepted and well-liked has not been a high priority for me.40.A. In react ion to pressure from others, I
20、 have become more withdraw n.B. In react ion to pressure from others, I have become more assertive.41.77777A. People have bee n in terested in me because rve bee n outgo ing, en gagi ng, and in terested in them.B. People have been interestedin mebecause rve been quiet,unusual,and deep.42.A. Duty and
21、 responsibility have been important values for me.B. Harmony and accepta nee have bee n importa nt values for me.43.A. rve tried to motivate people by making big plans and big promises.B. Ive tried to motivate people by pointing out the consequences ofnot follow ing my advice.44.A. I have seldom bee
22、 n emoti on ally dem on strative.B. I have ofte n bee n emoti on ally dem on strative.45.A. Deali ng with details has not bee n one of my strong suits.B. I have excelled at dealing with details.46.A. I have ofte n emphasized how differe nt I am from most people,especially my family.B. I have often e
23、mphasized how much I have in commonwith most people, especially my family.8888847.A. Whe n situatio ns have gotte n heated, I have ten ded to stay on theintosideli nes.B. Whensituationshave gotten heated, I have tended to get right the middle of things.48.A. I have stood by my frien ds, even whe n t
24、hey have bee n wrong.B. I have not wan ted to compromise what is right eve n for frien dship.49.A. Ive bee n a well-mea ning supporter.B. Ive been a highly-motivated go-getter.50.A. Whe n troubled, I have ten ded to brood about my problems.B. Whe n troubled, I have ten ded to find distract ions for
25、myself.51.A. Gen erally, Ive had strong convictions and a sense of how things should be.B. Gen erally, Ive had serious doubts and have questi oned how things seemed to be.A. Ive created problems with others by being pessimistic and complai ning.99999improvise as problemsB. Ive created problems with
26、others by being bossy and controlling. 53.A. I have tended to act on my feelings and let the chips fall where they mayB. I have ten ded not to act on my feeli ngs lest they stir up more problems.54.A. Being the center of attention has usually felt natural to me.B. Being the cen ter of atte nti on ha
27、s usually felt stra nge to me.55.A. Ive been careful, and have tried to prepare for unforeseen problems.B. Ivebee n spontan eous, and have preferred to come up.56.A. I have gotte n angry whe n others have not show n eno ugh appreciati on for what I have done for them.B. I have gotten angry when othe
28、rs have not listened to what I have told them.57.A. Being in depe ndent and self-relia nt has bee n importa nt to me.B. Bei ng valued and admired has bee n importa nt to me.1010101010A. Whenve debated with friends, Ive ten ded to press my argume nts forcefully.B. Whenve debated with friends, Ive ten
29、 ded to let things go topreve nt hard feeli ngs.59.A. I have often bee n possessive of loved ones I have had troublelett ing them be.B. I have often tested loved ones to see if they were really therefor me.60.A. Orga nizing resources and making things happe n has bee n one of my major stre ngths.B.
30、Coming up with new ideas and gett ing people excited about them has bee n one of my major stre ngths.61.A. Ive ten ded to be drive n and very hard on myself.B. Ive ten ded to be too emoti onal and rather un discipli ned.62.A. I have tried to keep my life fast-paced, inten se, and excit ing.B. I have
31、 tried to keep my life regular, stable, and peaceful.63.A. Even thoughve had successes, Ive ten ded to doubt my abilities.1111111111B. Even thoughve had setbacks, Ive had a lot of con fide nee in my abilities.64.A. I gen erally have ten ded to dwell on my feeli ngs and to hold on to them for a long
32、time.B. I gen erally have ten ded to mini mize my feeli ngs and not pay very much attention to them.65.A. I have provided many people with atte nti on and nurturance.-B. I have provided many people with directi on and motivati on.66.廣IA. Ive been a bit serious and strict with myself.B. Ive bee n a b
33、it free-wheeli ng and permissive with myself.67.CA. Ive bee n self-assertive and drive n to excel.B. Ive bee n modest and have bee n happy to go at my own pace.68.CA. I have bee n proud of my clarity and objectivity.B. I have bee n proud of my reliability and commitme nt.69.myfeeli ngsA. I have spe
34、nt a lot of time look ing in ward un dersta ndinghas bee n importa nt to me.1212121212getti ng things doneB. I have not spe nt much time look ing in ward has bee n importa nt to me.70.A. Gen erally, I have thought of myself as a sunny, casual pers on.B. Gen erally,I have thought of myself as a serio
35、us,dig ni fiedpers on.71.A. Ive had an agile mind and boun dless en ergy.B. Ive had a caring heart and deep dedication.72.A. I have pursued activities that had a substantialpotentialfor rewardand pers onal recog niti on.B. I have bee n willi ng to give up reward and pers onal recog niti on ifit mean
36、t doing work I was really in terested in.73.social obligati ons has seldom bee n high on my age nda.B. I have usually have taken my social obligations very seriously.74.In most situati on s, I have preferred to take the lead.B. I n most situati on s, I have preferred to let some one else take the le
37、ad.75.A. Over the years, my values and lifestyle have changed several times.1313131313B. Over the years, my values and lifestyle have rema ined fairly con siste nt.76.A. Typically, I have not had much self-discipli ne.B. Typically, I have not had much connection with people.77.A. I have ten ded to w
38、ithhold my affect ion, and have wan ted others to come into my world.B. I have ten ded to give my affecti on too freely, and have wan ted to exte nd myself to others.78.-A. I have had a tendency to think of worst case seen arios.B. I have had a tendency to think that everythi ng will work out forthe
39、 best.79.A. People have trusted me because I am con fide nt and can look out forthem.B. People have trusted me because I am fair andwill do what is right.80.CA. Often, I have been so involvedin my own projects that I have becomeisolated from others.B. Often, I have been so involved with others that
40、I have neglectedmy own projects.141414141481.A. Whe n meet ing some one n ew, I have usually bee n poised and self-c ontained.B. Whe n meeti ng some one n ew, I have usually bee n chatty and en tertai ning.82.A. Gen erally speak in g, I have ten ded to be pessimistic.B. Gen erally speak in g, I have
41、 ten ded to be optimistic.83.A. I have preferred to in habit my own little world.B. I have preferred to let the world know rm here.84.A. I have often bee n troubled by n ervous ness, in security, and doubt.B. I have ofte n bee n troubled by an ger, perfect ioni sm,and impatie nee.85.A. I realize tha
42、t I have often been too personal and intimate.B. I realize that I have ofte n bee n too cool and aloof.86.A. I have lost out because I have not felt up to taking opportunities.B. I have lost out because I have pursued too many possibilities.1515151515A. I have tended to take a long time to get into
43、action.B. I have ten ded to get into action quickly.88.A. I usually have had difficulty making decisi ons.B. I seldom have had difficulty making decisi ons.89.A. I have had a tendency to come on a little too strong with people.B. I have had a tendency not to assert myself eno ugh with people.90.A. T
44、ypically, I have bee n eve n-tempered.B. Typically, 1 have had strong cha nges of mood.91.A. Whenve bee n un sure of what to do, Ive ofte n sought the advice of others.B. Whenve bee n un sure of what to do, Ive tried differe nt thingsto see what worked best for me.92.A. I have worried that I would b
45、e left out of others activities.B. I have worried that others activities would distract me from whatI had to do.93.1616161616A. Typically, when I have gotten angry, I have told people off.B. Typically, when I have gotten angry, I have become distant.94.A. Ive ten ded to have trouble falli ng asleep.
46、B. Ive ten ded to fall asleep easily.95.A. I have often tried to figure out how I could get closer to others.B. I have often tried to figure out what others want from me.96.A. I have usually bee n measured, straight-talk ing, and deliberate.B. I have usually bee n excitable, fast-talk ing, and witty
47、.97.A. Often, I have not spoken up whenve seen others making a mistake.B. Often, I have helped others see that they are making a mistake.98.A. During most of my life, I have been a stormy person who has had many volatile feeli ngs.B. During most of my life, I have bee n a steady pers on in whom stil
48、lwaters run deep.99.1717171717it oneA. Whenl have disliked people, I have usually tried hard to stay cordial despite my feeli ngs.B. Whe n I have disliked people, I have usually let them know way or ano ther.100.A. Much of my difficulty with people has come from my touch in ess andtaking everyth ing
49、 too pers on ally.B. Much of my difficulty with people has come from my not caring about social conven ti ons.101.My approach has bee n to jump in and rescue people.B. My approach has bee n to show people how to help themselves.102.A. Gen erally, I have enjoyed lett ing go and push ing the limits.B.
50、 Gen erally, I have not enjoyed los ing con trol of myself very much.103.A. Ive been overly concerned with doing better than others.B. Ive been overly concerned with making things okay for others.in volvi ng my104.A. My thoughts gen erally have bee n speculative magination and curiosity.1818181818ju
51、st trying to keepB. My thoughts gen erally have bee n practical things going.105.A. One of my main assets has bee n my ability to take charge ofsituati ons.B. One of my main assets has been myability to describe internalstates.106.A. I have pushed to get things done correctly,eve n if it made people
52、un comfortable.B. I have not liked feeli ng pressured, so I have not liked pressuri nganyone else.107.A. Ive often taken pride in how important I am in others lives.B. rve often taken pride in my gusto and openness to new experiences.108.A. I have perceived that rve often come across to others as pr
53、esentable, even admirable.B. I have perceived that rve ofte n come across to others as unu sual,even odd.109.I have mostly done what I had to do.B. I have mostly done what I wan ted to do.1919191919A. I have usually enjoyed high-pressure, even difficult, situati ons.B. I have usually disliked being
54、in high-pressure, even difficult, situati ons.whats appropriate111.A. Ive bee n proud of my ability to be flexible or importa nt ofte n cha nges.B. rvebeen proud of my ability to take a stand rve been firm aboutwhat I believe in.112.My style has lea ned toward sparse ness and austerity.B. My style h
55、as lea ned toward excess and over-do ing things.113.A. My own health and well-be ing have suffered because of my strong desire to help others.B. My relati on shipshave suffered because of my strong desire to atte ndto my pers onal n eeds.114.A. Gen erally speak ing, Ive bee n too ope n and na? ve.B.
56、 Gen erally speak ing, Ive bee n too wary and guarded.A. I have sometimes put people off by being too aggressive.B. I have sometimes put people off by being too up-tight.2020202020116.A. Being of service and atte nding to the n eeds of others has bee n ahigh priority for me.B. Finding alter nativeways of see ing and doing things has bee n a highpriority for me.117.A. Ive bee n sin gle-min ded and persiste nt in purs uing my goals.B. Ive preferred to explore various courses of acti on t
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