



1、2013 Fun dame ntals of Man ageme nt Refere ntial an swers for assig nments Chapter1: Man agers and Man ageme nt Q4 Is your course instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of both planning, orga nizin g, lead ing, and con trolli ng. Also discuss using Min tzberg man agerial roles approach. An swer - A

2、college in structor is both an in dividual con tributor and a man ager. Planning (defines class goals, establishes plans for achieving goals, and develops less on pla ns), orga nizin g(executi on and class participati on), leadi ng(motivat ing stude nts, direct the activities of others, select the m

3、ost effective com muni cati on cha nn el, resolve con flicts) , con trolli ng(grad in g). Min tzberg man agerial roles: In terpers onal roles: the roles of leader and liais on. Informational roles: monitor and disseminator. Decisional roles: disturbance handler and resource allocator. Q7 Why are man

4、 agers importa nt to orga ni zati ons? Answer Managers are individuals in an organization who direct and oversee the activities of others. Man agers perform man agerial activities that en sure to achieve orga ni zati onal goals effectively and efficie ntly. Providi ng details about man ageme nt leve

5、ls. (Please refer to page 5-6) Q9 An article by Gary Hamel in the February 2009 issue of Harvard Bus in ess Review addresses how man ageme nt must be reinven ted to be more releva nt to today world? Get a copy of that article. Choose one of the 25 grand challe nges identified. Discuss what it is and

6、 what it means for the way that organizations are man aged. Answer - The 25 grand challenges include: ensure management serves a higher purpose, reduce fear and in crease trust, reinvent the means of con trol, redefi ne the work of leadership, expa nd and exploit diversity, etc. Choose one of them a

7、nd discuss. Chapter3: Foun dati ons of Decisi on Making Q1 Why is decision making often described as the essence of a manager job? Answer -Decision making is a process of responding to a problem by searching for and selecting a solution or course of action that will create value for organisational s

8、takeholders. Everyth ing that a man ager does in term of pla nning, orga nizin g, leadi ng and con trolli ng invo Ives decisi on making. Man agers in orga ni zati ons also are called decisi on makers. Q3 “ Because managers have software tools to use, they should be able to m ake more rati onal decis

9、i ons. Do you agree or disagree with this stateme nt? Why? Answer -Disagree. Decision making is a complex process which needs information, skills, experiencesand creativity. Software tools will allow managers easily gather information and analyze it, but it is doubtful software tools can make manage

10、rs more rati on al, as software tools do not make decisi ons. Rati onal decisi on maki ng means maki ng logical and con siste nt choices to maximize value. Rational decision making must satisfy several assumptions. However, the reality is full of uncertainty and risk. Managers decision making still

11、will not be perfectly rati onal by using software tools. Q4 Is there a differenee between wrong decisions and bad decisions? Why do good managers sometimes make wrong decisions? Bad decisions? How might man agers improve their decisi on maki ng skills? Answer -Wrong decisions can not help to achieve

12、 organizational goals, bad decisions do help to achieve goals but may not maximize value or solve problems in a large expe nse. In additi on to un certa inty and risk, time pressure, in complete in formati on in today s environmeaiid limited capacity make managers often use intuition to make decisi

13、ons, so good man agers sometimes also make wrong or bad decisi ons. Managers can improve decision making skills by focus on what is more important, logic and con siste ncy, gatheri ng releva nt in formati on, ble nding subjective and objective thinking with analysis and remaining flexible, etc. Chap

14、ter4: Foun dati ons of Pla nning Q2 Describe in detail the six-step strategic man ageme nt process. Answer - The six-step strategic management process invoIves: Identify the organization 6usent mission, goals, and strategies; External analysis (identify opportunities and threats); Internal analysis

15、(identify strengths and weaknesses); Formulate strategies, impleme nt strategies and evaluate results. (Please refer to page 87-89 ) Q5 Un der what circumsta nces do you believe MBO would be the most useful? Discuss. An swer -MBO is a process of sett ing mutually agreed-up on goals and using those g

16、oals to evaluate employee performanee. MBO makes objectives operational by cascadi ng them dow n through the orga ni zatio n. Un der circumsta nces where employee commitme nt is importa nt, where con crete goals help a company directs its efforts, when there is a need coordination and com muni cati

17、on in a compa ny, etc. Q9 Do a personal SWOT analysis. Assess your personal strengths and weak nesses (skills, tale nts, abilities). What are you good at? What are you not so good at? What do you enjoy doing? Not enjoy doing? Then, identify career opport un ities and threats by researchi ng job pros

18、pects in the in dustry you re interested in. Look at trends and projectons. You might want to check out the in formatio n the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides on job prospects. Once you have all this information, write a specific career action plan. Outline five-year career goals and what you n e

19、ed to do to achieve those goals. Answer -SWOT analysis is an analysis of an organization strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order to identify a strategic niche that the organization can exploit. The answer will vary based on students. (Please refer to page 88-89) Chapter5: Orga ni

20、zati onal Structure and Culture Q2 Can an organizati on sstructure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be cha nged quickly? Why or why not? Answer -Yes, an organization s structure can be changed quickly. Howeveeed of changing an organization s structure depends on its size. A smzatioigaai

21、n cha nge its structure more rapidly tha n a large orga ni zatio n. But a large orga ni zati on can change its structure and does in response to the changing environment and strategy. Whether an organization structure should be changed quickly or not depe nds on the orga ni zati on s strategy, the e

22、n vir onment and the form of tech no logy it uses. Q5 Researchers are now say ing that efforts to simplify work tasks actually gave n egative results for both compa nies and their employees. Do you agree? Why or why not? Answer -Facing today s competitive environment, managers need to consider how t

23、o allocate limited resources and group activities to achieve orga ni zatio nal goals. Make the right pers on do the right task. Simplify work tasks can have positive results for compa nies and employees. For example, work specializati on makes efficie nt use of the diversity of skills that employees

24、 hold. Q8 Pick two compa nies that you in teract with freque ntly (as an employee or as a customer) and assess their culture accord ing to the culture dime nsions show n in exhibit5-13. Answer - The answer will vary based on the companies students choose. Culture dimensions include: attention to det

25、ail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, stability, innovation and risk taking. loyees Chapter8 : Motivating and Rewarding Ei Q1 Most of us have to work for a livi ng, and a job is a cen tral part of our lives. So why do man agers have to worry so much about em

26、ployee motivati on issues? Answer -Motivation refer s to the process by which a person s efforts are energized, directed, and susta ined toward atta ining a goal. Eve n though most of us have to work and therefore need a job, managersstill have to worry about employee motivation issues. Employees ar

27、e not always willi ng to put effort to do their job well. Employee can work for different rewards: money, recognition, achievement, affiliation, power and so on. Motivati on can lead to higher productivity, improve employee satisfact ion, reduce the high cost of employee turnover and maintaining the

28、 competitive edge. Motivation plays a critical role in achieving organizational goals. Q3 What role would money play in (a)the hierarchy of needs theory, (b)two-factor theory, (c)equity theory, (d)expectancy theory, and (e)motivating employees with a high aAch? Answer -(a) Money might be a security

29、need, providing shelter, food, and clothing, or it could be a self-esteem n eed in giving the in dividual a sense of self-worth. (b) Money is a hygie ne factor. (c) Money becomes a measure of fair ness Is my raise, salary appropriate to my positi on? (d) Money is releva nt only to the degree the in

30、dividual perceives that the mon etary reward is appropriate for the amount of effort put forth. (e) Money could be see n as a way to measure success. Q6 Many job desig n experts who have studied the cha nging n ature of work say that people do their best work when they are motivated by a sense of pu

31、rpose rather tha n by the pursuit of mon ey. Do you agree? Expla in your positi on? What are the implicatio ns for man agers? Answer - The answer will vary. Employees come to organizations with different needs, skills, abilities and interests. Employees need to cooperate with others in today s diver

32、ysiand competitive environment. People do not work only for money, such as professi onal and tech ni cal employees, whose chief reward is the work itself. Employee can work for other rewards: recog niti on, achieveme nt, affiliati on or power. Man agers should focus more on the sense of purpose and

33、look at differe nt types of rewards that help motivate employees. Chapter9: Leadership and Trust Q2 What would a manager need to know to use Fiedler s contingtei? Be specific. Answer - The Fiedler contingency model proposed effective group performanee depends on the preper match between the leader s

34、 style of interaction and the degree to which the situati on gives con trol and in flue nce to the leader. He isolated three situati onal criteria leader-member relati ons, task structure, and positi on powthat can be manipulated to create the proper match with the behavioral orientation of the lead

35、er. Fiedler argued that leadership style is inn ate to a person you can cha nge your style. It is necessary to match the leader with the situation based on three situational criteria. (Please refer to page 247-249) Q5 Do you thi nk trust evolves out of an in dividual s pers onal characteristics or o

36、ut of specific situations? Explain. Answer -Both, trust is in a person given certain circumstances. Some individuals are always trusted regardless of circumstances; others can be trusted to respond in predictable ways in differe nt circumsta nces. Q6 Do followers make a differe nee in whether a lead

37、er is effective? Discuss. An swer - Yes, the ability to in flue nee others outside of one own authority and to perform bey ond expectati ons are esse ntial to high perform ing orga ni zati ons and are characteristic of leaders. Leaders have followers. Followers make significant contribution to leade

38、rs effectiveness. Successful leadership is contingent on the follower level of read in ess. Readi ness refers to the exte nt that people have the ability and the willingness to accomplish a specific task. Regardless of what the leader does, effective ness depe nds on the acti ons of his or her follo

39、wers. ChapterlO: Communi cati on and In terpers onal Skills Q1 Which type of com muni cati on do you thi nk is most effective in a work setti ng? Why? An swer -Each com muni cati on method has its own ben efits and drawbacks. No one method is appropriate in all circumstances. Justify your choice bas

40、ed on the adva ntages of com muni cati on type that you choose. (Please refer to page 270-272) Q3 Which do you thi nk is more importa nt for a man ager: speak ing accurately or liste ning actively? Why? Answer - The answer will vary. Students may think listening actively is more important. Actively

41、listening refers to listening for full meaning without making premature judgme nts or in terpretati ons, dema nds total concen tratio n. Correct in formati on can not be retur ned to employees if man agers have not liste ned actively and correctly heard the information request. Students also can mak

42、e argument that it is more importa nt for the man ager to speak accurately to beg in with. Q5 Is in formatio n tech no logy helpi ng man agers be more efficie nt and effective? Expla in your an swer. performa nee. An swer- Yes, i nformatio n tech no logy is helpi ng man agers to be more efficie nt a

43、nd effective. It can improve a manager s ability to manager employees can allow employees to have more completed in formati on to make decisi on s. It has provided employees more opport un ities to collaborate and share in formati on. Chapterll: Foundations of Control Q3 How are pla nning and con trollin ked? Is the con trol fun ctio n lin ked to the orga nizing and leadi ng functions of man ageme nt? Expla in? Answer -The control process assumesthat standards of performanee already exist. They are created in the pla nning function. Objectives are the sta ndards


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