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1、marketing with integrity: ethics and the service-dominantlogic for marketingandrew v. abela & patrick e. murphyreceived: 28 june 2007 / accepted: 2 july 2007 / published online: 21 august 2007# academy of marketing science 2007abstractthis paper examines a tendency within existingmarketing scholarsh

2、ip to compartmentalize ethical issues. italso shows how this tendency can cause ethical tensionsand conflicts in marketing practice. the emerging servicedominant(s-d) logic for marketing, as proposed by vargoand lusch, is explored as an example of an approach tomarketing that overcomes this tendency

3、. the s-d logic isfound to be a positive development for marketing ethicsbecause it facilitates the seamless integration of ethicalaccountability into marketing decision-making. specificrecommendations are made for improving the ethicalclimate in marketing using marketing performance measurementtheo

4、ry and practice.keywords ethical violations . ethics . integrity.marketing ethics . marketing performance measurement .service-dominant logicintroductiondespite extensive and thoughtful effort devoted to marketingethics scholarship over the past several decades, theincidence of ethical violations in

5、 marketing practiceremains high. the effectiveness of current approaches tomarketing scholarship may be limited by the prevailingapproach to marketing ethics, which tends to separateethical analysis from marketing by overlaying such analysison top of existing marketing theory, rather than integratin

6、git. such an approach, in the context of the fragmentednature of contemporary marketing theory, can causenormative tensions for marketing managers that in turnresult in ethical violations. the service-dominant (s-d)logic, as proposed by vargo and lusch (2004a, b, 2006;hereafter vl), provides a more

7、integrated approach tomarketing theory that reduces these tensions, enabling amore ethical foundation for marketing.marketing ethics to datemarketing ethics is “the systematic study of how moralstandards are applied to marketing decisions, behaviors andinstitutions” (murphy et al. 2005, p. xvii). ac

8、cording to amajor review article examining the marketing ethicsliterature during the 1960s and 70s, the main topicscovered included marketing research and managerial issues(e.g., purchasing; the four ps) and to a lesser extenttheoretical and consumer concerns (murphy and laczniak1981). these earlier

9、 approaches tended to take a normativeperspective, “developing guidelines or rules to assistmarketers in their efforts to behave in an ethical fashion”(hunt and vitell 1986, p. 6). subsequently, development oftheoretical models of marketers ethical decision-makinginaugurated a descriptive stream of

10、research (ferrell andgresham 1985; ferrell et al. 1989; hunt and vitell 1986).more recently, marketing ethics has built on both of thesestreams, applying normative guidance from moral andpolitical philosophy (such as deontology, social contractstheory, and virtue theory) to the more complex understa

11、ndingof the marketing ethics decision-making processprovided by descriptive research (dunfee et al. 1999;murphy 1999; smith and cooper-martin 1997; takala anduusitalo 1996).the persistence of ethicalof ethical issuesnevertheless, issues such as misleading advertising, unsafeand harmful products, abu

12、se of distribution channel power,and promotion of materialism, which were the main ethicaconcerns of the 1950s, are still serious problems today, halfa century later (kotler 2004; citing bowen 1953). newissues are regularly added to this list, including stealthmarketing, predatory lending, promotion

13、 of off-label usesof pharmaceuticals, and online privacy (karpatkin 1999;murphy et al. 2005).one important cause of the persistence of such issues isthe tendency in current marketing theory to compartmentalizeethical issues. in general, theoretical developmentsin marketing are introduced without exp

14、licit considerationof ethics by their proponents, apparently on the assumptionthat such consideration can be separated from the“business” issues. for example, the concepts of targetmarketing, service quality, and brand equity were allaccepted marketing practices long before ethical issuesassociated

15、with them were analyzed (abela 2003; davis1996; smith and cooper-martin 1997). even the s-dlogic, which is proposed in this paper as a stronger ethicalfoundation for marketing, made no explicit reference toethics in its initial formulation (vargo and lusch 2004a).as we will note below, there are eth

16、ical considerationsimplicit in the s-d logic, but we believe that they need tobe made more explicit for marketing to have a firmerethical foundation. the problem of compartmentalizationthis separation or compartmentalization of “business” and“ethics” is problematic both theoretically and practically

17、. atthe theoretical level, the separation between economic andethical analysis weakens the quality of scholarly investigation,with negative consequences for both economic andethical analysis (freeman 1994; sen 1987). for example,kotlers societal marketing concept (smc), introduced inthe third editio

18、n (1976) of his marketing management text,proposes that all marketing decisions be made for the benefitof the consumer, the firm, and society as a whole. however,the formulation of the various marketing strategies andtactics presented in this text is not materially different fromthat of other author

19、s who do not propose the smc. thesmc, while a laudable notion, has not seen extensiveimplementation in marketing (crane and desmond 2002).furthermore, compartmentalization of ethical issues leavesscholars free to develop apparently amoral theories, whichcan have the potential to signal to students o

20、f suchtheories that they are free from a sense of moral responsibility(ghoshal 2005). on a more positive note,social and environmental issues appear to be gainingserious attention recently with michael porter and othersfocusing on a more strategic use of corporate responsibilityand sustainable marke

21、ting (murphy et al. 2005; porter andkramer 2006).at a practical level, the compartmentalization of marketingethics makes ethical issues more likely to be ignored.according to descriptive research in marketing ethics,marketers deal with ethical issues through a multi-stagereasoning process (ferrell e

22、t al. 1989; hunt and vitell1986). two critical steps in such a process are recognizing the presence of an ethical issue and invoking an ethical evaluation. based on this understanding, marketing ethicsscholars have developed frameworks for helping marketersidentify and then evaluate ethical issues.y

23、et these models are mostly developed as an “add-on” tothe rest of marketing scholarship: one is supposed to put the decisions arising from ones marketing analysis throughone or more of these frameworks. as a result, they may be viewed as optional. for example, laczniak (1983) proposed a framework of

24、 fourteen questions that a marketer should ask, including: “is the intent of a particular action evil? areany major evils likely to result from this action?” smiths (1993) consumer sovereignty test requires marketers to apply three tests to their marketing decisions: capability of the consumer, avai

25、lability and quality of information, and opportunity for choice/switching. the problem with theseframeworks is that in each case there is a separation between the marketing analysis and the ethical analysis. robin and reidenbach (1987) advocated parallel planning systems for “integrating ethical and

26、 socially responsible plans into strategic marketing planning” (p. 52). although this method avoids the clearer separation of the other two, it still requires marketers to take additional steps to addressethical considerations. at worst, though, such frameworks become merely a routine “ethics check.

27、” in the hectic conditions of contemporary marketing decision-making, isnt it likely that such ethical considerations can be and sometimes are accidentally or intentionally ignored? what is needed is an approach to marketing ethics that does not require a separate process every time an ethical issue

28、 is identified, but instead allows such issues to be dealt with as part of the normal course of marketing decision-making.limitations and implications for research and educationour proposal is a departure from previous approaches to marketing ethics. hence, it should not be surprising if there are s

29、everal limitations that still need to be addressed. first, the idea that marketing strategy sometimes involves attempts to reduce competition is not completely resolved here. occasions could arise where opportunism is profitable, such as when firms are successful in creating legal anti-competitive b

30、arriers to entry through technology or channel arrangements. “tragedy of the commons” issues (shultz and holbrook 1999) arent entirely addressed either. measurement of the ethical tensions is not attempted; an important next step is operationalizing them. also, despitemajor strides in measuring non-

31、financial assets, the methodologies discussed above are not universally employed or calculated in the same way. several areas for further research are suggested by this paper. & a theoretical argument is advanced to support the proposition that the s-d logic reduces the number of ethical tensions in

32、 marketing; this proposition can be empirically tested, e.g. by measuring whether the level of marketing managers agreement with the tenets of the s-d logic correlate with fewer perceived ethical tensions. & longitudinal study of changes in firms adherence to the fps of the s-d logic and the various

33、 metrics discussed above would also strengthen the theoretical argument developed in this paper. & to strengthen the integration of non-customer stakeholders (laczniak 2006), the dialogic proposal of ballantyne and varey (2006) could be developed further, perhaps into another fp about participation

34、and fair treatment of stakeholders. & while work on measurement of intangibles continues to progress, much still needs to be done. how should wereconcile the different approaches to relationship assets brand equity, customer equity, and reputation? what are the antecedents and consequences of each,

35、and extent of overlap? should ethical or societal behavior be explicitly incorporated into these measures, to assist in diagnosing what changes in intangibles value can be attributed to socially responsible actions (lemon and seiders 2006)?& as noted in the paper, little attention has been paid to b

36、usiness risk in marketing. researchers could explore what kinds of marketing actions lead to increases or decreases in cash flow volatility. this would facilitate further quantification of the potential impact of unethical behavior.& social impact measurement and reporting is similarly lacking in at

37、tention in marketing. of interest here would be greater understanding of the relationships between adoption of social reporting, firm behavior and perceptions of the firm among various stakeholders. the content of the gri itself could be subjected to academic scrutinyare the right measures being pro

38、posed and are meaningful differences being detected?& the smc proposed by kotler has the potential to encompass a number of the ethical considerations outlined in this paper. specifically, how could some of the measurement and valuation techniques examined here make the smc become more of a reality

39、in the field of marketing? educators also could incorporate the s-d logic in courses. some insights by the contributors in the anthology compiled by lusch and vargo (2006) are offered toward this end. the implications of this paper are that ethical concepts can be integrated into all marketing cours

40、es. we see the notions of co-creation, knowledge as a fundamental source of competitive advantage, and value proposition to be best examined in the context of ethical principles such as trust, transparency, and relationship integrity. for instance, marketing strategy courses would examine the centra

41、lity of co-creation to firm success, and the implications of this in terms of the firms ethical orientation towards consumers. as we have argued, ethics should be integrated into the discussion rather than compartmentalized. a recent study of advertising texts found that most devote a chapter to eth

42、ical and regulatory issues (drumwright and murphy 2008). ideally, they should be discussed within analyses of media, campaigns and messages, rather than separately.conclusion the integrated approach to marketing ethics proposed here and built on vargo and luschs (2004a) s-d logic allows marketing pe

43、rformance measurement to be extended toincorporate ethical accountability, so that consideration of ethical issues becomes an essential and inextricable part of overall marketing analysis. the word “integrity” in the title of this paper conveys two separate but related meanings: it refers to integri

44、ty as it is commonly understood to mean ethical behavior. it also refers to the integrity the “wholeness” of the theory, that places ethical and business issues right at the heart of marketing theory, thus providing an integrated approach to marketing ethics. acknowledgement the authors would like t

45、o thank the editors of this special issue, robert lusch and stephen vargo, as well as gene laczniak, robert audi, the department of marketing at notre dame, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. references abela, a. v. (2002). when a brand is a promise: bu

46、ilding firm credibility by integrating strategic and ethical aspects of brand management. doctoral dissertation, darden business school. abela, a. v. (2003). additive versus inclusive approaches tomeasuring brand equity: practical and ethical implications.journal of brand management, 10(45), 342352.

47、ambler, t. (2003). marketing and the bottom line (2nd ed.). london:ft prentice hall.ballantyne, d., & varey, r. j. (2006). introducing a dialogicorientation to the service-dominant logic of marketing. in r. f.lusch & s. l. vargo (eds.), the service-dominant logic ofmarketing: dialog, debate, and dir

48、ections. armonk: m.e. sharpe.barwise, p., & farley, j. u. (2003). which marketing metrics are usedand where? msi reports. cambridge: msi.beirne, m. (2002). fixing a shattered trust. brandweek, 43(32), 16.berthon, p., hulbert, j. m., & pitt, l. f. (1997). brands, brandmanagers, and the management of

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50、1.bowen, h. r. (1953). social responsibilities of the businessman. newyork: harper and row.bowie, n. e. (1999). business ethics: a kantian perspective. malden:blackwell publishers.boyt, t. e., lusch, r. f., & naylor, g. (2001). the role ofprofessionalism in determining job satisfaction in profession

51、alservices: a study of marketing researchers. journal of serviceresearch, 3(4), 321.brenkert, g. g. (1998). marketing to inner-city blacks: powermasterand moral responsibility. business ethics quarterly, 8(1), 118.carter, c. r. (2000). precursors of unethical behavior in global suppliermanagement. j

52、ournal of supply chain management, 36(1), 45.chaudhuri, a., & holbrook, m. b. (2001). the chain of effects frombrand trust and brand affect to brand performance: the role ofbrand loyalty. journal of marketing, 65, 8193.chonko, l. b., & hunt, s. d. (1985). ethics and marketingmanagement: an empirical

53、 examination. journal of businesssresearch, 13, 339359.誠信營銷與:道德和服務優(yōu)勢 logic for marketing 營銷邏輯 andrew v. abela & patrick e. murphy 五,阿貝拉和安德魯帕特里克墨菲大腸桿菌 received: 28 june 2007 / accepted: 2 july 2007 / published online: 21 august 2007 收稿日期:2007年6月28日/接受日期:2007年7月2日/線上發(fā)表于:2007年8月21日 # academy of marketi

54、ng science 2007 營銷科學研究院2007年 abstract 抽象 this paper examines a tendency within existingmarketing scholarship to compartmentalize ethical issues. 本文探討existingmarketing獎學金,以區(qū)域化的趨勢在倫理道德問題。 italso shows how this tendency can cause ethical tensionsand conflicts in marketing practice. italso表明這一趨勢可能會導致如何在

55、營銷實踐中的倫理tensionsand沖突。 the emerging servicedominant(sd) logic for marketing, as proposed by vargoand lusch, is explored as an example of an approach tomarketing that overcomes this tendency. 新興servicedominant(職務)的營銷邏輯的,因為盧施提出vargoand,是作為一個趨勢的實例探討的方式tomarketing,克服這一點。 the sd logic isfound to be a pos

56、itive development for marketing ethicsbecause it facilitates the seamless integration of ethicalaccountability into marketing decision-making. 將sd邏輯isfound是一個積極的發(fā)展營銷ethicsbecause為ethicalaccountability進入決策營銷決策有利于實現(xiàn)無縫集成。 specificrecommendations are made for improving the ethicalclimate in marketing us

57、ing marketing performance measurementtheory and practice. specificrecommendations是為提高市場營銷ethicalclimate使用性能measurementtheory和實踐。 keywords 關鍵詞 ethical violations . 道德的行為。 ethics . 倫理。 integrity.marketing ethics . integrity.marketing道德。 marketing performance measurement . 營銷績效評價。 service-dominant logi

58、c 服務主導邏輯 introduction 介紹 despite extensive and thoughtful effort devoted to marketingethics scholarship over the past several decades, theincidence of ethical violations in marketing practiceremains high. 盡管進行了廣泛和周到的努力致力于marketingethics獎學金在過去幾十年來,practiceremains theincidence營銷道德行為高。 the effectivenes

59、s of current approaches tomarketing scholarship may be limited by the prevailingapproach to marketing ethics, which tends to separateethical analysis from marketing by overlaying such analysison top of existing marketing theory, rather than integratingit. 該獎學金的現(xiàn)行做法的有效性可能會受到限制tomarketing由prevailingapproach市場營銷道德,從而容易從市場到separateethical分析疊加現(xiàn)有的營銷理論等例析頂部,而不是integratingit。 such an approach, in the context of the fragmentednature o


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