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1、資料來源:來自本人網(wǎng)絡整理!祝您工作順利!英文股權轉讓合同范本 股權轉讓合同又稱股權轉讓協(xié)議,是指股權轉讓方與股權受讓方簽訂的,商定在股權轉讓中雙方各自權利義務關系的契約。由于股權轉讓是一項較為冗雜的法律行為,涉及的法律關系多,為了避開轉讓方與受讓方出現(xiàn)不必要的糾紛,一般都需要簽署書面的股權轉讓合同,以明確雙方的權利義務,因此股權轉讓合同在股權轉讓中具有極其重要的意義。以下我要與大家共享的:英文股權轉讓合同相關范本。歡送閱讀! 英文股權轉讓合同范本一 本股權轉讓協(xié)議(以下稱本協(xié)議) 由以下各方于2021年 月 日在北京簽署: this equity interest transfer agre

2、ement (hereinafter referred to as this agreement) is made on , by and between the following parties: 甲方:party a 乙方:party b 以上甲方稱轉讓方,乙方稱受讓方,各簽署方單獨稱為各方。 the above parties hereinafter are referred to as parties collectively and as party individually. party a hereinafter is referred to as transferor, pa

3、rty b hereinafter is referred to as transferee. 鑒于:whereas (1) 甲方于 年 月 日投資設立北京幸運南風餐飲管理有限公司,公司注冊資本為100.01萬元人民幣,已全部繳清。 1. party a established beijing xinyunnanfeng restaurant management co., ltd on . the registered capital of the company is 100,000,001rmb, which has been fully paid-up. party a holds 5

4、0% of the shares in the company respectively. (2) 甲方擬出售其現(xiàn)持有 的公司股權;受讓方情愿購置轉讓方欲出售的股權。 2. party a now intends to sell his % company shares; party b is willing to buy the shares. 甲乙雙方現(xiàn)依據(jù)中華人民共和國合同法以及相關法律法規(guī)的規(guī)定,本著公平互利、友好協(xié)商的原那么,達成如下協(xié)議,以茲共同遵守: now, according to the contract law of the peoples republic of chi

5、na and other related laws and regulations, and in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 第一條 轉讓條件和價款支付 article 1 equity interest transfer 1.1 根據(jù)本協(xié)議條款,甲方同意將其持有的公司100%股權出售于受讓方;受讓方同意購置該全部股權。 1.1 subject to the terms of this agreement, transfer

6、or hereby agrees to sell % company shares to transferee, and transferee agrees to purchase from transferors the transferred equity interest hereunder. 1.2 本協(xié)議生效后,原公司章程終止,應根據(jù)相應法律法規(guī)重新制定公司章程。 1.2 upon the effective date of this agreement, the articles of association shall terminate. a new articles of a

7、ssociation shall be concluded in accordance with relevant laws and regulations in china. 1.3 根據(jù)本協(xié)議條款,甲方將其擁有的北京幸運南方餐飲管理有限公司100%的股權,作價 萬元人民幣轉讓給乙方。 1.3 subject to the terms of this agreement, the total purchase price for the transferred equity interest shall be rmb (the purchase price). 1.4 各方成認并同意此轉讓價

8、格為受讓方在本協(xié)議項下應向轉讓方支付的唯一價格,受讓方及其任何關聯(lián)企業(yè)就本股權轉讓不擔當任何將來的或額外的支付義務。 1.4 the parties acknowledge and agree that the purchase price is the sole amount to be paid by transferee to the transferor, and transferee and any of its affiliated companies shall not be responsible for any future or additional payment to

9、the transferors with respect to the equity interest transfer under this agreement. 1.5 價款支付 1.5 the price payment a. 受讓方應于本協(xié)議簽字生效之日起 日內向轉讓方支付上述轉讓價格的30%; a. thirty percent of the purchase price shall be paid off upon days after the agreement had been signed; b. 受讓方應于本協(xié)議項下股權轉讓經(jīng)有關審批機關批準后 日內向轉讓方支付上述轉讓價格

10、的30%; b. another thirty percent of the purchase price shall be paid off if the approving authority approved the agreement; c. 受讓方應于本協(xié)議項下股權轉讓事宜登記變更完成后 日內向轉讓方支付上述轉讓價格的40%; c. surplus forty percent of the purchase price shall be paid off when all the registration procedure had been fulfilled. d. 受讓方所支付

11、的轉讓價款應支付到轉讓方所指定的銀行帳戶內. d. the transfer of the price paid the transferor shall pay to the bank account designated by transferors. 1.6 轉讓方及受讓方應根據(jù)相關法律各自擔當本股權轉讓協(xié)議項下各方應擔當?shù)亩愂占捌渌U費義務。1.6 transferor and transferee shall be respectively responsible for payment of the taxes and other governmental levies rel

12、ating to the equity interest transfer, imposed on each party in accordance with the applicable laws. 其次條 先 決 條 件article 2 conditions precedent 2.1 先決條件. conditions precedent. a. 鑒于本協(xié)議涉及到外商投資企業(yè)并購境內企業(yè)的法律監(jiān)管問題,為保證本協(xié)議簽訂后可以順當履行,本協(xié)議項下股權轉讓以以下條件的完成或出現(xiàn)為先決條件: in view of this agreement involving foreign investm

13、ent enterprise legal supervision and the acquisition of domestic enterprises, to ensure that after this agreement is signed can be performed smoothly under this agreement with the following conditions stock-rights transfer the complete or appear as prerequisites: (1) 公司權利機構通過決議批準根據(jù)本協(xié)議條款進展股權轉讓 the di

14、rectors of the company has passed resolutions approving of: the equity interest transfer in accordance with the terms of this agreement; (2)審批機關批準本協(xié)議項下的股權轉讓;the examination and approval authority has approved the equity interest transfer under this agreement 第三條 陳述和保證article 3 representations and wa

15、rranties 3.1 轉讓方的承諾和保證representations and warranties of transferors. a. 轉讓方合法擁有本協(xié)議項下欲轉讓的股權,且保證其將在本協(xié)議簽訂后主動協(xié)作受讓方辦理股權轉讓的審批及登記手續(xù); a. transferor under the agreement lawfully owns to cession equity, and ensure its will on after this agreement is signed actively cooperate with the assignee to deal with equ

16、ity transfer approval and registration procedures ; b. 其本協(xié)議項下擬轉讓的股權不存在任何抵押、質押或任何其他形式的權利限制; transferor have full and unencumbered title to the transferred equity interest, which shall be free and clean of any mortgage, pledge or any other types of encumbrances. c. 其沒有與本協(xié)議內容相關的或影響其簽署或履行本協(xié)議的任何未決的或就其所知而

17、言可能發(fā)生的訴訟、仲裁、法律的或行政的或其它的程序或政府調查; upon execution of this agreement and as of the completion of the registration of the equity interest transfer with the registration authority, there is not and there will not be any suit, action, prosecutions, or any other proceedings that may involve the transferred

18、equity interest or the lawfulness of the equity interest transfer. d. 在本協(xié)議簽訂前,甲方已盡到向其他股東通知該轉讓事宜的義務,且任何其他股東同意或已放棄對本協(xié)議項下擬轉讓股權的優(yōu)先購置權; transferor have taken all appropriate and necessary corporate actions to approve and authorize the execution and performance of this agreement, and guarantee that all th

19、e other shareholders have give up the option to purchase. 3.2 受讓方的承諾和保證 representations and warranties of transferee. a. 乙方是根據(jù) 法律合法成立及存續(xù)的公司; party b is a legal person established in accordance with the laws and regulations of the peoples republic of china; b. 乙方擁有足夠的資產(chǎn)支付甲方的股權轉讓款,且對于本協(xié)議項下的股權轉讓行為已獲得公司

20、權利機關及相關表決機構的表決同意; transferee has taken all appropriate and necessary enterprise and legal actions to approve and authorize the execution and performance of this agreement. c. 本協(xié)議的簽署及履行構成合法、有效并根據(jù)本協(xié)議條款對受讓方具有約束力及強迫力。execution and performance of this agreement will not violate any provision of applicabl

21、e laws or regulations, or any judgment, award, contract, agreement, or other instrument binding upon it. 第四條 協(xié)議完成日 closing 4.1 完成日. closing date. 根據(jù)本協(xié)議條款,股權轉讓的完成日應為審批機關批準該股權轉讓并在登記管理機關完成變更登記的日期。upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this agreement, the closing of the equity interest transfer

22、 (the closing) shall take place on the date when the examination and approval authority approves the equity interest transfer and the registration procedure has been fulfilled in the bureau of industrial and commerce. 第五條 違約及補救措施default and remedy 5.1 各方應嚴格履行其本協(xié)議項下各自應擔當?shù)暮贤x務。假設任何一方未根據(jù)規(guī)定履行或未充分、適當履行其本

23、協(xié)議項下的義務,或其在本協(xié)議項下所作出的陳述和保證被證明為虛偽的、不正確的或具有誤導性的,該方應被視為違約(以下稱違約方)。假設發(fā)生違約,其他方(以下稱守約方)有權依其獨立推斷實行以下一種或多種措施進展補救: 5.1 the parties shall strictly fulfill their respective obligations under this agreement. any party (for the purpose of this clause the breaching party) will be deemed to have breached this agree

24、ment if it fails to fulfill, or to fulfill fully and appropriately, its obligations under this agreement, or if any of its representations and warranties in this agreement proves to be false, inaccurate or misleading. in the event of such breach, the other parties (for the purpose of this clause the

25、 non-breaching party) has the right at their own discretion to take one or more of the following actions for remedy: a. 中止履行其本協(xié)議項下的合同義務直至違約方就其違約行為進展補救; to suspend performance of its obligations under this agreement until the breach is remedied by the breaching party; b. 假設因違約方違約致使本協(xié)議項下股權轉讓無法完成,或本質上破

26、壞了守約方簽署本協(xié)議的商業(yè)目的,且此等破壞是不行補救的,或即使可以補救但違約方并未在合理期間內進展補救,那么守約方有權書面通知違約方單方終止本協(xié)議,該書面通知自發(fā)出之日起生效; if the breach by the breaching party has caused the equity interest transfer to be unable to complete, or has materially frustrated the non-breaching partys commercial purpose in entering into this agreement and

27、 such frustration is irreparable, or if reparable but it has not been rectified by the breaching party within a reasonable period of time, then the non-breaching party has the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement forthwith by issuing to the breaching party written notice that should become

28、 effective on the date of its issuance; c. 要求違約方全部損失進展賠償(包括守約方所受到的挺直經(jīng)濟損失以及因本協(xié)議而發(fā)生的各項本錢和支出)。 to demand compensation from the breaching party for all losses, including the costs and expenses arising from this agreement. 5.2 本協(xié)議規(guī)定的權利及救濟措施應視為累積的,且作為并不影響根據(jù)法律所享有的其他權利和補救措施。the rights and remedies provided

29、in this agreement shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to and without prejudice to other rights and remedies provided by law. 5.3 假設本協(xié)議或本協(xié)議的其他條款無效或由于任何緣由而終止,本條款規(guī)定的守約方的權利及補救措施連續(xù)有效。 the rights and remedies of the non-breaching party provided in this article should remain effective in the event

30、 that this agreement, or any other provisions of this agreement, is invalidated or terminated for any reason. 第六條 適用法律applicable law 6.1 適用法律applicable law. 本協(xié)議受中國法律管轄并根據(jù)其進展說明。this agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of china. 第七條 爭議解決settlement of disputes 7.1

31、 協(xié)商consultations. 因本協(xié)議發(fā)生并與本協(xié)議履行或說明有關的爭議應首先由各方進展友好協(xié)商。 in the event a dispute arises in connection with the interpretation or implementation of this agreement, the parties to the dispute shall attempt to settle such dispute through friendly consultations. 7.2 仲裁arbitration. 假設各方在六十(60)日內未就該爭議達成解決方案,那么

32、該爭議應提交中國國際經(jīng)濟貿易仲裁委員會根據(jù)其屆時有效的仲裁規(guī)章進展仲裁,該仲裁裁決具有最終性及排他性。該爭議的仲裁地為北京。 if no mutually acceptable settlement of such dispute is reached within sixty (60) days, then such dispute shall be finally and exclusively settled by arbitration as provided herein. arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the a

33、rbitration rules of the china international economic and trade arbitration commission being in force at the time a particular dispute is submitted for arbitration, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this article. the arbitration shall take place in beijing. 第八條 生效及修訂effectiv

34、eness and amendment 8.1 生效日effective date. 本協(xié)議自雙方簽字蓋章之日起生效。this agreement since the date of signature and seal of both parties come into effect 8.2 修訂amendment. 除非雙方達成并簽署書面協(xié)議且經(jīng)審批機關批準,否那么任何就本協(xié)議內容所進展的修改和變更均為無效。no amendment to this agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by each

35、party and approved by the examination and approval authority. 第九條 其他條款miscellaneous 9.1 本協(xié)議就其項下股權轉讓在各方間構成完好的協(xié)議,其效力超越了各方之前任何就本協(xié)議所作出的意向或諒解的表達,且僅有在各方受權代表簽署了書面協(xié)議的條件下才可被修正或修改。this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, supersedes any prio

36、r expression of intent or understanding relating hereto and may only be modified or amended by a written instrument signed by the authorized representatives of the parties. 9.2 本協(xié)議是可分的,假設本協(xié)議任何條款違法或無效,不影響其他條款的效力。 this agreement is severable in that if any provision hereof is determined to be illegal

37、or unenforceable, the offending provision shall be stricken without affecting the remaining provisions of this agreement. 9.3 本協(xié)議任何一方不履行或延遲履行本協(xié)議項下或與本協(xié)議相關的任何權利、權利或特權,不應視為棄權;其對于任何權利、權利或特權單獨或局部的不履行或延遲履行不應視為排除了對本協(xié)議項下任何預期義務的履行。failure or delay on the part of any party hereto to exercise any right, power

38、or privilege under this agreement, or under any other contract or agreement relating hereto, shall not operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege preclude any other future exercise thereof. 9.4 本協(xié)議用中英兩種文字寫就,如有歧義,以中文為準。 this agreement is wri

39、tten and executed in english and chinese. in case any discrepancy arises from the agreement and the interpretation hereof between the two versions, the chinese version shall prevail. 本協(xié)議由各方于文首所述日期簽署,以昭信守。 in witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly

40、authorized representatives in guangzhou, china, on the date first written above. 英文股權轉讓合同范本二 assignor:(party a) address: legal representative: assignee:(party b) address: legal representative: stockholders rights in company: address: legal representative: whereas party a legally owns 25% stockholder

41、s rights of qingdao nokwoo bean jam manufacturing co.,ltd (hereafter refers to asthe company), which is registered in qingdao. now,party a intends to sell the legally-owned 25%stockholders rights of the company. and,party b intends to buy the whole of the 25% stockholders rights which held by party

42、a.adhering to the principals of equality and mutual benefit, the two parties have reached the following agreement after friendly consultations regarding the share transfter matters: 1、party a agrees to transfer the 25% (value 102 us dollars) stockholders rights of the company to party b one-time. pa

43、rty b agrees to transferee the 25% share. 2、party a and party b both agree that the transfer prices of the 25% stockholders rights is 2,700,000 yuan rmb,which is equal to 327,000 us dollars. after the signing of this agreement within 3 days, party b must pay 2,000,000 yuan rmb to party a by check way. after the business license renewal, within 10 days,the balance of 700,000 yuan rmb is pa


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