1、2020-2021學(xué)年高一上學(xué)期9月周測訓(xùn)練卷英語試題一、閱讀理解(37.5分)AVVaShington, D.C. BiCyCIe TOUrSCherry BIOSSOIn Bike TOUr in VVaShington, D.C.DUratiOn IOUrThiS Small group bike tour is a fantastic Way to See a WOrld-famous Cherry tree With beautiful flowers Of WaShington, D.C. YOUr guide Will PrOVide a history IeSSOn about
2、 the trees and the famous monuments Where they blossom. ReSerVe your SPOt before availability(offfl,) the ChCrry blossoms disappear!VVaShingtOn CaPital MOnunIentS BiCyCIe TOurDUration: 3 hours (4 InileS)JOin a guided bike tour and VieW SOme Of the most POPUlar monuments in WaShingtOn D.C. EXPlOre th
3、e monuments and memorials On the NatiOnal Mall as your guide ShareS UniqUe facts and history at each StOP. GUided tour includes bike helmet, COOkieS and bottled water.CaPital City Bike TOur in WaShington, D.C.DUration: 3 hoursMOrning Or AfternOOn this bike tour is the PCrfeCt tour for DC newcomers a
4、nd IOCaIS IOOking to experience WaShingtOn. DC in a healthy Way With minimum effort. KnOWledgeable guides Will entertain you With the most interesting StOrieS about Presidents, Congress5 memorials, and ParkS COmfOrtable bikes and a SmOOth tour route (路線)make CyCling between the SiteS fun and relaxin
5、gVVaShingtOn CaPital SiteS at Night BiCyCIe TOUrDUration: 3 hours (7 InileS)JOin a Small group bike tour for an evening Of exploration in the heart Of WaShingtOn D.C. Get UP ClOSe to the monuments and memorials as you bike the SiteS Of CaPitOl Hill and the NatiOnal Mall. FreqUent StOPS are Inade for
6、 PhOtO taking as your guide OfferS UniqUe facts and history. TOUr includes bike, helmet, and bottled Water. All riders are CqUiPPed With reflective VeStS and Safety lights.I WhiCh tour do you need to book in advance?A. Cherry BlOSSOm Bike TOUr in WaShington, D.C.B. WaShingtOn CaPital MOnUnlentS BiCy
7、Cle Tour.C. CaPital City Bike TOUr in WaShington, D.C.D. WaShingtOn CaPital SiteS at Night BiCyCle Tour.2. What Will you do On the CaPital City Bike Tour?A. Meet famous PeOPleB. GO to a national ParkC. Visit Well-known museums.D. EnjOy interesting stories.Take a IOOk inside a high SChOOl classroom.
8、YOU Will most Iikely find a teacher at the front Of the ClaSS and StUdCntS Sitting at their desks Yet, IOOk ClOSen and you might notice a familiar scene: Inany Of these StUdentS are not Paying attention Instead, they are dozing Off (打盹)Or even COmPletely asleep.Today, the majority Of high SChOOl StU
9、dCntS are not getting enough SleeP. ThiS lack(缺乏)Of SleeP is a SeriOUS PrOblCnL especially as StUdentS are doing more than ever With their time They COme to SChOOl early, SPend hours IiStening to teachers and taking tests, then run Off to PraCtiCeS and meetings, and COme home to be faced With even m
10、ore WOrk And the homework IOad these days is not light; teachers give hours WOrth Of homework each night.MOSt kids need at IeaSt nine hours Of SIeeP Per night in Order to function properly. Yet the PeriOd Of this nine hours ShiftS as a Child gets OIde匚 After PUbert(MJ). the body,s internal ClOCk Cha
11、ngeS SO that it is difficult for teens to fall asleep before 11 p.n. SO even if a StUdent falls asleep at eleven, they WOUId need to SleeP Until at IeaSt 8 a.m. to get a full night s sleep. COnSidering the time at WhiCh InOSt high SChOOlS in this COUntry begin, those nine hours are Clearly being ShO
12、rtened. FeW high SChOOlS Start after 8 arn.HOWeVeL there are schls that have Paid attention to this research and PUShed backward the Start Of their SChOOl day. In SChOOIS Where the Start time is after 8:30 in the morning, the teachers believe that there has been a real Change in their StUdentS They
13、note that the StUdentS miss ClaSS less, Pay more attention in class, PerfOrm better in class, and report IOWer IeVelS Of depression(ifl. 喪).The researchers Of these StUdieS Say that the results are quite important and that InOre SChOOlS ShOUId COnSider PUShing backward their Start time Of their SChO
14、Ol day.3. WhiCh Of the following WOUld the author agree with?A. High SChOOl StUdCntS must go to bed before 10 p.m.B. High SChOOlS ShOUld begin their SChOOl day at a Iater timeC. MOSt SChOOlS ShOUld PUSh forward the Start Of their schl day.D. KidS ShOUld ShOrten their SleeP time gradually as they gro
15、w Older.4. The SeCOnd ParagraPh mainly discussesA. Why high SChOOl StUdentS ShOUld get more SleeP B.what's Iife Iike for high SChOOl StUdentS at PreSent CAVhy high schl StUdentS feel SIeePy in the ClaSSrOOm D.how to Iighten high SChOOl StIIdents, homework IOad5. The UnderIined WOrd "shifts&
16、quot; PrObably meansfc4:A. arrivesB. reducesC.increases Dxhanges6. HOW do the teachers feel about the results from PUShing backward their SChOOl day?A. DiSaPPOinted B.Satisfied C. PUZZICd D. SUrPriSedCSCientiStS have argued for IOng OVer Whether birds ShOw real imclligcncc(智力) SOme SCientiStS believ
17、e birds have abilities including COInmUniCatiOn and different kinds Of nemory. In SOnle UnUSUal cases, their abilities Seem better than those Of humansIrene PCPPerberg. a birds expert, did research about a grey ParrOt named Griffin. Ms. PePPerberg SayS Griffin Can arrange ObjeCtS in Order Of SiZe Sh
18、e SayS the talking bird also CanCOmbine WOrdS in the right Orde匚 FOr example, he Will COmbine WOrdS When asking for a PieCe Of food. The researcher SayS experts had thought that Only humans and Other mammals With Iarge brains have the ability to COnlbine ObjeCtS and WOrdS She believes that bird brai
19、ns have the ability to UnderStand that COmPICX(復(fù)雜的)tasks must be done in the COrreCt order.SOme birds have Other memory SkilIS FOr example, they COneCt and StOre thousands Of SeedS in autumn, and find them Iater in Winter. Alan Kalnil and Alan BOnd Of the UniVerSity Of NebraSka are StUdying the memo
20、ries Of birds Caned jays and nutcrackers. Their experiments ShOW that these birds USe natural ObjeCtS to find the SeedS they have StOredIt,s Said SOme birds Can ICarn as many as 2,000 different SOngS SOngS may have developed as a Way for birds to COmmUniCate With OthCr birdsACCOrding to VernCr Bingm
21、an Of BOWIing Green State UniVerSity in Ohio, birds must have a SPCCial guidance SyStem in their brain. HC SayS that UnderStanding how a bird's brain OPerateS may help US better UnderStand how a human brain PrOCeSSeS informationHOWeVen SOme SCientiStS do Still believe birds do many things that a
22、ppear to be acts Of thoughtful intelligence .In most cases, they say, their behavior is SimPly instinctive (本能的),no reasoning POWer directing it.7. What is the main SUbjeCt discussed in the passage?B. Ircne Pcpperberg1S StUdy On birdsD. WayS for experts to train birds.B. ObjeCtS help birds remember
23、things. D. BirdS have CCrtain memory SkillS.A. The intelligence Of birdsC. The difference between humans and birds& WhafS the main idea Of ParagraPhS 2-3?A. GriffinJayS and nutcrackers are CleVer birds.C. BirdS are as intelligent as humans9. It Can be inferred from this PaSSage that.A. most SCie
24、ntiStS believe birds have real intelligenceB. mammals UndCrStand the relationship between ObjeCtS and WOrdSC. Inaybe trees help jays to find the SeedS they have StOredD. birds always COnlmUniCate With One anther by SingingDHOW fit are your teeth? ArC you IaZy about brushing them? NeVer fear: An inve
25、ntor is On the CaSe An electric tthbrush SenSeS how IOng and how WelI you brush, and it IetS you track your PerfOrnlanCe On your PhOneThe KOlibree toothbrush WaS exhibited at the InternatiOnal COnSlInler EleCtrOniCS ShOW in LaS VegaS this Week .It SenSeS how it is moved and Can Send the information
26、to an AndrOiel PhOne Or iPhone Via a BluetOOth WireleSS (無線的)COnneCtiOn.The toothbrush Will be able to teach you to brush right (don' t forget the insides Of the teeth!) and Inake SUre you' re bnshing IOng enough. 'TT S kind Of Iike having a dentist actually WatCh your bshing On a day-to
27、-day basis, SayS ThOmaS SerVaL the FrenCh inventor.The toothbsh Will also be able to talk to OthCr applications (設(shè)備)On your phone, SO developers could, for example, Create a game COntrOlled by your toothbrush. YOU COIlld SCOre POintS for beating monsters among YOUr teeth “ We try to make it Smart an
28、d fun, ” Senral SayS.SerVral SayS he WaS inspired by his experience as a father. HC WOUId COme home from WOrk and ask his kids if they had brushed their teeth. They Said “yes," but SerVal WOUld find their toothbrush heads dry. He decided he needed a brush that really told him how Well his Child
29、ren brushed.The COmPany SayS the KOlibree Will go On SaIe this summer, from 99tol99. and the U.S. is the first target market.(目標(biāo)市場)SerVal SayS that One day, it'll be POSSibIe to replace the brush On the handle With a bshing Unit that also has a Camera ThC Camera Can even examine holes in your te
30、eth While you brush.10. WhiCh is One Of the feature(特征)Of the KOlibree toothbsh?A. It Can SenSe how USerS brush their teeth.B. 1( Can track USerS, SChOOl PerfOrmanCeC. 1( Can CheCk users, fear Of Seeing a dentist.D. Ii Can help USerS find their PhOneS11 What Can We Iearn from SerVal, S WOrdS in Para
31、graPh 3?A. YOU Will find it enjoyable to See a dentistB. YOU ShOUld SeC your dentist On a day-to - day basisC. YOU Can bnsh With the KOIibree as if guided by a dentist.D. You' d Iike a dentist to WatCh you brush your teeth ever>r day.12. WhiCh Of the following might Inake the KOlibree toothbr
32、ush fun?A. 1( Can be USed to UPdate mobile PhOneSB. 1( Can be USed to Play InObile PhOne gamesC. Il Can Send messages to Other USerSD. It Can talk to its developers13. What is ParagraPh 5 mainly about?A. HOW SerVal found OUt his kids Iied to him.B. Why SerVal thought brushing teeth WaS necessaryC. H
33、ow Senfal taught his kids to brush their teeth.D. What inspired Senfal to invent the toothbrush14. What Can We infer about SerVal, S children?A. They Were UnWining to brush their teethB. They Often failed to CIean their toothbshesC. They Preferred to USe a tthbush With a dry head.D. They Iiked brush
34、ing their teeth after SCrVal Came home15. What Can We Iearn about the future development Of the Kolibree?A.The brush handle Will be removedB. A InObile PhOne Will be built into it.C.It Will be USed to fill holes in teeth.D. It Wiil be able to CheCk users, teeth.一、七選五(12.5分)VVhat does it really mean
35、to be successful?16It is about being able to IiVe a happy Iife If you Want to have a SUCCeSSfUl Iife .here are three things you need to focus on.L BeIieVe in VOUrSeIfIf you don,t believe in yourself, how do you CXPeCt Other PeOPle do? When you believe in yourself, it fuels your CreatiVity and your m
36、otivation to do things All SUCCeSSfUl PeOPle from Gandhi to TeSla believed in themselves.17We all have to trust that We have the ability to turn the impossible into the POSSible.2. KnOW your intention( g 標(biāo))_18.it is important to have an UnderStanding Of your intention.If your intention isSimPIy root
37、ed in money and fame,you are never going to truly feel SUCCeSSfUl.Money and fame Only SerVe the ego(自負(fù))and don't PrOVIde tne feelmgs Of SUCCeSS FOr a truly SUCCeSSfUI life,your intention has to be rooted in your PUrPOSe and PaSSion(熱情),When your intention is to SerVe your purpose, Inake a Change
38、 in the WOrld and express your talents,you Will feel te SUCCeSS and SatiSfaCtion.3 19SUCCeSS is all around you right now. StOP to take a moment and you,ll notice the amazing SUCCeSS that is already PreSent in your life.20.Being thankful for the tiniest SUCCeSSeS in IifeWin help you to Create more an
39、d more SUCCeSSA. Realize you are already SUCCeSSfUlB. Discover the true meaning Of SUCCeSSC. ThiS is What gave them to ClriVe to SUCCeedD. If you Want to Create a good IiVing COnditiOnE. When it COmeS to achieving greatness in this IifeEThat is When you Will Start to feel truly SUCCeSSfUlGSuccess is
40、 SO much more than just money Or fame二、單詞拼寫(每空15分)(根據(jù)首字母或中文提示寫岀下列單詞)I ThC PerSOn WhO is in Charge Of this PrOjeCt WilI be rfor this matter.2. LiVing away from your ParentS has made you have more i.3. In the PrinCiParS speech, he gave the StUdentS SOnlC advice On how to realize their P4. My grandma U
41、Sed to Chand-made CIOtheS for money in the market.5. Real friendship is When two(個人)sharc the SanIe soul.6. U, their PIan didn,t WOrk well.7. They are IOOking at WayS Of reducing the WaSte Of natural r8. They Can acquire(苦 業(yè)的)COnIPetenCe through this training9. AS a doctor, he Said he WOUlci devote
42、all his Iife to making medical a.10. OUr SChOOl has PrOVided VariOUS ffor US yo WOrk OUt regularly.三、選詞填空(每空1.5分)(有多余詞組)Iead to; make the most of; StiCk to; inform Sb of; make a difference to;make COntribUtiOnS to; be based on; be used to; rise to; acquire great knowledge; focus On1. FailUre Can brc
43、cd(孕育)success, if youit.2. When he WaS a child, he IOOked forward to growing UP andthe society.3. The PathSUCCeSS IieS in the COntinUOUS efforts you PUt into your WOrk4. about Confucius, ShC SPent all the Weekend in the IibraIy reading booksCOnCCrned.5. With his eyesthe bk he WaS reading, he didn,t
44、notice me COme in.6. Mike WaS a PerSOn With great wills, SO he alwayshis goal.7. PleaSe keep USWhat is happening in your COUntry OtherWiSe we,ll be WOrried aboutyou.& We hope Ihat all the efforts Canthe world.9. SinCe I Came into the SeniOr high SChOOL Igetting UP early.10. We WOUld Iike to SeC the resultsCOnVinCing data四、語法練習(xí)(每空1分)(A)請寫出劃線部分在句子中所充當(dāng)?shù)某煞? I found it difficult to adapt to the new environment at the beginning.()2. ThC academy's aim is to train PeOPle to meet the most PrCSSing challenges.()3. In this way, you Will be more WelCOmed by IOCal
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