



1、-WORD格式-可編輯- 同學(xué)是上海交大的,從他老師那里要來的題,說是今年命題組會出,現(xiàn)在分享給 大家,不管你信不信,反正我信 Directi ons: There are 2 passages in this secti on. Each passage is followed by some questi ons orunfini shed stateme nts. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C andD . You should decide on the best choice and mark the c

2、orresp onding letter on An swerSheet 2 with a sin gle line through the cen tre. Passage One Questi ons 46 to 50 are based on the follow ing Educators today are more and more ofte nheard to say that computer literacy is absolutely forcollegestude nts. Many eve n argue that each in com ing freshma n s

3、hould have perma nen taccess to his or own microcomputer. What adva ntages do computers thecollege stude nts? Any stude nt who has used a word processorwill compelli ng reas on to use a computer: to writepapers. passage. n her offer know one -WORD格式-可編輯- few keys, thus elim in ati the n eed to rewri

4、te Although no tall stude nts feel comfortable compos ing on a word processor, most ,fi ndrevis ing and edit in gmuch easier on it. One can alter, i nsert, or delete just bypress ing a orre-type F urthermore, since the revision process is less burde nsome, stude nts are morelikely to revise as ofte

5、n as isn ecessary to end up with the best paperpossible. For these reas ons, many freshma n En glish cottrses require the useof aword processor. Computers are also useful in the con textof Ian guage courses, where they are used to drill stude nts in basicskills .Software programs rein force ESL(E ng

6、lish as a Second Lan guage .in structi on, aswell as instrn cti on in Fren ch, Germa n, Spa ni sh, and other Ian guages. By usin gthese programs on a regular basis, stude nts can improvetheir proficie ncy in ala nguage while proceed ing at their own pace. Scie nee stude nts take adva ntage ofcompute

7、rs in many ways. Using computer graphic capabilities, forexample, bota ny stude nts can represe nt and an alyze differe nt pla nt -WORD格式-可編輯- growth patter ns. Medicalstude nts can lear n toi nterpret computerized images of internal body structures .Physics stude nts can complete complex calculati

8、ons farmore quickly than theycould without the use of computer. Similarly, bus in ess and acco un ti ngstude nts find that computer spreadsheet programs are all but in dispe nsabletoma ny aspects of their work, while stude nts purs uing careers in graphic arts,marketi ng, and public relati ons find

9、thatk no wledge of computer graphic isimporta nt Educati on majors lear n to develop grad ing systems usin gcomputers,while social scie nee stude nts use computers for an alyz ing an dgraphically displac ing their research results. It is no won der, the n, that educatorssupport the purchase and use

10、of microcomputers by stude nts. A Versatile tool, the computer can help stude nts learn.A nd that is, after all, the reas on for going to college. 46、 The wordliteracy (Li ne 1,Paragraph 1) mea ns A. the ability to read an dwrite -WORD格式-可編輯- B. the ability to use C. l iterature D. the kno wledge of

11、 Ian guage 47、The main purpose of thispassage is to _ . A. persuade the educators toin crease computer use in their own classroom B. an alyze adva ntages an ddisadva ntages of computer use among college stude nts C. ide ntify some of the waysthat computers ben efit college stude nts D. describe how

12、computers canbe used to teach foreig n Ian guages 48、 According to the author, aword processor can be used to _ . A. revise papers B. retype papers C. reduce the psychologicalburde n of writ ing papers D. improve the writ ing skillsof a stude nt 49、 In this passage, thewriters argume nt is developed

13、 -WORD格式-可編輯- primarily through the use of _ . A. cause-effect an alysis B. comparis on andcon trast C. in ducti on D. examples 50、 Accord ing to the author,the reas on for stude nts to go to college is _ . A. to lear n somethi ng B. to perfect themselves C. to improve computerskills D. to make the

14、best use ofcomputers Passage Two Questi ons 51 to 55 are based on the followi ng pas Lan guage is, and should be, a liv in gth ing, con sta ntly en riched with new words and forms of expressi on. Butthere isa vital dist in cti on betwee n good developme nts, which add to the Ian guage,e nabli ng us

15、to say thi ngs wecould not say before, and bad developme nts, whichsubtract from the Ian guage by ren deri ng it less precise. Avivacious, -WORD格式-可編輯- colorfuluse of words is not to be con fused with mer slove nli ness. The kind ofslove nli ness in whichsome professi on als deliberately in dulge is

16、 perhaps aki n tothe cult (迷信 .of theunfinished work, which haseroded most of the arts in our time. And the truea nswer to it is the same that art is enhan ced, not hin dered, bydiscipli ne. Yo uca nnot carve satisfactorily in butter. The corruption of written English hasbeen accompanied by an eve n

17、 sharper decli ne in the sta ndard of spoke n En glish. Wespeak very much less well tha n wascomm onamong educated En glishme n a gen erati on or two ago. The modem theatre has played a ban eful ( 有害的 in ) part dimm ing our appreciati on ofla nguage .In stead ofthe imme nsely articulate dialogue of,

18、 for example, Shaw(who was also very in siste nt on good pronun ciati on. ,audie nces are now subjectedto streams of barely literate trivia, ofte n desig ned, only too well, toexhibitlaek ofcommunication, and larded ( 夾雜.with theobscenities -WORD格式-可編輯- (下流的話 .and grammatical errors of thei ntellect

19、ually impoverished. Emily Post once advised her readers: Thetheatre is the best possible place to hear correctly-e nun ciated speech. Alas, no more. One young actress was rece ntly reported to be tak ing less ons in how to speakbadly, so that she should fit in better. But the BBC is the worst traito

20、r. Aideryears of very successfully help ing to raise the gen eral sta ndard ofspoke nEn glish, it sudde nly went into reverse. As the head of the Pronun ciati on Un itcoyly (含蓄地 . put it, I n the1960s the BBC opened thefield to a much wider range of speakers. To hear a BBC disc jockeytalk ing to the

21、latest ape-like pop idol is a truly shock ing experie nee of verbalsqualor. And the prospect seems to be of eve nworse to come. School teachers areactively en couraged to ignore little Joh nnys in cohere nt grammar,atrociousspelli ng and haphazard pun ctuati on, because worry ing about such thin gsm

22、ight in hibit his creative genius. 51、 The writer relatesli nguistic slove nli ness to tenden cies in the arts today in that they both _ -WORD格式-可編輯- A. o ccasi on ally aim at acerta in fluidity B. appear to shun perfecti on C. from time to time showregard for the fin ishi ng touch D. make use of ec

23、on omical shortcuts 52、 Art is enhan ced, no thi ndered, by discipli ne (Lines 6-7, Paragraph 1 ) means _ A. an artists work will befi ner if he observes certa in aesthetic sta ndards B. an unfini shed work is boun dto be comparatively in ferior C. the skill of certa in artistsc on ceals their slove nli ness D. artistic expressi on isin hibited by too many rules 53、 Many modem plays, theauthor fin ds, freque ntly contain speech which _ A. is in cohere nt an dli nguistically objecti


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