1、Unit51.每當給獲勝者頒發(fā)獎牌時,頒獎音樂就會響起。2.他喜歡湍急的流水聲和颯颯的風聲,因為對他來說,最美妙的音 樂來自于大自然。3.通過控制水流的速度,譚盾從中創(chuàng)造出50多種聲音。4.我所有的老師和同學都贊揚我為藝術節(jié)所做的設計。5.看著這塊水彩印,我決定吹一吹。6.水彩朝四處流淌,構成了一幅非常有趣的畫。7.雖然這是個傳統(tǒng)的中國派對,但他穿得很西式。8.颯颯的風聲在不同人的腦海里會產生不一樣的畫面嗎?9.這位世界著名的音樂家成功地將一口古鐘的聲音與現(xiàn)代音樂糅合在了一起。10.他對大自然的聲音表現(xiàn)出極大的興趣,所以多次將其應用在作品11.他用這件特殊的樂器奏出了一段令人驚嘆的曲子。12.
2、我喜歡畫畫,因為它能給我身心帶來平靜。13.由于她擅長彈鋼琴,她就為我們彈奏了一首名曲。14.因為出發(fā)晚了,所以他們氣喘吁吁地趕到電影院。15.因為他工作努力,所以上司對他高度贊揚。16.既然這個藝術展只開放兩天,我們今天下午就去吧。17.我最喜歡的藝術形式是攝影。18.當父親在我十歲生日那天送給我一個相機時, 我就對攝影產生了 興趣。19.父親總是鼓勵我不要喪失信心。20.自從在學校攝影比賽中獲獎以后,我一直熱衷于攝影。21.我認為我并沒有攝影天賦,但我不斷嘗試拍出精彩照片22.我在光與影的世界里感到非常愉快。23.大家都欣賞她為學校藝術節(jié)做的設計。24.美術老師贊揚了我的作品并鼓勵我刻苦練
3、習。25.她的夢想是為無聲世界里的人們搭建一座橋梁。26.既然有音樂天賦,你應該去美國深造。27.他的音樂才華令人驚奇。28.我的作品是無邊際的夢想。29.在美國,我有機會認識世界各地的偉大的藝術家們。30.讀完這本書, 不同的人的腦海里會產生不一樣的畫面。31.我能用一些普通的東西,比如石頭、紙,做出精美的藝術品32.他已經(jīng)成功地把音樂和文化糅合在一起了。33.中國古鐘的聲音在這首樂曲里被用得很多34.由于他自視甚高, 我們不愿意和他工作。35.民間文化有強烈的地方色彩。36.古典音樂有永恒的價值。37.李老師高度贊揚了我的最新繪畫。38.后來我確實創(chuàng)作了一些美妙的音樂。39.當我拿走水杯是
4、時,我把一些水滴到了書上。40.我的妹妹在跳舞方面有很好的天賦。41.爸爸的建議對我來說很有價值。42.有突出地方特色的中國民間音樂吸引了越來越多的外國人。43.我認為一些電視廣告真得很有創(chuàng)意,看他們并不是浪費時間1. Each time a medal was presented to a winner, the award music wasplayed.2. He loves the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind because,to him, the best music comes from nature.3. Ta
5、n makes over 50sounds from water by controlling the speed of waterflow.4. All my teachers and classmates praised my designs for the art festival.5. Looking at the mark, I decided to blow it.6. The paint ran in all directions and made a very interesting picture.7. Though it was a traditional Chinese
6、party, he was dressed in a westernstyle.8. Can the sounds of the blowing wind create different pictures in differentminds.9. The world-famous musician successfully brought the sounds of anancient bell and modern music together.10. He showed a great interest in the sounds of nature and use them a lot
7、 inhis works.11. He made an amazing piece of music with the special musical instrument.12.I like painting because it can bring peace to my mind and body.13. Since/as she was good at playing the piano, she played a famous pieceof music for us.14. They arrived at the cinema out of breath because they
8、started late.15. His boss thought highly of him because he worked hard.16. Since/as the art show is open for only two days, letsgo there thisafternoon.17. My favorite art form is photography.18.I showed interest in photography when my father gave me a camera onmy 10thbirthday.19.My father always enc
9、ourages me not to lose heart.20.I have been crazy about photography since the school photographycompetition.21.I dont think I have a gift for photography, but I have kept trying to takewonderful pictures.22.I enjoy myself in the world of light and shadows.23. Everybody thought highly of her designs
10、for the school art festival.24. The art teacher praised my works and encouraged me to practice hard.25. Her dream is to build a bridge for the people in the world without sounds.26. You should go on to study in the USA since/as you have a gift for music.27. His musical talent is amazing.28. My work
11、is to dream without boundaries.29.In the USA, I got to know great artists from around the world.30. After reading the book, it will create different pictures in differentminds.31.I can make beautiful art works with common objects like stones andpaper.32. He has successfully mixed music and culture t
12、ogether.33. The sounds of ancient Chinese bells are used a lot in the music.34. We are not willing to work with him as he thinks too highly of himself.35. Folk culture has strong local color.36. Classical music has a lasting value.37. Ms Li praised my latest paintings highly.38.I did make some wonderful music later.39. As I took the cup away, I dropped some water onto the book.40. My sister has a good gift for dancing.41. Fathers suggestion
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