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1、yuan, a.cease i f 75% l i cal g ovenme nt genera budget reve nue of 100 mlionYua, . Pan“ model cutu e ceaesnew MaCuC cmmuniyceUgLake sceic spot _kre ed . aonbase, nceved hgh evauat on frompovi.a and mucpane .spec! on Ccmmss ., thepepes seca report. C.nnty promote i .- nt C.mmsstn a”s-.in .,ecnstucin

2、 t o rua exends ceated esablShe. Da11 n ual .styPak . e n t mminags corrulon_lue psln* formedhas a suport sev - l ow uue nt of members team,cnsaty perfec ad esablse. Pak fuds a sses management, and Viage aujsu”vson, a nd via” democai c iaca, system, ste nglenig Pakpay, and Chef and Ina.*, fuipu- pru

3、 to g uaaeespay membes and drs a I d cnnci ou- e.latd beaV or and dilcipie, honesyinpoiis a nd cut ue tceae a god amosere ad fesv elopmeteVr onmet. Atoh w e i impl -ent mp e ntatoni nddee de ntCcmmssin a”scruptin.idillis ase- mae las mus fecivenss bu ,f.mlupeirof rrquirme I s o e s mus of dstane, ma

4、 n pefrma nce fr: a i s systmeoug I sound, educaton, adlupevson, adpe-ntion, and punisment, aspecs longtem mlchanm alseoughperec, e specaly i n er olmet bi d wk eg ulaory -pe o nnedidstegghe ling ; I s egulatry lupev-n s los of、u W de a nd los of、sf, invstgaion ilegalddsip-lnay cseof efrs as. d ste

5、ngte ni. i ndvi.a -r ad ccde s alsd - ent -.e e exss tea gitfoloWng fve pe-of recifcaton, maelue to mplmet t I e provi sins of the coe. A) dee pei ng te ea ning, enhane te cnscuse of hone - i n poltcs To ce- eent anopporuniy toEx ce and lari ng pat, urhe i nceai I g te gov ena nne caabSty ad ava nce

6、d cnstucin, renfrred uesof te broad muss of paly m - bers and cadde s awaee ss sese of rrsponsii iy, 一 - of honor, improve wokig a biiy adeV of icietfcdeelpmet. Shoud mike ful ue of meeigs i pat-arcental ggoular ning opporuiy, urt he segt I ei ng the s udy ad e duain of te cde, te intennive r I ig e

7、duain,Iduaton the majoriy of pay m - bes and co k now n fea, knew ea, honnesy in polics of ensonte stigs connscouse ss and ehan.g the impeme ntain of te iiatvL株質(zhì)安監(jiān)統(tǒng)編has new rual consucton, by cy r ua stye c-n.ovenment ispe cin ui lid of hegt e ain.Thro.h the mpementat and - an gove nmet rabeeis notd

8、d, and miss eomenon; Tree w o. s te new suatons a nd new pr oblm s i idig -ey e nough, teamet meaues aenot stong eougAls, pay aintinta ppy w hat thy hhae la.nd, cnsiousy sudy esuts into panning w ork new i deasd mase s of wl pr occed fom the2008施管-2施工方案報審表工程名稱:株洲電業(yè)局營銷中心(營銷綜合樓)(監(jiān)理單位)致:湖南電力建設(shè)監(jiān)理咨詢有限責(zé)任公

9、司場地平整及基坑土石方工程施工方案的編制,并經(jīng)我我方已根據(jù)施工合同的有關(guān)規(guī)定完成了單位上級技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人審查批準(zhǔn),請予以審查。附:1、場地平整及基坑土石方施工方案專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師審查意見:承包單位(章)項 目經(jīng) 理日期總監(jiān)理工程師審核意見:專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師日期項目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)總監(jiān)理工程師日期本表一式三份:施工、監(jiān)理、建設(shè)各一份pyauratny,amemnbeirnscraenadsecaof17.5%;l ocalg overnme ntgeneral budget reve nueof 500 milli on Yuan, .Pai nting, model cultur e creates new

10、Ma Church community, creating Lakesceni cspotculturee ducation base, receive d hig hevaluati on frompr ovincialand municipal disciplineInspecti on Commissi on,t hepeoplesdailyspecialreport.Constantlydres a nd consci ously regulated behavi or anddi sci pline ,honesty i n politics a nd cult ure to cre

11、 atea goodatmosphereand fresh dev elopmentenvir onment.Although w e in impl ement impleme ntation i ndepe nde ntCommissionagainstcorruption gui deli nes aspe cts made hasmust effect iveness,but awayfromsuperior.I - - _ I一 I _ I -.一“- 一 一 .一. _I .11. I. 一I - _-,I. .L di. I - 一-一. -. - - . II _I .ofre

12、ctification,make sure to implement the provi sions of thecode.(A) dee pening thelearning, enhance theconsci ousness ofhonestyin politics. Tocreate eventas an opportunityto Exceland learni ngparty,furtherincreasi ng thegov erna nce capa bilityand advanced construction, reinforced rule softhe br oadma

13、sses ofpartymemberpromote i nde pende ntCommission against corruption cultureconstructiont orural extends, createdesta blished Da hli nofrequireme ntsalso exists must ofdistance,mai nperforma ncefor:a i ssystem enoug hsound,e ducation,and supervisibilityand levelofsciesand cadre s awareness,sense of

14、responsibility,se nseofhonor,improveworkingan ruralindustry Parkindepe ndent Commission against corruption cultur e positions,formed has a support servi cel owdouble excelle nt ofmembers leadteam,constantlyperfectand establishedParkfunds a ssets ma nagement,a nd villag e auditsupervisi on, a nd vi l

15、lagers democrati c financial,system, stre ngthe ning Park party,a nd Chief, andfina ncial,full public,powerfulto g uaranteeson,and preve ntion,and punishment,a spectslong-term mechanism alsoenough perfect,e specially i nenr ollmentbi d workreg ulatory aspe cts also nee ded strengthe ning ; IIis reg

16、ulatorysupervision exists lost ofYuwi de,a ndlost ofYusoft ,investigation illegaldiscipli narycaseofefforts alsoneededstre ngthe ning, i ndivi dual sectorand cadre s alsodifferentdegre e exists treatgift,notto一.- L. . I . IL. . L . - 1一 1 _ 1 一 一一 一 一一. I _ . I I I一一 - _ 一.一 .一一 一 ._一.一 . . - - I一 L

17、 - - . I LI. . 1.1 |_.一 一.一 一.一. scientificdevelopment.Should makefulluseofmeetings,in particular centralgroup lear ning opportunity,furt herstrengt heni ngthe st udy ande ducation ofthecode,the intensivewar ning education,educationthe majorityofparty membersand cadresk now nfear, knewfear,honestyin

18、 politics oftension the strings, consciousne ssand enhancnigtheimplementation ofthe initiative.hasnew rural construction, by city r ural stylecl ean governme ntinspe ction unit led ofheightevaluation.benefits not do,a nd messdo of phenome non;Thre eforhonest w orkis the new situationsa nd newpr oble

19、m_ L - I.II - I _一. . _II_l.l. .1L. _.Also,payattention topplyw hattheyhave learned, consciously study results into planningw ork,newi deas,an gover nmentculturalnot strong enougd masse s of willpr ocee dfrom the株洲電業(yè)局營銷中心(營銷綜合樓)基坑土石方施 工 方 案編制單位:中太建設(shè)集團(tuán)股份有限公司編制日期:2011 年 7 月 25 日ewmeasures topromotew o

20、rk,the courage to take responsibility,dare tobre akhardtyuan, a nincreaseof 17.5%; l ocalgover nment ge neralbudgetrevenueof500 million Yuan, .Pai nting,model cultur e creates newMa Chur ch community,creati ng Lakesce nic spot cultur e education ba se,received hig hevaluati on frompr ovincialand mun

21、i cipal discipli neInspectionCommission,the peoples dailyspecialrepor t. Constantly pr omoteinde pendentCommisspartymembers andca dresand consciouslyreg ulatedbehaviora nd discipli ne,hone styin politics andcult ure tocreateag ood atmosphere a ndfresh devel opmente nvironment.Althoug h we in im plem

22、ent impleme ntationindepe ndentCommissionagainstcorr uptiongui delines aspects ma de ha s must effectiveness, butawayfrom superiorofrequirements al soexistsmfollowing fiveaspectsofrectification,make sure to implement t he provi sions of the code.(A) dee pening thelear ning, enhan ce the consciousnes

23、s ofhonestyi n politics. To create event as a n opportunitytoExceland learni ngparty,furtheri ncreasi ng thegov erna nce capa bilityand adva nce d construction, reinfor第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 第五章 第六章 第七章 第八章 第九章 第十章 第十一章iust oofndiasgtaainsntcceo,rrmuapitinpoenrformcualturecnocnesftorur:catiointosrusryaslte

24、exmteenndosu,ghsouncdr,eeadteudceatsitabolnis,haedndDasuphelirvinsirounr,aalindustnrdy pPraervkeintionn,daend pupneinsdhemenntt,aCommissisopneagaincsttscloornrug-ptteiromn cmueltcuhreanpisomsitailsoenoonusg,hformpeerdfehcat,s easpesciuapllpyoirnt esenrrvoilclmeelntobwiddwoubloerkexrecgelulleatnotry

25、oafspmeembecrtss laelasdo tneeaem,condsetdastrengthenntilnyg;perfIeIcitsaregulatndeostraysubpleirsvhiseid Paroknfeuxnidstsassestlost ofYuswmianagdeem,eant,andlosntdofviYllusaogfte,ianuvdeisttsiguapteirovnisiiollne,gaalnddi vislcliaplgienrasrydecamse ofoecfrfoatritcsfailnsao nenecial,systedme,dstsrte

26、rnegtngthheenining,nig Pnadrikvpiadrtualy,saencdtChoirefa,nadncdafdinraes anlcsioaldif,ffeurlelnptudbeligreeec,xipsotwerfultogsutarreaanttgeifets, nottobehasnenwerfiutsranloctonstrdo,aundctimeossn,dboyciotfyprhurealstynleomenocnl;eaTnhgroeveefronrmheonestwntinspecotirkisontheunitnleew sitd ofuheatig

27、blemsiThnrofiungdhithnegitmipmleelymeenough,tnrteaattiomnentmofeahonestand cleasuresanregovenrot sntrmoenngt ecnuoltuurgalconsht.ructio solovne, tahensdeeffectpivreolbyleems,dwuceawteiltlhebrprocoeaedd mfraosmsethseofust ofdista nce,mai nperforma ncefor:a i ssystem enoug hs

28、ound,educati on,a ndsupervision,a ndpreve ntion,and punishment,a spe cts long-term mechanism alsoenough perfect, espe cially ine nrollme ntbidw orkregulat oryaspe cts also nee ded stre ngthe ning; IIis regulat orysupervisi on exist slost ofYuwi de,a ndlost ofYusoft,investigationillegaldi sci plinary

29、case ofefforts also neededstre ngthe ning, i ndivi dual sect orand cadre s alsodifferentdegree exists treat gift, nottobenefits not do,a nd messdo of phe nome non; Three for honestw orkis the new sit uat ions andne w problemsi nfindi ngtimely enough,treatmentmeasuresare not strong enoug h.o solvethe

30、se probl ems, wewill proceed fromthece d rule softhe br oadmasses ofpartymembersand cadre s awarene ss,senseof responsibil ity,sense ofhonor,improvew orkinga bilityand levelofscientific development.S houldmakefull use ofmeetings, in particular centralgroup lear ning opportunity,furt herstrengt heni

31、ngthe st udy ande ducation ofthecode,the intensivewar ning education,educati onthe majorityofparty membersand cadres k now nfear, knewfear,honestyin politics oftensi on the strings, consciousne ssand enha nci ngtheimpleme ntation ofthe initiative.Also,payattention toa pplyw hatthey have learned, con

32、sciously study result s into planningw ork,newi deas,目錄工程概況工程整體施工部署施工準(zhǔn)備施工總平面布置施工方案整體施工進(jìn)度計劃質(zhì)量保證措施安全事故保證措施文明施工措施雨季施工措施合理化建議ewmeasures to promotew ork,the courage to take responsibility,dare tobre akhardt oensure district, Governmentde cisions andarrangementstoimpleme nt.(B)strengtheni ngsupervisi on,s

33、everely punish a cts ofviolation. One isto ope n the cha nnelsofsupervi sion.V igorously pr omote the partyaffairspublic,open,widely a cceptedsupervision byt he massethe implementati on ofJI .Recently,the County lea ding bodies att hecountylevelto carry outthree treespracti ce,w hich isto improve t

34、hegover ninga bility a nd promoti ng the devel opment ofXXeffectivemeasure. Icarefully foll owyour de ployme nt requirements, andactively partici pate int he threetree s campaig n.Read Gr oup, pre pared bythe Departme ntint he ne arfuture ostrengthe nthe se nse ofresponsibilit y,earne stly implement

35、 theresponsibilityof uncorrupted,implementation ofthe baoli an anti -corruptionmeasure s to ensurethe realization ofbusiness-buildi ng, constructi on ofawin-win sit uation. Next,I combi nedwith theirt hinki ng, experi ence and contact XXpracti cal,on howtoe nhance t heabi lity ofrepelli ng, on foura

36、specontosocialgroupsand public opi nion supervision, theogical and political constructionofleadinition.Irregularities,pleasecomment.Fpowerfulfor ce formed to urgeparty member s and leadi ng ca drespr operlyexer cisetheir powers. Se cond, strongsupervisi ona nd inspection.Democrati c life intofullpla

37、y, importantbriefings,re ports relate d to personal m attersand evaluati on ofcadres study ofinner -party supervisorysy stem,a com prehe nsivegrasp ofgui delines for theim plementati on oftheindepe ndent Commission against corrupti on-related cases ofleadi ngcadre sof party member s, focus on stre n

38、gtheningkeyareasofprojectsel ecti on,fundi ng,official smonit or, detect a ndre ctifythe problem,promote honesty in politi cs.T hird,stre ngthendi sciplinaryi nvestigation.Seriouslydres i nthe city reader, rea dthe relevant information,larger harvest, i nspired.Ithi nk the ability of repellihe const

39、r uctionofthe propulsi onsy stem,ande nhance thesystem ofcorruption sincethe foundingng istostrengthent he partysgoverning capacity i n questi ons of the constr uction ofmea ning, animportanttopic remains i n front ofparty membersand cadres at all lev els,we nee dtofurt herexpl oreand ponder.The abo

40、fourpart y, have been t hinki ngabouttackli ng corrupti on.Curre ntl y,democraticlegalsystem, managementsystem and supervision mechanism is not perfect,admi nistrative actsarenot verystandardize d,Enter prise behofrepelli ng the namesuggests,is aski ng party mem bersa nd cadres at alllevelsi npartic

41、ul ar,lea ding cadres at all level s, notonly ourselves, establisha correct orand marketbehavi or, corruption presentsadiverse, pluralisti c,complextrends,this shiftthe struggle betwee n thetwo,w illaccom pa nyconce ptofthe indepe ndentCommissi on agai nstcorruption,politicali ntegrity, self-di sci

42、pline,reje ctionofcorruption, madefortc, honest leader shpi, andyuan, a n increase of17.5%;l ocalg overnme ntgeneral budget reve nueof 500 milli on Yuan, .Pai nting, model cultur e creates new Ma Church community, creating Lakesceni cspotculturee ducation base, receive d hig hevaluati on frompr ovin

43、cialand municipal disciplineInspection Commissi on,t hepeoplesdailyspecialreport.Constantly promote i nde pende ntCommission against corruption cultureconstructiont orural extends, createdesta blished Da hli n ruralindustry Parkindepe ndent Commission against corruptionculturepositions,formedhas a s

44、upport servi cel owdouble excelle nt ofmembers leadteam,constantlyperfectandestablishedParkfundsassetsmanagement,and villag e auditsupervisi on, a nd vi llagers democrati c financial,system, stre ngthe ning Park party,a nd Chief, andfina ncial,full public,powerfulto g uarantees hasnew rural construc

45、tion, by city r ural stylecl ean governme ntinspe ction unit led ofheightevaluation.Throughtheimplementationofhonestandclean gover nmentcultural construction, andeffectively educate thebroadmassparty members andcadres a nd consci ously regulated behavi or anddi sci pline ,honesty i n politics a nd c

46、ult ure to cre atea goodatmosphereandfreshdevelopmentenvironment.Although w e in impl ement impleme ntation i ndepe nde ntCommissionagainstcorruptionguidelinesaspe cts made hasmust effect iveness,but awayfromsuperiorofrequireme ntsalso exists must ofdistance,mai nperforma ncefor:a i ssystem enoug hs

47、ound,e ducation,and supervision,and preve ntion,and punishment,a spectslong-term mechanism alsoenoughperfect,e specially i nenr ollmentbi d workreg ulatory aspe cts also nee ded strengthe ning ; IIis reg ulatorysupervision exists lostofYuwide,andlost ofYusoft ,investigation illegaldisciplinarycaseof

48、effortsalsoneededstrengthening,individualsectorandcadres alsodifferentdegre e exists treatgift,nottobenefits not do,a nd messdo of phenome non;Thre eforhonest w orkis the new situationsa nd newpr oblem s in finding timelye nough,treatment measuresarenot strong enoug h.osolvethese problems, we willpr

49、 ocee dfrofollowing fiveaspectsofrectification,makesure to implement t he provi sions of the code.(A) dee pening thelear ning, enhance the consci ousness ofhonestyi n politics. To create eventas a n opportunityto Ex celand learni ngparty,furtheri ncreasi ng thegov erna nce capa bilityand adva nced c

50、onstruction, reinforce d rule softhe br oadmasses ofpartymembersand cadre s awarene ss,sense ofresponsibil ity,se nseofhonor,improvew orkinga bilityand levelofscientificdevelopment.Shouldmakefulluseofmeetings,inparticularcentralgrouplearning opportunity,furt herstrengt heni ngthe st udy ande ducatio

51、n ofthecode,the intensivewarning education,educati onthe majorityofparty membersandcadresk now nfear, knewfear,honestyinpoliticsoftensionthestrings,consciousnessandenhancnigtheimpleme ntation ofthe initiative.Also,payattention toa pplyw hatthey have learned, consciously study resultsintoplanningw or

52、k,newi deas,第一章、工程概況1、工程簡述:本工程為株洲電業(yè)局營銷中心(營銷綜合樓)場地平整土方工程。該工程位于株洲市新華路與文化路交匯處。進(jìn)場道路已修筑,交通十分便利。場區(qū)地勢:整體地勢西高東低,地處丘陵地帶,區(qū)域內(nèi)高低不平。工期要求 30 日歷天,總計:挖方約30000 立方米,資金來源:企業(yè)自籌,已經(jīng)落實。工期質(zhì)量要求:合格工程。2、工程設(shè)計:總建筑面積:6159 m建筑層數(shù):地上6層,地下一層,建筑高度: 22.4m,結(jié)構(gòu)類型:框架結(jié)構(gòu),設(shè)計使用年限:50年,耐火等級:二級, 屋面防水等級:II級,地下室防水等級:II級,抗震設(shè)防烈度:小于6度,本工程室內(nèi)士 0.000設(shè)計相

53、當(dāng)于絕對標(biāo)高為51.50m,室外設(shè)計標(biāo)高相當(dāng)于 絕對標(biāo)高見總圖。整個場區(qū)平整,場地成四邊形狀,東西長81.52 米、 89.72 米;南北長61.26米、61.04米。填土必須分層夯實,每層 30-40cm,填方邊坡按: 4:1.05 放坡。施工進(jìn)場道路已修筑,交通便利。3、施工及生活用水:施工及生活用水、電均有建設(shè)單位提供水源、電源。 并接至施工現(xiàn)場。施工單位接至用水地點(diǎn),整體施工條件較好,便利施工。第二章、工程整體施工部署1、施工總體設(shè)想:根據(jù)本工程原始地形地貌特點(diǎn)和平整設(shè)計施工要求,我們可以看出設(shè)計平整區(qū)內(nèi),均有挖填土方。西面挖方大于填方。故可以確定本工程需要運(yùn)出土方主要集中在西面。工程

54、施工總工期為30 天、工期緊。經(jīng)公司技術(shù)部門和施工設(shè)備管理科共同協(xié)商研討后,擬定以下總體施工部署大綱:( 1)本工程列為公司重點(diǎn)施工項目、抽調(diào)公司各部門專業(yè)人員組建該工程專職指揮部,詳細(xì)制定各項施工計劃和管理制度。(2)項目施工方案采取劃分作業(yè)區(qū)域同時并行施工,分階段制定各項工期計劃。固定計劃施工大隊,細(xì)分作業(yè)班組,保證充足勞動力,按質(zhì)、ewmeasures to promotew ork,the courage to take responsibility,dare tobre akhardt oensure district, Governmentde cisions andarrange

55、mentstoimpleme nt.(B)strengtheni ngsupervisi on, severely punish a cts ofviolation. One isto ope n the cha nnelsofsupervi sion.V igorously pr omote the partyaffairspublic,open,widely a cceptedsupervision byt he masses,pay attenti onto socialgroupsa nd public opi nion supervision, the powerfulfor ce

56、formed to urgeparty member s and leadi ng ca drespr operlyexer cisetheir powers. Se cond, strongsupervisi ona nd inspection.Democrati c life intofullplay, importantbriefing s,re ports relate d to personal matters andevaluation ofcadres study ofinner -party supervisorysy stem,a com prehe nsivegrasp ofgui delines for theim plementati on oftheindepe ndent Commission against corrupti on-related cases ofleadi ngcadre sof party member s, focus on stre ngthe


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