1、桃花源記晉太元中,武陵人捕魚為業(yè)。緣溪行,忘路之遠(yuǎn)近。忽逢桃花林,夾(ji月岸數(shù)百步,中無雜樹,芳草鮮美,落英繽紛。漁人甚異之。復(fù)前行,欲窮其林。林盡水源,便得一山,山有小口,仿佛若有光。便舍( she)船,從口入。初極狹,才 通人。復(fù)行數(shù)十步,豁(huo)然開朗。土地平曠,屋舍(she)儼(y&n)然,有良田美池 桑竹之屬。阡(qi 陌(mo)交通,雞犬相聞。其中往來種(zh6ng)作,男女衣著(zhuo), 悉如外人。黃發(fā)垂髯(ti 0),并怡然自樂。見漁人,乃大驚,問所從來。具答之。便要( yao)還家,設(shè)酒殺雞作食。村中聞有此 人,咸(xi n)來問訊。自云先世避秦時亂,率妻子
2、邑( y»人來此絕境,不復(fù)出焉,遂與 外人間隔。問今是何世,乃不知有漢,無論魏晉。此人一一為具言所聞,皆嘆惋。余人各復(fù) 延至其家,皆出酒食。停數(shù)日,辭去。此中人語( y。)云:不足為外人道也?!奔瘸觯闷浯?,便扶向路,處處志之。及郡下,詣( y»太守,說如此。太守即遣人隨 其往,尋向所志,遂迷,不復(fù)得路。南陽劉子驥(j)i,高尚士也,聞之,欣然規(guī)往。未果,尋病終。后遂無問津者。字詞詳解太元:東晉孝武帝司馬曜(yao)的年號(376396)。世外桃源:指一種空想的脫離現(xiàn)實(shí)斗爭的美好世界。世外桃源是一個人間生活理想境界的代名詞,相當(dāng)于西方的極樂世界或者天堂。千百年來,完美主義者
3、無不苦苦追尋、刻意營造自己想象中的 世外桃源”。(作者的這一社會理想是對當(dāng)時黑暗社會的批判,在客觀上也 反映了人民擺脫壓迫、擺脫剝削的要求。具有一定的積極意義;但它又有一定程度的復(fù)古傾 向,在階級社會中也只能是一種幻想,是不可能實(shí)現(xiàn)的。)比喻不受外面影響的生活安樂、環(huán)境幽靜的美好地方。一般作主語、賓語、定語。武陵:古代郡名。今湖南常德一帶。為業(yè):以為生。為:作為。緣:沿著。行:前行,這里指劃船。遠(yuǎn)近:偏義復(fù)詞,這里指遠(yuǎn)。忽逢:忽然遇到。夾岸:兩岸。雜:別的,其它的。芳:指花。鮮美:鮮艷美麗。落英:落花。一說,初開的花。繽紛:繁多而紛亂的樣子。甚:很,非常。異:對感到奇怪。欲:想要。便:于是,就
4、。窮:窮盡。這里是 走到的盡頭”的意思。詞類活用,形容詞作動詞。林盡水源:林盡(于)水源。桃林在溪水發(fā)源的地方就到頭了。得:看到。仿佛:隱隱約約,形容看的不真切的樣子。若:好像。舍:離開。初:開始。才:副詞,僅僅,剛剛。才通人:僅容一人通過。通:通過。豁然開朗:豁然:形容開闊敞亮的意思;開朗:地方開闊;光線充足、明亮。指一下子 出現(xiàn)了開闊明亮的境界?,F(xiàn)在形容一下子明白了某種道理;心情十分舒暢。(總意)形容由狹窄幽暗突然變得開闊明亮的樣子。也形容對某一問題從長期思索不解而后忽然領(lǐng)悟。一般作謂語、賓語、定語。舍:房屋。平:平坦。曠:寬闊。儼(y&n)然:整齊的樣子。之:這。屬:類。阡陌交通
5、:田間小路交錯相通。阡陌,田間小路,南北走向的叫阡,東西走向的叫陌。 交通,交錯相通雞犬相聞:(村落間)雞鳴狗叫的聲音,彼此都可以聽得見。相聞,可以互相聽到。其:那。種作:耕田勞作。著:穿著。悉:都。外人:桃花源以外的世人。黃發(fā)垂髯(ti o):指老人和小孩。垂髯,垂下來的頭發(fā),這里指小孩子。黃發(fā),舊指 長壽的特征,這指老人。并:表承接(順接),而且。怡然:愉快的樣子。乃(乃大驚的乃):副詞,竟,竟然。大:很,非常。從來:從地方來。具:詳細(xì)、詳盡。之:代詞,指代桃源人所問問題。要(y a o):通邀",邀請。咸:副詞,都,全問訊:詢問消息。語:(yu)向人說,告訴云:說。先世:祖先。
7、,判斷句,像這樣即:立即。遣:派遣。尋向所志:尋找以前所做的標(biāo)記。所志,所做的標(biāo)記。志:做的標(biāo)記。(名詞性)所單獨(dú)可不翻譯。遂:竟然。復(fù):又,再。得:取得,獲得,文中是找到的意思。南陽:郡名,治所在現(xiàn)在河南南陽。劉子驥:即劉麟之,字子驥,東晉南陽(今河南南陽)人。晉書 隱逸傳里說他 好 游山澤”。高尚:品德高尚。欣然:高興的樣子。規(guī):計劃,打算。尋:隨即,不久。未果:沒有結(jié)果,意思是沒有實(shí)現(xiàn)。果:實(shí)現(xiàn)。問津:本指打聽渡口,這里是訪求尋找的意思。 津,渡口。譯文東晉太元年間,有個武陵人靠捕魚為生。(一次漁人)沿著小溪劃船,往前行,忘記了路程多遠(yuǎn)。忽然遇到一片桃花林,溪水兩岸幾百步以內(nèi),中間沒有別
8、的樹木,花和草鮮嫩美麗,地上的落花繁多。漁人對此感到非常驚異。(漁人)又向前劃去,想走到那片林子的盡頭。桃花林在溪水發(fā)源的地方?jīng)]有了,(在那里)便看到一座山,山邊有個小洞,隱隱約約好像有光亮。漁人就舍棄船上岸,從小洞口進(jìn)入。起初洞口很狹窄,僅能容一個人通過。漁 人又向前走了幾十步,一下子變得開闊敞亮了。只見土地平坦寬闊,房屋整整齊齊,有肥沃 的土地,美好的池塘,桑樹竹林之類。田間小路交錯相通,(村落間)能互相聽到雞鳴狗叫的聲音。村里面,來來往往的行人,耕種勞作的人,男男女女的衣著裝束完全像桃花源外的世人,老人和小孩都高高興興,自得其樂。(桃花源的人)一見漁人,竟然大為驚奇,問他是從哪里兒來的。
9、(漁人)細(xì)致詳盡地回答了他們,人們就把漁人請到自己家里,擺酒殺雞做飯款待他。村里人聽說來了這么一個 客人,都來打聽消息。(他們)自己說他們的祖先(為了)躲避秦時的戰(zhàn)亂,率領(lǐng)妻子兒女和同鄉(xiāng)人來到這個與外界隔絕的地方,不再出去了,于是就同外界的人隔絕了。他們問(漁人)現(xiàn)在是什么朝代,(他們)竟然不知道有漢朝,更不必說魏朝和晉朝了。這個漁人一一的給(桃花源中的人)詳細(xì)地訴說他知道的事情,(他們)聽了都很驚嘆惋惜。其余的人又各自邀請漁人到他們家里,都拿出酒菜飯食來款待他。漁人居住了幾天,告辭離開。這里面 的人告訴他說:“(這里的情況)不值得對外界的人說啊!”(漁人)出來后,找到了他的船,就沿著先前的路
10、回去,(一路上)處處標(biāo)上記號。漁人到了武陵郡,便去拜見太守,把這些情況作了稟報。太守立即派人隨同他前往,尋找先前所做的記號,結(jié)果迷了路,再也找不到通向桃花源的路了。南陽有個劉子驥,是位清高的隱士,聽到這個消息,興致勃勃地打算前往桃花源。沒有實(shí)現(xiàn),不久就病死了。以后就不再有探訪的人了。The Peach ColonyTr. by Lin Yutang 林語堂(An Idyllic Land at the End of the Peach Grove )During the reign of Taiyuan of Chin, there was a fisherman of Wuling. One
11、 day he was walking along a bank. After having gone a certain distance, he suddenly came upon a peach grove which extended along the bank for about a hundred yards. He noticed with surprise that the grove had a magic effect, so singularly free from the usual mingling of brushwood, while the beautifu
12、l grassy ground was covered with its rose petals. He went further to explore, and when he came to the end of the grove, he saw a spring which came from a cave in the hill. Having noticed that there seemed to be a weak light in the cave, he tied up his boat and decided to go in and explore. At first
13、the opening was very narrow, barely wide enough for one person to go in. After a dozen steps, it opened into a flood of light. He saw before his eyes a wide, level valley, with houses and fields and farms. There were bamboos and mulberries; farmers were working and dogs and chickens were running abo
14、ut. The dresses of the men and women were like those of the outside world, and the old men and children appeared very happy and contented.They were greatly astonished to see the fisherman and asked him where he had come from. The fisherman told them and was invited to their homes, where wine was ser
15、ved and chicken was killed for dinner to entertain him. The villagers hearing of his coming all came to see him and to talk. They said that their ancestors had come here as refugees to escape from the tyranny of Tsin Shih-huang (builder of Great Wall) some six hundred years ago, and they had never l
16、eft it. They were thus completely cut off from the world, and asked what was the ruling dynasty now. They had not even heard of the Han Dynasty (two centuries before to two centuries after Christ), not to speak of the Wei (third century A.D.) and the Chin (third and fourth centuries). The fisherman
17、told them, which they heard with great amazement. Many of the other villagers then began to invite him to their homes by turn and feed him dinner and wine. After a few days, he took leave of them and left. The villagers begged him not to tell the people outside about their colony.The man found his b
18、oat and came back, marking with signs the route he had followed. He went to the magistrate's office and told the magistrate about it. The latter sent someone to go with him and find the place. They looked for the signs but got lost and could never find it again.Liu Tsechi of Nanyang was a great
19、idealist. He heard of this story, and planned to go and find it, but was taken ill and died before he could fulfill his wish. Since then, no one has gone in search of this place.The Peach Blossom SpringTr. by James Robert HightowerDuring the Tai-yuan period of the China dynasty a fisherman of Wu-lin
20、g once rowed upstream, unmindful of the distance he had gone, when he suddenly came to a grove of peach trees in bloom. For several hundred paces on both banks of the stream there was no other kind of tree. The wild flowers growing under them were fresh and lovely, and fallen petals covered the grou
21、nd it made a great impression on the fisher-man. He went on far away with the idea of finding out how far the grove extended.It came to an end at the foot of a mountain whence issued the spring that supplied the streams. There was a small opening in the mountain and it seemed as though light was com
22、ing through it. The fisherman left his boat and entered the cave, which at first was extremely narrow, barely admitting his body, after a few dozen steps it suddenly opened out onto a broad and level plain where well-built houses were surrounded by rich fields and pretty ponds. Mulberry, bamboo and
23、other trees and plants grew there, and criss-cross paths skirted the fields. The sounds of cocks crowing and dogs barking could be heard from one courtyard to the next. Men and women were coming and going about their work in the fields. The clothes they wore were like those of ordinary people. Old m
24、en and boys were carefree and happy.When they caught sight of the fisherman, they asked in surprise how he had got there. The fisherman told the whole story, and was invited to go to their house, where he was served wine while they killed a chicken for a feast. When the other villagers heard about t
25、he fisherman ' s arrival, they all came to pay him a visit. They told him that their ancestors had fled the disorders of Ch'in times and, having taken refugee here with their wives and children and neighbours, had never ventured out again. Consequently they had lost all contact with the outside world. Theyasked what the present ruling dynasty was, for they had never heard of Han, let alone Wei and Jin. They sighed unhappily as the fisherman enumerated the dynasties one
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