已閱讀5頁,還剩13頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、作者:日期:動詞精選練習題1、 Do y ou k now th eboy _u nd er the big tree?A. layB. laC.layi ng Dy ing2. Whatdo y ou thi nkoft he b ook?Oh ,e xcel 1 ent .w o rtha sec on d tim e.A . toreadB.to be readC . readingD.be iread ingoth er exercise afty ouh av efini shed thisone.A. tdoingC. wiD.to bd oing4. Th ea teri ble

2、no isethe sudde n bursf light.A. fo1 lowe dB. folow ingC.to bef ollo w ed D.be ingf ollowed5. If i t is finemorrow,we _foo t ball match .A. h aveB.ll haveC. haD. sha 1 l h a s6. Wh e n he w a s achool,he_ early antak e a wa 1 k be f ore br e akfast.A. wil 1 riseB.sh ar ise C .sho uld r ise D. wouldr

3、ise7 . I n t h e pas tin the so c ia 1 is t3 0 yrevolarsChi na_g reatadva ncestion and so c i a1is t cons tructio n.A. h as m a deB.hav e mad e C. had ma de D.ha vingmade8. Ig o to be dun til Ifinishedm y wor k .A. do n t / had B. di dt/hav e C. didn t / had D. don t/h9. Ma r y i s very l a te,heA.m

4、 a y mis s h ert raiB. m a y have m 1 ssed her trainC.m us t mis s hertr a iD.c ould m 1 ss h e r tr a in10. M OS tof the artito the p arty were fro m Sou th A f ric a.A. i ned B.to inv 1 te C.bein gin vite dd been ited11.“ Whadidyou do in th e garden? ”a tc h ed my fatherh ismotorbike .o rep airepa

5、 i r sB. rp ai r ed C.re pairing D . r12. I don t a llowo f f icean d Ilow my f amilyat all.13.C. t o ssmoke-smok i ng.s moki ngtos mokemo keto sm o kemore a tt entio nD.,the trs mo king smokingescoul d have grown be tteA. G 1 ven B. To give C. GivinHavin g giv e n14. E ur opean f ootba ll 1 s p la

6、i t t he mostincoun tries,popula r sport in t h e world.A . mak i n gB. m akeC . ma d eto mak e15. The O l ymp ic Games , _ _ in 77 1 91 2 .e w omen play e rs u nti6 B. C . , did non cl u dA. firs t playingB. t o be fis t playedC. first p layedbe first pl ay ing1 6. Hewa s a g oodp olice.runner soes

7、ca pefromt heA . mig h t B . s uc ceed ed tC. wo u ld D. was ab1 7. I hopedm y letr.A. he r to a nswerB. t h a t sh e would answC. tha t she a nwersD. her ans w ering18. T he dictionaryi f t y do ll ars.A.s p e nt B.pa i dC. costD. co ste19. I m so r r y fin tme. That s allright .g ett in gt n o t d

8、 o neB . nog ett 1ngi t doneC.get t1ot it do n eD. getti nto2 0.T h e b oy but his mot hewan ted toride ht o ld himb i c ycl ei n thestre e t,A. n ot toB . no t t o doC. notdo i tD. donot to答案及部分解析1 . D ly ing 是 li e的現在分詞,在句中作后置定語。2. C “ It is worth doi ng”是固定結構,意思是“干是值得的”。4. B句中的h a V e是使役動詞,故” h a

9、ve sth. don e”是常用結構,意 思是“讓別人去干某事”,或“某人讓別人去干”。3. A A項表示繼續(xù)做與原來不同的事,B和C均表示繼續(xù)做與原來相同的 事。BD AC BMostr om1 0. AofS ou t h Af r ica .分詞短語作定語時,應放在被修飾的名詞后,相當于一個定語從句:t he a r tists w h o w ere i n v ited to the p arty were f11-12 CD13 .輯主語是the t 示被動,Gia d been givenA 分詞短語作狀語時,其邏輯主語必須與句子的主語一致。該分詞的邏r e es,與動詞g i

10、 ve含有動賓關系,因而用過去分詞 given表 ve more a tte ntion這個條件狀語相當于狀語從句I f t h ey h mor e attention 。14. A m a king是現在分詞用作狀語,表示伴隨情況或做補充說明。B和 C 屬語法錯誤。D項是不定式,可作目的狀語,但目的狀語前通常不能用逗號。15. C 本題考查分詞作定語的用法。 The O lym p i c Games與play之間是 被動關系,所以應首先排除A和D。而B項是不定式的被動形式,表示將來的動 作,故也應排除。此句可理解為:Thet p laye d nt il 1912in 776 B. C.

11、 , did nOly m pic Game s , w hich w a s f irsot inclu d e wom e n pl a ye r s u9 DBCB20 . A 如:M ary,要把to后面的動詞及其賓語省略掉。又需要重復不定式的內容時wan te d to us e my bike, bu t I asked he r n ot t o.介詞強化練習題1.S o me ar ea s,their se v ere we ar d 1 y po p ul a ted.her con dit1 o ns ,aeh a2.efA bu t forVisitors areB i

12、naskedA a t B in C wit h3 . Hef ic i ently.s pite of C duet o co m pl yD onthe reso mu ch work that he could n A p u t on B t o ok on C brou g h t on D turnedD wit h rt regard tla t ia lly do it4 .In ordert o saV e t ime, Imy sh opping t o onee a we e k.A c ut off Bcut d own5. The ideaha sthat scien

13、eec an no t be wr o ng.A p i ledupB pi c k ed u pC grown up D p u t up6. H e dint oi d eve ry thing h e f ig hti ng.couldpreventi ffromki n gb reak ing of f B b reak i o fb r eak i ng ou t D b rea7.T he co n str uct ion of t_ 1,000,00 0 d ol l ar s,a n d itnew buildin g will cost _ e asy toget s o m

14、uc h money.A at l a st B atmosC at lest D8. N o body noticed the se the ligh t happe n ed tt hieflip inth e hous eA. be pu t up B. give in C.be trnd on D. goout9. Ev e r y morning a nd bring hi m the pap ershe woul d gis to re a d.m b r eakfa stbedA. to B.a t C. inD. by1 0. Your per he required s ta

15、f orma neen d ar d,A. int hee nd B . afts ame t im e1 1. Wh y do nt the he to w n?in the d riv,you faili n g test didn t teac h e d.1 l C. ino t he r word s D. at tild an ew road t hat goe sA . t o B. thr o ugh C. over Dr oun d12._ p roduc t ion up by 60% , t he c o mpany has had anyear.o ther ex c

16、el 1 en tt.A.13.A. L o1 4.As B. Fo rok t hro uC . Wit h D. Throughi s boo kghB . LoThe d o Ct orwil 1A. 10 min utes laerB . afC. in 10 mint es D.an d tell me what youo k on C.be f ret er 1 01 0 min uthi nk ofL oo k int o D.mi n utestes after15. D id youave t roublet h epos t offA . to ha V e founB.

17、w it h f i n din g1 6. I fy ouk e ep on,y oul 1 succ e e d.A. i nt im eB. a t o n e tim eC . at the s am e t imeD. on t ime17. Weoffe red him out c o ng ratulatio n sh isp ass ingth e c olleg ee n trance e x a ms.A. atB. o nC . for D . o f18 .-Ho w1 ong has this bookshop be e n inb usiness?A. A f te

18、r B.In C.F r om D .Si nee19 . T hetrain lea ves a t 6 : c)o pm So Ih ave to bea t t hif i n di n gne s t ation5 :40 pm at t h e latest.C. to find DA. un til Baft e r C . by D. arou n20 . D oes F r en c h?A. exce ptJo hn know a ny o t he r for ei g n la n gu ag eB . b u t C . b esid e s D. bes ide答案與解析(部分)1-7(略)8 .答案是DoA和B與句意完全不符,p u t up意為“舉起”,g iin 意為 “讓步”。C項意為“開燈”,與該句意思相反。D項意為 st burn i ng o r s h ini n g, 正適合句意。9.e do答案是Co本題考查be d 一詞與什么介詞搭配。“在床上”應上in b1畢竟,D項意為 同時,這三項均不符合句意。C項意為 換言之正合題意。0.答案是Co本題考查對幾個介詞短語的辨析。 A項意為 最后,B項意為11.答案是D.本題考查對這幾個介詞的辨析


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