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1、畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文資料翻譯部: 業(yè): 名:口號:外文出處: The PofessionalEnglish ofDesignManufacture for Dies & Moulds件:1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文。指導教師評語:簽名:年月日附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文沖壓模具設計對于汽車行業(yè)與電子行業(yè),各種各樣的板料零件都是有各種不同的成型工藝所生產(chǎn)出來的,這些均可以列入一般種類“板料成形”的范疇。板料成形(也稱為沖 壓或壓力成形)經(jīng)常在廠區(qū)面積非常大的公司中進行。如果自己沒有去這些大公司訪問,沒有站在巨大的機器旁,沒有感受到地面的 震顫,沒有看巨大型的機器人的手臂吧零件從一個機器

2、移動到另一個機器,那么廠 區(qū)的范圍與價值真是難以想象的。當然,一盤錄像帶或一部電視專題片不能反映出 汽車沖壓流水線的宏大規(guī)模。站在這樣的流水線旁觀看的另一個因素是觀看大量的 汽車板類零件被進行不同類型的板料成形加工。落料是簡單的剪切完成的,然后進 行不同類型的加工,諸如:彎曲、拉深、拉延、切斷、剪切等,每一種情況均要求 特殊的、專門的模具。而且還有大量后續(xù)的加工工藝,在每一種情況下,均可以通過諸如拉深、拉延 與彎曲等工藝不同的成形方法得到所希望的得到的形狀。根據(jù)板料平面的各種各樣的受應力狀態(tài)的小板單元體所可以考慮到的變形情形描述三種成形,原理圖1描述的是一個簡單的從圓坯料拉深成一個圓柱水杯的成

3、形過程。拉深是從凸緣型坯料考慮的,即通過模具上沖頭的向下作用使材料被水平拉 深。一個凸緣板料上的單元體在半徑方向上被限定,而板厚保持幾乎不變。板料成 形的原理如圖2所示。拉延通常是用來描述在板料平面上的兩個互相垂直的方向被拉長的板料的單 元體的變形原理的術語。拉延的一種特殊形式,可以在大多數(shù)成形加工中遇到,即 平面張力拉延。在這種情況下,一個板料的單元體僅在一個方向上進行拉延,在拉長的方向上寬度沒有發(fā)生變化,但是在厚度上有明確的變化,即變薄。-«n1圖2板料成形原理彎曲時當板料經(jīng)過沖模,即沖頭半徑加工成形時所觀察到的變形原理,因此在 定向的方向上受到改變,這種變形式一個平面張力拉長與

4、收縮的典型實例。3所示。在一個壓力機沖程中用于在一塊板料上沖出一個或多個孔的一個完整的沖壓 模具可以歸類即制造商標準化為一個單工序沖孔模具,如圖圖3典型的單工序沖孔模具n in7iin1 下模座2、5導套3 凹模4 導桿6彈壓卸料板7 凸模8 托板9 凸模護套10 扇形塊11 固定板12 凸模固定板13 墊塊15 階梯螺釘16 上模座17 模柄任何一個完整的沖壓模具都是有一副(或多副的組合)用于沖制工作的(沖壓) 零件組成,包括:所有的支撐件部分與模具的工作部分零件,即構成一副沖模。沖 壓(術語)通常將完整壓制工具的凹模(母模)部分定義為模具。導桿,或導柱,是安裝在下模座上的。上模座則安裝有用

5、于導桿滑動的導套, 分別裝有導套與導桿的上模座與下模座組合成為木架。模架有許多規(guī)格與結構設計 用于商業(yè)銷售。安裝在上模座上的凸模固定裝置固定兩個凸模(模具中的突出部分),這兩個 圓形凸模則通過插入在卸料板上的導套進行導向。套筒,或凸模護套,是用來保護 沖頭,以免在沖壓過程中被卡住。在沖穿工件材料后,兩個沖頭便進入到凹模一定 距離。凹模(母模)部分,即凹模,通常是由插入模具體內的兩個模具導套組成的。因為沖頭的直徑是被沖孔的直徑所要求的,所以有一定間隙的凹模直徑是大于沖頭 直徑的。由于工件材料坯料或工件在沖制回程時與沖頭附連在一起,所以把材料從沖頭上剝離是必需的。彈壓卸料板則保持沖頭在沖制工件回程

6、時縮回,使工件與工件剝 離。一個沖制的工件通常是留在漏料槽內的,漏料槽是由包含整個零件外輪廓的平板組成。模座是由銷釘支撐板以及其他的滑塊下行程時定位的擋料塊等定位的。彎曲時一種最常見的成形工序。當我們僅將目光移至汽車或電器上的部件,或一個剪紙機或檔案柜上時,就會發(fā)現(xiàn)許多零件都是由彎曲成形的。彎曲不僅可以用來成形法蘭、接頭、波紋,也可以提高零件的強度(通過增加零件的慣性矩)I,;彎曲半檜我圖4彎曲術語彎曲中所用的術語,如圖4所示,應該注意的是,在彎曲中材料的外纖維是處 于拉應力狀態(tài),而材料的內纖維則處于壓應力狀態(tài)。由于泊松比原因,在外部區(qū)域 的零件(彎曲長度L )是小于原始寬度,處于內部區(qū)域的則

7、比原始寬度大。這種現(xiàn) 象可在彎曲一個矩形的橡膠板擦時容易觀察到的。最小彎曲半徑對于不同的金屬是變化的。一般而言,各種退火的金屬板在沒有斷裂或變弱的前提下,可以彎曲成一個等同金屬板厚的半徑。隨著R/T比值的減少(彎曲半徑對厚度的比值變?。?,外纖維的拉應力增加,材料最終斷裂(參見圖 5)。圖5泊松效應不同材料的最小彎曲半徑參考表 1,他通常是按照不同板厚來表示的,諸如:2T,3T,4T 等。表1在室溫狀態(tài)下各種材料的最小彎曲半徑材料狀態(tài)軟硬鋁合金06T釹青銅合金,釹合金04T黃銅,低鉛02T鎂5T13T鋼奧氏體不銹鋼0.5T6T低碳鋼,低合金鋼,高強度鉛合金0.5T4T鈦0.7T3T鈦合金2.6T

8、4T注:T材料厚度。彎曲容許范圍,是指彎曲中的中性線(層)的長度,用來確定彎曲零件的坯料長度。然而,中性線(層)的位置是喲彎曲角度(正如在材料力學課本中所描述) 來決定的。彎曲容許范圍(Lb)的近似的公式為:Lb= aR+kT)式中:Lb彎曲容許范圍,毫米;a彎曲角度(弧度),度;T金屬板厚,毫米;R彎曲內層半徑,毫米;k當半徑RV 2T時為0.33,當半徑R>2T時為0.50。彎曲方式通常用于沖壓模具。金屬鋼板或帶料,由V形支撐,參見圖6 (a)在楔形沖頭的沖壓力作用下進入 V形模具內彈簧加載壓花銷和零件之間的摩擦將會防止或減少零件在彎曲期間的邊緣滑移。棱邊彎曲,參見圖6(b)是懸臂橫

9、梁式加載方式,彎曲沖頭對相對支撐的凹模 上的金屬施加彎曲力。彎曲軸線是與彎曲模具的棱邊相平行的。在沖頭接觸工件之前,為了防止沖頭向下行程的位移,工件則被一個彈性加載墊片加緊模具體上。沖頭V形椅4圖6彎曲方式彎曲力的大小是可以通過對一根矩形橫梁的簡單彎曲的工藝過程的確定來估 算。在此情況下的彎曲力是材料強度的函數(shù),此彎曲力的計算式為:P 水lsT/w式中:P彎曲力,噸(對于米制使用單位,噸乘以8.896數(shù)值以得到千牛頓單位);K模具開啟系數(shù):16倍材料厚度(16T)時的開啟系數(shù)為1.20,8倍材料厚度(8T)時的開啟系數(shù)為1.33;L零件長度,英寸;S極限張力強度,噸/平方英寸;WV或U形模具的

10、寬度,英寸;T材料厚度,英寸。對于U形彎曲(槽形彎曲),彎曲力大約是V形彎曲所需要的彎曲壓力的兩倍, 棱邊彎曲則大約是V形彎曲所需要的彎曲壓力的1/2。回彈。所有金屬材料均有一個固定的彈性模量,隨之而來的是塑性變形,當施加在材料上的彎曲力消除時就會有一些彈性恢復(見圖7)。在彎曲過程中這種恢復 稱為回彈。一般而言,這樣的回彈在0.5。5°之間變化,取決于固定的彈性模量、 彎曲方式、模具間隙等。磷青銅的回彈則在 10°15°之間。圖7彎曲中的回彈減少或消除在彎曲工序中回彈方法可以根據(jù)下列工藝方法進行,如圖8所示,在彎曲模具中產(chǎn)生的零件也可以通過等同回彈角度彎曲模上挖

11、凹?;驈椥跃彌_式 彎曲模而被過度彎曲來減少或消除回彈。圖8減少或消除回彈的方法從應用角度來說,有許多類型的壓力機,諸如:閉式雙點偏心軸單動機械壓力 機,沖壓成形機,液壓成形壓力機,液壓機,彎板機,三動式壓力機,沖模回轉壓 力機,雙點壓力機,雙邊齒輪驅動壓力機,雙點單動壓力機,臺式壓力機,切邊壓 力機,閉式單動(曲柄)壓力機,肘桿式壓力機,單點單動壓力機,開式雙柱可傾 壓力機,開式壓力機,四點式壓力機,四曲柄壓力機,飛輪式螺旋壓力機,摩擦傳 動螺旋壓力機,閉式雙點單動雙曲柄壓力機,搖臂式壓力機螺旋式壓力機和上傳動 板料沖壓自動壓力機等。雙動式壓力機是用于鈑金零件的拉深加工。此種類型的壓力機有一個

12、外滑塊(壓邊圈),并且有一個切斷的內滑塊(沖頭夾緊器)。在加工工作循環(huán)期間,壓邊9)。圈首先與零件接觸,然后施加壓力使沖頭夾緊器進行適當零件拉深(見圖圖9典型通用壓力機»三動式壓力機具有和雙動式壓力機相同的內、外滑塊。另外,三動式壓力機床 身還有另一個滑塊,它可向上運動,從而在一個沖壓循環(huán)中實現(xiàn)反向拉伸。三動式 壓力機應用不是很廣泛。肘桿式壓力機是用于壓印加工。這裝置的設計是在沖壓行程的末端以很高壓 力。此種壓力機利用一個曲柄(曲柄帶動違節(jié)運動,連節(jié)是由兩個在上死點到下死 點之間進行擺動的連桿組成,連桿擺動時間很短).在臨近沖程底部時慢速移動的滑塊具有功率很大的短距離位移。液壓機主要

13、是用于成形加工工序中,相比大多散 機械式壓力機,它有一個比較長的工作周期。液壓機的優(yōu)點足工作壓力、沖程和滑 塊的速度均是可調的(見圖10)。=1押46一圖10典型液壓機 b1,3液壓機屬于壓力限定型的成形機械,液壓機的主要用途體現(xiàn)在沿滑塊路徑外力是必須保持恒定或處于精確攤制鋒成形技術領域中?;钊c液壓缸的驅動機構是用 線性方式實現(xiàn)的,并且直接.連接到滑塊。液壓機框架結構的形式是非常類似于機 械式力機。液壓驅動裝置易于安裝在機械框架結構中。因此幾種液壓機驅動很容易 就被制成復雜成形與切斷加工(拉深、擠壓、切斷、模鍛等)的單一機械,并且所 要求的運動可以容易地定位,彎扳機除了它的長床身之外基本是與

14、開式壓力機棚同 的,床身長度可為620英尺(1.86米)或更長,它基本上是用在尺寸大的鈑金零 件上的各種類型的彎曲加工成形,它也可以使用不同整套的刀具分別進行淺沖孔、 切口與成形(見圖11)。這就可以使零件僅通過把復雜的零件分成幾個簡單的加工 工序實現(xiàn)由復雜設計到精確制造的過程,且沒有使用昂貴的沖制刀具。此種類型加 工工序用于小批量生產(chǎn)或試樣零件。和如動機的 壓力戦橋MiEIH護板圖11 典型彎板機使用帶有簡單央具的彎扳機可以容易地對鈑金進行彎曲。彎板機使用一個用在 機械或液壓饑上的長模具,適用于小批量生產(chǎn)。模具簡單,適于各種類型的成形加 工,而且,加工工序很容易實現(xiàn)自動化。彎板機的模具材料可

15、以是硬木(用于低強 度材料與小批量生產(chǎn)),也可以是硬質合金材料。大多數(shù)應用中,一般是使用碳鋼 或灰鑄鐵材料模具。附件2 :外文原文Sta mping Die Desig nThe wide variety of sheet metal parts for both the automobile and electronic in dustries is p roduced by nu merous forming p rocesses that fall into the gen eric category of "sheet-metal forming". Sheet-m

16、etal forming ( also called stamping or pressing )is ofte n carried out in large facilities hun dreds of yards long.It is hard to imagine the scope and cost of these facilities without visiting an automobile factory, sta nding n ext to the giga ntic mach in es, feeli ng the floor vibrate, and watch i

17、ng heavy duty robotic manipu lators move the p arts from one machi ne to ano ther.Certa inly, a videota pe or televisi on sp ecial cannot convey the scale of today's automobile sta mping lin es. Ano ther factor that one sees sta nding n ext to such lines is the nu mber of differe nt sheet-formi

18、ng op erati ons that automobile pan els go through. Bla nks are created by simple shearing, but from then on a wide variety of bending, drawing, stretching, cropping , and trim ming takes pl ace, each requiri ng a sp ecial, custom-made die.Despite this wide variety of sub-processes,in each case the

19、desired shapes are achieved by the modes of deformati on known as draw ing, stretchi ng, and bending. The three modes can be illustrated by con sideri ng the deformati on of small sheet eleme nts subjected to various states of stress in the plane of the sheet. Figure 1 con siders a simple formi ng p

20、 rocess in which a cyli ndrical cup is p roduced from a circular bla nk.PulkhFigure 1 Sheet forming a simple cupDraw ing is observed in the bla nk flange as it is being draw n horiz on tally through the die by the dow nward action of the pun ch. A sheet eleme nt in the flange is made to elon gate in

21、 the radial directi on and con tract in the circumfere ntial direct ion, the sheet thick ness remai ning app roximately con sta nt Modes of sheet formi ng are show n in Figure2.0BenJiriig孝0-fTJFigure2 Modes of sheet formingarrStretchi ng is the term usually used to describe the deformati on in which

22、 an eleme nt of sheet material is made to elon gate in two perpen dicular direct ions in the sheet plane. A special form of stretching, which is encountered in most forming operations, is plane strain stretchi ng. In this case, a sheet eleme nt is made to stretch in one directi on only, with no cha

23、nge in dime nsion in the direct ion no rmal to the direct ion of elon gati on but a defi nite cha nge in thick ness, that is, thi nning.Bending is the mode of deformati on observed whe n the sheet material is made to go over a die or punch radius, thus sufferi ng a cha nge in orie ntatio n. The defo

24、rmati on is an exa mple of plane stra in elon gati on and con tract ionA comp lete p ress tool for cutt ing a hole or multi-holes in sheet material at one stroke of the press as classified and standardized by a large manufacturer as a single-station p ierc ing die is show n in Figure3.Any comp lete

25、p ress tool, con sisti ng of a p air( or a comb in ati on of pars ) of mat ing member for p roduc ing p ressworked (st mpedp arts, in cludi ng all supporting and actuat ing eleme nts of the tool, is a die. P ressworki ng term ino logy com mon ly defi nes the female part of any comp lete p ress tool

26、as a die.The guide pins, or po sts, are moun ted in the lower shoe. The upper shoe contains bush ings which slide on the guide pins. The assembly of the lower and upper shoes with guide pins and bushi ngs is a die set. Die sets in many sizes and desig ns are commercially available. The guide pins ar

27、e show n in Figure 3.17116atiFigures Typ ical sin gle-stati on die for piercing hole1 Lower shoe 2,5 Guide bushi ngs 3 Cavity pl ate 4 Guid pin 6 Sprin g-loaded stri pper 7 Punch 8 Support pl ate 9 Punch bush ing 10 Fan-sha ped block 1 Fixedp late 12 Pun ch-holder plate 13- Backi ng plate 14 Spring

28、15 Ste pping bolts16 Upper shoe 17- ShankA punch holder moun ted to the upper shoe holds two round pun ches (male members of the die) which are guided by bushi ngs in serted in the stri pper. A sleeve, or quill, en closes one punch to p reve nt its buckli ng un der p ressure from the ram of the p re

29、ss.After pen etrati on of the work material, the two pun ches en ter the die bush ings for a slight dista nee.The female member, or die, con sists of two die bush ings in serted in the die block.Si nee this p ress tool pun ches holes to the diameters required, the diameters of the die bush ings are

30、larger tha n those of the pun ches by the amount of cleara nee.Si nee the work material stock or work pi ece can cling to a punch on the up stroke, it may be n ecessary to stri p the material from the pun ch. Sprin g-loaded stri ppers hold the work material aga inst the die block un til the pun ches

31、 are withdraw n from the pun ched holes. A work piece to be pi erced is common ly held and located in a nest (Figure 2-3) compo sed of flat p lates sha ped to en circle the outside part con tours. Stock is p ositi oned in dies by pins, blocks, or other types of stops for locat ing before the dow nst

32、roke of the ram.Bending is one of the most com mon formi ng op erati ons. We merely have to look at the components in an automobile or an app lia nce-or at a paper clip or a file cab in et-to app reciate how many p arts are sha ped by bending. Bending is used not only to form flanges, seams, and cor

33、rugations but also to impart stiffness to the part ( by increasing its mome nt of in ertia ).The terminology used in bending is shown in Figure 4. Note that, in bending, the outer fibers of the material are in tension, while the inner fibers are in comp ressi on.Because of the Po iss on's ratio,

34、 the width of the part (be nd len gth, L) in the outer regi on is smaller, and in the inner regi on is larger tha n the orig inal width. This phenomenon may easily be observed by bending a recta ngular rubber eraser.Mi nimum bend radii vary for differe nt metals, gen erally, differe nt ann ealed met

35、alscan be bent to a radius equal to the thickness of the metal without cracking or weakening. As R/T decreases(the ratio of the bend radius to the thickness becomes smaller), the ten sile strain at the outer fiber in creases, and the material eve ntually cracks (Figure 5).LengthofRolling directionCr

36、acksRolliiiig dircclionriongaicd inclusions(stringers)No cracks仁 11 Parallel with bendihe dircciion ( b) Vertical with bending directionFigure5 Po iss on effectThe mi nimum bend radius for various materials is give n in Table 1 and it is usually exp ressed in terms of the thick ness. such as 2 T, 3

37、T, 4T.Table 1 Minimum bend radius for various materials at room temp eratureMaterialCon diti onSoftHardAlumi num alloys06TBeryllium copper04TBrass,low-leaded02TMagn esium5T13TSteelsAuste nitic sta nl ess0.5T6TLow-carbo n,lowalloy,HSLA0.5T4TTitan ium0.7T3TTitanium alloys2.6T4TNote :Tthick ness of mat

38、erialBend allowa nee as show n in Figure 4 is the len gth of the n eutral axis in the bendand is used to determ ine the bla nk len gth for a bent p art. However, the p ositi on of then eutral axis depends on the radius and an gle of bend (as described in texts on mecha nicsof materials).A n app roxi

39、mate formula for the bend allowa nee. Lb is give n byLb=a (F十 kT)Where Lbbend allowa nee, in (mm).abend an gle, (radia ns) (deg).Tsheet thick ness, in (mm).Rin side radius of bend, in (mm).k0.33 whe n R is less than 2T and 0.50 whe n JR is more than 2T.Bend methods arc com monly used in p ress tool.

40、 Metal sheet or stri p, supp ortedby-V bockFigure 6(a),is forced by a wedge-sha ped punch into the block. This method,termed V bending, p roduces a bend hav ing an in cluded an gle which may be acute, obtuse,or 90°.Fricti on betwee n a sprin g-loaded kn urled pin in the vee die and the part wil

41、lp reve nt or reduce side cree p of the part duri ng its bending.Edge bending Figure 6(b) is can tilever load ing of a beam. The bending punchforces the metal aga inst the supporting die. The bend axis is p arallel to the edge of the die.The work piece is cla mped to the die block by a sprin g-loade

42、d pad before the punchcon tacts the work pi ece to p reve nt its moveme nt duri ng dow nward travel of the punch.DiePunch1(aVdlie(b I Viiping dieFigure 6 Bending methodsBending Force can be estimated by assu ming the p rocess of simple bending of arectangular beam. The bending force in that case is

43、a function of the strength of thematerial. The calculatio n of bending force is as follows: P=KLST2/WWhere P-be nding force, tons (for metric usage, mult ip ly nu mber of tons by 8.896 to obta in kil on ewt on s).Kdie opening factor: 1.20 for a die opening of 16 times metal thick ness,1.33 for an op

44、ening of 8 times metal thick ness.Llen gth of p art, in.Sultimate ten sile stre ngth, tons per square in.Wwidth of V or U die, i n.Tmetal thick ness, in.For U bending (channel bending) pressureswill be approximately twice thoserequired for V bending, edge bending requires about one-half those needed

45、 for V bending.Springback in that all materials have a finite modulus of elasticity, plastic deformati on is followed, whe n bending p ressure on metal is removed, by some elastic recovery (see Figure 7). In bending, this recovery is called sprin gback. Gen erally speaking, such a springback varies

46、in sheet from 0.5 to 5° depending upon finite modulus of elasticity, modes of bending, cleara nee of die and so on, but p hos phor bronze may spring back from 10 to15°:Figure 7Sprin gback duri ng bendingMethods of reduci ng or elim in at ing sprin gback in bending op eratio ns can be made

47、accord ing to the follow ing op eratio ns, show n in Figure 8, and p arts p roduced in bending die are also overbe nt through an an gle equal to the sprin gback an gle with an un dercut or relieved punch.Figures Methods of reduci ng or elim in ati ng sprin gbackFor the app licati ons, there are many

48、 types of the p resses, such as the sin gle-acti on straight-slide eccentric mechanical press, punch press, hydro-former press, hydraulic p ress, p ress brake, trip le-acti on p ress, turret p ress, two-point p ress, twin-drive p ress, twopoint sin gle-acti onp ress, watch p ress, trim ming p ress,

49、closed-t ype sin gle-acti on crank press, knuckle-lever press, one-point single-action press, open-back inclinable press, open-side press, four-point press, four-crank press, flywheel-type screw press, friction screw p ress, straight-side sin gle-act ion double-cra nk p ress, rocker-arm p ress, scre

50、w p ress and top-drive sheet-metal sta mping automatic p ress and so on.A double-act ion p ress is used for large, or dee p draw ing op erati ons on sheet metal p arts. This type of p ress has an outer ram ( bla nk holder ) and a secti on inner ram ( punch holder ) . During the op erati ng cycle, th

51、e bla nk holder con tacts the material first and app lies p ressure to allow the punch holder to prop erly draw the part (Figure 9).Figure9 Typi cal versatile p ressA trip le-acti on p ress has the same inner and outer ram as the double-acti on p ress, but a third ram in the press bed moves up allow

52、ing a reverse draw to be made in one p ress cycle. The trip le-acti on p ress is not widely used.A knu ckle p ress is used for coining op erati on. The desig n of the drive allows for very high p ressures at the bottom of the ram stroke. This type uses a crank, which moves a joi nt con sisti ng of t

53、wo levers that oscillate to and from dead cen ter and results in a short, po werful moveme nt of the slide with slow travel n ear the bottom of the stroke.A hydraulic press is used basically for forming operations and has a slower op erat ing cycle time tha n most mecha ni cal p resses. The adva nta

54、ges of hydraulic p resses are that the worki ng p ressure stroke, and sp eed of the ram are adjustable (Figure 10).Hydraulic presses belong to the force-constrained type of forming machines .Their mai n use is found in those areas of formi ng tech no logy where the force along the p ath of the ram must remai n con sta nt or un der accurate con trol.


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