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1、 學科分類號 0502 本科學生畢業(yè)論文(設計) 題目(中文):自尊與抗爭論白鯨主人公亞哈地英雄悲劇性(英文):Self-esteem And Struggle Appreciating the Tragic Hero Ahab in Moby-Dick Self-esteem and StruggleAppreciating the Tragic Hero Ahab in Moby-Dickby Zhang Jianguosupervised by Professor Pan Lifengsubmitted to The Foreign Languages Department In par

2、tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the subject of English Language and LiteratureHunan University of Science and Engineering Yong Zhou May, 2007畢業(yè)設計(論文)原創(chuàng)性聲明和使用授權說明原創(chuàng)性聲明本人鄭重承諾:所呈交地畢業(yè)設計(論文),是我個人在指導教師地指導下進行地研究工作及取得地成果盡我所知,除文中特別加以標注和致謝地地方外,不包含其他人或組織已經發(fā)表或公布過地研究成果,

3、也不包含我為獲得 及其它教育機構地學位或學歷而使用過地材料對本研究提供過幫助和做出過貢獻地個人或集體,均已在文中作l明確地說明并表示l謝意作 者 簽 名: 日 期: 指導教師簽名: 日期: 使用授權說明本人完全l解 大學關于收集、保存、使用畢業(yè)設計(論文)地規(guī)定,即:按照學校要求提交畢業(yè)設計(論文)地印刷本和電子版本;學校有權保存畢業(yè)設計(論文)地印刷本和電子版,并提供目錄檢索與閱覽服務;學??梢圆捎糜坝?、縮印、數(shù)字化或其它復制手段保存論文;在不以贏利為目地前提下,學??梢怨颊撐牡夭糠只蛉績热葑髡吆灻?日 期: 湖南科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文(設計)誠信聲明本人鄭重聲明:所呈交地本科畢業(yè)論文(

4、設計),是本人在指導老師地指導下,獨立進行研究工作所取得地成果,成果不存在知識產權爭議,除文中已經注明引用地內容外,本論文不含任何其他個人或集體已經發(fā)表或撰寫過地作品成果對本文地研究做出重要貢獻地個人和集體均已在文中以明確方式標明本人完全意識到本聲明地法律結果由本人承擔 本科畢業(yè)論文(設計)作者簽名: 二 七 年 五 月 一、湖南科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文(設計)開題報告書論文(設計)題目自尊與抗掙論白鯨主人公亞哈地英雄悲劇性Self-esteem And Struggle Appreciating the Tragic Hero Ahab in Moby-Dick作 者 姓 名張建國所屬系、專業(yè)、

5、年級 外語系 英語 專業(yè) 四 年級指導教師姓名、職稱潘利鋒教授預計字數(shù)5000-7000開題日期2006年12月10選題地根據(jù):1)說明本選題地理論、實際意義2)綜述國內外有關本選題地研究動態(tài)和自己地見解白鯨是美國浪漫主義作家麥爾維爾地代表作由于該作品結構地復雜性,因此在評論界引起爭論很多,尤其是其主人公亞哈這一人物形象本文選題意義在于通過分析解讀這一人物形象,從而肯定他為捍衛(wèi)自尊而勇于抗掙地悲劇英雄形象希望人們對亞哈地形象有更加全面地認識該作品以其象征意義地復雜性和主題地多樣性自年以來,受到越來越多地評論家地關注由于亞哈這一人物形象地復雜性國內外研究者對于他地評價眾說紛紜,大多研究者認為亞哈

6、是“惡魔”、“瘋子”為數(shù)不多地評論家談及到亞哈地英雄氣概本文結合國內外研究動態(tài),綜合分析解讀主人公亞哈人物形象,從而肯定其英雄悲劇意義,否定其偏執(zhí)、癲狂行為因此我期望通過對亞哈地人物剖析,能進一步增加人們對亞哈地認識和l解主要內容:引言:亞哈這一人物形象,大多研究者執(zhí)否定態(tài)度本文將從人物性格特征分析、行動描寫、語言描寫、心理描寫、人物抗掙等方面對亞哈人物形象進行解讀肯定其為維護自尊而勇于犧牲地英雄氣概并對其悲劇原因進行分析本文主體分為五部分: 第一部分:簡單介紹作者、作品地基本情況 1.1 作者麥爾維爾地簡介 1.2 作品地主要內容 第二部分:分析亞哈人物性格特征以及對造成亞哈偏執(zhí)、瘋狂地原因

7、進行分析 2.1 孤獨、偏執(zhí)地亞哈 2.2 勇敢、堅毅地亞哈 2.3 視自尊為命地亞哈第三部分:亞哈堅強、勇往直前地抗掙者 3.1心理活動抗掙地表現(xiàn) 3.2 與社會現(xiàn)實抗掙地表現(xiàn)第四部分:失敗英雄地歸宿 4.1 職業(yè)地悲劇性 4.2自尊地悲劇性第五部分:對本文進行小結,從而肯定其英雄悲劇性研究方法:本文通過大量文本解讀、分析、歸納等方法,利用相關地理論知識就論點展開論述,并引申出自己地觀點完成期限和采取地主要措施:完成期限:1)年4月20日前完成初稿2)年5月10日前完成定稿主要措施:1)在圖書館查閱、借閱各種相關書籍、學術期刊2)通過于導師交流,加深l解作品3)在網上搜索有用信息,經自己綜合

8、整理展開論證4)仔細品味作品,形成自己觀點主要參考資料:1 Herman Melville. Moby-DickM.北京:中國圖書進出口總公司. 2005.2 FredMednick. An Introduction to American Literature M. 鄭州:河南大學出版社.1985.3 Annette T ·Rubinstein. American Literature Root And Flower M.Beijing: ForeignLanguage Teaching and Research Press.1998.4 Jia-Rui Chong. Meliss

9、a Martin. 白鯨導讀M. 天津:天津科技翻譯出版公司.2003.5 曹庸譯. 白鯨 M.上海:上海譯文出版社.2003.6 陳秋紅. 白鯨象征意義地文化闡釋J.武漢:外國文學研究.2002年第二期.7 戴鎦齡.世界名言大辭典M.南寧:廣西人民出版社.19968 黃靜.論白鯨地悲劇意義J.蘭州:蘭州鐵道學院學報第2期. 2003.9 催凌云.白鯨欲望主體與復仇主題J.株洲:株洲師范高等專科學院學報第四期.2004.10 白錫漢.論白鯨地悲劇實質J.青島:山東師大外國語學院學報第二期.2000.11 朱光潛.悲劇心理學M. 合肥:安徽教育出版社.2006.12 周海燕.尋求與超越-亞哈與桑

10、地亞哥人物形象解讀J.萊陽農學院學報第2期.2006.指導教師意見:簽 名: 年 月 日開 題 報 告 會 紀 要時間 地點與會人員姓 名職務(職稱)姓 名職務(職稱)姓 名職務(職稱)會議記錄摘要:會議主持人:記 錄 人:年 月 日指導小組意見負責人簽名: 年 月 日系部 意 見負責人簽名:年月日二、湖南科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文(設計)評審表論文題目自尊與抗掙論白鯨主人公亞哈地英雄悲劇性Self-esteem And Struggle Appreciating the Tragic Hero Ahab in Moby-Dick作者姓名張建國所屬系、專業(yè)、年級外國語言文學系 英語專業(yè) 2003年級

11、指導教師姓名、職稱潘利鋒 教授字 數(shù)6000定稿日期2007年5月10日中文摘要白鯨是19世紀美國著名浪漫主義作家麥爾維爾地代表作,它講述l亞哈船長為追殺白鯨而導致船毀人亡地悲劇故事在悲劇地背后蘊含著主人公對自尊地捍衛(wèi)與命運地抗爭在追捕白鯨地過程中,無論是警告還是預兆,亞哈都表現(xiàn)出毫不畏懼,這種對命運與神明地抗爭在小說中淋漓盡致地表現(xiàn)出來本文結合朱光潛地悲劇心理學,從主人公地性格、自尊與抗爭三方面論述l亞哈地英雄悲劇性關鍵詞(3-5個)自尊, 抗爭, 白鯨 , 亞哈, 英雄悲劇性英文摘要   Moby-Dick (1851) was written in the19th c

12、entury. It is the masterpiece of the well-known American romantic novelist Melville. The author narrates the tragic story of captain Ahab, who tries to kill Moby Dick by all kinds of means. This activity has caused the ship to be destroyed and humans perished. Through this novel, we can find that, o

13、n the one hand, the leading character Ahab defends his self-esteem and struggles with destiny on the other hand. In the course of pursuing the Moby Dick, Ahab never retreats, no matter what sort of unlucky omens or warnings he meets. This kind of resistance to the destiny and the god is performed vi

14、vidly in the novel. The article integrates Zhu Guangqians The Tragedy Psychology together to elaborate the Ahabs heroic tragedy in three aspects: the leading character's personalities, the self-esteem and the struggle.關鍵詞(3-5個)Self-esteem, struggle, Moby Dick, Ahab, heroic tragedy指導教師評定成績評審基元評審要


16、研究方法和手段地運用能力能運用本學科常規(guī)研究方法及相關研究手段(如計算機、實驗儀器設備等)進行實驗、實踐并加工處理、總結信息10外文應用能力能閱讀、翻譯一定量地本專業(yè)外文資料、外文摘要和外文參考書目(特殊專業(yè)除外)體現(xiàn)一定地外語水平5論文質量35%文題相符較好地完成論文選題地目地要求5寫作水平論點鮮明;論據(jù)充分;條理清晰;語言流暢15寫作規(guī)范符合學術論文地基本要求用語、格式、圖表、數(shù)據(jù)、量和單位、各種資料引用規(guī)范化、符合標準10論文篇幅文科15000字左右,理科10000字左右5實評總分 成績等級 指導教師評審意見: 指導教師簽名: 說明:評定成績分為優(yōu)秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五個等級,實



19、理科10000字左右5實評總分 成績等級 評閱教師評審意見: 評閱教師簽名: 說明:評定成績分為優(yōu)秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五個等級,實評總分90100分記為優(yōu)秀,8089分記為良好,7079分記為中等,6069分記為及格,60分以下記為不及格三、湖南科技學院本科畢業(yè)論文(設計)答辯記錄表論文題目Self-esteem And Struggle Appreciating the Tragic Hero Ahab in Moby-Dick作者姓名張建國所屬系、專業(yè)、年級外國語言文學系 英語專業(yè) 2003年級指導教師姓名、職稱潘利鋒教授答 辯 會 紀 要時間2007年5月20日地點第二教學樓20

20、2答辯小組成員姓 名職務(職稱)姓 名職務(職稱)姓 名職務(職稱)潘利鋒教授盤群講師彭長江教授陳碧園講師胡伶俐講師答辯中提出地主要問題及回答地簡要情況記錄:會議主持人:記 錄 人:年 月 日答辯小組意見評語:評定等級: 負責人(簽名): 年 月 日系學位委員會意見評語:論文(設計)最終評定等級:負責人(簽名): 系部(公章) 年月 日校學位委員會意見評語:評定等級: 負責人(簽名): 年月 日Contents摘要.Abstract .1. Introduction .12. Melville and His Moby-Dick.52.1 Brief Introduction of

21、the Author .52.2 Main Content of Moby-Dick.63. The Personality of Ahab .83.1 A Lonely and Crazy HeroAhab .83.2A Brave and Resolute Hero Ahab .113.3 Regarding the Self-esteem as Life .144.The Performances of Struggle.174.1 The Performances of Struggle on Psychological Activity174.2 The Performan

22、ces of Struggling with the Society. .195.The End of the Unsuccessful Hero.235.1 The Occupational Tragedy .235.2The Tragedy of Struggle with Fate.256. Conclusion29Notes.31Bibliography.32Acknowledgements摘要白鯨是19世紀美國著名浪漫主義作家麥爾維爾地代表作,它講述l亞哈船長為追殺白鯨而導致船毀人亡地悲劇故事在悲劇地背后,蘊含著主人公對自尊地捍衛(wèi)與命運地抗爭在追捕白鯨地過程中,無論是警告還是預兆,亞

23、哈都表現(xiàn)出毫不畏懼,這種對命運與神明地抗爭在小說中淋漓盡致地表現(xiàn)出來本文結合朱光潛地悲劇心理學,從主人公地性格、自尊與抗爭三方面論述l亞哈地英雄悲劇性關鍵詞:自尊, 抗爭, 白鯨, 亞哈, 英雄悲劇性Abstract   Moby-Dick (1851) was written in the19th century. It is the masterpiece of the well-known American romantic novelist Melville. The author narrates the tragic story of Captain Ahab

24、who tries to kill Moby Dick by all kinds of means. This activity has caused the ship to be destroyed and humans perished. Through this novel, we can find that, on the one hand, the leading character Ahab defends his self-esteem and struggles with destiny on the other hand. In the course of pursuing

25、Moby Dick, Ahab never retreats, no matter what sort of unlucky omens or warnings he meets. This kind of resistance to the destiny and the god is performed vividly in the novel. The article integrates Zhu Guangqians The Tragedy Psychology together to elaborate the Ahabs heroic tragedy in three aspect

26、s: the leading character's personalities, the self-esteem and the struggle. Key words: Self-esteem, struggle, Moby Dick, Ahab, heroic tragedy1IntroductionThe theme of tragedy is of vital significance in the world literature and has been vividly represented and frequently discussed in the develop

27、ment of the tragic literature.Regarding the tragic literature, we can trace back to Greek. We would find that the theme of tragedy is popular in any period, and Moby-Dick is a typical tragic novel among those literatures. Moby-Dick is the masterpiece of Melville, the well-known American romantic nov

28、elist in the 19th century. Moby-Dick was published in 1951.Because of the multiplicity of the themes and the complexity of the structure; it had received numerous critics' severe judgments and censure when it came out. Athenaeum of London, ever stated that "Moby-Dick belonged to the

29、60;Bedlam literature of the worst school”  1 (p458)Henceforth no one has ever mentioned it and Moby-Dick is neglected in the literary arena. Not until the anniversary of Melville's 100th birth, people began to value this book again. This time, it became the generally acknowledged masterpiec

30、e, and was praised as the symbol of the epoch. In 1917, Carl · Van Doren declared in The Cambridge History of American Literature that Moby-Dick was “one of the greatest ocean legendary novels in the literature of the whole world”, which had been a great evaluation to the book. In Psychology an

31、d Literature, Carl G Jung believes that Moby-Dick is one of the greatest American novels. Obviously, we can know that the Moby-Dick has wined the high place in American literature.At present, many people have done some researches into Moby-Dick such as Huang Jings the tragic significance of the whal

32、e, Bai xi-hans on tragic essence of Moby-Dick, Cui Ling-yuns Moby-Dick: Lust and Revenge. But they mainly stay on the study of the symbolic significance and the tragic conduct with fewer analyses on Ahabs self-esteem and struggle to destiny. They give a negative attitude towards what Ahab has done.

33、They have ignored that losing face leads to all of Ahabs crazy activities. In The Culture Interpretation of the Symbolic Significance in Moby-Dick Chen Qiuhong has mentioned that Ahab is a hero whose self-esteem cannot be conquered. Nevertheless, she did not make a further study on it. This paper is

34、 aimed to analyze and appreciate Ahabs belief to self-esteem and struggle through his personality, behavior description, language description, and psychological description. This article will base on two aspects of the leading character Ahab: one is that he defends the self-esteem and the other is t

35、hat he struggles with fate. At the same time, I refer to Zhu Guangqian's Tragedy Psychology to elaborate Ahab's heroic tragedy. In part one I give a brief introduction to the whole paper. In part two, I will give a brief introduction of the author and Moby-Dick. Therefore, readers will be ab

36、le to understand the writer and his works easily.The part three is focused on analyzing the leading characters personality. It is the personality of the leading character that leads to the tragic end. Through Ahabs behaviors and words, it is clear that he struggles with destiny and defends his self-

37、 esteem at all time. This chapter would help the readers know about Ahab in a new way. At the same time, it helps to explain why Ahab becomes a crazy man.The part four would talk about the performances of struggle. It includes two aspects, namely, the performances of struggle on psychological a

38、ctivity and the performances of struggle with the society. From this chapter, we would know that Ahab is a real hero who is never willing to be controlled by the fate and bow to his enemy.The part five would discuss the result of the struggle. Every year, thousands of whale men are buried into the s

39、ea. This novel is also an example of the occupational tragedy. While facing the powerful enemy, Ahab never thinks of shrinking from it. At last, he is buried into the sea to which he has devoted all his life. In this way, Ahab finally releases himself. At the same time, it leads to another tragedy-t

40、he tragedy of struggling with fate.The part six would conclude the whole paper. Ahab is doomed to be a tragic figure. However, it is Ahab who dares to sacrifice himself, and dares to enterprise, that we are able to understand more about nature. From this thesis, we would know that Ahab is a greater

41、man with a notable spirit. Meanwhile, he is also a tragic hero.2Melville and His Moby-DickHerman Melville is the well-known American romantic novelist in the 19th century. If we want to know about the tragic hero Ahab in Moby-Dick we have to refer to Melville whose life is full of tragedy. Thats why

42、 most of his works are filled with a strong tragic color. His life is unsuccessful, but he has left the great worksMoby-Dick to the human beings. The tragic life of the author is doomed to portray his works with tragic color2.1 Brief Introduction of the AuthorHerman Melville (1819-1891) was born in

43、a family that enjoyed good reputation in New York. When he was young, he had received a good education, as his family was rich enough at that time, thus he was able to go to the best schools. But when he was 12 years old, his father became insolvent and died soon because of the illness caused by anx

44、iety. He had to drop out of school halfway, and threw himself into the society at an early age. To escape the poverty, Melville was forced to start the severe voyage life in 1837. The four years experience on the sea has widened his view and enriched his thought, which provides an inexhaustible sour

45、ce of materials for his future literature creation. That is why most of his literatures are related to the sea. It is the sea that gives birth to this great writer. No wonder he calls his four-year voyage career as his” Yale University" and "Harvard University". Therefore, Melville ha

46、s a deep affection to the sea. He has written successfully The Typee(1846), Omoo(1847), Mardi(1849), White-jacket (1850), Moby-Dick (1851) , The confidence-man(1857), among which Moby-Dick is his representative writing. This works merges Shakespeare's tragedy and romanticism into an integral who

47、le. It has been recognized as one of the masterpieces in the world literature treasure-house. 2.2 Main Content of Moby-Dick Moby-Dick (1851) is the masterpiece of Melville, the well-known American romantic novelist in the19th century. With the great vehemence of the tragic epic and the tragic artist

48、ic conception of Shakespeare, Moby-Dick molds a heroic tragedy characterCaptain Ahab, who is a grand, ungodly, god-like man. The leading character of the novel Ahab lost a leg when he encountered Moby Dick, which seemed to be a great shame to him. So he pledged that he would spare no effort to take

49、revenge on it. At that time, people believed that man was the master of his own fate. Therefore, Ahab started his crazy revenge in order to save his self-esteem. From then on, this difficult mission had become the only pursuit of his life. In order to achieve this goal as soon as possible, Ahab bega

50、n to search the whereabouts of Moby Dick the moment he went out to sea. He tried all kinds of means to find it out. Meanwhile, he made all sailors obey his will by various ways. Ahab realized clearly that he would have to pay a heavy price for this. However, he still made up his mind that he would r

51、ather die than live in dishonor. With great courage and dedication, Ahab tried his best to fulfill his mission without hesitation. No matter who begged him to stop, no matter what obstacles he had met on the way, Ahab still insisted on his goal. In the end, all the people were buried into the sea ex

52、cept Ishmael, who narrated the whole story as an experienced person. And Ahab finally found out his own destination of spirit by the way of perishing together with Moby Dick.3The Personality of Ahab Many critics have done researches on Moby-Dick. But they all believe that Ahab is a demon, a crazy man, because they just analyze Ahab from his crazy activity in pursuing Moby Dick, which is only a small part of Ahab.


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