1、偏誤分析Error Analysis誤差分析產(chǎn)生背景誤差分析產(chǎn)生背景產(chǎn)生于60年代,興盛于70年代。 1。隨著行為主義的語言習得觀受到越來越多的批評,對比分析的理論和研究方法受到人們的質疑。對比分析僅僅對學習者的母語和目的語系統(tǒng)進行對比,忽視了學習者的語言系統(tǒng)的研究。實踐中,許多錯誤并非源于兩者之間的差異性。2. 1967年,Corder發(fā)表論文“學習者誤差的意義”(the Significance of Learner Errors),提出了“偏誤分析”的理論和研究方法。與“對比研究”不同,它的著眼點是學習者的語言錯誤,進而對產(chǎn)生錯誤的原因開展探討和研究. 由于對比分析受到挑戰(zhàn)和批評,偏誤分
2、析取代了對比分析方法。Error Analysisn Not all errors can be explained by CA. (except L1 interference, errors were caused by other more factors.)nError analysis prevailed in 1970s. nCorder : first raised error analysis (“the significance of learners errors”) 對比分析與誤差分析兩種研究方法體系 強硬派:兩語之間的差異性決定 教學的難點和重點對比分析 溫和派:從語言
3、差異的角度分析 和解釋語言錯誤 誤差分析:關注學習者語言,注重 學習者自身的語言建構 L1和L2IL和L2nIn 1970s and early 80s, a large number of papers on error analysis were published throughout the world.nDefinition: Error analysis is the study and analysis of the errors made by second language learners.對學習者在第二語言習得過程中所產(chǎn)生的偏誤進行系統(tǒng)的分析,研究其來源,從而了解第二語言
4、習得的過程與規(guī)律。n偏誤分析是第一個關注學習者的語言系統(tǒng)的理論,提出了調(diào)查學習者語言系統(tǒng)的研究方法。The definitions of Errorsa. A classical definition was given by Corder (1973:295-61) as breaches of code, that is, they are the signs of an imperfect knowledge of the code, for the learners have not yet internalized the formation rules of the foreign
5、 languages. b. Brown (1994:205) defines errors as a noticeable deviation from the grammar of a native speaker, reflecting the Interlanguage competence of the learner.c. James (2001:1) defines errors simply as unsuccessful bits of language.d. Richards and Platt (2002:159) regards error as the use of
6、a linguistic item in a way which a fluent or native speaker of the language regards as showing faulty or incomplete learning.Functions of error analysisnTo find out what errors are most likely to occur in foreign language learningnTo find the reasons behind these errorsnTo throw light on the learner
7、s mechanism of language acquisition, and find ways to predict and prevent the occurrence of such errors.nCORDER(1967,1973)pointed out that errors have theoretical and practical significance. nThey provide the teacher with information about how much the leaner had learnt indicating to them the effect
8、iveness of the teaching materials and techniques.nThey provided the researcher with evidence of how language was learnt; andnThey served as devices by which the learner discovered the rules of the target language. The procedure of error analysisnCollection of a sample of learner languagenRecognition
9、/identificationnDescriptionnExplanationnEvaluation nCorder(1974)提出了偏誤分析步驟和方法及其評價方法,大大地促進了偏誤分析的發(fā)展。偏誤分析包括五個步驟: n1. 學習者語言樣本的收集;n2. 學習者偏誤的鑒別;標準n3. 學習者偏誤的描寫;分類n4. 學習者偏誤的解釋;n5. 學習者偏誤的評價。原因 偏誤分析的步驟Collection of a sample of learner language(1)語料收集的范圍:size of the samplen大規(guī)模、massive samplen特定規(guī)模、specific sampl
10、en個案; incidental sample(2)語料收集的方式:n自然表達、面談、實驗;(3)影響學習者語言偏誤的因素:n口語、書面語的、會話、敘述;話題的內(nèi)容;學習者的水平、母語背景、習得的環(huán)境languagemediumLearner production can be oral or writtengenreLearner production may take the form of a conversation, a lecture, an essay, a lettercontentThe topic the learner is communicating aboutlear
11、nerlevelElementary, intermediate,or advancedMother tongueThe learners L1Language learning experienceThis may be classroom or naturalistic or a mixture of the twoRecognition/ Identifying errors nFirst ask whether the sentence is grammatically correct nIf the answer is negative, errors exist.nIf the a
12、nswer is positive, further check whether the sentence is appropriate If the answer is negative, mistake exist. nOne day an Indian gentleman, a snake charmer, arrived in England by plane. He was coming from Bombay with two pieces of luggage. The big of them contained a snake. A man and a little boy w
13、as watching him in the customes area. The man said to the little boy “Go and speak with this gentleman.” When the little boy was speaking with the traveller, the thief took the big suitcase and went out quickly. When the victim saw that he cried he cried “Help me! Help me! A thief A thief!” The poli
14、ceman was in this corner whistle but it was too late. The two thieves escape with the big suitcase, took their car and went in the traffic. They passed near a zoo and stop in a forest. There they had a big surprise. The basket contain a big snake.nA man and a little boy was watching him.nWent in the
15、 trafficnThe big of them contained a snake.Recognition/identificationn問題之一: “偏誤”和“失誤”的鑒別問題n問題之二:如何區(qū)分學習者的“顯性偏誤”和“隱性偏誤” 。 n概念區(qū)分概念區(qū)分nErrors & mistakesErrors:n a grammatical misusen arise from the learners lack of knowledge; the learner doesnt know the right form or is unable to use language correct
16、ly.n- unintentionally deviant from the target language and not self-corrigible by the learner (failure in competence); MistakesnPragmatic misusenOften occur when learners fail to perform their competence; the learner has already learned the knowledge or skill but simply fails to function correctly b
17、ecause of lack of attention, slip of the tongue or other factorsn- either intentionally or unintentionally deviant forms and self-corrigible (failure in performance).nEven the native speakers cannot avoid it sometimes, they can correct it by themselves概念區(qū)分誤差(error):屬于語言能力的范疇,具有系統(tǒng)性,往往重復出現(xiàn),一般不能“自我糾正”。
18、錯誤(mistake):屬于語言運用的范疇,具有隨機性,一般可以“自我糾正”。How can we distinguish errors and mistakes?n1. to check the consistency of learners performance.n2. to ask learners to try to correct their own deviant utterances.DescriptionnIf the erroneous sentence is intelligible compare and list errors and mistakes.nIf the
19、 meaning is not clear we may refer to the learners native language to find out what he means and carry out a CA. Corders Classification of ErrorsPre-systematic errors occur when learners are in a communicative situation where appropriate forms of language are not available to them because of lack of
20、 knowledge . At this stage, the learner is not able to correct his error or explain it, or get his point across in another way.nBy systematic errors, the language learner already knows the linguistic rules system but not really master them. A systematic error usually cannot be corrected by the learn
21、er, but he can explain his error in the sense of providing, in different wording or structure, alternative linguistic messages that get his point across and let the hearer know what he was driving at. nIn the post- systematic errors stage, learners have grasped a certain correct rule, and can use it
22、 correctly. They make errors because they forget the rule for the moment. As for this kind of errors, learners can correct them by themselves and explain why. But learners at this stage may get fossilized when they failed to correct their own errors.n1. “前系統(tǒng)偏誤” n學習者不知道目的語規(guī)則,也不知道為什么選擇了某種規(guī)則形式;n2. “系統(tǒng)偏
23、誤” n學習者能夠發(fā)現(xiàn)一些規(guī)則,但往往是錯的,學習者不能糾正錯用的規(guī)則;n3. “后系統(tǒng)偏誤”n學習者知道正確的目的語規(guī)則,但常出錯??频玛P于描寫方法的分類nCorder(1973) proposed 4 categories nOmission of some required elementsnAddition of some unnecessary or incorrect element nSelection of an incorrect element nMisordering of elementsexample Type(1)The absence of an item tha
24、t must appear in a well-formed utterance: e.g. She sleeping Omissions(2)The presence of an item that must not appear in well-informed utterances:e.g. He is works in a factory nearbyAdditions(3)The use of a tense marker twice in one sentence: e.g., We didnt went thereDouble markings(4)The use of the
25、wrong form of the morpheme or structure: e.g. The dog finished to eat the bones. The dog eated the chicken.Misformations(5)The incorrect placement of a morpheme in an utterance: e.g., What John is doing? MisorderingsSome Other Major Classifications: Interlingual Error and Interlingual ErrornRiehards
26、 (1974) and some other researchers distinguish between interlingual and intralingual errors. an error which results from language transfer, that is, which is caused by the learners native language/ Interlingual errors mainly result from cross-linguistic interference at different levels such as phono
27、logical, lexical, grammatical or discoursal etc e.g. a)Substitution of /t/for /and /d/for / b)Shortening of long vowels e.g. Shanghai learners often make /ei/and /i:/ short vowels, thus, sheep and meat sound like ship and mit.Interlingual errors examplesn L1: Chinese. L2: English 1. I want to marry
28、with him. (受漢語中受漢語中“我想和他結婚我想和他結婚” 介詞介詞“和和”的影的影響響) 2. I open door (漢語中,我開門,無冠詞漢語中,我開門,無冠詞) nFor example, 1. I will give you some color to see see.“ 2. No door! 3. I very like the West Lake“ 4. With the development of the economy, the price of the cars will be cheaper than before.5. In the near years,
29、 parking lots are not enough for cars.6. We have to be concerned about how much the price of the oil is.7. Our work is very busy.n某些母語規(guī)則或過程比其他規(guī)則或過程更可能產(chǎn)生遷移現(xiàn)象。n一般說來,當學習者的母語規(guī)則和目的語規(guī)則相似或相匹配時,可能會產(chǎn)生遷移。n如果排除純語言的考慮,語言遷移,從概率的意義上,是可以預測的。n不能夸大語言遷移的作用,同時也不能否認語言遷移的作用。母語負遷移的偏誤語際偏誤 an error which results from fault
30、y or partial learning of the target language.Intralingual errors may be caused by the influence of one target language item upon another.e.g. He is comes from the blend of the sentences He is coming and He comes.nThis classification could help the teacher deal with the relationship between L1 and L2
31、 in teaching practice, to trace the origin of errors, and to decide what language points need more attention. Obviously, the understanding of intralingual and interlingual error enables teacher to perceive language teaching form a two-way perspective, which is different from traditional teaching whi
32、ch only emphasizes target language. nOvert error &Covert error nOvert error is easy to identify because there is a clear deviation in form, as when a learner says:nI runned all the way.nCovert error occurs in utterances that are superficially well-formed but which do not mean what the learner in
33、tended them to mean.nIt was stopped.Input Error and Output Error nIn terms of communication, errors are be classified into input and output errors in considering the channels of input and output. nIn other words, errors occur in listening or reading are called input errors and those occur in writing
34、 and speaking are output errors. Global errors & Local errorsnGlobal errors : those affect the meaning of the whole sentence or semantic relations between sentences, and thus can interfere with communication. e.g. I ate a lot so I was hungry. nLocal errors: those that do not affect the meaning o
35、f the whole sentence significantly. e.g. There is many milk in the bottle.Common Error and Individual ErrornIn class (or classroom) environment, errors can be distinguished as common errors and individual errors. Common errors refer to the errors committed by the majority of students. If only a few
36、individuals commit this type of error, it is an individual error, and by doing so teacher could deal with them accordingly. Frequent Error and Occasional ErrornFrequent errors refer to errors occur in high frequency. For example, if the error he is my sister frequently appears, it could be interpret
37、ed as a frequent error. Occasional errors are those occur in low frequency.n Linguistic Error and Content ErrornGenerally, people tend to emphasize more on the linguistic form, (i.e. lexical errors and structural errors) but ignore the content errors such as pragmatic failure and cultural inappropri
38、ateness. nIn a sense, content error is more important, because it can cause misunderstanding and even cultural shock. For example, Your handwriting is so beautiful. No, my handwriting is worse than yours. ExplanationnFind the reasons “why did the learner commit this error?” nMaking hypothesis about
39、the psychological processes which caused the errorsPossible Causes of Learner ErrorsDifferent classifications of errors provide us different perspective to analyze the causes of errors. Cultural Interferencetransfer the use of previously available strategies in new situations. Walked, watched, washe
40、d *rided, *goed, *doed, *eated1. 這這個個天大家都不休息。天大家都不休息。 (“天天” 前不需用量詞此處為量詞過渡泛化)前不需用量詞此處為量詞過渡泛化)2. 他正在看看電視呢。他正在看看電視呢。 (表進行態(tài)的動詞不能再重疊,此處為動詞重(表進行態(tài)的動詞不能再重疊,此處為動詞重疊的過渡泛化)疊的過渡泛化)對外漢語偏誤n這種偏誤是目的語規(guī)則“泛化” n特點:與學習者的母語無關。兒童母語習得也出現(xiàn)相類似的偏誤。n原因:學習者將已有的語言規(guī)則或知識推而廣之。超出適用的范圍和限制。nDulay 和Burt(1973) 的統(tǒng)計發(fā)現(xiàn),學習者大部分偏誤是語內(nèi)偏誤。約占整個偏誤的
41、85%。母語遷移的偏誤只占3%。 Ignorance of rule restrictionsnSome learners are very careless and they do not notice the restrictions of some rules, thus applying rules to contexts where they cannot be applied. This can result from analogical extension.n For example, nIts said that time flew could never get back.
42、Incomplete rule applicationnThis is the converse of overgeneralization, which is called under generalization. When learners fail to fully develop a structure, they tend to apply rules incompletely. In this case, the learners fail to learn the more complex types of structures because they find they c
43、an achieve effective communication by using relatively simple rules. nexample : A lot of people know what is the importance of spoken EnglishCommunicative StrategiesnCommunicative strategies can be identified by the fact that the learners concern for grammatical conformity is sacrificed for communic
44、ative intention. When engaged in conversation, speakers often have difficulty in expressing themselves. n communication errors are the results of unique strategies employed by language learners to solve the immediate troubles, and therefore, are positive errors. 1. paraphrase. For example, in put on
45、 my school cloth. school uniform.2. code-switching. there are two Hehua(荷花) pools in my school.induced errorsnSome errors result more from the classroom situation than from either the students incomplete competence in TL grammar or L1 interference. This is what we call induced errors. A teacher may
46、mislead students by the way he defines a lexical item, explains a structure, or organizes class activities in a less planned order. nIn addition, faulty materials may cause errors. If students learning materials are unsuitably selected or unscientifically complied, students will be unable to link ti
47、mely the previous knowledge to the present knowledge and get it reinforced.n訓練遷移產(chǎn)生的原因: n一是,教師在教學中有意或無意地強調(diào)和練習某些語言規(guī)則. n二是,教材所提供的訓練方法過于強調(diào)某些規(guī)則而忽視了相對應的另一些規(guī)則; n這種遷移現(xiàn)象的產(chǎn)生完全是由于外部因素造成的,與學習者內(nèi)在的習得機制無關。訓練造成的遷移nThe learner himself may adopt an inefficient learning strategy; he seldom practices the language out o
48、f class; he is less attentive in class; he is introverted and seldom experiences language. All these individual variables may contribute to the learner errors.nOur physical conditions may result in errors too. When we are tired, nervous, worried, or sad, we will pay less attention to what we speak o
49、r write. Hence, errors occur more often than when we are in good shape.learning strategyImplications of EA in ELTMethods of Error AnalysisnThe Traditional Approach/The Behavioristic ApproachnGrammar is very important. So whenever an error occurs in the learners performance, the teacher always takes great pains to correct it. The Mentalistic ApproachnTG Grammar (transformational grammar)n Errors are no longer viewed as faulty version of the target language. They reflect the process in which the learners linguistic competence is developed. The Correct Understanding of Learn
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