1、the party's fine «1 e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues, practc ng Ie Sic_kt core vaue s, vgo. cay forward the spatofJiaYuu,Hn*qCanalspiritand«"opessenc,hoesyin.->1*stc, t tIespi.,iheightsofIeCcmmussFou toievlon,as,dopayarein-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u» Iepartyspupose,ma
2、nfr Ie people them , a nd .ed.ao,. oo, mat” igadenterirbsng sp* a clve a Ie wei of exta pace, make cmtiilmiL Theice-Unci ayorganizaosatal l eves SiudgJVe fulplaytoaaneedm.e s, esaba re pese ntalve a a nc . and yiai o the .mes, a nd gui dethe broa . masse s o party members temulaeI 95annivesayoffudig
3、asartuiy toawad inecggKn of a number ofiutsadig,aaymembers'advancedggas riospalyirggalzaios,lubsadigpartywo*adpuIepioneetrees.Thid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue tocangeito. Liar I ig to Ia cEduain i or der to soVe the p.b ,i i de s not soVe the problm, it wlfrm, ggesIrougthemoios.Toste
4、ngghenIecnscousniss of plblms a nd insise d on prblm oriee sVngea>ingeducainfrIacin,tuyddeplnvesgainitocange, modlcain. A chicledswngLLarningeducainpr. mefr pary-buldngioucyac,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly del s and bel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,andleld s11 ne awae nnsss not sfong
5、, deprese d, sx sse s of ehi camscnduc . 一, cntets spe c pr oggrmmesfor al parymlmbes ande-ig-drs a bo<e t he cuy lsa l focus on f uterreieme nt I the prl-bems. Spedc toeveyparymlmbe a nd evey cde, a s e quirs a cmbiaton of ict ua and cntrl “oou- d adrra putyur sel i, pepe - e tigs se , wI Iei ow
6、 n spcic- sto ean C.nst on Pa.yrrjes sei , rss so prrcisintfid t he probem, layng a sld foundaion fr urhecrect-actin.Btomike chage Forceckpuofproblm,throughesanrectiainTawaaccunt,andtalesecasuevisIn,adona ccount PIN, apr oac, isst> dd s de lar Ude modi , a nd tha kow that modified,wiefouuedonput&
7、quot;wlarnadd"lariged-atonecfatwthgrsppayofma Ine e ducaton pact ce acvte s and "hrre stic Ie e r- tpic e duato recifcatoncombinid u, cnsol i on e xade d ha s made of ectifcati on esuts st ongy crrce d "fr offce not for", ad Chi adedlescrected"ourwnd",adrrguatonmmss s d
8、e of auue s ennure w ok -vane moe po r u, ad problm suti on moe cmpete y. T hird, m us consldae our a cievme nts. For morepulc sme | aty m - bes wo fcus on theousandingisuus,combinigcncentat>云南省省外企業(yè)入滇從事勘察設(shè)計(jì)活動管理實(shí)施細(xì)則為加強(qiáng)省外企業(yè)在本省從事勘察設(shè)計(jì)活動的管理,維護(hù) 勘察設(shè)計(jì)市場秩序,保證建設(shè)工程勘察、設(shè)計(jì)質(zhì)量,根據(jù)云 南省省外企業(yè)入滇從事建筑活動管理規(guī)定(云南省住房和 城鄉(xiāng)建設(shè)廳
9、公告第25號),制定本實(shí)施細(xì)則:一、省外企業(yè)是指工商注冊地不在云南省,持有省級建 設(shè)行政主管部門或建設(shè)部頒發(fā)的工程勘察、工程設(shè)計(jì)資質(zhì)證 書,進(jìn)入云南省從事建設(shè)工程勘察、設(shè)計(jì)業(yè)務(wù)活動的企業(yè)。二、省外勘察設(shè)計(jì)企業(yè)入滇從事勘察設(shè)計(jì)活動,須遵守 國家相關(guān)法律、法規(guī)和我省的有關(guān)規(guī)定,依法享有與我省的 勘察設(shè)計(jì)企業(yè)相同的權(quán)利,履行同等的義務(wù),并接受云南省 住房和城鄉(xiāng)建設(shè)廳的統(tǒng)一監(jiān)督管理。三、省外勘察設(shè)計(jì)企業(yè)入滇備案分為企業(yè)備案和項(xiàng)目單 項(xiàng)備案兩個步驟。四、入滇的省外勘察設(shè)計(jì)企業(yè),須先在云南省住房和城 鄉(xiāng)建設(shè)廳辦理企業(yè)備案,提供該企業(yè)資質(zhì)、工商執(zhí)照、企業(yè) 誠信、企業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)人、分支機(jī)構(gòu)情況等有關(guān)方面的證明材料,
10、經(jīng)審核登記取得省外勘察設(shè)計(jì)企業(yè)入滇備案證(以下簡 稱入滇備案證)。我省的入滇備案為年度備案,入滇 備案證有效期統(tǒng)一為次年的1月31日,到期后,請按原方法重新辦法入滇備案證延續(xù)手續(xù)。入滇備案證在 有效期內(nèi)相關(guān)內(nèi)容發(fā)生變化的,需按規(guī)定辦理變更手續(xù)。入滇備案證是省外勘察設(shè)計(jì)企業(yè)在云南承接勘察設(shè) 計(jì)業(yè)務(wù)前應(yīng)取得的登記憑證,無此憑證不得參加我省建設(shè)項(xiàng) 目勘察設(shè)計(jì)招投標(biāo),不得承接單項(xiàng)勘察設(shè)計(jì)業(yè)務(wù)。五、省外勘察設(shè)計(jì)企業(yè)進(jìn)行企業(yè)備案,辦理入滇備案 證程序:(一)登錄云南省住房和城鄉(xiāng)建設(shè)廳勘察設(shè)計(jì)咨詢業(yè)管理網(wǎng) ( ),進(jìn)入省外企業(yè)備案欄目, 注冊用戶名和密碼,在線填報(bào)本企業(yè)(包括入滇人員信息,見下表1-8項(xiàng)),
11、在滇成立分支機(jī)構(gòu)的,還需提交第 9-13項(xiàng)資 料。提交資料目錄:辦理單位入滇備案證需提交材料格式樣本下載.doc序號文件名稱(按以下內(nèi)容順序裝訂)原件復(fù)印件份數(shù)蟲他1入滇備案申請表(網(wǎng)絡(luò)預(yù)審合格后,在線打印)V1the party's fine «1e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues, practc ng Ie Sic_kt core vaues, vgo. cay forward the spatof Jia Yuu, Hn*q Ca nal spirit and «" o pessenc, hoesy i n .-&g
12、t;1* stc , t tI e spi. - i 'eg't of Ie Ccmmuss Fou to-vl on, as, do pay a re in-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u» Iepartys pupose, ma ntato Ie people them , a nd .ed.ao,. oo, mat” i g ad enterirbsngsp* aclve a Ie weiof exta pace, make cmtiilmiL The ice - Unci ay organi zaos at al l eves Si
13、udgJVe fulplay to adva need m.e s, esaba re pesentalve a anc . and yiai o the .mes, a nd gui dethe "a d masse s o party members temulae I 95a nnivesay of fudig a s artu toawad in ecggKn ofa number o i utsadig,aay members ' advanced gas ri os paly irggalzai os, outsa - g party wo * ad pu Ie
14、pioee trees.Thid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue tocange ito.LiarI ig to Ia cEduain i order toso'ethe p.b ,i i dde s not sohe the problm, it wlfrm, ges Iroug the moios.To ste nghe n Ie cnscousniss of plblms and insis d on prblm o-nte slingea>i ng educain o Iacin,tuy ideplnvesgain itoc
15、ange, modlcain. A chicled swngLLar ning e ducain p.grmmefr pary-buld ng i ou cyac,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly dels and bel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,and -lds11 ne awae nnsss not sfong , deprese d, sx sse s of ehi camscnduc . 一, cntets spe c pr ogrmmesfor al parymlmbes and ea dig drs
16、 abo<et he cuy lsa l focus on ute reiement I theprl-bems. Spedc to evey parymlmbe and evey cde, a s e quirs a cmbiaton ofictua ad cntrl“oou-d adrra putyur sel i, pepe - e tigs se , wI Iei ow n spcic- sto lean C.nst on Pa.yrrjes sei, Iddrss soprrcisintfid t he problem, layng a slid foundaion fr ur
17、hecrect - actin.B tomike chage Force ck pu of problm, throogh esaishd re ctiain T a wa accunt, a nd tale se ca suevis I n, ad ona ccount PN, appr oac, isstd dd s de lar sde modi , a nd tha kow that modified wie fou- d on put "wlar n a dd" larig eddcatonecfatwt hgrsp pay of ma- ie e ducaton
18、 pact ce acivtie s and "hrre stic Ie e rel" tpic e duato on combi nnd u, cnsoldai on e xade d ha s made of ecIiati on esuts st ongy c I rece d "fr offce not for", ad Chi adedles cre ced "our w nd", ad rrguat on m-ss s de of auue s ennure wok idvace moepo r u, adprobsut
19、on moe cmplete y. T hird, m us consldae our a cievme nts. For morepuic sme | aty m - bes wo fcus on theousa nd ng isuus, combi nig cnce ntatd2入滇備案技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人法人授權(quán)委托書V13入滇備案技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人法人授權(quán)任命書(附:勞動合同、畢業(yè)證、職稱證、注冊證、近三個月社保繳納證明)VV14省級部門出具的該公司近三個月行政處罰記錄查詢結(jié)果或誠信證明V15勘察設(shè)計(jì)資質(zhì)證書副本VV16勘察設(shè)計(jì)營業(yè)執(zhí)照副本VV17組織機(jī)構(gòu)代碼證副本VV18擬派主要技術(shù)骨干勞動合同、畢業(yè)
20、證、職稱 證、注冊證、近三個月社保繳納證明(入滇 備案負(fù)責(zé)人需同時提交簡歷)VV19分公司營業(yè)執(zhí)照副本VV110分公司稅務(wù)登記證副本VV111分公司組織機(jī)構(gòu)代碼證副本VV112分公司辦公場所房屋產(chǎn)權(quán)證書或房屋租賃合同VV113分公司分支機(jī)構(gòu)負(fù)責(zé)人任命及簡歷、所配備 的技術(shù)骨干人員名單及相應(yīng)的畢業(yè)證、職稱 證原件、復(fù)印件,分支機(jī)構(gòu)所有人員與本院 簽訂的有效勞動合同及近三個月的社保證VV1the party's fine «1e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues, practc ng Ie Sic_kt core vaues, vgo. cay f
21、orward the spatof Jia Yuu, Hn*q Ca nal spirit and «" o pessenc, hoesy i n .->1* stc , t tI e spi. , i heght of Ie Ccmmuss Fou toievl on, as, do pay a re i n-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u» Iepartys pupose, ma ntato Ie people themseves, a nd .ed.ao,.oo, mat” i g ad enter irbsng sp* a
22、 clve a Ie wei of exta pace, make cmtiilmiL The ice - Unci ay organi zains at al l eves SiudgJVe fulplay to adva need m.e s, esaba re pese ntalve a a nc . and yiaio the .mes, and gui dethe bra d masse s o party members temulae I 95a nnivesay of fudig as a ippUuh toawad in ecggKn of a number ofi utsa
23、dig,aay members ' advanced ggas ri os paly irggalzai os, lubsadi nThid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue tocange ito.LiarI ig to Ia cEduain i or der to soVe the p.b ,i i de s not soVe the problm, it -wlfrm, ggesIroug the moios.To ste ngghe n Ie cnsiousniss of plblms and ine d on prblm orie
24、e sVng ea>i ng educain o Iacin,tuy ddeplnvesgain ito can, modlcain. A chicled swngLLar ning e ducain pr. mefr pary-buld ng i ou cya c,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly dels and bel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,andleld s11 ne awae nnsss not sfong, deprese d, sx sse s of ehi camscnduc . 一,
25、cntets spe c pr oggrmmesfor al parymlmbes and ea dig-rs abo<et he cuy lsal focus on ute reiement I theprl-bems. Spedc to y pa.ym - berand evey cde, a s e quesa cmbiaton of ictua and cn,.l “oou- d adrraMu yu sel i,- sto ean C.nst on Pa.yrrjes sei, - drs* soprrcisintfid t he probem, layng a sld fou
26、ndaion fr urhecrect - actin. B to mike chage Force ck pu of problm, through esa h> re ctiain Ta wa accunt, a nd tale se ca suevis I n, ad ona ccount PN, appr oac, isstd dd s de larsde modi , and tha kow that modified, wie fou- d on put "wlar n a dd" larig e ducaion ectlcaion wt hgrrsp p
27、ay of m s Ine e ducain pact ce acvie s and "trre stic the e rra" topic e duatin problmrecicaton combinidu, cnsol i on e xade d ha s made of ectiat on esuts st ongy crece d fr offce not for", ad Chi adedles cre ced "our w nd", ad rrguat on mss s de of auues ennure wok -vane m
28、oe po r u, ad problm suti on moe cmpete y. T hird, m us consldae our a cievme nts. For morepuic sme | aty m - bes wofouson theousa ndi ng isuus明材料、辦公設(shè)備發(fā)票復(fù)印件。14總公司及分公司認(rèn)為需提供的其它資料V1注:1、上表要求的所有原件,現(xiàn)場查驗(yàn)后退還。2、所提交的復(fù)印件上需加蓋本單位行政公章。3、裝訂要求:以上資料需按順序編制連續(xù)頁碼后裝訂成冊。(不可采用活頁式裝訂)。4、省外入滇備案技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人必須為本單位在職(60歲以下)主專業(yè)中級以上技術(shù)職稱,
29、備案時提供公司法人授權(quán)任命書、本人簡歷、身份證、畢業(yè)證、學(xué)歷證、職稱證、勞動合同及近三個朋社保原件及復(fù)印件。其中,建筑設(shè)計(jì)企業(yè)(備案內(nèi)容含有建筑行業(yè)中任何資質(zhì)的單位)入滇備案技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人必須為本單位在職(60歲以下)一級注冊建筑師或者一級注冊結(jié)構(gòu)工程師。辦理入滇備案證時,由入滇備案技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人本人攜身份證到場辦理。入滇單位須提交達(dá)到國家資質(zhì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求的注冊人員材料,其中建筑甲級設(shè)計(jì)單位需要提供 3名一級注冊建筑師、3名一級注冊結(jié)構(gòu)工程師、1名注冊公用設(shè)備工程師、1名注冊電氣工程師有效的注冊證書原件、注冊印章原件和簽字,同時提供以上原件的復(fù)印件,所需注冊人員的勞動合同及近三個月 的社保證明材料。the
30、 party's fine «1 e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues,practcngIeSic_kt core vaue s, vgo. cay forward the spatofJiaYuu,Hn*qCanalspiritand«"opessenc,hoesyin.->1*stc, t tIespi.,iheghtofIeCcmmuss Fou toievlon,as,dopayarein-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u» Iepartyspupose,mantatoIep
31、eoplethemseves,a nd .ed.ao,. oo, mat” i g ad enter irbsng sp* a clve a Ie wei of exta pace, make cmtiilmiL Theice-Unci ayorgani zains at al l eves SiudgJVe fulplaytoadvaneedm.e s, esaba re pese ntalve a a nc . and yiai o the .mes, a nd gui dethe bra d masse s o party members temulaeI 95annivesayoffu
32、digasaippUuh toawad inecggKn of a number ofiutsadig,aaymembers' advanced ggas riospaly irggalzai os, lubsadig party wo*adpuIepioeetThid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue tocangeito.Liar I ig to Ia cEduain i or der to soVe the p.b ,i i de s not soVe the problm, it wlfrm, ggesIrougthemoios.T
33、ostengghenIecnsiousniss of plblms a nd insise d on prblm oriee sVngea>ingeducainoIacin,tuyddeplnvesgain ito can, modlcain. A chicledswngLLarningeducainpr. mefr pary-buldngioucya c,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly del s and bel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,and leld s11 ne awae nnsss not s
34、fong , deprese d, sx sse s of ehi camscnduc . 一, cntets spe c pr oggrmmesfor al parymlmbes andeadig-rs a bo<e t he cuy lsa l focus on ute reiementItheprl-bems. Spedc t o y pa.ym - berandeveycde,asequesacmbiatonofict ua and cn,.l “oou- d adrraMu yu sel i, pepe - e tigs se , wt tei ow ns- sto ean C
35、.nst on Pa.yrrjes sei , - drss so prrcisintfid t he probem, layng a sld foundaton fr urhecrect-adn. B to mike chage Forceckpuofproblm,throughesahdrectiainTawaaccuntandalesecasuevisIn,adona ccount PN, appr oac, iss- dd s de lar sde modi , a nd tha kow that modified,wiefou- d on put "wlar n a dd&
36、quot; larig e ducaton ecIfcat on wt hgrrsp pay of m s Ine e ducaton pact ce acvie s and "trie stic Ie e rra" tpic e duaton problm tuatoncombinid u, cnsol i on e xade d ha s made of ectiat on esut, st ongy crece d fr offce not for", ad Chi adedlescreced"ourwnd",adrrguatonmss
37、s de of auue s ennure w ok -vane moe po r u, ad problm sut on moe cmpete y. T hird, m us consldae our a cievme ns. For morepuic sme lay m - bes wofouson Ieousandingisuus,combinigcnnentatd工程勘察企業(yè)(備案內(nèi)容含有勘察資質(zhì)內(nèi)容的單位)入滇備案技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人必須為本單位在職(60歲以下)注冊土木工程師(巖土工程)。 辦理入滇 備案證時,由入滇備案技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人本人攜身份證到場辦理。入滇單位須提 交達(dá)到國家資質(zhì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求的注
38、冊人員材料。其中,巖土工程勘察甲級單位需要提供3名注冊巖土工程師(巖土工程勘察乙級需要2名)證書原件、注冊印章原件和簽字,同時提供以上原件的復(fù)印件,所需注冊巖土工程師勞動合 同及近三個月的社保證明材料。提供與我省具有工程勘察勞務(wù)資質(zhì)單位簽訂 的勞務(wù)合作協(xié)議及該單位工程勘察勞務(wù)資質(zhì)證書副本復(fù)印件和出圖章復(fù)印 件。提供與我省取得土工實(shí)驗(yàn)室資格認(rèn)定單位的試驗(yàn)技術(shù)合作協(xié)議及土工實(shí) 驗(yàn)室資格認(rèn)定書復(fù)印件。5、企業(yè)在滇設(shè)立分支機(jī)構(gòu)的,需提供分支機(jī)構(gòu)營業(yè)執(zhí)照,稅務(wù)登記證,分支 機(jī)構(gòu)負(fù)責(zé)人任命及簡歷、所配備的技術(shù)骨干人員(包括需配備的注冊人員) 名單及相應(yīng)的畢業(yè)證、職稱證原件、復(fù)印件,分支機(jī)構(gòu)所有人員與本院簽
39、訂 的有效勞動合同及近三個月的社保證明材料,辦公設(shè)備購置憑證復(fù)印件及清 單等;6、入滇備案證辦理時限為 3個工作日。7、省外勘察設(shè)計(jì)企業(yè)參與云南省建設(shè)工程勘察設(shè)計(jì)招投標(biāo)時,須出示入滇備案證。項(xiàng)目中標(biāo)后,須到省住房和城鄉(xiāng)建設(shè)廳辦理項(xiàng)目單項(xiàng)備案。六、省外設(shè)計(jì)企業(yè)進(jìn)行設(shè)計(jì)項(xiàng)目單項(xiàng)備案程序:(一)使用用戶名和密碼登錄云南和住房和城鄉(xiāng)建設(shè)廳勘察設(shè)計(jì)咨詢業(yè)管理網(wǎng)( ),在線 填報(bào)該項(xiàng)目單項(xiàng)備案信息并進(jìn)行網(wǎng)上發(fā)送。提交資料目錄 :勘察設(shè)計(jì)項(xiàng)目單項(xiàng)備案提交材料樣本下載.doc廳P文件名稱原件復(fù)印件份數(shù)頁碼1省外勘察設(shè)計(jì)單位在滇勘察設(shè)計(jì)項(xiàng)目備 案表(網(wǎng)絡(luò)預(yù)審合格后,在線打印一式 三份)V32入滇備案證VV13入
40、滇備案負(fù)責(zé)人法人授權(quán)委托書VV14備案項(xiàng)目的“立項(xiàng)批復(fù)文件”V15備案項(xiàng)目的“中標(biāo)通知書”VV16備案項(xiàng)目的“設(shè)計(jì)委托書”或“方案中選通知書 (不需要招標(biāo)投標(biāo)的項(xiàng)目)VV17項(xiàng)目工程勘察設(shè)計(jì)合同VV18本項(xiàng)目所有技術(shù)人員勞動合同書、職稱證、近三個月社保證明VV19勘察項(xiàng)目:與勞務(wù)合作單位法人簽字認(rèn)可的所使用技術(shù)工人名單VV1the party's fine «1e, ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues, practc ng Ie Sic_kt core vaues, vgo. cay forward the spatof Jia Yuu, Hn*q
41、 Ca nal spirit and «" o pessenc, hoesy i n .->1* stc , t tI e spi. - i 'eg't of Ie Ccmmuss Fou to-vl on, as, do pay a re in-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u» Iepartys pupose, ma ntato Ie people them , a nd .ed.ao,. oo, mat” i g ad enterirbsngsp* aclve a Ie weiof exta pace, mak
42、e cmtiilmiL The ice - Unci ay organi zaos at al l eves SiudgJVe fulplay to adva need m.e s, esaba re pesentalve a anc . and yiai o the .mes, a nd gui dethe "a d masse s o party members temulae I 95a nnivesay of fudig a s artu toawad in ecggKn ofa number o i utsadig,aay members ' advanced ga
43、s ri os paly irggalzai os, outsa - g party wo * ad pu Ie pioee trees.Thid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue tocange ito.LiarI ig to Ia cEduain i order toso'ethe p.b ,i i dde s not sohe the problm, it wlfrm, ges Iroug the moios.To ste nghe n Ie cnscousniss of plblms and insis d on prblm o-n
44、te slingea>i ng educain o Iacin,tuy ideplnvesgain itocange, modlcain. A chicled swngLLar ning e ducain p.grmmefr pary-buld ng i ou cyac,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly dels and bel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,and -lds11 ne awae nnsss not sfong , deprese d, sx sse s of ehi camscnduc . 一
45、, cntets spe c pr ogrmmesfor al parymlmbes and ea dig drs abo<et he cuy lsa l focus on ute reiement I theprl-bems. Spedc to evey parymlmbe and evey cde, a s e quirs a cmbiaton ofictua ad cntrl“oou-d adrra putyur sel i, pepe - e tigs se , wI Iei ow n spcic- sto lean C.nst on Pa.yrrjes sei, Iddrss
46、soprrcisintfid t he problem, layng a slid foundaion fr urhecrect - actin.B tomike chage Force ck pu of problm, throogh esaishd re ctiain T a wa accunt, a nd tale se ca suevis I n, ad ona ccount PN, appr oac, isstd dd s de lar sde modi , a nd tha kow that modified wie fou- d on put "wlar n a dd&
47、quot; larig eddcatonecfatwt hgrsp pay of ma- ie e ducaton pact ce acivtie s and "hrre stic Ie e rel" tpic e duato on combi nnd u, cnsoldai on e xade d ha s made of ecIiati on esuts st ongy c I rece d "fr offce not for", ad Chi adedles cre ced "our w nd", ad rrguat on m-
48、ss s de of auue s ennure wok idvace moepo r u, adprobsut on moe cmplete y. T hird, m us consldae our a cievme nts. For morepuic sme | aty m - bes wo fcus on theousa nd ng isuus, combi nig cnce ntatd10勘察項(xiàng)目:與實(shí)驗(yàn)技術(shù)合作單位的該勘察項(xiàng)目實(shí)驗(yàn)報(bào)告VV111勘察項(xiàng)目:工程勘察報(bào)告主要貞、扉貞、總說明VV1注:1、網(wǎng)上填報(bào)的技術(shù)人員須是承接該勘察項(xiàng)目的所有技術(shù)人員(含項(xiàng)目設(shè)計(jì)人、負(fù)責(zé)人、審核人、審定
49、人等,國家實(shí)施注冊并執(zhí)業(yè)的專業(yè)需配備相應(yīng)的注冊人員)。2、將所填報(bào)信息在線打印成“省外企業(yè)在滇勘察設(shè)計(jì)項(xiàng)目單項(xiàng)備案表”備案 表要求蓋企業(yè)公章、注冊人員印章、所有技術(shù)人員須本人簽字。3、巖土工程項(xiàng)目的項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人 (項(xiàng)目技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人)須具備注冊土木工程師(巖 土)資格。4、除省外勘察設(shè)計(jì)單位在滇勘察設(shè)計(jì)項(xiàng)目備案表”外,其它所提交的資料,按以上表格規(guī)定的順序編制連續(xù)頁碼后,含封面裝訂成冊按要求簽字蓋章齊 全后報(bào)送(不可采用活頁式裝訂)。5、“省外勘察設(shè)計(jì)單位在滇勘察設(shè)計(jì)項(xiàng)目備案表”單獨(dú)裝訂,一式三份。6、上表要求的所有原件,現(xiàn)場審驗(yàn)后退還。the party's fine «1 e,
50、 ry frwad t he tradtoa C,i vtues, practc ng Ie Sic_kt core vaue s, vgo. cay forward the spatofJiaYuu,Hn*qCanalspiritand«"opessenc,hoesyin.->1*stc, t tIespi.-i'eg'tofIeCcmmussFou to-vl on, as, do pay a re i n-alytg Olicai CcmmuSt dUy To u» Iepartyspupose,mantatoIepeople them
51、 , a nd .ed.ao,. oo, mat” igadenterirbsng sp* a clve a Ie wei of exta pace, make cmtiilmiL Theice-Unci ayorganizaosatal l eves SiudgJVe fulplaytoadvaneedm.e s, esaba re pese ntalve a a nc . and yiai o the .mes, a nd gui dethe "a d masse s o party members temulaeI 95a nnivesay of fudig a s artu
52、toawad inecggKn of a numberoiutsadig,aaymembers'advancedgasriospalyirggalzaios,outsa-gpartywo*adpuIepioeetrees.Thid Ie "refrm- efors Ifr exmple be sue tocangeito.Liar I ig to Ia cEduain i or der to so'ethe p.b ,i i dde s not sohe the problm, it wlfrm, gesIrougthemoios.TostenghenIecnscou
53、sniss of plblms a nd insis d on prblm o-nte slingea>ingeducainoIacin,tuyideplnvesgainitocange, modlcain. A chicledswngLLarninge ducain p.grmmefr pary-buldngioucyac,- p.pooe d I fcs on souly del s and bel es ve,cnnsi ous,pupooe of Ie pay -k - nsehon,and-l ds11 ne awae nnsss not sfong , deprese d,
54、sx sse s of ehi camscnduc . 一, cntets spe c pr ogrmmesfor al parymlmbes andeadigdrs a bo<e t he cuy lsa l focus on ute reiementItheprl-bems. Spedc toeveyparymlmbe a nd evey cde, a s e quirs a cmbiaton of ict ua ad cntrl “oou- d adrra putyur sel i, pepe - e tigs se , wI Iei ow n spcic- sto lean C.
55、nst on Pa.yrrjes sei , Iddrss so prrcisintfid t he problem, layng a slid foundaion fr urhecrect-actin.Btomike chage Forceckpuofproblm,throoghesaishdrectiainTawaaccunt,andtalesecasuevisIn,adona ccount PN, appr oac, isstd dd s de lar sde modi , a nd tha kow that modifiedwiefou- d on put "wlar n a
56、 dd" larig e ddcatonecfatwthgrsppayof ma- ie e ducaton pact ce acivtie s and "hrre stic Ie e rel" tpic e duato oncombinndu, cnsoldai on e xade d ha s made of ecIiati on esuts st ongy c I rece d "fr offce not for", ad Chi adedles cre ced "our w nd", ad rrguat on m-ss s de of auue s
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