1、"fu good" si-stuciwl coniue tomprovehecompanySitenacontrolsy-m,aId-a. mprov emet i a bi» tomaage a nd cent ol, optmze busies prcesss, t e nsure sin place ; t fuller stre ngte "erna control s, pay a control post ide pendent ovesg h roe of (v - Uncm plyig wi h - pay nsponsi blty t
2、a clvUy make use aauditoo.-ectpoteaa management,seamlne sadi ze rea>d tascl oniLstegg hei g opeatons i accodace - haw. De peig hemainmalget to ensureful cmmuncatIn"zeoessace".oconnty peec ERP , a d MS, ad PI, a nd MS, ad SCM, i nform n .sba d const integaini.main. sem, aCi di nfomain re
3、sour ces sae d; to epa nd Pora aysappiat h and de ay fnayson entep .f Assat roe toperfecdaiyrun mante nace promoteproblasns a n.ad sstm ladove;lostegglening",-,a nd E , a nd S,M, tclnolgy a ppl caton of taiig , mpr<e |lyesaplcaioninformaton.sem of ca pa city ad ev e. Huma nitc cae t e nsue &
4、quot;-r."TostegtenigHuma" s cae cntiuus tf-r ccmpa ny wnd ce a, a I d g- ae and leat SluI f ccut ue amos'eesengteinglve'epedtappd,caeillcil-poy- s; ca_d outs* a Uivties r U_pl oyes lie sengte nig lellta nd a or.,ia.n cae e leal l medical contol carer ist cntnuus tomp- eat "psy
5、colgia wani ng pevet on sy stm, taiig em plooees lel l of carcte, ad sabe of mood a nd e nteprisig of attue ceae d fiedy faeniy of Humanies evronmet I ste nggle n _k mang-e nt, enue ta t I e busies of "zeors". T I steggle ne d busie- pans ma nng-et wl bbsie - bus-spas ccer to al e« en
6、suetebu,nnss ca ncntrl i cont cooe ccncer Ina nci a,ad coal e Icti c lnna a nd enegy saing sclduig , naiona policy tends ste nggle ning ta c, ac sould; to m plmeaton Staeowed asssesme"d fute secfcctonbus nels fiaca manng-et toperecrisktuecontolly m, acievld r s recggit on, a nd me aue . ad ase
7、s-et, and r eort ad contol fedbaU of closd r ng manng-et , improve r sk pe-"on ppci youtersaIda d tad ng, a nd st t o aciew "acor ding to a w , sana d a nd ar." Inno - ton of pe.ormancema naggmet t oesue t la poe nta - pl oyes ". I ,. T o sengt le pe.ormance maaemet,procescntrlen
8、lanne-ploe e auut on a nd lets of eectve commuicat on to m pro- pe.ormance maaemeItTurterquantfy and ef ne - pl oyle sa nda ds . Wrk . ul ply pay, and I rac, and m - bes i n "fve tye Ente plsl" constuct on in te of cr e role a nd fglt I g frels r ole a nd pionee mode roletcontnuestosegteni
9、ng油田水處理工藝第一節(jié)工藝流程簡介一、重力式流程自然(或斜板)除油一混凝沉降一壓力(或重力)過濾流程。重力式流程在20世紀(jì)七八十年代國內(nèi)各陸上油田較普遍采用。1、該流程處理過程脫水轉(zhuǎn)油站來的原水,經(jīng)自然收油初步沉降后,加入混凝劑進(jìn)行混凝沉降,再經(jīng)過緩沖、提升、進(jìn)行壓力過濾,濾后水加 殺菌劑,得到合格的凈化水,外輸用于回注。濾罐反沖洗排水 用回收水泵均勻地加入原水中再進(jìn)行處理?;厥盏挠退突卦图斚到y(tǒng)或者用作原料。2、流程特點(diǎn)處理效果良好。對原水含油量、水量變化波動適應(yīng)性強(qiáng)。自然除油回收油品好。投加凈化劑混凝沉降后凈化效果好。若處理規(guī)模較大時:壓力濾罐數(shù)量較多、操作量大。處理工藝自動化程度稍低
10、。當(dāng)對凈化水質(zhì)要求較低,且處理規(guī)模較大時,可采用重力式單閥濾罐提高處理能力。二、壓力式流程旋流(或立式除油罐)除油一聚結(jié)分離一壓力沉降一壓力過濾流程。壓力式流程是20世紀(jì)80年代后期和90年代初發(fā)展起來的。它加強(qiáng)了流程前段除油和后段 過濾凈化。1、流程處理過程脫水站來的原水,若壓力較高,可進(jìn)旋流除油器;若壓力適中,可進(jìn)接收罐除油,為提高沉降凈化效果,在壓力沉降之前增加一級聚結(jié)(亦稱粗?;褂椭榱阶兇?,易于沉降分離。或采用旋流除油后直接進(jìn)入壓力沉降。根據(jù)對凈化水質(zhì)的要求,可設(shè)置一級過濾和二級過濾凈化。2、流程特點(diǎn)處理凈化效率較高,效果良好,污水在處理流程內(nèi)停留時間較短旋流除油裝置可高效去除
11、水中含油,聚結(jié)分離使原水中微細(xì)油珠聚結(jié)變大,縮短分離時間, 提高處理效率。適應(yīng)水質(zhì)、水量波動能力稍低于重力式流程。流程系統(tǒng)機(jī)械化、自動化水平稍高于重力式流程,現(xiàn)場預(yù)制工作量大大降低??沙浞掷迷畞硭畨?,減少系統(tǒng)二次提升。三、浮選式流程接收(溶氣浮選)除油一射流浮選或誘導(dǎo)浮選一過濾、精濾流程。浮選式流程主要是借鑒20世紀(jì)80年代末、90年代初從國外引進(jìn)污水處理技術(shù)的基礎(chǔ)上,結(jié)合國內(nèi)各油田生產(chǎn)實(shí)際需要發(fā)展起來的。1、流程處理過程流程首端采用溶氣氣浮,再用誘導(dǎo)氣浮或射流氣浮取代混凝沉降設(shè)施,后端根據(jù)凈化水回注要求,可設(shè)一級過濾和精細(xì)過濾裝置。2、流程特點(diǎn)處理效率高;設(shè)備組裝化、自動化程度高,現(xiàn)場
12、預(yù)制工作量??;ly eves cade s ienerr deve opme nt i t le of bak lone ba ckone roe; t o ful se ngte nig memb es yout w or, ful ply yu l-ployes i n company . lopme of foce r ole t o improvei ndepe nde nt Cmmision mist corr el stegte ning on entepri busnes ley lnk I f efecnss monitord., Ad mana n sailt y Tfurt
13、e steglenpublicity a nd e . aton, impr o<ete oveal lga systm. mus steglen-fey mang-ent, ablsl and improve tle educaton, lupevison, ad e uainas one of tle tafic saey manng-et mlclansm.o cnsciet ousylumu t le Olm pic seuriy cltols, promotngint - atd maagement to a lige l l lgler sannards a lgler le
14、 of devlpmet plys tdy i s lua caeda on De ccmber 24, tle op Bel s a bout t r I g, a ti s tme of yar ceay l tle pule of te X pow er geeaincmpa ny tlursl, t more. lea X po r g eeaincmpanilsmaure ad smmetybrralig. lng pa s one anote a coss a alng we aeentluuia sc ad ful of cnfidece. Fuure deel opment o
15、pporuitis moe ectng fgtmoe siie d.Emploels le us tgeler acoos *3 ful of caBngs ad opporut es to ceae a gren, l owcl opeaton, ful of lumae Lae of a wrd»s pow er geeaton cmpay a nd w ork la d! Ie oca son of te Spri ng Fstval my sncee ws ta yu ad te famiis of tesaf ite new yar, good l m t, lappy l
16、app,一 LI -, nati onal policytrends,strew,standar dizeancema nagement,to ensure t hat pote ntialempl oyees"zerofly".T ostrengt hen performancemanagement, process control,e nhance employe eevaluatia nd levelsofeffectivecommunicationto im prove performancemanagement.Tofurther qua ntifyand ref
17、ineempl oyeesta ndar ds.Work,full play party,a nd branch, andmembers in "fivetypeEnterprise"construction inthe ofcor e role,a nd fighti ng fortress r olea nd pioneermodel role; to continuestostrengthe ning"fourgood" leadershipconstructiWewillcontinue toimpr and systemhandover;too
18、vethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsystem,a nd ste ady improv ementin a bility tomanage a nd contr ol,optimize business strengthe ning BFS+,a nd ERP ,a nd S CM,technologya ppli cation oftraining , improve em ployee s applicati on informatiL - I - .IL. -.一 . -. .11. . L - I,_ I. I. -and coalel ectr
19、i clinkage,a nd energy -saving schedulingngthe ning tra ck,active should;to implementation State-ownedaprocesses,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, responsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s,play acontrol postinde pe ndentoversig htrole ofevaluation complyingwit h third -party r
20、esponsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detectpotentialmanagement,streamli ne,standardi zerelated transacti ons,strengt hening operations inaonsystem ofca pa cityand lev el.Huma nisti ccare to e nsure"zero."Tostrengthe ning Humanitie s care, continues to foster compa
21、ny wind cle ar,a nd g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmospherestrengtheni ng lovehelpe d trapped, care difficultemployee s; carried outstylea ctivities,ri chempl oyees life; strengthe ning healtha nd la bour pr otection, orgaI - J一 .一IL I I|_| .1 _LI.I.1.1 _ I >J一. 一 一- I _. II -. I .L .1- - J 一
22、 I|_,J一一 .一一 一 .一 . 一一 一 . | 一 .一 , -一一 .一 .一一 ssets met hod, furtherspecification business financialmanagement;toperfectri sktubecontrolsystem,achieved riskrecogniti on,a nd me asure ,and asse ssment , andreport, andcontrolfeedback of closed ri ng management, improveri sk preve ntion ca pacito furt
23、herstandar dizetradi ng,a nd striveto achieve "according to laccordance wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation management to enization care erhealt h medical, control career against; continues t-一- _ I I Insurefullcommunication "zero resistance".o implementati on psychologicalwarni ng
24、preventi- .I -. . -I I _I.o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system base dconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved i nformation resour ces share d;to expa nd Portalsystemapplicati on ofbreadt h andde pth, play information systemon ent erprise
25、ofAssistant role; toperfectdaily r un mainte nance operation ofrecords,on sy stem,trainingem ployee shealt hofcharact er, and stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that t he business of"zero risk&qu
26、ot;. T o strengthe ne d busine ss plans ma nagement, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethe busi nessca ncontrol inI _|_ 一 . 一 . .1I . 一 .一一 .一 I 一 .一- 一 -. . I .一 一 I . I - II一 I. 一 一 一一.一一 .一.一 一|_ _ 一 . 一一 . . I 一. 一 一promote problem reasons a nalysis control;to close concernfin
27、a nci al,-L -一.I.J - 廣泛用于海上采油平臺;陸上油田,尤其是稠油污水處理中有較多應(yīng)用。流程動力消耗大,維護(hù)工作量稍大。四、開式生化處理流程隔油浮選生化降解沉降吸附過濾流程。該流程適用條件:針對部分油田污水采出量較大,但回用量不夠大,必須處理達(dá)標(biāo)外排而設(shè)計的。1、流程處理過程原水經(jīng)過平流隔油池除油沉降,再經(jīng)過溶氣氣浮池凈化,然后進(jìn)入曝氣池、一級、 二級生物降解池和沉降池,最后提升經(jīng)砂濾或吸附過濾達(dá)標(biāo)外排。2、流程凈化效果一般情況,經(jīng)過開式生物處理流程凈化,排放水質(zhì)可以達(dá)到污水綜合排放標(biāo)準(zhǔn)GB8978 1996 要求。應(yīng)注意的是:少部分油田污水水溫過高,若直接外排,將引起受納水
28、體生態(tài)平衡的破壞排放前淋水降溫;少部分礦化度高的油田污水,進(jìn)行除鹽軟化,降低含鹽量,以免引起受納水體鹽堿化。第二節(jié)除油一、自然除油1、基本原理物理法除油,根據(jù)油水密度不同,達(dá)到油水分離。該種方法:忽略了進(jìn)出配水口水流的不均勻性。忽略油珠顆粒上浮中的絮凝等因素的影響,認(rèn)為油珠顆粒是在理想狀態(tài)下進(jìn)行重力分離。a、假定過水?dāng)嗝嫔细鼽c(diǎn)的水流速度相等,且油珠顆粒上浮時的水平分速度等于水流速度;b、油珠顆粒以等速上??;c、油珠顆粒上浮到水面即被去除。Stokes 公式說明的問題:( 1 )顆粒與水的密度差(rw-ro )愈大,它的浮升速度愈大,成正比關(guān)系。當(dāng)rw>ro時,u>0,顆粒下沉;當(dāng)r
29、w<ro時,u<0,顆粒上??;當(dāng)rw=ro時,u=0,顆粒既不下沉也不上浮。(2)水的粘度m愈小,上浮速度愈快,成反比關(guān)系。因粘度與水溫成反比,故提高水溫有利于上浮。( 3)顆粒直徑d 愈大,浮升速度愈快,成平方關(guān)系。因此隨粒度的下降,顆粒的浮升速度會迅速降低。實(shí)際水處理過程中,水流呈層流狀態(tài)的情況較少,所以一般只能去除d >20mm勺顆粒。2、裝置結(jié)構(gòu)自然除油設(shè)施一般兼有調(diào)儲功能,油水分離效率不夠高,通常工藝結(jié)構(gòu)采用下向流設(shè)置。二、斜板(管)除油斜板(管)除油是目前最常用的高效除油方法之一,是一種物理法除油。1、基本原理斜板(管)除油基本原理是“淺層沉淀”,又稱“淺池理論”
30、。若將水深為H 的除油設(shè)備分隔為n 個水深為H/n 的分離池,當(dāng)分離池長度為原除油區(qū)長度的1 n 時,處理水量與原分離區(qū)相同,且分離效果完全相同。為便于浮升到斜板(管)上部油珠的流動和排除,把淺的分離池傾斜一定角度(一般為45°60° )。laylevelso fullstre ngthe ning membersyouth w,And maintain stabilit y.Tofurtherstrengthenpublicitya ndeducation,imprWe muststrengthe nsafety management,esta blishand impr
31、ovethe e ducation,supervi sion,and evaluationWewillcontinue toimpr and systemhandover;toovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsystem,a nd ste ady improv ementin a bility tomanage a nd contr ol,o ptimize business strengthe ning BFS+,a nd ERP ,a nd S CM,technologya ppli cation oftraining , improve em
32、ployee s applicati on informatiL - I - .IL. -.一 . -. .11. . L - I,_ I. I. -and coalel ectri clinkage,a nd energy -saving schedulingngthe ning tra ck,active should;to implementation State-ownedaprocesses,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, responsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstre ngthe n inter nal control
33、s,play acontrol postinde pende ntoversig htrole ofevaluation complyingwit h third-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detectpotentialmanagement,streamli ne,standardi zerelated transacti ons,strengt hening operations inaonsystem ofca pa cityand lev el.Huma nisti ccare
34、 to e nsure"zero."Tostrengthe ning Humanitie s care, continues to foster compa ny wind cle ar,a nd g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmosphere ; strengtheni ng lovehelpe d trapped, care difficultemployee s; carried outstylea ctivities,ri chempl oyees life; strengthe ning healtha nd la bour
35、 pr otection, orgaI - J一 .一IL I I|_| .1 _LI.I.1.1 _ I >J 一. 一 一- - I _. II -. I .L .1 - J 一 I J - .一 - . L JI_ 一 .1 - 1 一 一 - . . I - -.1 1 _一 . L . I. _ ssets met hod, furtherspecification business financialmanagement;toperfectri sktubecontrolsystem,achieved riskrecogniti on,a nd me asure ,and a
36、sse ssment , andreport, andcontrolfeedback of closed ri ng manag ement , improveri sk preve ntion ca pacito furtherstandar dizetradi ng,a nd striveto achieve "according to laccordance wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation management to enization care erhealt h medical, control career against; c
37、ontinues t-一- _ I I Insure fullcommunicati on "zero resistance".o implementati on psychological warni ng preventi .I -. . -I I _I.o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system base dconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved i nformation r
38、esour ces share d;to expa nd Portalsystemap plicati on ofbreadt h andde pth, play information systemon ent erprise ofAssistant role; toperfectdaily r un mainte nance operation ofrecords,on sy stem,trainingem ployee shealt hofcharacter, and stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d f rien
39、dlyfraternity of Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that t he business of"zero risk". T o strengthe ne d busine ss plans ma nagement, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethe busi nessca ncontrol inI I _ 一 . 一 . .1I . 一 .一一 .一 I 一 .一- 一 -. . I .一 一
40、I . I - II一 I. 一 一 一一.一一 .一.一 一|_ _ 一 . 一一 . . I 一.promote problem reasons a nalysis control;to close concernfina nci al,-L -一.I.J - 2、斜板除油裝置立式和平流式兩種,油田上常用的是立式斜板除油罐和平流式斜板除油罐。( 1 )立式斜板除油罐結(jié)構(gòu)形式與普通立式除油罐基本相同,主要區(qū)別是在普通除油罐中心反應(yīng)筒外的分離區(qū)一定部位加設(shè)了斜板組。對斜板材質(zhì)要求:在污水中長期浸泡不軟化、不變形、耐油、耐腐蝕。工作過程:含油污水從中心反應(yīng)筒出來,在上部分離區(qū)進(jìn)行初步的重力分離,
41、較大油珠顆粒分離出來。污水通過斜板區(qū)進(jìn)一步分離分離后的污水在下部集水區(qū)流入集水管,匯集后由中心柱管上部流出。斜板區(qū)分離出的油珠顆粒上浮至水面,進(jìn)入集油槽后由出油管排出到收油裝置。立式斜板除油罐的主要設(shè)計參數(shù):斜板間距80100mm斜板傾角45°60°斜板水平投影負(fù)荷1.5X1042.0 X104m3/(s . m2)其它設(shè)計數(shù)據(jù)與普通除油罐基本相同。實(shí)踐證明:在除油效率相同條件下,與普通立式除油罐相比,同樣大小的斜板除油罐的除油處理能力可提高1.01.5倍。( 2)平流式斜板隔油池平流式斜板隔油池是在普通的隔油池中加設(shè)斜板構(gòu)成。一般是由鋼筋混凝土做成池體,池中波紋斜板大多呈
42、45°安裝。隔油池原理:隔油池是用自然上浮法分離、去除含油廢水中可浮油的處理筑物。構(gòu)造:廢水從池的一端流入池內(nèi),從另一端流出。在流經(jīng)隔油池的過程中,由于流速降低,密度小于1.0 而粒徑較大的油類雜質(zhì)得以上浮到水面上,密度大于1.0 的雜質(zhì)則沉于池底。在出水一側(cè)的水面上設(shè)集油管。工作過程:進(jìn)入的含油污水通過配水堰、布水柵后均勻而緩慢地從上而下經(jīng)過斜板區(qū),油水泥在斜板中分離。油珠顆粒沿斜板組的上層板下,向上浮升滑出斜板到水面,通過活動集油管槽收集到污油罐,再送去脫水;泥砂沿斜板組下層斜板面滑向集泥區(qū)落到池底,定時排除;分離后的水,從下部分離區(qū)進(jìn)入折向上部的出水槽,然后排出或送去進(jìn)一步處理
43、,而由于高程布置的原因,污水進(jìn)入下一步處理工序,往往需要用泵進(jìn)行提升。三、粗?;ň劢Y(jié))除油粗粒化: 含油污水流經(jīng)裝有填充物(粗?;牧希┑难b置后,使油珠由小變大的過程。這樣,更容易用重力分離法將油除去。粗粒化處理的對象:水中的分散油。1、理論依據(jù)對于溫度一定的特定污水,油珠上浮速度與油珠粒徑平方成正比。若在污水沉降前設(shè)法使油珠粒徑增大,可加大油珠上浮速度,進(jìn)而使污水向下流速加大,便可提高除油效率。粗?;ǎň劢Y(jié))可達(dá)到增大油珠粒徑的目的。2、粗?;臋C(jī)理有兩種觀點(diǎn):潤濕聚結(jié);碰撞聚結(jié)潤濕聚結(jié)理論laylevels cadre s ine nterpri sedevel opme ntin t
44、he of back bone ba ckbonerole;to fullstre ngthe ning membersyouth work,full play yout hempl oyeesi n companydevel opme nt inthe offorcerole;t o improvei ndepe nde nt Commission against corrored. ,And maintain stabilit y.Tofurtherstrengthenpublicityandeducation,imprWe muststrengthe nsafetymanagemeduc
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46、cati on informatiL - I - .IL. -.一 . -. .11. . L - I,_ I. I. -and coalel ectri clinkage,a nd energy -saving schedulingngthe ning tra ck,active should;to implementation State-ownedaprocesses,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, responsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s,play acontro
47、l postinde pe ndentoversig htrole ofevaluation complyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detectpotentialmanagement,streamli ne,standardi zerelated transacti ons,strengt hening operations inaonsystem ofca pa cityand lev el.Huma nisti ccare to e nsure&q
48、uot;zero."Tostrengthe ning Humanitie s care, continues to foster compa ny wind cle ar,a nd g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmospherestrengtheni ng lovehelpe d trapped, care difficultemployee s; carried outstylea ctivities,ri chempl oyees life; strengthe ning healtha nd la bour pr otection, or
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51、ication "zero resistance".o implementati on psychologicalwarni ng preventi- .I -. . -I I _I.o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system base dconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved i nformation resour ces share d;to expa nd Portalsys
52、temapplicati on ofbreadt h andde pth, play information systemon ent erprise ofAssistant role; toperfectdaily r un mainte nance operation ofrecords,on sy stem,trainingem ployee shealt hofcharact er, and stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment.
53、ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that t he business of"zero risk". T o strengthe ne d busine ss plans ma nagement, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethe busi nessca ncontrol inI _|_ 一 . 一 . .1I . 一 .一一 .一 I 一 .一- 一 -. . I .一 一 I . I - II一 I. 一 一 一一.一一 .一.一 一|_ _ 一 .
54、一一 . . I 一. 一 一promote problem reasons a nalysis control;to close concernfina nci al,-L -一.I.J - 建立在“親油性”粗?;牧系幕A(chǔ)上。當(dāng)含油污水流經(jīng)親油性材料組成的粗粒化床時,分散油珠在材料表面潤濕吸附,材料表面幾乎全被油包住,再流來的油珠更容易潤濕附著在上面,油珠不斷聚結(jié)擴(kuò)大并形成油膜,在浮力和反向水流沖擊作用下,油膜開始脫落,在水相中仍形成油珠,但比聚結(jié)前的油珠粒徑大,從而達(dá)到粗?;哪康?。具有該種特性的聚結(jié)材料:聚丙烯塑料球,無煙煤等。碰撞聚結(jié)理論建立在疏油材料基礎(chǔ)上。由粒狀的或纖維狀的粗?;?/p>
55、材料組成的粗?;?,其空隙均構(gòu)成互相連續(xù)的通道,如無數(shù)根直徑很小交錯的微管。當(dāng)含油污水流經(jīng)該床時,由于粗?;牧鲜鞘栌偷?,兩個或多個油珠有可能同時與管壁碰撞或互相碰撞,其沖量足可以將它們合并為一個較大的油珠,達(dá)到粗?;康?。具有該種特性的聚結(jié)材料:蛇紋石,陶粒等。需澄清的問題無論是親油的或是疏油的材料,兩種聚結(jié)同時存在。親油材料以“潤濕聚結(jié)”為主, 也有碰撞聚結(jié)。原因是污水流經(jīng)粗?;玻偷沃g也存在碰撞。疏油材料以“碰撞聚結(jié)”為主, 也有潤濕聚結(jié)。原因是當(dāng)疏油材料表面沉積油泥時,該材料便有親油性。無論是親油性材料還是疏油性材料,只要粒徑合適,都有較好的粗?;Ч?、粗?;牧希ň劢Y(jié)板材)的選擇分類:形狀:粒狀(重復(fù)使用);纖維狀(一次性使用)材質(zhì):天然的(無煙煤、蛇紋石、石英砂等)人造的(聚丙烯塑料球、陶粒等)選用原則:耐油性好,不能被油溶解或溶脹;具有一定的機(jī)械強(qiáng)度,且不易磨損;不易板結(jié),沖洗
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