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1、IntroductionWhat is public speaking? Public speaking, as its name implies, is a way of making your ideas public of sharing them with other people and of influencing other people.A Brief Introduction to public speakingI. How to Prepare a Speech? Stating Your Objective:s informtrain persuadesellAnalyz

2、ing Your AudienceWhat to learn about the audienceTheir opinions and levels of prior knowledge of your subject ; their likely bias, both personal and professionalhow do you learn itAsk the person who has invited you to speak. Find out what the occasion is and if there is a program theme.Choosing a Sp

3、eech Topic and the Speech ThemeSix Criteria1. The topic should be interesting to you.2. It should be interesting to your audience or at least be capable of being made interesting to them.3. It should be appropriate to the situation.4. It should be appropriate to the time available.5. It should be ma

4、nageable.6. It should be worthwhlie. Dont waste your audience s time.? Gathering and Selecting Appropriate Materialsconvincing materialsseven major types of materials: descriptions and explanations, statistics, examples,testimony, comparison and contrast, repetition and restatement,and visuals. guid

5、elines? Outlining Your Speechguidelines:1. Write and label your specific purpose at the top of your outline.2. Indicate main ideas, points, sub-points, and supporting materials properly.3. Use at least two subdivisions, if any, for each point.Using subdivisions helps you give attention to all the po

6、ints you want to say.4. Label the introduction, main body and conclusion.II. How to Write a Great Speech? Organizing the Body of the SpeechA. The IntroductionA. It should introduce the topic. providing background information, definitions explanations, etc.B. Generally it should contain the thesis st

7、atement.C. It should be interesting enough to make the listener want to continue listening.Anecdotes, shocking statistics, quotes, and rhetorical questionsD. It should indicate how your topic will be developed.E. tell your listeners WHY they should listen to you; such as how they will benefit.F. inc

8、lude the method of organization that you will follow. This helps the listener prepare for what you are going to say and help them organize the information.An effective introduction? Creates a favorable first impression with the audience? Boosts a speaker s sel-fconfidenceGaining attention? relate th

9、e topic to the audience?State the importance of the topic?Startle the audience?Arouse the curiosity of the audience?Question the audience?Beginwith quotation?Tell astory?Usingvisualaids?Reveal the topic? Clearly states the speech topic? Establish the credibility and goodwill of the speakerPreview th

10、e body? Tells audience what to listen for in the rest?Provide a smooth lead-in?Present special information8. Main Bodya. Each main point discusses one aspect of the thesis.b. The main points should be linked with clear transitions so as to give the body coherence and unity.C. ConclusionA conclusion

11、can restate the thesis.A conclusion can restate the main points.A conclusion can call for some sort of action (particularly in a persuasive piece)A conclusion can highlight areas for further research.A conclusion can suggest results or consequences.A conclusion can remind the audience of the importa

12、nce of the information presented.The speaker can thank the audience for their attention.A conclusion should NEVER bring up a new topic.A speaker should NEVER apologize for their information. The last thing you want to happen is for the audience to question your credibility.2 functions of conclusion?

13、 Signal the end of the speech? Reinforce the audience s understanding of the speech? Using Speech LanguageA. Using Language AccuratelyB. Use Language ClearlyC. Use language VividlyIII. How to Deliver a Great Speech? Physical Delivery1. postureA public speaker should look comfortable, confident and p

14、repared to speak. In posture, the two extremes to avoid are rigidity and sloppiness.2. facial expressionsYour facial expression must match what you are saying.3. movementa. Never turn your back on the audience while you are speaking.b. If you move about on the stage, make your movements purposeful.c

15、. Be aware of all potential obstacles on the stage.4. gestures5. Eye contactLet your gaze move over each member of the audiencedon t choose one person and look fixedly at him or her.avoid the temptation to look over the headsof your audienceor to hold your notes in front of your face.6. AppearanceTh

16、e way you dress and present yourselfDress appropriately to the audienceVocal DeliveryVocal delivery refers to the use of your voice to convey your message.1. rateRate is the speednot too slowly or too quickly. Varying your rate can be critical.2. pausetemporary stopspause before and after a major po

17、int. You can use pauses to illustrate that you are changing from one point to another. You can use pauses for emphasis3. volumeVolume refers to how loud one speaksSpeak too soft Speak too loudchanging the volume at certain points emphasize important ideas.Raising your voice lowering your voice4. pit

18、chPitch refers to the high or low quality of your voice.Volume is measured in terms of loudness.The pitch of your voice in public speaking refers to the “ excitement o”r“ enthusiasm ” level in your voice.pitch can be raised and lowered for emphasis.vary your pitch.5. Pronunciation6. articulation : n

19、ot slur, speak clearlyIV. How to Analyze and Evaluate Speech? three “ M” s: matter, manner and method.Speaking to PersuadeI. Persuasion: a Psychological process? A. Persuasion is the most complex and the most challenging.? (controversial topics, involving values and beliefs; listeners own ideas)? B.

20、 Listeners: mental give-and-take(listeners: assessment on speakers)II. The Target Audience? The part of the whole audience a speaker most wants to reach with his message. Agree and disagree audience? Adapt the speech to the values and concerns of the TA? Do not exclude other listenersIII. Monroe s M

21、otivated Sequence? Monroes motivated sequence is a technique for organizing persuasive speeches that inspire people to take action.? Alan H. Monroe (Purdue University) 1930s? what creates makes a motivational speech actually motivating.? a 5-step method for organizing motivational speeches.1.Attenti

22、onGet the attention of your audienceusing a detailed story, shocking example, dramatic statistic, quotations, etc.E.g. Hey! Listen to me, I have a PROBLEM!2.NeedShow that the problem about which you are speaking exists, that it is significant, and that it wont go away by itself. Use statistics, exam

23、ples, etc. Convince your audience that there is a need for action to be taken.E.g. Let me EXPLAIN the problem.3.Satisfy.You present your plan and show how it will work. Be sure to offer enough details about the plan.E.g. But, I have a SOLUTION!4.VisualizationTell the audiencewhat will happen if the

24、solution is implemented or does nottake place. Be visual and detailed.E.g. If we IMPLEMENT my solution, this is what will happen.5.Action.Tell the audience what action they can take personally to solve the problem. Sayexactly what you want the audience to do and how to do it.E.g. You can help me in

25、this specific way. Are YOU willing to help meAdvantage of MMS? It emphasizes what the audience can do. Monroes motivated sequence emphasizes the action the audience can take.? Sample Speec: h The Ultimate GiftIV. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Fact? A. seek to persuadeaudienceto accept the spea

26、ker sview of the facts on a particular issue.E.g. Will the economy be better or worse next year? B. different from an informative speech15: give information as impartially apossible * argue for a point of viewPS: persuade the audience to accept the speaker s view about the informatie.g. In a trial l

27、awyer jury guilt / innocent defendantV. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Value? A. Judgments based on a person s beliefs about what s right or wrong? B. 2 steps:1. define the standards for value judgments2. judge the subject of the speech against the standards.VI. Persuasive Speeches on Questions

28、 of Policy? A. deal with specific courses of action: involve questions of fact and value; go beyond that? B. 2 types:1. gain passive agreement that a policy is desirable, necessary & practical2. motivate the audience to take immediate action? C. 3 basic issue s need, plan & practicality1. need: (no) need for a change2. a specific plan: solve the need3. practicality: Plan: workable, solve the need without creating new problemsVII. Methods of PersuasionA. Building credibility 1. Credibility affected by: competence &


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