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1、PEP英語教材英語教材復習課教學體會復習課教學體會東莞市莞城實驗小學東莞市莞城實驗小學 張凝張凝一、復習課的教學目標一、復習課的教學目標1.1.已學知識的重現已學知識的重現3.3.能力的提升能力的提升4.4.拓展延伸拓展延伸語言運用能力語言運用能力學學 習習 能能 力力與之相關的與之相關的知識或重構知識或重構2.2.知識的整合知識的整合( (四會詞和四會句四會詞和四會句) )二、復習課的類型階段性復習綜合復習綜合復習Recycle總復習整個小學階段的知識整個小學階段的知識專項復習專項復習(以知識點為單位)字母詞匯句型語篇時態(tài)三、復習課設計的幾個要點教學目標教學目標復習范圍復習范圍選擇主線選擇主

2、線提供語境提供語境復習步驟復習步驟任務鏈任務鏈拓展延伸拓展延伸知識特征知識特征學生水平學生水平 學生已有知識構架學生已有知識構架ListeningSpeakingReadingWriting 四、復習課的教學框架l熱身活動熱身活動l勾起學生對已學知識的回憶勾起學生對已學知識的回憶l歌曲、歌謠、對話歌曲、歌謠、對話l知識的重現知識的重現l設計任務鏈:設計任務鏈:listening,speaking,reading,writingl技能的轉化訓練活動(交際能力發(fā)展活動)技能的轉化訓練活動(交際能力發(fā)展活動)l拼拼寫寫畫畫拼拼寫寫畫畫l角色扮演、表演、調查等綜合性任務角色扮演、表演、調查等綜合性任務

3、l小結、作業(yè)小結、作業(yè)中年級階段高年級階段lStep 1 熱身活動熱身活動l勾起回憶勾起回憶l呈現主線呈現主線lStep 2 設置任務設置任務 呈現語言知識呈現語言知識l詞、句子、語篇詞、句子、語篇lStep 3 交際過程交際過程l創(chuàng)設任務,讓學生用語言知識進行交際創(chuàng)設任務,讓學生用語言知識進行交際l筆頭練習(作文筆頭練習(作文)lStep 4 小結小結:總結歸納總結歸納高年級階段Step 2 Step 2 設置任務設置任務 呈現語言知識呈現語言知識詞詞拼寫拼寫用用法法句句子子結構(知識的構建結構(知識的構建)功功能能語語篇篇為以上的詞和句子提供完整的情景為以上的詞和句子提供完整的情景A. W

4、riting (words, sentences)B. 培養(yǎng)閱讀能力培養(yǎng)閱讀能力SListeningSpeaking Reading Writing歸歸納納Step 4 Step 4 小結小結現在進行時現在進行時(階段性復習)(階段性復習)-莞城實驗小學莞城實驗小學 楊沛珊楊沛珊Present Progressive (現在進行時)體體形形成成知知識識系系BeBe動動詞詞陳陳述述句句問句問句現在進行現在進行時的情景時的情景動詞動詞+ing+ing規(guī)律規(guī)律實實義義動動詞詞主線主線:Task 1Task 2Task 3TomI will go to the zoo.Tom 邀請你和他一起去動物園,

5、條件是你必須闖過他設的三關教學過程lStep 1 Warm uplStep 2 Passing word taskslStep 3 Passing sentence taskslStep 4 ReadinglStep 5 WritinglStep 6 SummaryStep 1 Warm up (Chant )What are you doing?I am doing the dishes. What are you doing?I am drawing pictures. What are you doing?I am reading a book. What are you doing?I

6、 am cooking dinner. What are you doing?I am answering the phone.(Chant on P44)Step 2 Passing word tasksTask 1 Making a new chantTask 2 Finding out the verbsChantBe (am, are, is)Mary walking, walking in the garden. She listening, listening to music.Jacky cleaning, cleaning the house.He watering, wate

7、ring the plants.Mom and dad working, working in the study.They writing, writing an e-mail.You climbing, climbing mountains.I speaking, speaking to you on the phone.isisisisareareareamTask 2 找出動詞找出動詞playcookjumpmakecleanflyclimbsetskateswimeatgetsleeptakewriteplantrunlookgo1. 2. 3. playingmakingsetti

8、ngStep 3 Passing sentence tasksGuessing game: 猜猜相片上猜猜相片上 Tom的朋友的朋友 正在做什么正在做什么4213Step 4 Reading Tom isnt happy now.Why?Lets read and find the reasonTom: Hello. This is Tom. Im sorry I cant go to the zoo with you. Everyone in my family is busy now. Look. I am cleaning the windows in the living room.

9、Grandpa is putting away the books in the study. Grandma and mom are making Zongzi in the kitchen. And my little brother is looking at the Zongzi. In the garden, dad is washing the car with my brother Jack. Uncle Jim is planting the flowers.What about my dog? Its in the garden, too. Its running on th

10、e grass. Its running after a cat. 回答問題回答問題:1. What is grandpa doing?2. What is grandma doing?3. What are you doing, Tom?4. What is Tony doing?5. What is the dog doing? He is putting away the books.She is making Zongzi.I am cleaning the windows.He is looking at the Zongzi.It is running.請你提問題請你提問題(你能提

11、多少個你能提多少個?)1. Uncle Black is planting flowers. 2. Grandma and mom are making Zongzi in the kitchen.3. Dad is washing the car with my brother Jack.What is Uncle Black doing?What is Uncle Black planting?Who is planting flowers?What are grandma and mom doing in the kitchen?What are grandma and mom maki

12、ng in the kitchen?Where are grandma and mom making Zongzi?Who are making Zongzi in the kitchen?What is dad doing with my brother Jack?Who is washing the car with my brother Jack?What is dad washing with my brother Jack?Step 4 Writing 看看動物園里的動物正在看看動物園里的動物正在干什么,寫一條短信給干什么,寫一條短信給TomStep 5 Summary讓學生總結歸納

13、讓學生總結歸納Passage 1wordssentencespassageNTense總復習的復習建議總復習的復習建議主主線線現在進行時總復習Big Big wolf 在羊村的所見所為主線:Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Task 1Read and findRead and writeTask 2Task 3Guess and sayTask 4Read and askTask 5Look and write 四、專項復習-字母復習課LettersshapesordersoundswritingLetter nameLetter sound三年級字母復習課 Shape Order SoundlStep 1 Warm upl呈現主線呈現主線: Letters Gardenl勾起回憶勾起回憶: Letters songlStep 2 Shape and orderlStep 3 Sounds


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