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1、.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注專升本大學(xué)英語作文寫作常用詞匯來源:青年人(Qnr.Cn) 2010-5-4 22:39:31【青年人:中國(guó)教育考試第一門戶 :資料下載買創(chuàng)1專升本大學(xué)英語作文寫作常用關(guān)鍵詞匯近義詞匯:1. 完全:absolute, uncon diti on al, un limited, complete, un restricted, u nm ixed,perfect, en tire2. 好:extraord in ary, amaz ing, miraculous, marvelous, stupe ndous, exce lle nt,good, well, won

2、 derful, fine, ni ce, of high quality, pleas ing, surprising, agreeable3. 小: small, diminutive, puny, little, pocket-sized, petit, minute, tiny4. 多: big , enormous, large, gigantic, vast, tremendous, gargantuan, huge, immense, a lot of, lots of, many, much, ple nty of, a great deal of,a nu mber of,

3、an amount of, a great many, a good many, many a, scores of, doze ns of,a great qua ntity of教材購(gòu).word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注5.高興,快樂: delighted, delightful, pleased, pleasing, charmed, plea.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注sant, cheerful, cheering, merry, happy, gratified, glad, gay, agreeable, friendly, content,satisfied, light-hear

4、ted, joyful6.真的:True, truthful, veracious, faithful, accurate, loyal, staunch, genuine, honest, real, trustworthy, con sta nt.7. 全,都:all, whole, entire, complete, perfect, total, the whole num ber of , unbroke n , gross常見的連接詞連接詞根據(jù)其本身的意思和文章連接所需要的邏輯意義可分為幾類:a. 表示開場(chǎng) to begi n with , in the first place ,

5、 in gen eral , gen erally speak ingb. 表示總結(jié) to summarize , to sum up , to conclude , in conclusion ,fin ally.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注c. 表示舉例 a case in point , a good illustration/ example of isd. 表示原因 because , since , for , the cause of , the reason for ,now thate. 表示結(jié)果 as a result , as a consequenee , conseq

6、uentlyf. 表示比較 both , like , likewise , similarly , in com mon , in thesame wayg. 表示對(duì)照 on the contrary , on the other hand , despite , in spiteof , howeverh. 表示列舉 first , firstly , in the first place , first of all , tobeg in withi. 表示強(qiáng)調(diào) especially , particularly , certainly, surely , chieflyactually

7、j. 表示讓步 even though , although , in spite of , however , but ,yet.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注寫作的啟、承、轉(zhuǎn)、合常用詞語小結(jié)1.有關(guān)“啟”的常用詞語(用來引導(dǎo)主題句或跟在主題句的后面,引導(dǎo)第 個(gè)擴(kuò)展句)at first 首先at prese nt 現(xiàn)在;當(dāng)今curre ntly現(xiàn)在;最近first 首先;第first of all 首先firstly 首先2.有關(guān)“承”的常用詞語(用來承接主題句或第一個(gè)擴(kuò)展句)to start with 首先;第after 此后.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注after a few days幾天

8、之后after a while 過了一會(huì)兒also 并且at any rate無論如何at the same time同時(shí)(用在“轉(zhuǎn)”時(shí),作“可是”解)besides(this) 此外3.有關(guān)“轉(zhuǎn)”的常用詞語(用來表示不同或相反的語氣)after all 畢竟all the same 雖然;但是any way 無論如何at the same time可是(表輕微轉(zhuǎn)折).word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注but 但是con versely 相反地despite 盡管,雖然4.有關(guān)“合”的常用詞語(用來引導(dǎo)結(jié)尾句或最后一個(gè)擴(kuò)展句,表示段落的結(jié)束)above all 最重要accordi ngly 于是a

9、s a con seque nee 因此匕as a result 結(jié)果as has bee n no ted 女口前所述及重慶市專升本大學(xué)英語測(cè)試題來源:青年人(Qnr.Cn) 2010-5-4 22:55:29【青年人:中國(guó)教育考試第一門戶 】資料下載教材購(gòu)買.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注工國(guó)國(guó)立相關(guān)推薦:重慶市專升本復(fù)習(xí)備考資料匯總.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注Part I Vocabulary and StructureSectio n ADirecti on s:l n this secti on, there are 10 in complete senten ces. You ar

10、e required tocomplete each one by decid ing on the most appropriate word or words from the 4choices.1. Childre n who are over protected by their pare nts may become_.A.hurt B.damaged C.sopiled D.harmed2. The movie star_with your sister, didn t he?A.was used to dance B.used to dancingC.used to danceD

11、.was used to dancing3. _ looked up in alarm.A.AII the prese nt woma n B.AII the woma n prese ntC.The all woma n prese nt D.The all prese nt woma n.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注4._The paint on the wall is still wet.!A.Be sure to not touch it B.Be not sure to touch itC.Be sure not to touch it D.Don t be sure to touc

12、h it5._China has made a series of plans tothetimes.A.keep up withB.keep away fromC.keep in touch with D.put up with6._ Bush con fide ntlyAmerica ns that the war aga inst Iraq will bewon.A.e nsuresB.i nsures C.assures D.sure7._You should be with what you have.A.combi ne B.content C.comfort D.con trar

13、y8.0ur public transportationsystem is not_ for the needs of the people.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注A. no rmalB.complete C.adequate D.perfect9. Jackson s songs are very popul ar amongyoung people, who is regarded_other musicia ns.A.as superior tha n B.as more superior toC.as superior toD.as more superior tha n10.

14、The necessity of criticism and self-criticism_ that it helps us tocorrect our mistakes.A.c on sists ofB.c on sists toC.lies in D.lies atSectio n BDirectio ns:Thereare 10 in complete senten ces here. Youshould fill in eachblank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or

15、 words inthe corresp onding space on the An swer Sheet.11.It is said the conference is_(hold) in this hall n ext mon th.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注12. He would have give n you more help, if he_ (not be) so busy.13. Little did they realize that they _ (make) an important discovery inscie nee.14. We would like to

16、take this opport unity to express our sin cere_ (appreciate) of your help.15. By the end of this year, Mr. Brown_ (be) here for twenty years.16. Weather_ (permit), the spaceship will be launched tomorrow evening.17. _ (use) econo mically, on e tin of oil will last least two mon ths.18. We must keep

17、ourselves_ (health) so that we can study well.19. He made a lot of mistakes in his letter because of_(care).20. Five yards_ (be) what I ordered重慶市專升本大學(xué)英語測(cè)試題來源:青年人(Qnr.Cn) 2010-5-4 22:55:29【青年人:中國(guó)教育考試第一門戶 】資料下載教材購(gòu)買.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注Part II Read ing Comprehe nsionTask 1A:Shopping is an important part of

18、any tourist s activities.Shopping leadsas the number one activity while traveling for both domestic andinternational travelers. The Travel Industry Association of America (TIA) reports thatshopping is an activity engaged in by 33 percent of domestic travelers. The U.S.Departme nt of Commerce reports

19、 that 90 perce nt ofinternational visitors shopped in the United States in 2997 as part of their vacati onactivities.An example of shopp ing s importa nee is the Bayside Marketplace. The RouseCompanyias created Miami DadeCountry s number one visitorattraction,Bayside Marketplace, which was launched

20、in April 1987. It has attractedmore than 120 million visitors from South Florida and around the world.The Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau has repeatedly identified Bayside asMiami Dade County s nu mber one visitor attract ion, and.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注Florida Trend magazine recently publishe

21、d a report naming Bayside as the fifth most visited attractio n in the state of Florida.Bayside has n early 140 shops offeri ng a variety of mercha ndise(商品)inboth the North and South Pavilions and Pier 5 Marketplace. In addition.Hard Rock Caf and nine additional full service restaurants offereveryt

22、hing from different countries. For visitors on the run, theIntern ati onal Food Court offers 20 fast food eateries(餐館).Bayside isalso the only entertainment venue(聚會(huì)地點(diǎn))in the city offering freecon certs 365 days a year.21. According to TIA, which activity is the first one for domestic travelers?A. S

23、ightsee ing. B. Shopp ing.C. Si nging. D. Dancing.22. How manypercent of internationalvisitors shopped in the United Statesin 1997 as part of their vacation activities?A. 60 perce nt. B. 70 perce nt. C. 80 perce nt.D. 90perce nt.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注23. When was Bayside Marketplace lau nched?.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專

24、注A. In April, 1978.B. In March, 1997.C. In April, 1987.D. In March, 1978.24. What ki nd of restaura nts provide foods for visitors on the run?A. Fast Food restaura nts.B. Local Sn ack Bars.C. Hard Rock Cafe.D. Full-service restaura nts.25.Which market isthe only en terta inment place in MiamiDade Co

25、untyofferi ng con certs a year round?A. Bayside Market.B. The North Pavilio n.C. The South Pavilio n.D. Pier 5 Marketplace.Men sometimes say,“We are better and cleverer tha nwome n. Wome n n everinven ted thin gs. Wedo.”It is true that men have inven ted a lot of usefulthin gs: mach in es, rockets,

26、and guns, too. But scie ntists now agree that.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注wome n inven ted one very importa nt thin g. It has cha nted history. They inven tedagriculture.Before the inven ti on of agriculturemen were hun ters. They went out everyday. Sometimes they killed animals, and sometimes animals killed them

27、.Life was difficult and dangerous. Womeihad to go out everyday, too. They collectedroots, fruits and grass.Then, one day, more tha n 10,000 years ago, a womandropped somegrass seeds.She dropped them near her homein the Middle East. They grew, and the first wheat wasborn. The idea grew, too. Women pl

28、anted roots and fruit trees.Then they could stay at homeand look after children and the animals. Women like babyanimals. Scientists think that women kept the first domestic ani mals: dogs, cows,sheep and goats. Then their husba nds did not haveto go hunting for meat. They stayed at home. They built

29、villages and cities.Civilizati on bega n. Men bega n civilizatio nafter wome n inven tedagriculture.26._ Me nbelieve that they are better and cleverer tha n wome n because_.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注A. they invent thi ngsB. they do their work wellC. they cha nge historyD. they run mach ines27._Before the inven

30、ti on ofagriculture, men went out_A. to collect an imalsB. to find ani malsC. to hunt ani malsD. to kill ani mals28. One day, more tha n 10,000 years ago, a woman_A. found wheatB. pla nted fruit treesC. let fall some grass seeds D. grew vegetables29._ From the passage, it can becon cluded that women

31、_A.started civilizatio nB.knew what civilizati on was.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注C.helped a lot to start civilizati onD.un derstood how importa nt civilizati on was3O.The author wrote the article just to tell us_.A. how agriculture was related to civilizatio nB. we owe our civilizati on to wome nC. what men had

32、done before agriculture startedD. whe n civilizati on bega nC:On li ne services are man aged by a host system that main tai ns a base ofin formatio n available to satellite users. Users of so-called “ dumbtermin als (i.e., those without process ing capability) simply access theinformation base via p

33、rograms stored on the system. Personal computer (PC) userstypically access the host through a modem (調(diào)制解調(diào)器).A PCsoftware program serves as an in terface (接口) betwee n the server and a.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注PC, allowing the user to operate through the online system and select differe ntdatabases using a keyb

34、oard of a mouse.Nati onal and regi onal on li ne systems usually have local teleph one nu mbers that PCmodems can call to access either a local in formati on base or an in directIong-dista neeconnection, thus reduc ing Ion g-dista nee teleph onefees. Someonline systems allow users to copy large volu

35、mes of information on to alocal memory storage device, which also reduces the time the user is conn ected to theon li ne system.Besides offeri ng a great nu mber of differe nt in formati on based, ra nging from full-textjournal libraries to reports of missing children, online services allow users to

36、 , forexample, reserve airlinetickets, buy stocks,purchase goods, and com muni cate with other users. In excha nge for the service,users usually pay a mon thly membership gee. They may also pay to connect to variousdatabases on the service or to download information.31. On li ne services work by pro

37、vid ing users with.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注A. a base of in formatio nB. dumb termi nals.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注C. a host systemD. a satellite32. How can the users of term in als without process ing capability acquire the necessary in formati on?A. They can simply use a keyboard or a mouse.B. They should use a modem to

38、 mai ntai n the host system.C. They should conn ect their computer to a satellite system.D. They can access its base through the programs on the system.33.If you copy the on li ne in formati on onto your PC device, you will_.A. save the time of connecting to the online systemB. reduce the risk of lo

39、sing informationC. pay just local teleph one charges.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注D. get local in formati on only34.lf you want to read full-text journals online, you usuallyA. seek for a large amount of in formatio nB. be conn ected to various databasesC. be in troduced by the local libraryD. pay a mon thly membe

40、rship fee35.The passage is mainly about_A. the payment for online servicesB. the functions of on li ne servicesC. the developme nt of on li ne servicesD. the relation between online services and the usershave to_.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注重慶市專升本大學(xué)英語測(cè)試題.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注來源:青年人(Qnr.Cn) 2010-5-4 22:55:29【青年人:中國(guó)教育考試第一

41、門戶】 資料下載 教材購(gòu)買|“Task 2A job applicant has the responsibilityfor ascertainingcertain typesof in formati on prior to the in terview. First, the applica nt should now what kind of job hewants and how that job relates to his career objective. It is importa nt work for aparticular compa ny. Sec ond, the a

42、pplica nt should seek as much in formati on aspossible concerning the compa ny.Releva nt in formatio n for the applica nt to locate in cludes such items asthe location of the home and regional offices, the financial status ofthe compa ny, pla ns for expa nsion, and compa ny philosophy .In formati on

43、 about mostmajor corporation is available in reference books and periodicals. In formati on n eededto be known before in terview:A.about the applica nt himself:1._ 36_ 2._ 37_ B. aboutthe company:1._38_ 2._ 39_ 3._ 40_Task 3.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注Directions : The following are somewords about network in a t

44、extbook. After reading it,you are required to find the Chinese equivalents in the table below. Then you should putthe corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet.A cen tral process ing unitB computer-aided desig nC data process ingD desktop operati ng systemE dialogue boxesF disk driveG dow nl oadH dr

45、ag and dropI electr onic commerce.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注J floppy diskK home pageL host computerM in k-jet prin terN laser jet prin terO office automati onExamples: (B)計(jì)算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計(jì)(G 下載 41.()主機(jī)()噴墨打印機(jī) 42.()辦公自動(dòng)化()對(duì)話框 43.()數(shù)據(jù)處理()電子商務(wù) 44.()拖放()激光打印機(jī) 45.()軟磁盤()磁盤驅(qū)動(dòng)器Task 4Directio ns:After readi ng the passage, you a

46、re required to complete thestatements below it. You should write your answers briefly on the Answer Sheet.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注The rules for writing an abstract are almost the sameto those for writing the summary ofan investigation report. In an abstract you(1)make an outl ine of the problem and thepurpose

47、 of your in vestigati on ,(2)me nti on very briefly how you con ducted the investigati on or tests, (3)describe your main findin gs, and (4)make the con clusi ons. Allthis must be done in as few words as possible: ideally, your abstract will be about 125words long and n ever more tha n 250 words.Fro

48、m the abstract, readers must be able to decide whether the information you providein the scientificpaper or report is particularlyinterestingto them and whether they should read further. Because a scientific paper is writte n forreaders who gen erally are familiar with your tech ni cal or scientific

49、 discipline, youmayuse technical terminology in the abstract. The abstract should be written last,whenthe whole paper has been written, so that you can make an abstract of the briefdetails you need from what you have already writte n.46._How will youwrite an abstract? You should write it in as_ as p

50、ossible.word 可編輯.專業(yè).專注47. What should be described in the abstract? Our_ .48. What are the readers likely to do if they find the abstractThe readers are likely to_ .49. Why can you use tech ni cal term ino logy in the abstract?Because your readers are usually_your scie ntific discipli ne.50. Whe n s

51、hould you write the abstract?After you have finished_ .Part IIIDirections:This part is to test your ability to translate English intoChin ese. After each of the senten ces, you will read four choices of suggested tran slation. You should choose the best one and mark the corresp onding letter on your An swerSheet.in teresting?.


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