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1、第1講 導論主要內(nèi)容:從語言對比角度探討翻譯概念闡釋、翻譯標準厘定、翻譯過程梳理、翻譯方法運用等與翻譯相關的方方面面的問題。教學要求:了解翻譯中的語言比較與對比概念,理解翻譯概念、翻譯標準、翻譯過程等,掌握上述相關概念基本內(nèi)容及其與語言對比相關的問題。重點、難點:語言比較與對比概念差異及其之于翻譯能力培養(yǎng)的終極意義。一種事物的特點,要跟別的事物比較才顯出來。 呂叔湘 對于中國學生最有用的幫助是讓他認識英語和漢語的差別。 呂叔湘 You could know your own language only if you compared it with other languages. Engel

2、s Explain some of the points:1. Why “contrast” but not “compare”?2. What is “l(fā)anguage”?3. Whats the aim of contrastive study of two languages?4. Content of study.5. A general contrastive study of Chinese and English6. Contrastive study of phonetics.Explanation:1. Compare: similarity of two thingsCon

3、trast: differences of two things語言對比是指不同語言間的對比分析,通常是通過compare 和contrast兩種途徑。比較語言學(Comparative linguistics)的主要任務是尋找不同語言間的共性。對比語言學(contrastive linguistics)是對兩種或兩種以上的語言進行共時的對比研究,描述它們之間的異同特別是不同之處。2. 起步階段:二十世紀初二十世紀四十年代末 嚴復、趙元任、呂叔湘、王力停滯階段:19491976復蘇和發(fā)展階段:1977年5月后,特別是進入九十年代后3. What is “l(fā)anguage”?語言: 語言是一種表

4、達觀念的符號系統(tǒng)。Language:the system of human communication which consists of the structured arrangement of sounds (or their written representation) into larger units, e.g. morphemes, words, groups/phrases, sentences4. Whats the aim of contrastive study? 1) 促進英語教學:語音教學、寫作教學以及翻譯教學。2) 西方對比語言學認為,一本好的外語教材,一方面對所

5、學外語進行科學的描寫,一方面對學生的本民族語進行平行描寫,并加以仔細比較。通過兩種或多種語言的對比研究,可以更好地認識語言的結構,進一步認識語言的本質(zhì)。1.Introduction1.1 Contrastive analysis versus comparative linguistics1.1.1 Definition of contrastive analysisContrastive analysis is a branch of linguistics that makes synchronic contrastive study of two or more languages in

6、 order to show the differences and similarities, esp. the differences, and to make use of them mainly in language teaching and learning.1.1.2 Definition of comparative linguisticsComparative linguistics is a branch of linguistics that makes diachronic comparative study of more languages in order to

7、show the differences and similarities, esp. the similarities, and to find the proto-language and develop etymology.1.1.3 Comparisons between contrastive analysis and comparative linguisticsContrastive analysis Comparative linguisticsOther names: Contrastive study Comparative philology(語文學) Contrasti

8、ve Linguistics Comparative grammarTime: Synchronic DiachronicObject: Different languages and dialects Different languages in the same familyGoal: To know differences and similarities To know the originality of languagesContents: Phonology, morphology, syntax and Phonology, morphology, syntax semanti

9、cs Value: To develop typology(類型學) To find the proto-language(共同原始語)To help correct errors To develop etymologyTo help learn languageTo help in translation (Hartmann and Stork: 1976) typology: isolating, agglutinative, inflective 1.1.4 Four quadrants of contrastive analysis and comparative linguisti

10、cs within language 2 1 diachronic synchronic 3 4 between languages1.2 Classification of contrastive analysis1.2.1Classification of linguistics General theoretical linguistics (4)theoretical linguistics (2) Concrete theoretical linguistics (5)Linguistics(1) General applied linguistics (6)applied ling

11、uistics (3) Concrete applied linguistics (7)General theoretical linguistics (4): study of general characters, constructions, rules, methods, classifications and their interrelations of human languageConcrete theoretical linguistics (5): study of a certain language (so it has got other names: special

12、 linguistics, individual linguistics)General applied linguistics (6): application of the linguistic principles and study achievements to language teachingConcrete applied linguistics (7) application of the study of a certain languages to a certain language teaching 1.2.2 Classification of contrastiv

13、e linguistics General theoretical contrastive linguistics (4)theoretical contrastive linguistics (2) Concrete theoretical contrastive linguistics (5)contrastive linguistics(1) General applied contrastive linguistics (6)applied contrastive linguistics (3)Concrete applied contrastive linguistics (7)Ge

14、neral theoretical contrastive linguistics (4): study of general theories and methods between two or more languagesConcrete theoretical contrastive linguistics (5): descriptions of two or more certain languages with the general theories and methods of contrastive linguistics General applied contrasti

15、ve linguistics (6): application of the study of general theories and methods of contrastive linguistics to language teachingConcrete applied contrastive linguistics (7): contrast of two languages for a certain purpose e.g. to compile a book about grammar between English and Chinese1.3 Name, origin a

16、nd development of contrastive analysis 1.3.1 Name:Contrastive analysis: analysis of difficult linguistic points Contrastive studies: theories and methodsContrastive linguistics: general name, including theory and application1.3.2 Origin Europe: around the year1900, synchronic analysis of language Am

17、erica: in the Second World War, behaviorist psychology (stimulus-response, Bloomfield)Three factors American structuralism (anthropologist: Boas; Sapir; B.L.Whorf; Harris; C.F.Hockett)need of foreign language teaching because of war 1.3.3 Development International academic conference: America, Roman

18、ia, Poland, Finland, Germany etc.Magazines: Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics (Poland) Contrastive Linguistics (Bulgaria) Contrastive (France)China:趙元任A Preliminary Study of English Intonation and Its Chinese Eqivalents,1933 趙元任(1892-1982),留美哲學博士,兼攻物理,化學,音樂,語言其六世祖趙翼(乾隆年間1736-1795進士)寫有江山代

19、有才人出,各領風騷數(shù)百年名句夫人楊步偉(1889-1981),留日醫(yī)學博士1971.6.1趙楊金婚,楊寫有佳句:趙和有佳句:吵吵鬧鬧五十年,陰陽顛倒又團圓,人人都說好姻緣猶似當年蜜蜜甜元任今生欠我業(yè),男女平權新世紀,顛倒陰陽再團圓同偕造福為人間 趙元任的學生有王力,朱德熙,呂叔湘等2.雷的“神似”和錢鐘書的“化境”傅雷的“神似”以效果而論,翻譯應當像臨畫一樣,所求的不在形似而在神似。以實際工作論,翻譯比臨畫更難。臨畫與原畫,素材相同(顏色,畫布,或紙或絹),法則相同(色彩學,解剖學,透視學)。譯本與原作,文字既不侔,規(guī)則又大異。各種文字各有特色,各有無可模仿的優(yōu)點,各有無法補救的缺陷,同時又各


21、乙國文字所包涵的那些特點,必須像伯樂相馬,要“得其精而忘其粗,在其內(nèi)雨忘其外”。而即使是最優(yōu)秀的譯文,其韻味較之原文仍不免過或不及。翻譯時只能盡量縮短這個距離,過則求其勿太過,不及則求其勿過于不及。倘若認為翻譯標準不應當如是平易,則不妨假定理想的譯文仿佛是原作者的中文寫作。那么原文的意義與精神,譯文的流暢與完整,都可以兼籌并顧,不至于再有以辭害意,或以意害辭的弊病了。節(jié)選自:傅雷<高老頭>重譯本序 錢鐘書的“化境”漢代文字學者許慎有一節(jié)關于翻譯的訓詁,義蘊頗為豐富。說文解字卷六口部第二十六字:“囮,譯也。從口,化聲。率鳥者系生鳥以來之,名日囮,讀若譌?!蹦咸埔詠恚靶W”家都申說“

22、譯”就是“傳四夷及鳥獸之語”,好比“鳥媒”對“禽鳥”所施的引“誘”,“訥”、“訛”、“化”和“囮”是同一個字。譯”、“誘”、“媒、“訛”、“化”這些一脈相通、彼此呼應的意義,組成了研究詩歌語言的人所謂“虛涵數(shù)意”(manifold meaning),把翻譯能起的作用、難于避免的毛病、所向往的最高境界,仿佛一一透示出來了。文學翻譯的最高標準是“化”。把作品從一國文字轉變成另一國文字,既能不因語文習慣的差異而露出生硬牽強的痕跡,又能完全保存原有的風味,那就算得入于“化境”。十七世紀有人贊美這種造詣的翻譯,比為原作的“投胎轉世”( the transmigration of souls),軀殼換了一

23、個,而精神姿致依然故我。換句話說,譯本對原作應該忠實得以至于讀起來不像譯本,因為作品在原文里決不會讀起來像經(jīng)過翻譯似的。但是,一國文字和另一國文字之間必然有距離,譯者的理解和文風跟原作品的內(nèi)容和形式之間也不會沒有距離,而且譯者的體會和他自己的表達能力之間還時常有距離。從一種文字出發(fā),積寸累尺地度越那許多距離,安穩(wěn)到達另一種文字里,這是很艱辛的歷程。一路上顛頓風塵,遭遇風險,不免有所遺失或受些損傷。因此,譯文總有失真和走樣的地方,在意義或口吻上違背或不盡貼合原文。那就是“訛”,西洋諺語所謂“翻譯者即反逆者”(Traduttore traditore)。中國古人也說翻譯的“翻”等于把繡花紡織品的正

24、面翻過去的“翻”,展開了它的反面。釋贊寧高僧傳三集卷三譯經(jīng)篇·論:“翻也者,如翻錦綺,背面俱花,但其花有左右不同耳”;這個比喻使我們想起堂吉訶德說閱讀譯本就象從反面來看花毯?!懊健焙汀罢T”當然說明了翻譯在文化交流里所起的作用。它是個居間者或聯(lián)絡員,介紹大家去認識外國作品,引誘大家去愛好外國作品,仿佛做媒似的,使國與國之間締結了“文學因緣”。 節(jié)選自:錢鐘書林紓的翻譯3. 奈達談翻譯的基本過程 The four basic processes in translating consist of analysis of the source text, transfer from sou

25、rce to target language, restructuring in the target language, and testing of the translated text with persons who represent the intended audience. The analysis of the source text means a detailed treatment of both the designative and associative meanings of the lexemes, the syntax, and the discourse

26、 structures. As already indicated at various points in this volume, understanding and appreciation of the source text are fundamental to any attempts at translating. In fact, it is failure at this point which is responsible for most deficiencies in translating. If a translator really understands the

27、 meaning of the source text and has adequate competence in the target language, translating appears to be completely natural and an almost automatic process. The process of transfer involves the shift from thinking in the source language to thinking in the target language. Here is precisely where th

28、e essential process of translating takes place - the content has been "carried across." The level of explicitness at which this transfer takes place is normally as great as possible and has been detailed in terms of so-called “kernel” structures in Nida and Taber (1969). The process of res

29、tructuring involves the organization of the lexical, syntactic, and discourse features of the transferred text so as to provide maximal comprehension and appreciation on the part of the intended audience. For a fully competent translator all this takes place almost automatically. In fact, it is almo

30、st as automatic as speaking in one's own mother tongue. Although these three basic processes can be abstracted, it is entirely wrong to think that translators accomplish their task in three stages or steps. A11 three processes are going on at the same time and are largely below the level of cons

31、ciousness. Good translators do not have to think about how to change active expressions to passive ones, how to change a nominalized verb into a dependent clause, and whether to shift from a noun to a pronoun in referring to a person. Although the testing of a translation is somewhat different from

32、the processes of analysis, transfer, and restructuring, it is an essential element in that it exposes so quickly any problems which exist in translation. In the past most testing of a translation has been undertaken by assigning a bilingual person to compare the source and target texts and to determ

33、ine the degree of correspondence. The problem with this approach is that the bilingual judge is probably already so familiar with the text and the type of contents that he can understand the text without too much trouble. An adequate evaluation of a translation can only be accomplished by testing th

34、e reactions of monolingual persons who are representative of the constituency for whom the translation has been made.The most helpful diagnostic test are the following: oral reading by different persons, close analysis of facial gestures of readers, hearing a text and telling the contents to people

35、who have not heard the text read, and the cloze technique. From Language, Culture and Translating by Eugene Nida4. 課后作業(yè)(1) 結合本講內(nèi)容,就你感興趣的語言與翻譯中的一個話題談談你的觀點。(2) 嘗試翻譯下面的文章,對你的譯作和他人譯作之間的差異做一對比分析,找出差異的緣由。木蘭詩篇在木蘭辭的基礎上進行引申,大量融入河南豫劇元素,采用中西結合的手法,講述了花木蘭女扮男裝替父從軍,打贏戰(zhàn)爭后淡泊名利拒絕封賞,并回歸故里與心上人劉爽喜結連理的故事,抒發(fā)了中國人民“和”的民族精神和

36、愿望。The Opera Stories of Mulan extends its content on the basis of the Chinese traditional poem Mulan Ci, blends amounts of Henan Yu Opera elements, and adopts a combination of Chinese and Western techniques. It tells an account of Hua Mulan, who joins army in place of her father with disguise of mal

37、e identification, rejects accepting the rewards from the emperor after she wins the war, and comes back to hometown to be married with her fiancé Liu Shuang. Therefore, it expresses Chinese national spirit and expectations of "Harmony ".第2講 英漢語系統(tǒng)對比與翻譯主要內(nèi)容:英語為印歐語言,漢語屬漢藏語系,兩者相去甚遠,個性大于共性

38、,鑒于此,本講將進行大量實證分析,從被動與主動、物稱與人稱、靜態(tài)與動態(tài)等若干方面進行對比,探討與英漢互譯相關的問題。教學要求:了解英漢兩種語言系統(tǒng)上的差異性,理解印歐語系與漢藏語系基本差異,掌握英漢語被動與主動、物稱與人稱、靜態(tài)與動態(tài)等方面的差異性及相互轉換。重點、難點:英漢被動與主動、物稱與人稱、靜態(tài)與動態(tài)等差異與轉換。第一節(jié) 主動與被動(Passive vs. Active)English: a passive-featured language 1.1. Reasons for the popularity of passive voice in English.·the in

39、tention to neglect the doera. Scientists classify glass as a solid.Glass is classified as a solid. The house was built in 1654:The road is being repaired:b. I noticed that a window had been left open Every year people are killed on our roads. "A Hard Day's Night" was written by the Bea

40、tles ET was directed by Spielberg A great deal of meaning is conveyed by a few well-chosen words. Our planet is wrapped in a mass of gases. Waste materials are disposed of in a variety of ways. c. One type of work group, the semi-autonomous work group, is discussed in a section later in this chapter

41、.The group was designed to last for only the lifetime of a particular project.She told me that her master had dismissed her. No reason had been assigned; no objection had been made to her conduct. She had been forbidden to appeal to her mistress.d. Some things have been said here tonight that ought

42、no to have been spoken.Visitors are requested to show their tickets. ·the consideration of syntax1)For the sake of cohesion and coherence.Some kinds of plastics can be forced through machines which separate them into long, thin strings, called “fibres” and these fibres can be made into cloth.2)

43、Keep the balance of sentence so as to maintain end focus and end weight. ·And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training.·This seems mostly effectively done

44、by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate goals but of possible consequences in the future.the consideration of rhetoricOn July 13th, 2001, Beijing was voted for the 2008 Olympic game. President Samlanch announced: The games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the c

45、ity of Beijing.Beijing is the city for the games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008. ·the consideration of registers in EnglishThe passive is generally more commonly used in informative than in imaginative writing, notably in the objective, non-personal style of scientific articles and news items.A &

46、quot;mail piece of phosphorous is carefully dried and placed on a crucible lid inside a bell-jar. It is then ignited with a warm glass rod and a stopper is inserted. The phosphorous burns producing dense white fumes of phosphorous pentoxide which react with water. The water level is first depressed

47、as the air becomes warm but eventually it rises as the oxygen is used up. In order to restore the pressure of the remaining gas to normal water is now poured into the trough until the water levels are made equal. Approximately one-fifth of the bell-jar is now occupied with water showing that one-fif

48、th of the air is consumed when phosphorous burns.classification of passive in English: syntactic passive; notional passive notional passive: using active construction to express passive notion. These products sell like hot cakes. The clock winds up at the back.She dresses beautifully.The room filled

49、 rapidly.This kind of cloth washes very well.The book is printing. The plan is working out.Some words and phrases imply passive meaning.Examinee; Referee; The imprisonment of the murderer; eatable; desirable; visible; respectable; in ones possession; under the influence of2. Chinese: an active-featu

50、red language2.1 “被字式”, unfavorable construction in Chinese1大國之攻小國,攻者農(nóng)夫不得耕,婦人不得織。墨子2曼草猶不可除,況君之寵弟乎?Usually we dont use 被-structure to express passive notion, instead, we use active construction (notional passive) to imply passive meaningIt was done. 這件事已做了。It was well done. 這件事做得好。It was poorly done.

51、這件事做得不好。這件事搞壞了。這件事給弄糟了。Most passive construction is used to express sth. unpleasant or undesirable. 莊稼讓大水沖跑了。The crops were washed away by the flood.這股敵人全給游擊隊消滅了。The whole horde of enemy soldiers was wiped out by the guerrillas.薛蟠竟被人生生的把個罪名坐定。這家工廠在地震中遭到嚴重破壞。This factory was seriously damaged during

52、the earthquake.2.2 Chinese passive sentences: dynamic instead of stativeThe glass is broken. (靜句) 玻璃杯破了。(不用被動式)The glass was broken by my brother. (動句) 玻璃杯被我弟弟打破了。(被動式)The house is surrounded by trees. (靜句)房子周圍都是數(shù)。(不用被動式)The enemy was soon surrounded by our troops. (動句)敵人很快被我軍包圍了。(被動式)The house is b

53、eing painted. (房子正在粉刷)The house is very well painted. (房子粉刷得很好)Ariane 5 blew up shortly after it was launched. What we are concerned is whether projects like the international Space Station have enough scientific value to merit the billions that have been and will be spent on it.國際空間站之類的計劃是否有足夠的科學價值

54、,是否值得花費已經(jīng)投入和即將投入的幾十億美元?It seems that the worlds politicians are involved in a timewarp.全世界的政治家們似乎已陷入一段時間的異常之中。2.3 Use active construction to express passive meaning.He is respected by everybody. 人人都尊敬他。(他被人人尊敬?)The ceremony was abbreviated by rain. 因為下雨,儀式舉行得很簡短。(儀式被雨縮短了?)John actually loved Mary and was loved in return. 約翰真的愛瑪麗,而瑪麗也愛約翰。(約翰真的愛瑪麗,也被瑪麗愛?)My holiday afternoons were spent in ramble about the surrounding country. 每逢假日的下午,我總要漫游周圍的鄉(xiāng)村。Not only politeness but an attitude of reverence is demanded in church. 在教堂里,人們不僅要有禮貌,而且應該有一種虔誠的態(tài)度。Language is shaped by,


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