已閱讀5頁,還剩6頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、Unit 1 In troducti onPublic公共工程市政工程,公共建立工程Private con tract ing of civil works私人承包土建工程Traffic volume交通量Land surveyor土地測量員Photogrammetry攝影測量技術(shù)Horiz on tal and vertical curvature平縱線形Slope邊坡,斜坡Earthwork土方工程Emba nkme nt路堤Cuts and fills挖方和填方Drains and sewers排水和排污管道Pav ing路面攤鋪Asphalt瀝青Con crete slab混凝土板Wi

2、re basket鋼筋網(wǎng)Steel dowel傳力桿,合縫鋼條Tine the con crete混凝土路面拉毛Unit 2 Horiz on tal Alig nmentHoriz on tal alig nment道路平面線形Vertical alig nment道路縱斷面線性Cross sect ion道路橫斷面Pass ing超車Highway capacity道路通行能力Cross-sect ion eleme nt道路橫斷面要素Geometric desig n幾何設(shè)計,線形設(shè)計Facility道路設(shè)施Tangent直線Circular curve圓曲線Spiral tran si

3、ti on curves緩和曲線Con struct ion cost建筑工程本錢Right-of-way路權(quán)Right-of-way cost征地費用Functional classification道路功能分類Level of service道路效勞水平Desig n speed設(shè)計速度Point of intersection交占八、Tangent切線Back and forward tangent前后切線Vertex頂點In tersect ing an gle交角,轉(zhuǎn)角Traverse導線Cen tral an gle圓心角Radius半徑Point of curvature直圓點P

4、oint of tangency園直點Point of curve曲線上任意一點Len gth of curve曲線長Tangent of dista nee切線長Long chord弦長Full-chord dista nee全弦長度Sub-chord dista nee子弦長度External dista nee外矩Middle ordi nate中矩Degree of curve曲率Minimum radius極限最小半徑The minimum radius is a limitingvalue ofcurvature極限最小半徑就是曲率的極限最大值Super elevati on超高S

5、ide friction factor路面橫向摩擦系數(shù)Flat curve大半徑曲線,大彎Maximum permissible degree of curvature最大允許曲率,即極限最小半徑Tran siti on curves緩和曲線Simple curve簡單型曲線Compo und curve復曲線Reverse curve反向曲線Spiral curve螺旋線Con siste ncy連續(xù)性,一致性Broke n-back curve斷背曲線High fills咼填方Unit 3 Vertical Alig nmentVertical curve豎曲線Typical crossO

6、sect ion典型橫斷面,標準橫斷面Cleara nee道路建筑限界,凈空Profile grade line縱斷面設(shè)計線Straight直線Elevatio n高程Maximum grades最大縱坡Auxiliary lane輔助車道Mi nimum grade最小縱坡Subgrade路基Crow n slope路拱橫坡Critical length of grade最大縱坡Pass ing sight dista nee超車視距Volume/capacity ratio交通量與道路通行能力的比值Parabolic curve拋物線Vertical point of curvature豎

7、曲線圓直點Vertical point of in tersect ion豎曲線的變坡點Vertical point of tangency豎曲線直圓點Grade縱坡,坡度Crest curve凸形豎曲線Sag curve凹形豎曲線Headlight sight dista nee頭燈視距Stopp ing sight dista nee停車視距LOS Alevel of section A自由流LOS Blevel of section B穩(wěn)定流LOS Clevel of section C飽和流LOS Dlevel of section D強制流DHV desig n hourly vol

8、ume設(shè)計每小時交通量Emerge ncy escape ramp緊急避險車道Gravity ramp重力型避險車道Sand pile ramp沙堆型避險車道Arrester bed制動路床型避險車道Desce nding grade下坡Asce nding grade上坡Horiz on tal grade零坡度Beddi ng material路床材料Hidde n dip暗凹Un dulati ng grade line起伏的坡度線Broke n-back grade line斷背曲線K value of 167 or greaterK值為167或者更高Unit 6 Cross-sect

9、i on Eleme ntsNumber of lanes車道數(shù)Volume and compositi on交通量和交通組成Bicyclists and pedestria ns非機動車駕駛員和行人Traveled way行車道道路上的所有行車道Travel la ne一條行車道Roadway道路Bicycle and pedestria n facilities非機動車和人行道Utility and Ian dscape areas公用空間帶和綠化帶Drain age cha nn els and side slopes排水溝渠和邊坡Clear zone width路側(cè)凈空Typical

10、cross sect ion典型橫斷面,標準橫斷面Urba n highway城市道路Sign alized in tersecti on有交通信號燈控制的穿插口Left tur n lane左轉(zhuǎn)彎車道Through lane直行車道Right turn lane右轉(zhuǎn)彎車道Approach roadway入口車道,進入穿插口的車道Low-volume road低交通量道路Multila ne highway多車道道路Headlight glare頭燈炫光Barrier護欄Buffer緩沖帶Shoulder路肩Surfac ing鋪筑面層Stabilized shoulder穩(wěn)定土路肩Paved

11、 shoulder硬路肩Wide n shoulder加寬路肩Pedestria n and non-m otorized vehicles行人和非機動車輛Cross slope橫坡cross fall Carriageway行車道In ward slop ing cross fall向傾斜橫坡On e-way cross fall單坡Hydropla ning of the vehicles水滑機動車打滑Head-on collisi on車頭碰撞Crash barrier防撞欄Paveme nt markings路面標線Traffic sig n交通標志Unit 8 In tersecti

12、 onAt-grade在冋一平面上Tran sit公共交通Pedestria n curb cut ramp人行道上的緣石坡道Turning lane轉(zhuǎn)彎車道turning roadway Yield sig n讓行標志Major road主要道路Minor road次要道路An gle of in tersecti on相交角Skewed in tersect ion斜交口In tersect ion leg相交路段Approach leg入口路段Departure leg出口路段Sidewalk人行道Crosswalk人行橫道即斑馬線橫道Paveme nt edge corner路緣石轉(zhuǎn)角

13、Auxiliary lane輔助車道Chann eliz ing and divisi onal inlands渠化島,分流島Traffic con trol devices交通控制設(shè)施Pedestria n sig nal head行人交通信號燈Raised paveme nt marking反光標志Flash ing beac on閃光標志,閃動標燈Simple in tersect ion簡單穿插口Flared in tersect ion寬路口時穿插口,漏斗式穿插口Chann elized in tersecti on渠化式穿插口,分道轉(zhuǎn)彎式穿插口Pedestria n refuge平

14、安島,行人平安島Cut-through無障礙通道Roundabout環(huán)形穿插口On e-way traffic flow單向車流Traffic isla nd道路上的交通島,平安島Pain ted or flush cha nn elizatio n用標志標線進展渠化Raised isla nd凸起的交通島,實體凸緣槽化島Corner isla nd方向島Media n or divisi onal isla nd中心島,別離島Unit 9Grade Separati ons and In tercha ngesGrade separati on and in tercha nges別離式立交

15、和互通式立交High volume大交通量Highway classificatio n道路等級劃分Deck grade separati on上跨式別離式立交Through separati on下穿式別離式立交Partial through separati on局部下穿式別離式立交Spa n跨徑Truss bridge銜架橋In tersect ing leg相交道路Ramp匝道Diam ond in tercha nge菱形立交Loop in tercha nge環(huán)形立交Directional in tercha nge疋向式立交Hook in tercha nge梨形立交Off ra

16、mps or partial in tercha nges局部互通式立交Compact diam ond in tercha nge緊縮型菱形立交Spread diam ond in tercha nge舒展型菱形立交Ramp termi nals匝道終點Split diam ond別離式菱形立交Exit ramp出口匝道Cloverleaf in tercha nge目宿葉式立交Two-quadra nt cloverleaf in tercha nge半苜蓿葉式立交Partial Cloverleaf in tercha nge局部目宿葉式立交Four-quadra nt Cloverle

17、af in tercha nge全目宿葉式立交Weav ing secti on交織路段Collector-distributor road集散路段Through freeway traffic直行高速道路上的車輛Trumpet in tercha nge喇叭形立交Sin gle point in tercha nge單點立交At-grade in tercha nge平面穿插Freeway-to-freeway in tercha nge高速路連接高速路的互通式立交Map relatability地圖相關(guān)性Traffic pattern交通出行模式,航空起落航線/交通圖Bottle neck

18、瓶頸路段Four-level in tercha nge四層立交Main li ne主線,主要道路Comb in ati on in tercha nge組合式立交Two-loop兩個環(huán)形匝道two-direct conn ecti on in tercha nge兩個疋向匝道的立交auxiliary lane輔助車道loop off-ramp環(huán)形駛離匝道sig n route標志標牌Unit 10 Subgradesubgrade路基engin eeri ng property工程性質(zhì)stre ngth強度moisture content含水率shri nkage an d/or swell

19、 ing膨脹或收縮特性load-beari ng capacity承載能力degree of compact ion壓實度California Beari ng Ratio CBR加州承載比Deformati on變形Groun dwater table elevati on地下水位高程In filtrati on滲透Porosity孔隙率Crack開裂Fi ne細集料Frost heave凍脹Flexible paveme nt柔性路面Rigid paveme nt剛性路面Gradi ng practice路基施工方法Soil un it weight土壤重度Coefficie nt of

20、lateral earth pressure側(cè)向土壓力系數(shù)Resilie nt modulus回彈模量Modulus of subgrade reacti on土基反響模量Crushed stone碎石Gravel礫石Silty grave粉質(zhì)土礫Silty sand粉質(zhì)砂土Silt粉土Clay黏土Stiffness剛度Elastic modulus彈性模量Well-graded級配良好的Sheari ng resista nee抗剪強度Pisto n壓頭,貫入壓頭Soil specime n土體樣本Subbase底基層Granu lar material顆粒材料Den sity密實度Fiel

21、d compacti on現(xiàn)場壓實Variable變量Dyn amic cyclic stress循環(huán)動載Confining stress圍壓Triaxial compressi on chamber三軸壓力室Triaxial compression test三軸壓縮試驗Recoverable deformati on可恢復變形Durability耐久性Roadbed路床Paveme nt blowup路面隆凸Paveme nt dis in tegrati on路面離析Seas onal modulus季節(jié)性模量Plate beari ng test承載板實驗Specificati on技術(shù)

22、規(guī)Unit 13& 14 Pav ingPaveme nt路面Paveme nt layer路面結(jié)構(gòu)層Desig n life設(shè)計年限Portla nd ceme nt con crete paveme nt硅酸鹽水泥混泥土路面,普通水泥混泥土路面Unbound gra nu lar layer非結(jié)合穩(wěn)定粒料層Bitu mino us-bo und gra nu lar layer瀝青穩(wěn)定粒料層Surface layer面層Road base基層base courseBitu minous bin der瀝冃結(jié)合料Weari ng course磨耗層Bin der course下面層base

23、courseRutt ing車轍Fatigue crack ing疲勞開裂Composite paveme nt復合式路面Rati on ale根本原理Subbase底基層,墊層Granu lar顆粒狀的Well-graded dense subbase級配良好且密實度高的底基層Geotextile filter土工織物濾層Open-graded開級配Clog-up堵塞Capp ing layer路床Upper reaches頂部Formati on路床頂面Sub-formatio n路床底面Subbase甘日基7層Flexural stre ngth抗彎強度,抗折強度Join ted unr

24、ein forced con crete slab普通混凝土板Join ted rein forced con crete slab鋼筋混凝土板Mud-pump ing唧泥Frost-susceptible易受霜凍的Expa nsive soil膨脹土Chemical stabilizati on化學穩(wěn)定化,化學加固Bituminous asphaltic concretepavement瀝青路面Composite paveme nt復合式路面Exposed aggregate paveme nt碎石路面,粒料路面Tran sversejointspaci ngandrei nforceme

25、nt橫縫的排列和鋼筋的布置Join ted pla in con crete paveme nt普通混凝土路面JPCFJoin ted rein forced con crete paveme nt鋼筋混凝土路面JRCFCon ti nu ouslyrein forcedcon cretepaveme nt連續(xù)配筋混凝土路面CRCPPrestressed con crete paveme nt預應力混凝土路面PCFDowel傳力桿Warp ing and curl ing stresses翹曲應力Steel bar鋼筋Steel mesh鋼筋網(wǎng)Post-te nsioning后預應力Compr

26、essive force壓力Rehabilitation overlays翻新加鋪層Empirical an alysis method經(jīng)歷法Mecha ni stic an alysis method理論法Mechanistic-empirical analysis method半經(jīng)歷法ASSHO American associationof statehighway officials美國各州公路工作者協(xié)會ASSHTO American association of state highway and tran sportati on officials美國國有公路運輸管理員協(xié)會Stresses , stra ins , and deflect ion應力,應變和撓曲E


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