已閱讀5頁,還剩8頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、 全國旅游飯店服務(wù)技能大賽英語口語比賽參考題題型一 中譯英 (一)中式鋪床1.        這是239房間,我想加一個枕頭。(This is room 1010; I would like to have one more pillow.)2.        您可以在房間直撥國際長途。(You can make IDD call in your room.)3.        我們提供

2、快洗服務(wù),加收50%的額外費用。(We have express service at a 50% extra charge.)4.        對不起,請問有沒有要洗的衣服?(Excuse me. Do you have any laundry?)5.        好像電話有問題。(It looks something wrong with the telephone.)6.      &#

3、160; 2135房間的浴缸壞了,請派人來修理一下好嗎?(The bath tub in room 2135 is out of order/service, can you please send someone to repair/fix it?)7.        我想要一個轉(zhuǎn)換插頭。(I would like to have an adaptor/ I need an adaptor.)8.        這是8976房間,請送一個電熨斗。(Thi

4、s is room 8976, can you send me an iron please.) 9.        我想要一個客房送餐服務(wù)。(I would like to have a room service.)10.    客房里有小冰箱。(There is a mini bar in your room.)11.    我的房間現(xiàn)在還沒打掃過,已經(jīng)12點了。(My room hasnt been made up yet. Its already 12:00

5、.)12.    請接受我代表酒店向您道歉。(Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel.)13.    我房間的電視圖象不清楚。(The TV set in my room doesnt give clear picture)14.    這件毛衣要用冷水手洗。(Id like this sweater washed by hand in cold water.)15.    在房間上網(wǎng)是免費的。(Its free of

6、charge to use internet in the room.)16.    房間有保險箱。(There is a safe in your room.)17.    這個房間是海景房。(The room enjoys the ocean/sea view)18.    這是您房間的鑰匙。 我們的行李員會帶您去房間。(This is your room key. Our bellboy will show you to your room.)19.    我來取您要洗

7、的衣服。(Ive come to collect your laundry.)20.    酒店為客人提供免費的擦鞋服務(wù)。(The hotel provides free shoe shining service for its guests.)(二)中餐宴會擺臺21.    您一共有幾個人用餐?(How many persons in your dinner party?)22.    請問您預(yù)訂的用餐時間是什么時候?(May I know the time for your dinner reserv

8、ation?)23.    請問以誰的名義預(yù)訂?(In which name, please?)24.    您愿意吃西餐還是中餐?(Would you like Western food or Chinese food?)25.    您喜歡坐哪個位置?(Where would you like to sit?)26.    這個餐桌的位置可以嗎?(Will this table be all right for you?)27.    抱歉讓

9、您等這么久。(Sorry to have kept you waiting.)28.    您現(xiàn)在點菜嗎?(May I take your order now?)29.    對不起。我馬上去給你催一下你的菜。(Im very sorry. But Ill go to rush your order right now)30.    您想喝什么酒? (What wine would you like to have?)31.    這是菜單。服務(wù)員馬上就來。(Here is

10、the menu. The waitress will be with you in a moment.)32.    給您再添點米飯好嗎?(Would you like some more rice?)33.    餐廳現(xiàn)在客滿。但我們可以在20分鐘以后安排您入坐。(the restaurant is full now. but we might be able to seat you in 20 minutes.)34.    值班經(jīng)理馬上就來。(The duty manager will come

11、here soon.)35.    我們會盡快給您答復(fù).(We will answer you as soon as possible)36.    對此造成的不便,我們非常抱歉。(We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience caused.)37.    您能告訴我事情的詳細(xì)經(jīng)過嗎?(Can you tell me/describe what happened in details?)38.    您是用信用卡還是現(xiàn)金結(jié)算?(Wil

12、l you pay by credit card or in cash?)39.    先生,您的桌子已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好了。請您隨我來,好嗎?(Your table is ready, sir. Could you come with me, please?)40.    意大利餐廳在飯店二層。(The Italian restaurant is on the second floor of the hotel.)(三)西餐宴會擺臺41.    這是西餐廳, 能為你服務(wù)嗎?(Western Restaurant.

13、 May I help you?)42.    您來點俱樂部三明治嗎?(Would you like Club sandwich?)43.    您的牛排是要全熟的還是三分熟的?(Would you like your steak well done or rare?)44.    我想來杯加冰的威士忌。(Id like a cup of whisky on the rock.)45.    你要甜點心嗎?(Would you like to order a dessert?

14、)46.    你們有什么樣的餡餅?(What kinds of pie do you have?)47.    先生,您還要點什么嗎?(Would you like anything else, sir?)48.    請問現(xiàn)在可以結(jié)帳了嗎?(May I make out the bill for you now?)49.    您準(zhǔn)備把費用記到您的飯店總賬上嗎?(Would you like to put that on your hotel bill?)50. 

15、;   對不起, 您不能在這里簽單。(Sorry, you cant sign the bill here.)51.    您早餐想吃點什么?(What would you like to have for your breakfast?)52.    你們的大陸式早餐都提供些什么?(What do you serve for Continental breakfast?)53.    我想坐在角落里的那張桌子,你能給我安排一下嗎?(Id prefer the table in the

16、 corner. Can you arrange it for me?)54.    請問您怎么付錢?(How would you like to make your payment?)55.    晚餐要不要來點葡萄酒?(Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?)56.    能不能給我們推薦點好的酒?(Could you recommend some good wine to us?)57.    您需要看菜單嗎

17、?(Would you like to see the menu?)58.    我可以點與那份相同的餐嗎?(Can I have the same dish as that?)59.    您先來點什么?(What would you like to start?)60.     坐出租車從酒店到機(jī)場大約需要30分鐘。(It will take 30 minutes by taxi from hotel to the airport.)(四)調(diào)酒61. 等一會我會回來為你點單。(I'l

18、l return to take your order in a while.)62. "Bourbon on the rocks"的意思是波本威士忌加冰塊。("Bourbon on the rocks" is Bourbon whiskey on ice cubes.)63. 從你入住我們的酒店后,你就可以簽單。( Since you stay at our hotel,you may sign the bill.) 64. 我們有一瓶保存了20年的葡萄酒。 (We have a bottle of wine that has been preserv

19、ed for twenty years.) 65. 茅臺酒精度數(shù)要比黃酒高。( Mao Tai is much stronger than shaoxing rice wine.) 66. 先生,這是酒單,請慢慢看。( Here is the drink list, sir. Please take your time.) 67. 非常抱歉,還有什么可以為您效勞嗎?( I do apologize. Is there any thing I can do for you? ) 68. 酒吧里有表演,您愿意去看嗎?(There is a floor show in our pub. W

20、ould you like to see it?) 69. 您要喝點茅臺嗎?這酒從不上頭。( Would you like to have some Mao Tai? It never goes to the head.)70. 酒吧現(xiàn)在客滿,請稍等約20分鐘好嗎?( The bar is full now. Do you care to wait for about 20 minutes? )71. 我們供應(yīng)很多種飲料,請自便。( We serve many kinds of drinks. Please help yourself. )72. 您不介意把餐桌一邊的窗戶打開吧?( Would

21、 you mind opening the window by the table? ) 73. 如果您不介意,我們可以為您看管行李。( If you don't mind, we can take care of your baggage for you. ) 74. 我們有上好的飲品。( We have got good drinks. ) 75. “綠島”(雞尾酒名) 的口感相當(dāng)好。(“Green Island” tastes very good/excellent. ) 76. 本地啤酒很有特色。( Our special is the local beer. ) 77. 這是

22、米酒,用米釀制的。( They are rice wines, made from rice. ) 78. 我們有些新制的雞尾酒,如“白色美人”、“水立方”、“天堂鳥”等。( We have got some newly made cocktails, such as “White Beauty”, “Water Cube”, and “Bird Nest” . ) 79. “羅馬假日” (雞尾酒名)看上去不錯。( “Holiday In Rome” looks nice. ) 80. “紅粉佳人”(雞尾酒名)的味道有點兒甜. ( The taste of “Pink Lady” is swe

23、et. ) 題型二 英譯中 (一)中式鋪床 1.        Housekeeping, May I come in? (我是客房服務(wù)員,可以進(jìn)來嗎?)2.        When would you like me to clean your room? (您需要我們什么時候打掃房間。)3.        Good evening. May I do the turn-down se

24、rvice for you now? (現(xiàn)在可以為您開夜床嗎?)4.        I need one more pillow please.(我需要加個枕頭。)5.        The air-conditioner doesnt work.(空調(diào)壞了。)6.        We'll dry-clean the dress.(我們將干洗這條裙子。)7. 

25、0;      When can I have my laundry back? (我何時能取回洗的衣服呢?)8.        Do you prefer your laundry by express service or returned on same-day?(您是要快洗服務(wù)還是當(dāng)日?。浚?.        The indemnity shall not exceed ten times of t

26、he laundry charge. (賠償金額最高不超過洗衣費的十倍。)10.    The water tap was dripping all night long.(水龍頭一晚上都在滴水。)11.    If you have any problems or requests, please dont hesitate to let us know. (如果您有問題,請隨時找我們。)12.    Please deposit your money, jewels and other valuabl

27、es in the hotel safe.(請將您的現(xiàn)金、珠寶和其他貴重物品寄存在酒店的保險箱內(nèi)。)13.    Sorry to have caused you so much trouble.(很抱歉給您帶來這么多麻煩。)14.    I assure you it will never happen again.(我向您保證,這類事情以后不會再發(fā)生了。)15.    Please keep your room key with you all the time in case you need it

28、 when you sign your bills.(請將房間鑰匙隨時帶在身邊,以防簽單時要用)16.    You can make long distance call from your room. (您可以從您房間里打長途電話。)17.    Local calls made from the hotel room are free of charge.(在房間內(nèi)打市話是免費的。)18.    Heres a letter for you, Mr. White.(懷特先生,這兒有您的一封信。)19

29、.    The business hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.(營業(yè)時間是上午9點到晚上10點。)20.    Is it possible to rent a bike here?(酒店有自行車出租嗎?)(二)中餐宴會擺臺 21.    The minimum charge for a private room is 200 Yuan per person.(包間的最低人均消費是200元。)22.    Here is yo

30、ur card and invoice.(這是您的信用卡和發(fā)票。)23.    I want a table with a view of the garden.(我想要張能看見花園的桌子。)24.    May I have a print of your credit card? (能不能刷一下您的信用卡?)25.    You reserved a table for two by the window.(您預(yù)訂了一張靠窗的兩人桌。)26.    Would you l

31、ike the table by the window? (您喜歡坐靠窗的位置嗎?)27.    We will have you seated as soon as we get a free table.(一有空桌,我們就安排你們坐下。)28.    What kind of cuisine do you serve in your restaurant? (你們都有些什么風(fēng)味的菜?)29.    Whats your recommendation for us? (您給我們推薦什么菜?)30.

32、60;   Would you like to try our House Specialty? (您想嘗嘗我們的招牌菜嗎?)31.    It looks good, smells good and tastes good.(這道菜色、香、味俱全。)32.    There is a street where the local food is served.(有條街提供當(dāng)?shù)匦〕浴#?3.    We will change you to non-smoking area.(我們給您

33、換到非吸煙區(qū)。)34.    How long does it take from here to the airport? (從酒店到機(jī)場要多長時間?)35.    Could you give us a brief description of the Chinese food? (能不能簡單給我們介紹一下中國菜?)36.    How long do you think we will have to wait? (我們要等多久?)37.    Beggars Chic

34、ken is one of the most famous dishes of Hangzhou. (叫化童雞是杭州最有名的菜肴之一。)38.    Would you care for a drink before you order, sir? (先生,點菜前想喝點什么嗎?)39.    Wed like to have some good dishes of Chinese characteristics.(我們想要幾個有中國特色的好菜。)40.    The total amount is one

35、 hundred and eighty Yuan.(總共180元)(三)西餐宴會擺臺41.    How would you like your steak cooked? (您希望您的牛排怎么燒?)42.    Would you like your steak well done or rare? (您的牛排是要全熟的還是三分熟的?)43.    Id like a cup of whisky on the rock.(我想來杯加冰的威士忌。)44.    If you

36、need ice cube, please contact Housekeeping.(如您需要冰塊,請與客房中心聯(lián)系。)45.    You can try our new Thai style food.(您可以嘗試一下我們新推出的泰國菜。)46.    You can book the tickets in the business center.(您可以在商務(wù)中心訂票。)47.    Is there a Muslim restaurant nearby?(附近有清真餐廳嗎?)48. &

37、#160;  I would like a cup of tea with a slice of lemon,please.(我想要杯檸檬茶。)49.    The Reception Desk is straight ahead(接待處就在前面。)50.    What would you like to go with your steak? (您的牛排配什么菜呢?)51.    Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Great Wall?(

38、你能告訴我怎么去長城嗎?)52.    You can go to the railway station by subway.(您可以坐地鐵去火車站。)53.    It is about 20 minutes drive from Tiananmen Square to the National Stadium.(從天安門到國家體育館開車大概二十分鐘。)54.    Here is the menu and the wine list. Would you like to order an aperi

39、tif? (這是菜單和酒水單。您要先來點開胃酒嗎?)55.    Do you fancy a starter? (你們喜歡來點餐前小吃嗎?)56.    Could you tell me how to use chopsticks? (你能告訴我怎么用筷子嗎?)57.    By the way, what is this thing under the chopsticks? (順便問一下,筷子底下的東西是什么?)58.    Ive never had any foo

40、d as delicious as this. (我從沒吃過這么鮮美的菜肴。)59.    Would you like to see our cake selection? (您要看看我們蛋糕的種類嗎?)60.    Have you decided on anything, Madam? (太太, 您決定點什么菜了嗎?)(四)調(diào)酒 61. Id like a glass of “ Tree Shadow In Coconut Forest” (雞尾酒名). (我要一杯“椰林樹影”。) 62. “Summer Sunshine” (

41、雞尾酒名) would be nice. (來一杯“夏日陽光”。) 63. People like “Dance Of Bright Sun” (雞尾酒名) very much. (大家都很喜歡“艷陽之舞”。) 64. “Star Of Good Fortune”(雞尾酒名) sells well. (“幸運星” 銷路很好。) 65. “Setting Sun At Dusk”(雞尾酒名) sounds very interesting. (“日落黃昏” 聽起來很有意思。) 66. Would you like a table, near the bar or by the window? (

42、你是坐在吧臺旁還是坐在窗口旁?)67. Here are some peanuts, and they are free. Please enjoy. (這是你的花生米,請免費享用.) 68. Id like a glass of whiskey, straight up. (來一杯威士忌,純喝。) 69. How about a “night up”? (臨睡前再來一杯,怎么樣?)70. Two ounces scotch on the rocks,please (要一杯兩盎司加冰的蘇格蘭酒) 71. The name of “Bright Stars” (雞尾酒名) is romantic

43、. ( “星光燦爛”的名字很浪漫。) 72. A glass of whiskey, half and half. ( 一杯威士忌,一半水,一半酒。) 73. How would you like your brandy, up or down? ( 您的威士忌,加冰還是不加冰?) 74. Scotch over,please. (一杯加冰的蘇格蘭酒。)75. “Love Story” (雞尾酒名) and “Very Warm Kiss” (雞尾酒名) are different from each other. ( “愛情故事” 和 “燙熱之吻” 互不相同。)76. Make it two

44、, please. (在給我來一杯。) 77. Please bring me a pot of hot coffee. (請給我一壺?zé)峥Х取?78. Do you honor this credit card? (你們接受這張信用卡嗎?) 79. Please page Mr. I.i in the bar for me. (請叫一下在酒吧里的李先生。) 80. There is difference between “Burning Sun” (雞尾酒名) and “Dance of Bright Sun” (雞尾酒名). ( “烈日驕陽” 和 “艷陽之舞” 之間有不同點。) 題型三 情景

45、對話 (一)中式鋪床 1. If the guest wants to make an international call, how would you tell him? (Dial 9(or other number) first and then your country code, city code and the number you want.)2.       If the guest comes to you and says he/she can not open the door, what would you

46、 do?( I would go with him to him room to have a check. And have his key changed if necessary )3.      When the guest asks you to take her clothes for laundry by phone, what would you say? (I will pick up your laundry soon and may I have your room number?)4.   

47、   When you are going to clean the room for the guest, and the guest tells you it is not convenient for him now, what would you do? (Ill ask the guest when it will be convenient and note it down in the logbook.) 5.      When the guest calls the housekeeping service

48、 center, and wants an extra pillow, what would you say? (We will send one to you immediately, and may I have your room number?)6.      If the guest calls the housekeeping service center, and says he/she is very cold, how would you do? (Ill tell the guest there is a blanket o

49、r quilt in the closet, or Ill send him/her an extra blanket or quilt.)7.      When you are going to make turn-down service for the guest, but the guest is working, what would you do? ( I would ask the guest if it is ok to do now, if not, when it will be convenient.)8. &

50、#160;    If the guest calls the service center and says the bulb in his room is broken, what would you do? (Ill apologize to the guest and tell him/her the electrician will be there soon.)9.      How would you introduce your guestroom to the guest? (I would te

51、ll the guest about the equipment, the views, the service guide, and security of the guestroom)10.  If the guest comes to tell you that his room is smoky and he wants to change it. But you do not have another room available. What would you do to solve the problem? (I would first apologize for it

52、 and explain the situation to him and help him get rid of the smell by opening the window and cleaning the air.)(二)中餐宴會擺臺11.  You are the waiter/waitress, and you want the guest to sign the bill, what should you say? (Would you please sign the bill, sir/madam?)12.  What would you say to th

53、e guest if you want to confirm his/her reservation? (May I confirm your reservation, sir/madam?)13.  What would you say to confirm the guests order? (May I repeat your order now?)14.  What is “Mapo Tofu”?(Mapo Tofu is spicy bean curd, it is a classical Chinese dish.)15.  When a guest

54、calls to reserve a private room for dinner, what information do you have to know? (I have to know the date and time for the reservation, how many persons, and if there is any special requirement)16.  If the guest made a complaint about the dish, how would you do? (I would apologize to the guest

55、, find out the reason, and change the dish or give him discount according to the situation.)17.  How would you introduce your restaurant to the guest? (I would tell the guest the business hours of the restaurant, the specialty, the popular dishes, the taste and so on.)18.  How would you in

56、troduce your restaurant to the guest? (I would tell him about the business hours, the specialties, and the special programs and so on) 19.  When the guest finishes his dinner, and you want to know his suggestion, what would you say? (I would ask the guest whether he has enjoyed the dinner or wh

57、ether there is anything the hotel can do to improve.)20.  If the guest wants to have something which your restaurant doesnt have, what would you say to him? ( Sorry sir. This is not available in our restaurant. But can I suggest some .?)(三)      西餐宴會擺臺21.  After th

58、e guest pays the bill, and you want to express your good wishes, what would you say? (Thank you for your having chosen our restaurant and have a good time staying in our hotel.) 22.  If the guest wants to know the business hours for breakfast, what would you say? ( The breakfast is served from

59、6:00 am to 10:00 am )23.  If you learned that the guest would leave the hotel very early next morning. What suggestion would you give him? (I would suggest him to have his bills paid in the night in case there is hurry in the morning.)24.  What would you say to someone who walks into your

60、restaurant for a meal? (Welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation?) 25.  When the guest orders the beefsteak, what do you have to pay attention to? (How would the guest like it done: well done or rare.)26.  If you find that the guest leaves the restaurant without paying his bill, what would you do? (I would go and politely tell him that he has forgotten to pay his bill.)27.  If t


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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