1、專題11完形填空突破專練一AImagine that your life is like a treasure hunt. One day, a particular goal _1_ your attention and you decide to2 on a treasure hunt. You begin the long hike and encounter a _3_ or two along the way. Already the _4path is starting to look different from the buried treasure that you have
2、 been imagining. Things get _5_when you finally arrive at the spot. You say to yourself,“ This doesn't look like thertragisiiare! I must be onthe wrong path. I _7_ all this time !You wonder, "Hmm . maybe I should 8 goals? after thinking for a few moments. It's _9 to feel a sense of disa
3、ppointment or 10 when this occurs, but I think the deeper problem is 11 in how we approached the treasure in the first place.The 12 is that most people spend all of their time thinking about the treasure. The fastest way to get to a particular spot, _13_ , is to set your compass and start walking. T
4、he idea here is to commit to your goal with the strongest _14_. Develop a clear, single minded _1 5 for where you are. And then 16 all of your energy to the journey and be committed to the path you are walking.In other words, your goal becomes your compass, not your buried treasure. The goal is your
5、 _17_ _ , not your destination. The goal is a mission that you are on, a path that you _18 _Jhat is just fine and worthwhile,19 comes from that path. It is the commitment to walking the path that _20_【文章大意】本文為議論文.生活就像一次尋寶之旅,到頭來我們會發(fā)現(xiàn)所尋之物并非所愿.問題的根源在于一開始我們就沒有弄清楚該如何接近寶藏.在方向確定后,目標是指南針不再是寶藏;目標是 方向,不再是歸宿;目
6、標是使命,是選擇的道路.忠誠于自己所選的道路,盡心盡力,風雨兼程.1. A. remindsB. turnsC. paysD.grabs1 .【答案】D【解析】此處指 個特定的目標吸引了你的注意力,grab吸引某人的注意符合語境.remind提醒.2. A. set outB. work outC. give outD. turn out2.【答案】A【解析】此處指你決定動身踏上這一尋寶之旅,set out動身符合語境.work out鍛煉身體;計算出;give out 分發(fā)";turn out 結果是".3. A. challengeB. misfortuneC. sto
7、ryD. surprise3.【答案】A【解析】由 "is starting to look different from the buried treasure 中的 "different 以及'""I must be on the wrongpath"中的"wrong可知,尋寶之旅遭受了挑戰(zhàn)challengeo misfortune不幸.4. A. smoothB. actualC. narrowD. false4.【答案】B【解析】根據上下文尤其是空后的"path is starting to look dif
8、ferent from the buried treasure that you havebeen imagining可知,實際的actual道路和你之前想象的不一樣.smooth平坦的";narrow狹窄的“;false錯誤的.5. A. betterB. more complexC. more relaxingD. worse5 .【答案】D【解析】由下文中的 "This doesn't look like the treasure I _ 6 imagined! I must be on the wrong path 可知,最初你感到尋寶之旅發(fā)生變化,到最后情
9、況變得更加糟糕worse.6 . A. hardlyB. usuallyC. previouslyD. normally6 .【答案】C【解析】根據語境尤其是 "pathis starting to look different from the buried treasure that you have beenimagining可知,此處表示這和先前previously想象的不一樣.7 . A. forgotB. wastedC. valuedD. managed7 .【答案】B【解析】由空前的"Imust be on the wrong path可知,此處表示自己走錯
10、了路,浪費 wasted了這些時間.value重視;珍視";manage'努力完成".8 . A. attainB. assessC. switchD. achieve8 .【答案】C【解析】由"I must be on the wrong path可知,此處表示以為自己走錯了路,所以沒有找到想要的寶藏,故認為自己應改變switch目標.attain獲得“;assess評價;評定.9 . A. naturalB. necessaryC. obviousD. strange9. 【答案】A【解析】根據行文邏輯可知,走錯了路,尋錯了寶,為此感到很失落是很正常的
11、natural事.necessary必要的";obvious明'顯的";strange奇怪的;陌生的“.10. A. failureB. confusionC. shameD. ignorance10.【答案】 B【解析】由"maybe I should 8 goals可知,你走錯了路,找到的寶藏不是想要的,感覺要不要改變目標,這是一種困惑confusion,應選B項.failure失敗";shame'恥辱";ignorance無知.11. A. buffedB. lostC. absorbedD. rooted11 .【答案】
12、D【解析】根據語境可知,此處表示作者分析沒有找到想要的寶藏的根源(rooted)在于一開始就沒有弄清楚該如何接近寶藏.12 . A. evidenceB. lessonC. truthD. problem12 .【答案】 D【解析】根據空后的 "most people spend all of their time thinking about the treasure. The fastest way to get to aparticular spot, _1 3 , is to set your compass and start walking 可知,花費所有的時間想寶藏而不
13、設置好指 南針再出發(fā)是問題(problem)所在.evidence證據";lesson教訓";truth真相.13 . A. anywayB. howeverC. otherwiseD. therefore13 .【答案】 B【解析】參見上題【解析】.14 . A. beliefB. feelingsC. supportD. nerves14 .【答案】 A【解析】根據下文中的"becommitted to the path you are walking 和 “Its the commitment to walking thepath并結合語境可知,你要專注于
14、(focus)往哪里去,然后堅決地走下去,故此處表示你需要有最強的信念 (belief).15 . A. habitB. desireC. focusD. interest15 .【答案】 C【解析】參見上題【解析】.desire愿望;渴望16 . A. preserveB. improveC. researchD. devote16 .【答案】 D【解析】根據語境可知,此處表示要傾盡所能,盡心盡力,風雨兼程.devote獻身;致力;專心,符合語境.preserve 保存“;improve '改善.17 . A. dreamB. mottoC. directionD. schedule
15、17. 【答案】 C【解析】文章最后一段是主旨的升華.結合文章主旨及選項可知,此處指目標是方向(direction),不是歸B. show宿.motto箴言;格言";schedule目程安排.18. A. followC. recommendD. demand18.【答案】A【解析】由上文中的"be committed to the path you are walking可知,目標是一個使命,是一條需要遵循follow的道路. recommend 推薦“;demand 要求.19. A. whicheverB. whateverC. whoeverD. whenever1
16、9 .【答案】B【解析】此處指不管這條道路上有什么,那都很好,也很值得. whatever無論什么符合語境.20 . A. deservesB. countsC. worksD. gathers20.【答案】B【解析】根據空前一句可知,忠誠于自己所選的道路,盡心盡力才是最重要的.count重要符合語境.deserve 值得";gather 聚集.BIn our house, English is not English. Not in the phonetic 語音的sense, like short"a" is for but “applerather in t
17、he pronunciation. There is no difference between cast and cash, snake and snack .When my mother moved to a town in Malaysia, she had to learn a new language: English. In a time when humiliation 羞辱was encouraged, my mother was _1_ against the cruel words from the teacher, who _2_ her paper in front o
18、f the cla ss. When she cried, the monitor stood up and said,“ That3 mughied My She _mother's strands 線of language. She stood up for the weak and used her 4 to fight back.Later on, my mother asked me to teach her _5_ English so old white ladies at Target wouldn't _6_ her pronunciation. There
19、is sort of guilt when I _7_ her letters together. Long vowels, double consonants I am still learning myself. Sometimes I let my _8 _ slide“to keep her pride_ perhaps I have hurt her more to _10_mine.As my mother's _1工 began to grow, I mended my own English. Through _12people from all walks oflif
20、e as a journalist I promote knowledge and _13_ ignorance and become a voice for the homeless, the refugees, and the 14. My mother's eyes are reflected in _15_ children in poor countries who have so many stories to tell but do not know how to express themselves in English.In our house, there is _
21、16 in the way we speak to each other and language isn't broken but rather bursting with 17. There are snacks in the tank and friendly _18_ in the cupboard. We have built a house 19 words. It is a little messy. But this is where we have made our _20_ .【文章大意】本文改編自一位華裔女孩的大學申請信.在她家里,英語不是英語,那些在外人聽來是錯
22、誤的讀音的英語單詞絲毫沒有阻礙家人之間的溝通,反而讓他們倍感家的溫馨.1. A. resistantB. defenselessC. prejudicedD. fearless1 .【答案】 B【解析】根據上文的 "In a time when humiliation 羞辱was encouraged 和下文的 "the cruel words " "When shecried可知,在一個盛行羞辱的年代,作者的母親無力對抗來自老師的譏諷.defenseless無方反抗的;無力防衛(wèi)的符合語境.resistant反抗的;有反抗力的";prejudi
23、ced歧視的;存在偏見的";fearless無畏的".2. A. criticizedB. condemnedC. contradictedD. commanded2 .【答案】 A【解析】根據上文的 "the cruel words from the teacher和下文的"When she cried可知,作者母親的老師當著全班學生的面,用尖酸刻薄的語言評論她的作文.criticize批評;指責;評論 “符合語境.condemn“譴責;聲討";contradict反'駁;否認;與抵觸";command"命令&qu
24、ot;.3 . A. aggressivelyB. roughlyC. patientlyD. deliberately3 .【答案】C【解析】根據語境可知,班長不僅保護了她,還耐心地幫她提升語言水平.patiently耐心地符合語境.aggressively好尋釁地;有上進心地roughly粗略地";deliberately成心地4 . A. experiencesB. sacrificesC. conclusionsD. words5 .【答案】D【解析】根據上文的 "the monitor stood up and said,'That's erSlu
25、giSh6 stood up for the weak可知,這位班長為弱者站起來并用語言往返擊.word 話語;言語符合語境.experience經歷";sacrifice犧牲;conclusion 結花; 推論 .6 . A. properB. fluentC. complexD. accessible5 .【答案】A【解析】根據前兩段的內容和下文的"so old white ladies at Target wouldnt 6 her pronunciation可知,母親讓作者教她正確的英語發(fā)音,這樣Target商場的白人老太太就不會嘲笑她的發(fā)音了.proper芷確的;
26、恰當的;真正的符合語境.fluent流利的“;accessible容易理解的“.6 . A. show offB. laugh atC. care aboutD. account for6 .【答案】B【解析】參見上題【解析】.laugh at嘲笑"符合語境.show off炫耀";care about關心;在乎;accountfor是的原因;為負責.7 . A. writeB. readC. gatherD. sew7 .【答案】D【解析】根據下文的 "Long vowels, double consonants I am still learning myse
27、lf . I have hurt her more to10_ mine下T知,其實作者自己也仍在學習長元音、雙輔音,有時作者會帶過自己尚且不標準的單詞發(fā)音,但這也許會使母親被傷害得更深.所以當作者把母親的話拼綴在一起時,會有一種歉疚感.sew縫制;補綴在此引申為 拼湊;拼綴,生動形象地說明了母親存在的發(fā)音問題.8 . A. attitudeB. patternC. enthusiasmD. brokenness8 .【答案】D【解析】根據上文的 "Long vowels, double consonants I am still learning myse何知,其實作者自己也仍在學
28、習長元音、雙輔音,所以會有學得不完善的地方.brokenness不完善;不標準符合語境.attitude態(tài)"度“;pattern模式;圖案;樣品";enthusiasm熱心;熱忱;熱情.9 . A. soB. orC. butD. and9 .【答案】C【解析】有時作者會帶過自己尚且不標準的單詞發(fā)音,但這也許會使母親被傷害得更深.前后句存在轉折關系,故應用轉折連詞but.10 . A. spareB. embarrassC. injureD. tolerate10 .【答案】A【解析】根據上文的內容可知,作者有時候會為了保住自己的自尊心而不為母親糾正錯誤的發(fā)音,但這種做法會
29、使母親被傷害得更深.spare留出;勻出“符合語境.embarrass使為難;injure使受傷;tolerate忍受;容忍.11 . A. abilityB. grammarC. vocabularyD. spirit11 .【答案】 C【解析】隨著母親的英語詞匯水平開始不斷提升,作者的英語也在不斷進步.vocabulary詞匯符合語境.12 . A. commentingB. interviewingC. inspiringD. assisting12 .【答案】 B【解析】根據下文的“asa journalist可知,作者以記者的身份采訪了各行各業(yè)的人.interview采訪符合語境.c
30、omment "評論";inspire鼓勵;鼓舞";assist幫助.13 . A. stand againstB. figure outC. set backD. call for13 .【答案】 A【解析】根據上文的"Ipromote knowledge and可知,作者推廣知識,反對無知.stand against反對;抵B. educated抗符合語境.figure out計算;弄明白;set back推遲;延誤";call for要求.14 . A. hesitantC. ignoredD. ignorant14 .【答案】 C【解析
31、】根據上文的 "become a voice for the homeless, the refugees, and the _14_"可知,空處所填詞應與“the homeless " "the refugees故 ignored 被無視的符合語境.15 . A. underratedB. underprivilegedC. underpaidD. undersized15 .【答案】B【解析】根據上文提及的作者為弱者發(fā)聲的內容和下文的“in poor countries可知,作者看到貧困國家中那些貧窮的孩子有很多故事要講、但又不知道如何用英語表達的樣
32、子時,作者仿佛看到了媽媽的過去.underprivileged貧困的;物質條件差的符合語境.underrated被低估的";underpaid報酬過低的“;undersized小于正常(或一般)的.16 . A. beautyB. mysteryC. conflictD. misunderstanding16 .【答案】 A【解析】根據上下文語境可知,作者認為,在他們家,家人之間彼此說話的方式很美好.beauty美;美好符合語境.mystery 神秘";conflict 分'歧;爭端";misunderstanding 誤解".17 . A. w
33、isdomB. emotionC. philosophyD. creativity17 .【答案】 B【解析】根據上下文語境可知,在作者的家里,他們的語言不是不標準的,而是充滿感情的.emotion感情;情緒符合語境.philosophy哲理";creativity創(chuàng)造性.18 . A. stocksB. steaksC. sticksD. snakes19 .【答案】D【解析】根據第一段中的"There isno difference between cast and cash, snake and snack 可知,在作者他們家,“snake?它0的發(fā)音和 "
34、snack'點(1>)的發(fā)音之間沒有區(qū)別,再結合空前的"There are snacks in the tank andfriendly _18_ in the cupboard可知;由于作者家人的發(fā)音問題,他們會說出水池里有點心和櫥柜里有友好 的蛇這樣的話.19. A. upwards ofC. aside from19 .【答案】D【解析】 我們用語言建了一座房子. 以上;far from逃離;遠非;完全不 20. A. houseC. family20 .【答案】BB. far fromD. out ofout of可用來表示來源、原因和動機之意.;aside f
35、rom 除以夕卜.B. homeD. householdupwards of 多于;在home 一詞表達出了作者對家的愛.【解析】它可能會有一點混亂.但這正是我們的家.此處用CHunter Kittle, 24 years old, was driving through California's Mount Baldy, when his night took an unexpected turn.As he was going down the road, his car turned upside down suddenly and _1_ directly 70 feet in
36、to a valley.The young man amazingly _2_ the fall, but he passed out and wasn't fully in the clear. Shortly after, he _3inhis broken car with an injured lung, a fractured 骨折的skull and a broken leg. His pain must have been beyond4. Due to the shape of his then destroyed vehicle and his _5_ injurie
37、s, Hunter was unable to make his _6_ out of the vehicle. He had to deal with his pain alone _7_ someone found him.The Kittles were also _8_ about where their son could be but as each day passed without any _9_, thesituation became worse.After three nights, a motorist _10_ and noticed the car wreck 殘
38、骸11 in the valley. The ambulance was called _12一. Soon, Hunter was airlifted to the _13.Now Hunter is in his hospital bed and says,“I was so happy, you know, that I was 如擔1_, beongd.that I still had an _15 left to live on." He goes6>n to _ In fact, it mainly was 17 over matter. Mydesire to l
39、ive long enough made it, one way or another. I didn't want that to be my final _18 in my life book.19 his determination to live and a kind stranger, Hunter escaped this tragedy and now 20 a new perspective on life.【文章大意】本文是一篇記敘文,主要講述了 24歲的Hunter Kittle跌落山谷,身受重傷,最終憑借求生的堅決決心和好心的陌生人的幫助幸免于難的故事.1. A.
40、 slipped downB. climbed upC. pulled overD. wandered around1 .【答案】A【解析】根據上文的 "hiscar turned upside down suddenly '和下文的"directly 70 feet into a valley 可知,Hunter Kittle的車忽然完全顛倒,滑了70英尺直接滑進了山谷中.slip down滑下符合語境.climb up爬上;攀登";pull over駛向路邊;向路邊???";wander around徘徊;閑逛.2 . A. avoidedB
41、. survivedC. handledD. experienced2 .【答案】B【解析】根據下文的內容,尤其是最后一段中的“Hunterescaped this tragedy可知,這個年輕人驚人地在這次跌落中活了下來.survive生存;存活;幸免于難符合語境.avoid防止";handle處理; experience 經歷.3 . A. looked upB. broke upC. turned upD. woke up3 .【答案】D【解析】根據上文的"but he passed out and wasn't fully in the clear可知,不久
42、之后,他在損壞的車里醒了過來.wake up醒來;喚醒符合語境.look up好轉;改善";break up變得虛弱;解散";turn up出現(xiàn).4 . A. comprehensionB. beliefC. descriptionD. repair4 .【答案】C【解析】 根據上文的 "with an injured lung, a fractured骨折的skull and a broken leg 可知,Hunter Kittle 承受 著難以言表的疼痛.beyond description難以言表符合語境.beyond comprehension冷人費解&
43、quot;;beyondbelief令人難以置信";beyond repair無法修復.5 . A. gradualB. seriousC. slightD. temporary5 .【答案】B【解析】根據上文的 "with an injured lung, a fractured骨折的skull and a broken leg 可知,Hunter Kittle 受傷嚴重.serious嚴重的"符合語境.gradual逐漸的“;slight稍微的";temporary暫時的;臨時的.6 . A. wayB. dayC. promiseD. decisi
44、on6 .【答案】 A【解析】根據語境可知,由于車已損壞,車的外形也被毀壞,以及他本身所受的嚴重的傷,Hunter Kirtle不能成功地從車里出來.make one's way待走"符合語境.7 . A. sinceB. onceC. afterD. until7 .【答案】 D【解析】根據語境可知,Hunter Kittle不得不單獨處理自己的傷痛直到有人發(fā)現(xiàn)他.until直到為止符合語境.since 1以來";once憶旦.8 . A. crazyB. guiltyC. anxiousD. doubtful8 .【答案】 C【解析】Kittle夫婦對于他們的兒
45、子可能會在哪兒也非常焦慮.anxious擔憂的;焦慮的符合語境.crazy瘋狂的";guilty內疚的";doubtful感到疑心的“.9 . A. suspicionB. informationC. instructionD. prediction9 .【答案】 B【解析】根據下文的 "thesituation became worse可知,一天天過去了, Hunter Kittle仍舊杳無音信.information信息;消息符合語境.B. passed awayD. passed outsuspicion 疑心;嫌疑";instruction 指導
46、";教導";prediction 預測10 . A. passed byC. passed off10.【答案】 Apass【解析】根據下文的“noticed the car wreck戰(zhàn)骸'句"知,一位駕車者經過并看到了山谷中的汽車殘骸.by經過符合語境.pass away去世";pass off以某方式發(fā)生并完成“;pass out昏迷.11. A. desertedB. lyingC. settlingD. thrown11 .【答案】B【解析】 參見上題【解析】.lie平放;位于"符合語境.desert廢棄";sett
47、le降'落;停留";throw扔.12 . A. suddenlyB. casuallyC. immediatelyD. deliberately12.【答案】C【解析】根據語境可知,這位駕車者立即叫了救護車.immediately立即;馬上“符合語境.suddenly忽然地;casually 不在意地;deliberately 成心地.13. A. valleyC. hospital13.【答案】CB. homeD. shelter【解析】根據上文的 "The ambulance was called和下文的 aHunter is in his hospital
48、bed 可知,"Hunter Kittle被空運到了醫(yī)院.hospital醫(yī)院符合語境.14. A. inspiredC. curedB. supportedD. saved14.【答案】D【解析】根據語境可知,Hunter Kittle很開心自己被救了下來.save救;拯救"符合語境.15. A. chanceB. demandC. planD. aim15.【答案】A【解析】根據語境可知,Hunter Kittle對于自己仍有時機繼續(xù)活下去而感到開心.chance時機符合語境.16. A. adviseC. warn16.【答案】 BB. explainD. compl
49、ain【解析】根據語境可知,Hunter Kittle對自己仍有時機繼續(xù)活下去而感到開心,他繼續(xù)解釋道,實際上是精神勝過了物質.explain解釋;說明;說明"符合語境.17. A. mindC. fortune17.【答案】 AB. healthD. bravery【解析】參見上題【解析】.mind over matter意為 精神勝過物質用精神力量處理物質問題.18. A. coverC. sentence18.【答案】 DB. priceD. chapter【解析】根據上文的 "My desire to live long enough made it, one wa
50、y or another. I didn't want that to be myfinal和下文的"inmy life book可知,Hunter Kittle不想讓自己的生命止于這次事故,即他不想讓這次事故 成為自己人生之書的最后一章.chapter章;回符合語境.19. A. In comparison withB. On behalf ofC. Thanks toD. Except for19 .【答案】 C【解析】根據語境可知,由于 Hunter Kirtle想要活下去的決心和好心的陌生人,他最終幸免于難且他現(xiàn)在對生命持有一種新的觀點.thanks to幸虧;由于&
51、quot;符合語境.in comparison with . 與相比";on behalfof 代表";except for .除了 ,之外".20 . A. acknowledgesB. remembersC. donatesD. holds20.【答案】 D【解析】參見上題【解析】.hold懷有;持有(信念;意見)符合語境.acknowledge成認;remember'想起“;donate 捐獻.DBear is a stray(流浪的)dog and he was found on the streets with several wounds an
52、d injuries. Bear spent his days in a shelter, but he _1_ a forever home. As the days grew longer and Bear was still _2_, Wonder DogRescue saw his potential and _3_ to find him a loving home. With their help, Bear _4_Jo heal both physically and emotionally. Weeks passed, 5, Bear didn't find his f
53、orever home _6_ Michelle and Jonathan Lo contacted Wonder Dog Rescue.Michelle was still _7_ from the death of her previous dog, and _8 _ifshe was ready to open her heart up to another dog." After meeting Bear, we made9a o give Bear a chance to be a(n) _10_ of our family,she says. " The fir
54、st month at home, Bear was still 1 of strangers and nervous around the house. We _12 that he didn't make any eye contact. He had no _13_ of how to play with toys and would _14_ wake up to check if we were still here.Now, _15some care and patience, Bear is coming alive almost four months after hi
55、s _16_. He smilesfrom ear to ear whenever the family goes for walks and _17_ to play with his favorite Chuckit ball.“Bear is now making friends, with both dogs and humans! From living on the streets with fear and wondering why he didn't have a(n) _18_ , Bear is now living a life as a happy dog.
56、My husband and I are _19 _at the fact that with simple acts of kindness, a dog's whole life _20_ .【文章大意】本文是一篇記敘文,講述流浪狗Bear在被Michelle和她的丈夫收養(yǎng)之后,心靈得到慢慢治愈的故事.作者通過這件事告訴我們,簡單的善舉可能給一個生命帶來巨大的變化.1. A. recognizedB. desiredC. resistedD. designed【答案】B【解析】根據下文中的 "a forever home " "find him a l
57、oving home " "Bear didn't find his forev麗home匕處指的是 Bear渴望有一個永久的家.desire渴望",符合語境.recognize熟悉";resist反抗";design設計.2. A. homelessB. helplessC. lifelessD. tireless【答案】 A【解析】根據下文中的 "Beardidn't find his forever home可知,此處指 Bear仍然無家可歸.homeless無家可歸的",符合語境.helpless無助的";lifeless無生機的";tireless不知疲倦的“.3. A. managedB. demandedC. expectedD. offered【答案】 D【解析】 根據上文中的 "WonderDog Rescue saw his potential 和下文中的 "Withtheir help'可知,Wonder Dog Rescue看到了 Bear的潛能,愿意提供幫助,幫它找一個充滿愛的
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