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1、華中科技大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文大學(xué)生對多媒體課堂環(huán)境滿意度及其影響因素調(diào)查研究 姓名:王莉申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):外國語言學(xué)及應(yīng)用語言學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:徐錦芬20080401華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文摘 要多媒體英語課堂教學(xué)作為一種新型的學(xué)習(xí)方式 , 是信息時代的產(chǎn)物。在大學(xué)英語 對學(xué)生的語言能力提出了更高要求的環(huán)境下,對英語多媒體教學(xué)的探索和研究 , 已成 為當(dāng)前教學(xué)改革的熱點 . 學(xué)習(xí)總是在一定的外圍環(huán)境中進行的 , 環(huán)境條件對學(xué)習(xí)的影 響不可低估,理解環(huán)境以各種方式影響學(xué)習(xí)對語言教師和語言學(xué)習(xí)者尤為重要。目 前的研究大多集中在多媒體在傳統(tǒng)課堂中的應(yīng)用,多媒體網(wǎng)絡(luò)課堂的模式,多媒體

2、 課堂的有效性,學(xué)習(xí)風(fēng)格和外語教學(xué)的關(guān)系,以及學(xué)生在多媒體課堂中的表現(xiàn),并 以學(xué)生多媒體課堂的成績及表現(xiàn),來間接反映學(xué)生的滿意度。但學(xué)生的表現(xiàn)和學(xué)生 的滿意度是有區(qū)別的。我們認為表現(xiàn)不能完全反映學(xué)生的滿意程度。目前國內(nèi)多媒 體課堂環(huán)境下對滿意程度本身進行研究的文獻很少。因此,本研究主要調(diào)查在非英 語專業(yè)大學(xué)生對多媒體課堂環(huán)境的總體滿意程度,并對多媒體課堂環(huán)境的一些重要 因素,多媒體課件內(nèi)容,多媒體課件呈現(xiàn)及教師風(fēng)格的滿意度也進行了調(diào)查。作為 心理因素的兩個重要方面:學(xué)習(xí)風(fēng)格和動機,我們也探討了其與學(xué)生對多媒體整體 滿意程度的關(guān)系 。被調(diào)查的受試來自華中科技大學(xué)英語的兩個不同層次(高語言水 平和

3、低語言水平的非英語專業(yè)一年級學(xué)生,共 220人,每個層次 110人。調(diào)查通 過問卷和訪談進行。三個量表中,第一個自己設(shè)計的量表經(jīng)過檢驗達到了較高的信 度和效度。另外兩個經(jīng)過原設(shè)計者反復(fù)修改和多次運用,表現(xiàn)出很高的信度和效度。 研究結(jié)果表明,整體學(xué)生對多媒體課堂的滿意度處于中等水平,而 L3 的學(xué)生比 L1的學(xué)生對多媒體課堂持更肯定態(tài)度,表現(xiàn)出更高水平的滿意度。在學(xué)生的英語程度, 學(xué)習(xí)風(fēng)格和動機強度方面,學(xué)生對多媒體課堂滿意度沒有表現(xiàn)出顯著性差異,回歸 分析則表明 , 學(xué)生的英語程度,學(xué)習(xí)風(fēng)格和動機強度與學(xué)生對多媒體課堂的整體滿意 度沒有表現(xiàn)出有意義的關(guān)系。以上結(jié)論與國外的一些學(xué)者在網(wǎng)絡(luò)環(huán)境下研

4、究學(xué)習(xí)風(fēng) 格和學(xué)生滿意度的關(guān)系的結(jié)果吻合。多元分析同時表明多媒體課件和多媒體內(nèi)容與 學(xué)生的整體滿意度有一定的關(guān)系 , 學(xué)生對教師風(fēng)格的滿意度能在一定程度上預(yù)測學(xué)生 對多媒體課堂整體滿意度。通過對教師風(fēng)格的回歸分析發(fā)現(xiàn),學(xué)生對教師能夠靈活 多樣處理教學(xué)內(nèi)容的滿意度和學(xué)生對多媒體課堂環(huán)境整體滿意度有較大的關(guān)聯(lián)性。關(guān)鍵詞:多媒體課堂環(huán)境 滿意度 學(xué)習(xí)風(fēng)格 動機華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文AbstractGiven the massive utilization of the multi-media in higher education, student satisfaction

5、within the context of the environment is clearly a factor of most importance in ensuring the validity of the education environment .Multi-media classrooms characteristics fulfill the requirements for learning in a modern society .The researches on the student satisfaction with the multimedia classro

6、om itself are few. Based on the previous research, the researcher of this thesis developed a comprehensive multi-media classroom satisfaction questionnaire involved with teaching style, courseware content, and courseware manifestation. The tests prove that the validity and reliability of the questio

7、nnaire is accepted. Kolbs Learning Style Inventory and Motivation Intensity Questionnaire are to test the students learning styles and motivation intensity. Both of them are used by many researchers and tested for many times. They are proved to be of high validity and reliability .220 subjects were

8、non-English majors in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST at their second semester of the first year .They are all selected as randomly as possible involving civil engineering, foreign Chinese and telecommunication etc.110 were from L1 and 110 from L3. L3 stands for higher English le

9、vel and L1 stands for relatively lower English level. After the data was collected, it was processed through the SPSS13. We find out that the students perceived satisfaction with multimedia classroom environment is at a medium level, but very close to positive attitude. One-way ANOVA data show that

10、there is no significant difference in students perceived satisfaction between learning styles and the students perceived satisfaction with multimedia classroom environment. The results accord with the findings of some researches that there is no significant difference in perceived satisfaction betwe

11、en perceived satisfaction and learning styles in the online situation. Independent samples T-test show there are no significant differences in perceived satisfaction with multimedia classroom environment between students with higher motivation intensity and lower motivation intensity and between dif

12、ferent English levels respectively . The regress stepwise analysis indicate that among the factors (three attributes: learning style, motivation intensity, English level, three instructional aspects: teaching style, courseware content and courseware manifestation we suppose correlates with perceived

13、華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文satisfaction, only the teaching style has significant correlation with students perceived satisfaction. And it is indicated in the regression analysis data that though the correlation is not significant, there is to some extent relationship between the perceived satisfaction a

14、nd courseware content and courseware manifestation . Of all the factors, the teaching style is the best predictor of the satisfaction with the classroom environment .Then based on the findings, it is recommended the teachers in L1 should cater to the distinctive needs and situations of different typ

15、es of students and implement corresponding appropriate teaching approaches to the students who are at present time at lower English competency .And also all the teachers should realize the great responsibility for the students satisfaction with the multimedia classroom environment ,since teaching st

16、yle is the key factor affecting the students classroom environment ,and the teachers professional development should be constantly enhanced. The results presented in this thesis can certainly help institutions improve the education quality.Key words: college student multimedia classroom environmentp

17、erceived satisfaction learning style teaching style motivation獨創(chuàng)性聲明本人聲明所呈交的學(xué)位論文是我個人在導(dǎo)師指導(dǎo)下進行的研究工作及取得的研 究成果。盡我所知,除文中已經(jīng)標(biāo)明引用的內(nèi)容外,本論文不包含任何其他個人或 集體已經(jīng)發(fā)表或撰寫過的研究成果。對本文的研究做出貢獻的個人和集體,均已在 文中以明確方式標(biāo)明。本人完全意識到,本聲明的法律結(jié)果由本人承擔(dān)。學(xué)位論文作者簽名:日期:年 月 日學(xué)位論文版權(quán)使用授權(quán)書本學(xué)位論文作者完全了解學(xué)校有關(guān)保留、使用學(xué)位論文的規(guī)定,即:學(xué)校有權(quán) 保留并向國家有關(guān)部門或機構(gòu)送交論文的復(fù)印件和電子版,允許論

18、文被查閱和借閱。 本人授權(quán)華中科技大學(xué)可以將本學(xué)位論文的全部或部分內(nèi)容編入有關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)庫進行檢 索,可以采用影印、縮印或掃描等復(fù)制手段保存和匯編本學(xué)位論文。保密 ,在 年解密后適用本授權(quán)書。不保密 。(請在以上方框內(nèi)打 “ ” 學(xué)位論文作者簽名:指導(dǎo)教師簽名:日期:年 月 日 日期:年 月本論文屬于華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文 IntroductionThe number of students receiving their education in multimedia classroom has increased dramatically. Ensuring that s

19、tudents are satisfied with the educational environment is in the best interest of educators for educations sake as well as the students , since there is a correlation between students level of satisfaction in an educational environment and his or her ability to learn. (Ray, Sormunen, &Harris, 1999;

20、Simon, 2000. Typically, colleges and universities have focused on the outcomes, primarily employing learner performance as a determinant of student satisfaction. But using learner performance as a proxy for satisfaction is not an effective way to measure student satisfaction. And the present study i

21、s conducted on a reliable and valid measure of satisfaction itself.Previous studies have not studied the relationship between perceived student satisfaction and learning styles in a multimedia classroom environment. Perceived learner satisfaction is defined as the degree of the learner satisfaction

22、with learning environment as a whole. So this research synthesizes literature from learners learning styles and multimedia classroom environment to investigate a model of learner satisfaction with multimedia classroom environment. The model proposes the student satisfaction with the multimedia class

23、room environment is affected by the concrete environment in multimedia classroom as well as the preferred learning style of the students.Motivation is one of the key determining factors for success in learning a second /foreign language (Gardner ,1985;Scarcella &Oxford ,1992;Oxford & Shearing ,1996

24、In this empirical study, learning style and motivation as two psychological factors as well as English level, the relationship between these three factors and perceived student satisfaction with multimedia classroom environment will be investigated.Previous research has suggested a variety of factor

25、s affecting learner satisfaction with multimedia classroom environment. Those factors discussed by previous researchers cover nearly every aspect of learning environments. However, they have never been integrated into one model subject to examination for validation and reliability. Based on the prev

26、ious research, this study developed an integrated model with two dimensions in which six華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文variables are discussed: learners attributes in which learners learning styles, learners motivation, learners English level, and instructional dimension in which teaching style, courseware

27、content, and courseware manifestation are involved. What drives a successful learning in multimedia classroom environment? Using the Multimedia Classroom Environment Satisfaction Comprehensive Questionnaire and Kolbs LSI(1984 , and Motivation Intensity Questionnaire, the research presented the stati

28、stical analysis and findings from the sample respondents of students taking part in the multimedia classroom courses in HUST. Of all the factors an empirical investigation of the factors influencing student satisfaction with multimedia classroom environment will be inquired.The purpose of this study

29、 is to investigate into student satisfaction with multimedia classroom environment and factors affecting satisfaction.The present study is significant in two aspects: firstly, it is becoming more and more popular by utilizing more technologies in the form of multimedia classroom. To avoid a situatio

30、n in which there was a lot we did not know about how students experience multimedia classroom learning ,on the basis of the previous literature the researcher of this thesis develops a model to investigate the students satisfaction itself . And secondly the results of this study can provide the inst

31、itution and educators as well some information on improving the quality of the multimedia classroom teaching which is the most popular education form in china now.The subjects of the present study are 220 non-English major freshman from Huazhong University of Science and Technology(HUST .They are al

32、located into three levels of college English courses based on the placement test at the entrance of the university. Lever 3 students exhibit higher English level, and lever 1 exhibit lower English level .110 students from each level were selected and a questionnaire was administered to them in regul

33、ar class time .In addition, at the end of the questionnaire an open-ended question was asked. And many students showed their impression, reflection and suggestion on multimedia classroom environment .The outline of the thesis is as following:Part 1is the introduction of the importance and significan

34、ce of the study as well as some instruments and methodologies concerned.華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文Part 2 is the review of relevant literature. The first section presents the various definitions of the terms which are concerned in this thesis.Part 3 is the introduction of the methodological issues emplo

35、yed by the present study, such as the subjects, the instruments, the process of implementation of the questionnaire and an open-ended question, and the procedure of data analysis.Part 4 is the section for results and discussion, the results of the study both from the questionnaire and from the semi-

36、structured interviews will be presented and interpreted and discussed.The last part draws some conclusions, provides pedagogical implications, points out the research limitations and puts forward recommendations.華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文1 Literature Review1.1 Multimedia classroom environmentLearning n

37、ever takes place in a vacuum. Some of the learning environments are more conducive to the process of cognitive, affective, moral and social development than others. There is a growing body of evidence to show that different individuals, and also groups of individuals, find certain environmental cond

38、itions more conducive to learning than others (Jeffery A. Simmons, 2006. So the importance of the appropriate environmental conditions for learning to take place cannot be underestimated .An understanding of the ways in which aspects of the environment affect learning is particularly important for l

39、anguage teachers and learners.The social climate of the classroom, referring to the degree to which students feel they are socially accepted, integrated, and supported by their peers, impacts upon students motivation, interests, and involvement in classroom activity, and eventual academic achievemen

40、ts(Goodenow,1993a, 1993b.Some components of classroom environment, such as perceived teacher characteristics and perceived student and teacher relationships, have been meaningfully associated with adaptive outcomes in the school environment. Thus, students perceptions of the quality of student-teach

41、er relationships has been reported to be reliably associated with students level of achievement motivation and interest in their studies (Alban Metcalfe & Alban Metcalfe, 1981. Gifted students have been reported to prefer teachers who are warm, supportive, communicate effectively with their students

42、, and maintain classroom discipline (MacAulay, 1990.Still too little known literature on learners and perception of classroom environments has grown up over the past twenty-five years. The results of much research have mentioned that the greater the degree of concordance between ones ideal classroom

43、 and the actual classroom within which one finds oneself, the greater the degree of satisfaction華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文there is likely to be. (D Kandel , G Lesser, S Rose & J Coleman 1972So Language classrooms in particular need to be places where learners are encouraged to use the new language to c

44、ommunicate, to try out new ways of expressing meanings, to negotiate, to make mistakes without fear, and to learn from successes and failures. Emotionally, a suitable environment for language learning should be one that enhances confidence and self-esteemMultimedia has greatly enhanced the classroom

45、 environment .Even the electronic spreadsheet has proved to be an effective presentation device. In the contemporary classroom, the computer, combined with the internet and traditional VCR, provides the instructor with a broad range of tools for delivery of a dynamic presentation. And for several ye

46、ars, many universities have systematically incorporated more and more multimedia into their classroom presentations. The growing availability of technologies helps creating a dynamic environment for interaction among students, teachers and technology.Classroom environment includes the physical (arra

47、ngement of the room and psychological (communicated respect ,caring ,praise and feedback components in which learning occurs (Ellis,2004;Mintzes1979;Ormerod,2003 from a general perspective ,the physical component of the college learning environment maybe located in traditional classroom with multi-m

48、edia equipment .The psychological component ,frequently labeled as climate ,are found in the interaction that occurs between people in these learning environments. A classroom environment is positively related to students motivation, academic selfregulation and scholastic achievement (Mullen, Narvae

49、z&Turner, 2005; Patrick, Turner, Meyer, &Midgley, 2002; Ryan & Partrick, 2001Because technology (i.e. the computer and its accessories is the most significant variation from traditional classroom learning, it is no surprise that perception of the technology has an influence on the multi-media classr

50、oom environment.華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文Although they also face criticism, computers and multi-media are usually seen as positive agents of change in the classroom.There are the definition of the multi-media classroom learning environment and some terms relevant to multimedia classroom; they are ofte

51、n confused with each other .It is important for us to better understand the physical component of the multi-media classroom environment, so presented as follows:Multimedia classroom learning environment is a hypermedia-based learning atmosphere that utilize the features and resources of World Wide W

52、eb and courseware (Khan 1997Multi-Media offer two or more communication channels such as video and text .early CALL programs primarily displayed text-only ,either as teletype printouts or on video display screens .As the capabilities of the technology have increased ,most programs most increasingly

53、offering multi-media, particularly pictures with text ,but increasingly ,sound and video as well. And the used term hypertext and hypermedia are now usually subsumed under the term multimedia.CALL -computer assisted language learning can be defined as learning language at the computer either as a di

54、rect activity through structured lessons or during an activity peripheral to the study of language.CAI computer aided instruction refers to learning at the computer, but not necessarily to do with language .Although not necessarily intended by all those who use the acronym, the term instruction sugg

55、ests a teacher centered approach.CALT- computer assisted language teaching. With emphasis on the teacher, that is a term peripheral to call .And this term is the most suited to the present condition in this thesis.華 中 科 技 大 學(xué) 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文 component.Everyday the teachers make instructional decisions b

56、efore, during, and after meeting the students. These decisions lead us to tailor instruction to individuals or groups in our classrooms. We need to make curriculum choices that complement our students interests, strengths and needs. Helping students to link what they are learning to daily living exp

57、eriences keeps them engaged and motivated in the learning process.An effective teacher is constantly making decisions about how to present information to achieve this, as well as monitoring and adjusting presentations to accommodate individual differences and enhance the learning of all students.Pre

58、senting content, effective teachers gain their students attention, interact positively with the students, review previously covered material, and provide an organization for the material, (e.g., graphic organizers, outlines, anticipation guides. Clear directions, adequate examples, and practice need

59、 to be provided in a relevant context for students.Following are the basics for teachers using in their every day instructionActivate prior knowledgeThe prior knowledge a student brings to the lesson is the key to linking to other learning. Effective teachers do not make assumptions about students prior knowledge, rather they plan for them. Review the content or skills from the previous lesson


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