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1、外研版高二英語(yǔ) 第二學(xué)期期中考試試題考 試時(shí)間120分鐘,總分 100分一、 單項(xiàng)選擇 (共 30小題 ,每小 題1分,共 30分1. “Atfirst,I didnt really understandthe coachwanted. ” Yasoaid.A. what B. that C. which D. how2. He andtrained in this way.A . has beenbrought up B. hasbrought up C. has beenbrought in D. has brought in 3. Thereis somedoubt he is theb

2、est man for the job.A.that B.which C.whether D.why4. She workingnights andit took her a fewmonthsto it.A. was not usedto; used to B. usedto; was not usedtoC.did not usedto;get usedto D.was not used to;getused to5. He usedto be fond novels,butnow he is keenplaying computer games.A.for; on B.of; on C.

3、in; for D.at; in6. He wasonce in low spirits andevenconsidered.A.to go away B.to going away C.going away D.having goneaway7. I m concerned,hehad worked in acarfactory before he becamea soldier.A.As long as B.As far asC.So long asD.As well as8. When I got off the crowded bus,I found my pocketandthedi

4、sk in it withtheimportantdocumentsgone.A.picked B.stolen C.missing D.lost9. Meanwhile,I find myself at my senior year,andthinking about all the wonderful things that havehappened.A .is looking back B. looked back C. look back D. looking back10. This is ,for many American parents, itis important that

5、 their children, particularly boys,learn howto competesuccessfully.A.though B.unless C.when D.because11. I am going to join themin the game. .A.Have fun B.That s very nice of you C.Have a pleasure D.Maybe you like it12. You are late for the appointmentagain.I don t wtoanmtakefriends with a(n man. A.

6、rude B.punctual C.strict D.unpunctual13. No sooner asleepshehearda knock at the door.A.she hadfallen;than B.had shefallen;thanC.shehad fallen;when D.had shefallen;when14. Not until at least thirty secondshad passed,able to speak.A. did the man B. the mandid C. was the man D. the man was15. Thebowls

7、neverneeded,as the boyscleanedthemwith their spoons,trying to eatevery bit of soup.A. to washing B. washC. washing D. to wash16. I would have called herlastnight, but wasa greatpity that I forgot her telephone number.A.there B.it C. this D. which17. There s a in our office that when it s somebodybs

8、irthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share.A. relationship B. balanceC. concern D. tradition18. How to make wide use of natural energy is theproblem still discussionpublicly in the newspaper.A. under B. on C. at D. with19. He rose,hiseyesstill on thepieceof paper.A.fasten B.fastening C.fasten

9、ed D.fastens20. Larry asks Bill and Peterto go on a picnic with him, but of them wantsto, becausethey have work to do.A. either B. any C. neither D. none21. Mary is really good at taking notesin class. Shecan almosteveryword her teachersays. A. putout B. put down C. put away D. put together22. Thepa

10、rty will be held in the garden,weather.A. permitting B. to permit C. permitted D. permit23. I use aclock to wake me up becauseat six o'clock each morning the train comes by my house.A. couldn't B. needn'tC. shouldn'tD. mustn't24. It is by no meansclear the presidentcan do to end

11、thestrick.A.how B.which C. that D. what25. Film has amuch shorterhistory, especially when suchart forms as music and painting. A. comparedto B. comparing toC. compare toD. having comparedto26. May I borrow your car? Sorry,it is at the moment.A.in use B.out of use C.of use D.of no use27. It was along

12、 the Mississippi River Mark Twain spentmuch of his childhood. A.how B.which C.that D.where.28. regularexerciseis very importan, it s neveargood idea to exercisetoocloseto bed room.A.If B.As C.Although D. Unless29. No matterhow , it is not necessarilylifeless.A. dry a desertmay be B. a desertmay be d

13、ryC. mayadesertbe dry D. dry may a desertbeKeeopff the grass.30. At the centerof the gardenthere standsa little boardA. on which writes B. it saysC. on which is read D. which reads二、完形填空(共 20分 ; 20小題 , 每題 1分Body language is the quiet, secretand most powerful languageof all ! It speaks _31_ thanwords

14、. According to specialists,our bodies sendout more 32 than we realize. In fact, non-verbal(非言語(yǔ) communication takes up about 50% of what wereally 33 . And body languageis particularly _ 34 when we attempt tocommunicate across cultures. Indeed, what is called body languageis so35 , a part of us that i

15、t's actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandingsoccurasaresult of it. 36 , different societiestreat the 37 betweenpeopledifferently. Northern Europeans usuallydo not like having 38 contact儂觸 evenwith friends, and certainly not with 39 . Peoplefrom Latin American countries40 , touch eachother

16、quite a lot. Therefore, it's possiblethat in 41 . It may look like a Latino is _42_ a Norwegianall over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship,will keepmoving 43 _ . The Norwegian, very probably seeingthis as pushiness, willkeep _44_ which the Latino will in return regard as45 . Clea

17、rly, agreatdeal is going on when people46 . And only a part of it is in the words themselves.And when parties are from 47 cultures, there's a strongpossibility of48 . But whateverthe situation, the best49 is to obey the Golden Rule:treatothersas you would like to be _50 .31. A. louder B. straigh

18、ter C. harderD. further32. A. messagesB. invitations C. feelings D. sounds33. A. mean B. receiveC. discover D. hope34. A. immediate B. misleading C. Important D. difficult35. A. well B. far C. much D. long36. A. However B.Thus C. For example D. In short37. A. trade B. greetingsC. connectionD. distan

19、ce38. A. eye B. verbal C. bodily D. telephone39. A. enemiesB. relatives C. neighbor D. strangers40. A. in other words B. by all meansC. in a similar way D. on the other hand41. A. trouble B. conversationC. Silence D. experiment42. A. disturbing B. helping C. guiding D. following43. A. away B. faster

20、 C. in D. closer44. A. stepping forward B. going on C. backing away D. coming out45. A. weaknessB. carelessnessC. friendliness D. coldness46. A. thin B. travel C. laugh D. talk47. A. rich B. EuropeanC. Latino D. different48. A. curiosity B. excitementC. misunderstandingD. nervousness49. A. advice B.

21、 time C. result D. chance50. A. treated B. noticed C respectedD. pleased第三部分 閱讀 理解(共兩 節(jié) ,滿分 40分第一 節(jié) (共 15小題 ;每小 題 2分,滿分 30分AAre you looking for some newand exciting placesto take your kids to? Try someof theseplaces:.Visit art museums.They offer a variety of activities to excite your kids'intere

22、st. Many offer workshops for making hand-madepieces, traveling exhibits, book signings您名 by children's favorite writers, and even musical performancesand other arts.Headto a natural history museum. This is where kids can discoverthe past from Dinosaur (恐龍 models to rock collections and pictures

23、of stars in thesky. Also, ask what kind of workshops and educationalprograms arepreparedfor kids and any special events that are comingup.Go to aYoutheater. Look for one in your areaoffering plays for child and family visitors. Pre-showplay shopsare conductedbyareaartists and educatorswhere kids can

24、 discover the secretabout performing arts.Puppet (木偶 making andstage make-upare just acouple of the special offerings you might find.Try hands-onscience.Visit one of the many hands-onsciencemuseums around the country. Thesescienceplay-landsare greatfun for kids andgrown-ups alike. They'll keepyo

25、ur childmentally and physically active thewhole day through while pushingbuttons, experimenting, and building. Wheneveryoneis tired, enjoy a fun family scienceshow, commonly found in these museums.51. If a child is interested in the universe,he probably will visitA. a natural historymuseumB. anart m

26、useumC. aYoutheater D. a hands-onsciencemuseum52. Whatcankids do ata Youtheater?A. Watch puppetmaking. B. Seedinosaur models.C. Look at rock collections. D. Give performances.53. What does "hands-onscience" mean in thelast paragraph?A. Learning scienceby doing things B. Sciencegamesdesigne

27、d bykidsC. A show of kids' sciencework D. Readingscience books.54. Wheredoesthis text probably come from?A. A science textbook. B. A tourist map.C. A museumguide. D. A news report.BHoney from the African forest is not only a kind of natural sugar,it is also delicious.Most people, and many animal

28、s,like eating it. However, the only way for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees' nestandtake the honey from it. Often, thesenests are high up in trees,andit is difficult to find them. In parts of Africa, though, peopleand animalslooking for honey have a strangeand unexpectedhelper - a

29、little bird called a honey guide.The honey guidedoesnot actually like honey, but it doeslike the wax in the beehives(蜂房.The little bird cannotreach this wax, which is deepinside the bees' nest. So, when it finds asuitable nest,it looks for someoneto help it. The honey guidegives a loud cry that

30、attractsthe attention of both passinganimals and people.Onceit has their attention, it flies through theforest, waiting from time to time for the curious animal or person as itleads themto the nest.When they finally arrive at the nest, thefollower reachesin to get at thedelicious honeyasthe bird pat

31、iently waits and watches.Some of the honey, and the wax, alwaysfall to the ground, and this is when the honey guide takes its share.Scientistsdo not know why the honey guide likes eating the wax, but it is very determinedin its efforts to get it. The birds seemto be able to smell wax from a long dis

32、tanceaway. They will quickly arrive whenever abeekeeper istaking honey from his beehives,and will evenenter churcheswhen beeswaxcandlesare being lit.55. Why is it difficult to find a wild bees' nest?A. It's small in size. B. It's hard to recognize.C. It's coveredwith wax. D. It's

33、 hidden in trees.56. What do the words "thefollower" in Paragraph2 refer to?A. A bee. B. A honey seeker.C. A bird. D. A beekeeper.57. Thehoney guideis specialin the way .A. it goesto church B. it gets its foodC. it singsin the forest D. it reachesinto bees' nests58. Whatcanbe the bestt

34、itle for the text?A. Wild BeesB. Wax and HoneyC. Beekeepingin Africa D. Honey-Lover's HelperCAbout twenty of us had beenfortunate enough to receiveinvitations to a film- studio(影棚 to take part in a crowd-scene.Although our "act" would last only for a short time, we could seequite a num

35、berof interesting things.We all stoodatthefar end of the studioasworkmen prepared the scene, settingup treesatthe edge ofa winding path. Very soon, bright lights wereturnedon and the big movie-camera waswheeled into position. The director shoutedsomething to thecamera operatorandthenwent to speakto

36、the two famousactorsnearby. Sinceit was hot in the studio, it cameas a surpriseto usto see one of theactorsputon a heavyovercoatand start walking along the path.A big fan began blowing tiny white feathers down on him, and soon thetrees were coveredin "snow". Two more fans wereturned on, an

37、d a "strong wind" blew through the trees.The picture looked so realthatit madeusfeel cold.The next scenewas a complete contrast附比.The way it was filmed was quite unusual.Pictures takenon an island in the Pacific were shownon a glassscreen.An actor and actressstood in front of the sceneso t

38、hatthey looked asif they were atthewater's edgeon an island. By a simple trick like this, palm trees, sandybeaches,and blue,clear skieshad been broughtinto the studio!Sinceit was our turn next, we were left wondering what scenewould bepreparedfor us. For a full three minutes in our lives we woul

39、d be experiencing the excitementof being film ” Sta”!rs59. Who is the author?A. A cameraman.B. A film director.C. A workman for scenesetting D. A crowd-scene actor60. What madethe author feel cold?A. The heavysnowfall. B. The film being shown.C. The low temperature.D. The man-madescene.61. What woul

40、d happenin the "threeminutes" mentioned, in the last paragraph?A. A new scene would be filmed. B. More stars would act in the film.C. Theauthorwould leave the studio. D. The nextscenewould be prepared.DGrown-ups areoften surprisedby how well they remembersomething they learned as children

41、but have neverpracticedeversince. A manwho has not had achanceto go swimming for yearscan still swim aswell as ever when he gets back inthewater. He can get on a bicycle after manyyearsand still ride away. He can play catch and hita ball as well as his son. A mother who hasnot thought aboutthe words

42、 for years canteachher daughterthe poem that begins"Twinkle, twinkle, little star" or remember thestory of Cinderella or Goldilocks and theThree Bears.One explanation is the law of overlearning, which can bestatedas follows: Once we havelearnedsomething, additional learningtrials increase

43、thelength of time we will rememberit.In childhood we usually continue to practice such skills as swimming, bicycle riding, and playing baseballlong after we have learnedthem. We continue to listen to andremind ourselvesofwordssuch as "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" and childhood tales such

44、 as Cinderella and Goldilocks. We not only learn but overlearn.The multiplication tables侏法口 訣表 are anexceptionto the generalrule. that we forget rather quickly the things that we learn in school, becausethey are anotherof the things we overlearnin childhood.The law of overlearning explainswhy crammi

45、ng(突擊學(xué)習(xí) for an examination, though it mayresult in a passinggrade, isnot a satisfactory way to learn a college course. By cramming, astudentmay learn thesubjectwell enough to get by on the examination, but he islikely soon to forget almost everything he learned.A little overlearning, on the other ha

46、nd, is reallynecessaryfor one's future development. 62.Whast the main idea ofParagraph1?A. Children have a better memorythangrown-ups. B. Peopleremember well whattheylearnedin childhood. C. Poemreading is a good way to learnwords. “D. Storiesfor children are easyto remember.63. The authorexplain

47、sthelaw of overlearning by A. presentingresearchfindings B. setting down generalrulesC. using examplesD. making a comparison64. According to the author, being able to use multiplication tables is A. a result of overlearning B. aspecialcase of cramming C. a skillto deal with math problemsD. a basic s

48、teptowardsadvanced studies65. What is the author'sopinion on cramming? A. It leads to failure in college exams. B. It's possible to resultin poor memory. C. It's helpful only in a limited way. D. It increases students'learning interest. 第二節(jié)(共 5 小題 ;每小 題 2 分, 滿分 10分 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的 選項(xiàng) 中最

49、佳 選項(xiàng)。 選項(xiàng) 中有兩 項(xiàng)為 多余 選項(xiàng) 。 Kids'health: Four stepsfor fighting stress Everybody getsstressedtime to time. 66 . Some ways of dealingwith stress-like screamingor hitting someon-don't solve (解決 much. But other ways, like talking to someone you trust,can leadyou to solving your problem or at least feeling better. Try taking these foursteps.thenexttime


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