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1、應(yīng)用物理微積分畢業(yè)論文中英文資料對照外文翻譯文獻綜述70應(yīng)用物理微積分;中英文資料對照外文翻譯文獻綜述;牛頓與萊布尼茲創(chuàng)立微積分之解析;摘要:文章主要探討了牛頓和萊布尼茲所處的時代背景;關(guān)鍵詞:牛頓;萊布尼茲;微積分;哲學思想;Abstract:Thispapermainly;Keywords:Newton;Leibniz;;今天,微積分已成為根本的數(shù)學工具而被廣泛地應(yīng)用于;一、牛頓所處的時代背景及其哲學思想;“應(yīng)用物理微積分中英文資料對照外文翻譯文獻綜述牛頓與萊布尼茲創(chuàng)立微積分之解析摘 要:文章主要探討了牛頓和萊布尼茲所處的時代背景以及他們的哲學思想對其創(chuàng)立廣泛地應(yīng)用于自然科學的各個領(lǐng)域的根

2、本數(shù)學工具微積分的影響。關(guān)鍵詞:牛頓;萊布尼茲;微積分;哲學思想Abstract: This paper mainly discusses the background of the times of Newton and Leibniz, and their philosophy of its founder is widely used in various fields of natural science basic mathematical tools - calculus.Key words: Newton; Leibniz; calculus; philosophical tho

3、ught今天,微積分已成為根本的數(shù)學工具而被廣泛地應(yīng)用于自然科學的各個領(lǐng)域。恩格斯說過:“在一切理論成就中,未有象十七世紀下半葉微積分的創(chuàng)造那樣被看作人類精神的最高勝利了,如果在某個地方我們看到人類精神的純粹的和唯一的功績,那就正是在這里。1 (p. 244) 本文試從牛頓、萊布尼茲創(chuàng)立“被看作人類精神的最高勝利的微積分的時代背景及哲學思想對其展開剖析。一、牛頓所處的時代背景及其哲學思想“牛頓( Isaac Newton ,1642 - 1727) 1642 年生于英格蘭。?,1661 年,入英國劍橋大學,1665 年,倫敦流行鼠疫,牛頓回到鄉(xiāng)間,終日思考各種問題,運用他的智慧和數(shù)年來獲得的知

4、識,創(chuàng)造了流數(shù)術(shù)(微積分) 、萬有引力和光的分析。2 (p. 155)1665 年5 月20 日,牛頓的手稿中開始有“流數(shù)術(shù)的記載。?流數(shù)的介紹?和?用運動解決問題?等論文中介紹了流數(shù)(微分) 和積分,以及解流數(shù)方程的方法與積分表。1669 年,牛頓在他的朋友中散發(fā)了題為?運用無窮多項方程的分析學?的小冊子,在這里,牛頓不僅給出了求一個變量對于另一個變量的瞬時變化率的普遍方法,而且證明了面積可以由求變化率的逆過程得到。因為面積也是用無窮小面積的和來表示從而獲得的。所以牛頓證明了這樣的和能由求變化率的逆過程得到(更精確地說,和的極限能夠由反微分得到) ,這個事實就是我們現(xiàn)在所講的微積分根本定理。

5、這里“, 牛頓使用的是無窮小方法,把變量的無限小增量叫做“瞬,瞬是無窮小量,是不可分量, 或是微元, 牛頓通過舍棄“瞬求得變化率。3 (p. 199) 1671 年牛頓將他關(guān)于微積分研究的成果整理成?流數(shù)法和無窮級數(shù)?(1736) ,在這里,他認為變量是連續(xù)運動產(chǎn)生的,他把變量叫做流,變量的變化率叫做流數(shù)。牛頓更清楚地陳述了微積分的根本問題:兩個流之間的關(guān)系,求它們流數(shù)之間的關(guān)系,以及它的逆問題。?流數(shù)法和無窮級數(shù)?是一部較完整的微積分著作。書的后半局部通過20 個問題廣泛地介紹了流數(shù)法各無窮級數(shù)的應(yīng)用。1676 年,牛頓寫出了?求曲邊形的面積?(1704) ,在這里,牛頓的微積分思想發(fā)生了重

6、大變化,他放棄了微元或無窮小量,而采用了最初比和最后比的方法。 1687 年牛頓發(fā)表了它的劃時代的科學名著?自然哲學的數(shù)學原理?,流數(shù)術(shù)(即微積分) 是其三大發(fā)現(xiàn)之一。正如愛因斯坦所說的:“牛頓啊?你所發(fā)現(xiàn)的道路在你的那個時代是一位具有最高思維能力和創(chuàng)造能力的人所發(fā)現(xiàn)的唯一道路,你所創(chuàng)造的概念即使在今天仍然指導(dǎo)著我們的物理學思想。4 (p. 192)牛頓生活的時代正是英國發(fā)生變化的時代,當時英國發(fā)生了國內(nèi)戰(zhàn)爭,資產(chǎn)階級和貴族的階級妥協(xié),使英國資產(chǎn)階級革命明顯的帶上了不徹底性。當時的英國資產(chǎn)階級正在為現(xiàn)存的剝削階級的一切上層建筑做永恒存在的論證,因此絕對化的思想成為占統(tǒng)治地位的主導(dǎo)思想,它也影響

7、到當時的自然科學家們把形而上學的思想方法絕對化。牛頓的思想也受到了英國資產(chǎn)階級革命不徹底性的影響,因而牛頓也往往不能從自然界本身或事物的本身來尋找最初的原因,而借助于外來的推動力。 牛頓在30 歲以前發(fā)現(xiàn)了微積分,并建立了經(jīng)典力學體系,而他的后半生在自然科學的研究上幾乎一事無成。這是由于在資本主義產(chǎn)生和形成的時期,資產(chǎn)階級曾經(jīng)向宗教神學發(fā)起沖擊,幫助科學從神學中解放出來。但是當資產(chǎn)階級的地位穩(wěn)固以后,階級斗爭逐漸激化之時,資產(chǎn)階級就逐漸衰退,他們就抓住各種各樣的宗教信念作為奴役人民的思想武器。牛頓受其影響很大,其前半生由于自發(fā)的唯物主義的思想傾向,使他獲得了巨大成就,而后半生那么完全沉迷于神學

8、的研究。牛頓繼承了培根的經(jīng)驗主義傳統(tǒng),特別重視實驗和歸納推理的作用,他曾斷言,自然科學只能從經(jīng)驗事實出發(fā)解釋世界。這在當時對打擊經(jīng)院哲學的崇尚空談、妄稱神意來歪曲自然界是起過積極作用的。但是“, 牛頓卻拘泥于經(jīng)驗事實,片面強調(diào)歸納的重要性。只有大量的感性材料,一切停留在事物的現(xiàn)象上,單獨依靠歸納的方法是得不出系統(tǒng)的普遍性的理性認識來的。在分析和綜合、演繹和歸納的問題上,形而上學使牛頓陷入了矛盾。5 (p. 123)二、萊布尼茲所處的時代背景及其哲學思想“萊布尼茲(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ,1646 - 1716)生于德國。?,1672 年赴巴黎,在那里接觸到惠更斯等

9、一些數(shù)學名流,引其進入了數(shù)學領(lǐng)域,開始微積分的創(chuàng)造性工作。2 (p. 165)1684 年萊布尼茨發(fā)表了數(shù)學史上第一篇正式的微積分文獻?一種求極限值和切線的新方法?。這篇文獻是他自1673 年以來的微積分研究的概括與成果,其中定義了微分,廣泛地采用了微分符號dx、dy ,還給出了和、差、積、商及乘冪的微分法那么。同時包括了微分法在求切線、極大、極小值及拐點方面的應(yīng)用。兩年后,又發(fā)表了一篇積分學論文?深奧的幾何與不變量及其無限的分析?,其中首次使用積分符號“,初步論述了積分(或求積) 問題與微分求切線問題的互逆問題。即今天大家熟知的牛頓- 萊布尼茨公式ba f ( x) dx = f ( b)

10、- f ( a) ,為我們勾畫了微積分學的根本雛形和開展藍圖。“牛頓建立微積分是從運動學的觀點出發(fā),而萊布尼茲那么從幾何學的角度去考慮,所創(chuàng)設(shè)的微積分符號遠遠優(yōu)于牛頓符號,并有效地促進了微積分學的開展。6 (p. 120) 牛頓發(fā)現(xiàn)微積分(1665 - 1666 年) 比萊布尼茨至少早了9 年,然而萊布尼茨公開發(fā)表它的微積分文章比牛頓早3 年。據(jù)萊布尼茨本人提供的證據(jù)說明他是在1674 年形成了微分的思想與方法。如果說,牛頓建立微積分主要是從運動學的觀點出發(fā),而萊布尼茲那么是從哲學的和幾何學的角度去考慮,特別是和巴羅的“微分三角形有密切關(guān)系,萊布尼茲稱它為“特征三角形。巴羅的微分三角形對萊布尼

11、茲有著重要啟發(fā),對微分三角形的研究,使他意識到求切線和求積問題是一對互逆的問題。萊布尼茲第一個表達出微分和積分之間的互逆關(guān)系。 萊布尼茲的許多研究成果和思想的開展,都包含在從1673 年起寫的但從未發(fā)表過的成百頁的筆記中。1673 年左右,他看到求曲線的切線的正問題和反問題的重要性,他完全相信反方法等價于通過求和來求面積和體積。1684 年,萊布尼茲發(fā)表第一篇微分學論文?一種求極大、極小和切線的新方法,它也適用于分式或無理量,以及這種新方法的奇妙類型的計算?,對他以往的研究作了初步整理,表達了微分學的根本原理,認為函數(shù)的無限小增量是自變量無限小變化的結(jié)果,且把這個函數(shù)的增量叫做微分,用字母d表

12、示。1675 - 1676 年間,他從求曲邊形面積出發(fā)得到積分的概念, 給出微積分根本定理baf ( x) dx = f ( b)- f ( a) 。1686 年萊布尼茲發(fā)表積分學論文?潛在的幾何與分析不可分和無限?。1693 年,他給出了上述定理的一個證明。以上這些都發(fā)表在?教師學報?上。將微分和積分統(tǒng)一起來,是微積分理論得以建立的一個重要標志。萊布尼茲出生在德國路德派諸侯與天主教諸侯之間的對立而引起的“三十年戰(zhàn)爭結(jié)束前。為了改變宗教紛爭的局面,萊布尼茲立志要發(fā)現(xiàn)一種新的天主教和路德教都能適合的關(guān)于實體的學說,以成為兩派教會得以聯(lián)合的哲學根底。雖然萊布尼茲的意圖是不可能實現(xiàn)的,但他后來卻因此


14、有量的差異, 而只有質(zhì)的不同。7 (p. 85)總之,萊布尼茲的根本觀點是唯心主義的,也是形而上學的。他把宇宙的秩序都歸因于上帝的預(yù)先決定。他肯定許多必然真理并非來自經(jīng)驗,他認為不但認識的對象都是由精神性的“單子所構(gòu)成。而且認識的主體也只能作為精神實體的心靈這種“單子。他把一切開展變化都歸因于上帝的“前定,實際也就否認了真正的開展,這是他的觀點的消極的一面。但另一方面,萊布尼茲的哲學也有積極方面,它的哲學中含有豐富的辯證法思想,他肯定實體本身就具有力,因而是能動的,實質(zhì)上肯定了物質(zhì)與運動不可分的思想,他試圖解決“不可分的點和“連續(xù)性的矛盾問題,接觸到了個別與全體、間斷性與連續(xù)性的對立統(tǒng)一問題,

15、對促進理性和經(jīng)驗的辯證結(jié)合做出了一定的奉獻。三、牛頓、萊布尼茲創(chuàng)立微積分之比擬牛頓和萊布尼茲用各自不同的方法,創(chuàng)立了微積分學。如果說牛頓接近最后的結(jié)論要比萊布尼茲早一些,那么萊布尼茲發(fā)表自己的結(jié)論要早于牛頓。雖然牛頓的微積分應(yīng)用遠遠超過萊布尼茲的工作,刺激并決定了幾乎整個十八世紀分析的方向,但是萊布尼茲成功地建立起更加方便的符號體系和計算方法。兩位微積分的奠基人,一位具有英國式的處事謹慎,治學嚴謹?shù)娘L度,一位具有德國人的哲理思辨心態(tài),熱情大膽。由于陰陽過失的時代背景, 過分追求嚴謹?shù)呐nD遲遲未將自己的發(fā)現(xiàn)發(fā)表,讓萊布尼茨搶了一個發(fā)表的頭籌。牛頓和萊布尼茲的哲學觀點的不同導(dǎo)致了他們創(chuàng)立微積分的方

16、法不同。牛頓堅持唯物論的經(jīng)驗論,特別重視實驗和歸納推理。他在研究經(jīng)典力學規(guī)律和萬有引力定律時,遇到了一些無法解決的數(shù)學問題,而這些數(shù)學問題用歐幾里德幾何學和16 世紀的代數(shù)學是無法解決的,因此牛頓著手研究新的以求曲率、面積、曲線的長度、重心、最大最小值等問題的方法流數(shù)法?!芭nD的研究采用了最初比和最后比的方法。他認為流數(shù)是初生量的最初比或消失量的最后比。初生量的最初比就是在初生的瞬間的比值,消失量的最后比就是量在消失的瞬間的比值。4 (p. 180) 這個解釋太模糊了,算不上精確的數(shù)學概念,只不過是一種直觀的描述。最初比和最后比的物理原型是初速度與末速度的數(shù)學抽象,在物體作位置移動的過程中的每


18、級向高級的不同等級的序列。6 (p. 91) 可以說,萊布尼茲的無窮小的分階正是和它的客觀唯心論的哲學體系中那個不同層次的單子系統(tǒng)是相對應(yīng)的。萊布尼茲在微積分的研究過程中,連續(xù)性原那么成為其工作的基石,而連續(xù)性原那么是扎根于他哲學中無限的本質(zhì)的思想;牛頓和萊布尼茲創(chuàng)立微積分的相同點有:從不同的角度;牛頓和萊布尼茲創(chuàng)立微積分的不同點主要有:牛頓繼承;牛頓認為微積分是純幾何的自然延伸,關(guān)心的是微積分;牛頓和萊布尼茲都是他們時代的科學巨人;參考文獻:;1恩格斯.自然辯證法M.北京:人民出版社;2李文林.數(shù)學史概論M.北京:高等教育出;3杜瑞芝.數(shù)學史性原那么是扎根于他哲學中無限的本質(zhì)的思想。牛頓和萊


20、上花費了大量的時間,創(chuàng)造了一套富有提示性的符號系統(tǒng)。他把sum(和) 的第一個字母S 拉長表示積分,用dx 表示x 的微分,這套簡明易懂又便于使用的符號一直沿用至今。牛頓認為微積分是純幾何的自然延伸,關(guān)心的是微積分在物理學中的應(yīng)用。經(jīng)驗、具體和謹慎是他的工作特點,這種拘束的做法,使他沒有能盡情發(fā)揮。而萊布尼茲關(guān)心的是廣泛意義下的微積分,力求創(chuàng)造建立微積分的完善體系。他富于想象,喜歡推廣,大膽而且有思辯性,所以毫不猶豫地宣布了新學科的誕生。牛頓和萊布尼茲都是他們時代的科學巨人。 微積分之所以能成為獨立的學科并給整個自然科學帶來革命性的影響,主要是靠了牛頓與萊布尼茲的工作。從牛頓和萊布尼茲創(chuàng)立微積

21、分的過程中可以看出:當巨人的哲學的沉思變成科學的結(jié)論時,對科學開展的影響是深遠的。參考文獻:1 恩格斯. 自然辯證法M . 北京:人民出版社,1971.2 李文林. 數(shù)學史概論M . 北京:高等教育出版社,2003.3 杜瑞芝. 數(shù)學史辭典M . 山東:山東教育出版社,2000.4 吳文俊. 世界著名科學家傳記M . 北京:科學出版社,1994.5 C H 愛德華. 微積分開展史M . 北京:北京出版社,1989.6 M 克萊因. 古今數(shù)學思想M . 上海:上??茖W技術(shù)出版社,1979.7 費爾巴哈. 對萊布尼茲哲學的表達、分析和批判M . 北京:商務(wù)印書館,1985.Newton and L

22、eibniz created calculus resolutionAbstract: This paper mainly discusses the background of the times of Newton and Leibniz, and their philosophy of its founder is widely used in various fields of natural science basic mathematical tools - calculus.Key words: Newton; Leibniz; calculus; philosophical t

23、houghtToday, calculus has become the basic mathematical tools are widely used in various fields of natural sciences. Engels said: "in all theoretical achievements, not like the invention of the first half of the 17th century calculus as be seen as the highest victory for the human spirit, somew

24、here, we see the human spirit pure and only merit, it is in here. "1 (p. 244) This paper tries from Newton, Leibniz founded the historical background and philosophy" is seen as the highest victory of the human spirit "calculus its Expand profilingFirstly,Newtons background of the time

25、s and philosophy"Newton (Isaac Newton, born in 1642 - 1727) was born in 1642 in England. ? ?, in 1661, he got into the University of Cambridge, in1665, London was popular in plague, Newton returned to the countryside, all day he was thinking about a variety of issues, used his wisdom and severa

26、l years the knowledge, invented the number of flow cytometry (calculus), the analysis of the gravity and light. "2 (p. 155)On may 20, 1665, Newton's manuscript had the record of “the number of streams surgery. <The introduction of flow> , <movement to solve the problem >, other

27、papers in the number of streams (differential) and integration, and solution flow equation with integral table. In 1669, Newton circulated entitled "the use of an infinite number of equations analytics booklet in his friends, here, Newton was not only seeking a variable universal method for the

28、 instantaneous rate of change in another variable, but alsoproved that the area can be obtained by seeking the inverse process of the rate of the area is also used to represent the thus obtained. Newton proved this can be obtained by the inverse process of seeking the rate of change (more precisely,

29、 and the limit can be obtained by the anti-differential), the fact is that we are now talking about fundamental theorem of calculus. where, "Newton used the infinitesimal method, called" instantaneous "infinitely small increment of the variable, instantaneous infinitesimal, is not com

30、ponent or infinitesimal, Newton obtained abandon the" instantaneous "rate of change." 3 (p. 199)In 1671 Newton made his results on the study of calculus organized into flow method and the infinite series (1736), where, he believed that the variable was continuous motion generated vari

31、able called flow the rate of change of a variable was called the number of streams. Newton stated more clearly the basic problems of the calculus: the relationship between the two streams were known, found the relationship between the number of their flow, as well as its inverse problem. "The n

32、umber of streams law and infinited series" was a more complete calculus book. The second half of the book passed by 20 problems introduced a number of streams infinite series application of the 1676, Newton wrote "seeking curved edge-shaped area" (1704), where the thinking of Newton&#

33、39;s calculus significant changed, he gave up a micro or infinitesimal, while used the initial and The last ratio method. In 1687 Newton published its landmark scientific books "mathematical principles of natural philosophy, the number of flow cytometry (Calculus) was one of the three major fin

34、dings. As Einstein said: "Newton ? ? road you have found in your era is the one with the highest of thinking and creative skills of people who found the only way you created the concept even today still guiding our thinking in physics ". 4 (p. 192)Newton lived in an age Britain was changin

35、g times, when the British brake the civil war, the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy class compromised, made the bourgeois revolution in Britain not have thoroughness. The British bourgeois superstructure to do eternal argument for all the existence of the exploiting classes , therefore the absolute i

36、deological become the dominant ideology of the dominant, it also affected the naturalscientists absolute metaphysical way of thinking . Newton's ideas have also been a bourgeois revolution in Britain did not thoroughly Thus Newton often can not find the initial the cause from the nature or the t

37、hings of itself ,and by means of the external driving force.Before the age of 30, Newton discovered calculus, and established Classical Mechanics. However, he spended almost nothing on the study of the natural sciences. This was in capitalism and the formation period, the bourgeoisie had to theology

38、 attack to help liberate science from theology. But, When the bourgeois entrenched, the gradual intensification of the class struggle, the bourgeoisie gradually declined, they seized a wide variety of religious beliefs as slavery ideological weapon of the people. Newton influenced by its former life

39、 due to the ideological tendency of spontaneous materialism, he was a great achievement, the latter half was completely addicted to the study of theology.Newton inherited the tradition of Bacon's empiricism, special attention to the role of experimentation and inductive reasoning, he asserted th

40、e natural science can only explain the world starting from the empirical facts. This was for advocating talked against scholasticism, misuse the divine to distort the nature played a positive role. However, Newton was rigidly adhere to the empirical facts, one-sided emphasis on the importance of ind

41、uction. Emotional material, all stuck in the phenomenon of things, relying solely on the inductive method was to have no system of universal rational knowledge to. on the issue of analysis and synthesis, deductive and inductive metaphysics Newton caught in a contradiction. "5 (p. 123)Secondly,L

42、eibnizsbackground of the times and philosophyLeibniz (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1646 - 1716) was born in Germany. ? ?, 1672 in Paris, where exposured to the Huygens some mathematical celebrities, to lead into the field of mathematics, the beginning of the calculus creativework 2 (p. 165)In 1684, Le

43、ibniz published the first official history of mathematics calculus literature, "a demand limit and tangent method. This literature of summarized results of the study of calculus since 1673, which defined the differential, extensively used the differentialsymbol dx, dy, and also gived the sum, c

44、ommossion,accumulated, and quotient the power of the rules of differentiation. Including the application of the differential method in the tangent line, great minima and inflection. Two years later, he published a a calculus thesis "esoteric geometry and not Variables and their infinite analysi

45、s ", which for the first time using the integral symbol " preliminary discusses the points (or quadrature) problem with differential quadrature tangent reciprocal problem. Well-known Newton - Leibniz formula BA f (x) dx = f (b) - f (a), gave us an outline of the basic shape of the calculus

46、 and the blueprint for the development.Newton's calculus was the departure from the point of view of kinematics, Leibniz from geometry viewed to consider the creation of calculus symbol was far better than Newton's symbol, and effectively promoted the development of the calculus of6 (p. 120) Newton discovered calculus (1665 - 1666) at least nine years earlier than Leibniz, Leibniz, however, published its calculus article three years earlier than Newton. According to the evidence be provided by the Leibniz himself that he formed in 1674,


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