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1、國際土木工程建筑承包合同(中英文對照)part 工 general conditions第一章總則defi niti ons and interp retatio n定義和釋義1 .( 1) i n the con tract ,as here in after defi ned ,the followi ng and exp ressi ons shall have the meanings hereby assig ned to them , where the con text otherwise requires:1.1在本合同中,除按上下文另具意義者外,下列詞語應解釋如下:(a) &

2、#39; empio yer' mean sthe p arty n amed in part ii who willwordsexce ptemploythe con tractor and the legal successors in title to the empio yer, but not, exce pt with the consent of the con tractor , any assig nee of the empio yer.“業(yè)主”指第二章中所指定的雇用承包人的一方或其權利繼承人,但不 包括業(yè)主的受讓人,經(jīng)承包人同意者除外。(b) “ con trac

3、tor ” meansthe person or persons,firm or pany whoseten der has bee n acce pted by the empio yera nd in cludes the con tractor personal representatives,successors and permitted assigns“承包人”指標書已被業(yè)主接受的某個或某些人、商行或公司,包括其 個人代表,繼承人和業(yè)經(jīng)認可的受讓人。(c) “ engineer ” meansthe engineer designated as such in part ii ,

4、or other engineer appointed from time to time by the empioyer and notified in writi ng to the con tractor to act as engin eer for the purp oses of thecon tract in pl ace of the engin eer、desig nated .“工程師”指第二章中所指定的工程師,或由業(yè)主隨時任命且書面通知 承包人以代替指定工程師履行合同職責的其他工程師。(d) engin eer ' s rep rese ntative'

5、means any reside nt engin eer or assista nt of the engin eer or any clerk of works appoin ted from timeto time by the empio yer or the engin eer to p erform the duties set forth in clause 2 hereof ,whose authority shall be notified in writing to the con tractor by the engin eer .“工程師代表”指任何常駐工程技術人員、工

6、程師助手,或由業(yè)主或工 程師隨時任命履行本合同第二條規(guī)定職責的任何工程現(xiàn)場監(jiān)督,其權限應由工程師書面通告承包人。(e) “works” shall include both permanent works and temporary works,“工程”包括永久性工程和臨建工程。(f) “ con tract ” mean sthe con diti ons of con tract ,sp ecificati on ,drawings,priced bill of quantities ,schedule of rates and prices ,if any, ten der, lette

7、r of acce ptance and the con tract agreeme nt, if p leted“合同”指合同條款、技術規(guī)范、圖紙、標價的建筑工程清單、單價和 價格表(如果有),還可指標書、接受證書以及承包協(xié)議(如已完成)。(g) “contract Price” means the sum named in the letter ofacceptance, subject to such additions thereto or deductions therefrom as may be made un der the pro visi ons here in after

8、 contained“合同價格”指在接受證書中確定的數(shù)額,可按本合同以下條款規(guī)定增減。(h) “ con struct ional plant ' means all app lia nces or things of whatsoever n ature required in or about the executi on or maintenance of the works but does not include materials or other things intended to form or forming part of the p erma nent work

9、s .“建筑設備”指工程施工和維修中或有關施工和維修所需的全部設備或 物品,不論任何性質(zhì),但不包括旨在構(gòu)成或正在構(gòu)成永久性工程某一部分的材料 或其他物品。(i )“ temporary works ' means all temporary works of every ki nd required in or about the executi on or maintenance of the works.“臨建工程”指工程施工或維修或有關工程施工或維修所需的各種臨時 工程。(j )“ Permanent works ” means the permanent works to be

10、 executed and maintained in accorda nee with the con tract.“永久性工程”指按合同將施工和維修的永久工程。(k)“specification” meansthe specificationreferred to in thetender and any modification thereof or addition thereto as may from timeto time be furni shed or appro ved in writi ng by the engin eer.“技術規(guī)范”指在標書或任何標書更改中提及的規(guī)范

11、,或由工程師隨時 可能增加或書面同意增加的部分。(1 )“drawings ” means the drawingsreferred to in thesp ecificati on and any modificati on of such draw ings appro ved in writi ng by the engin eer and such other draw ings as may from time to time be furni shed or appro ved in writ ing by the engin eer“圖紙”指技術規(guī)范中規(guī)定的圖紙,經(jīng)工程師書面同意

12、對此種圖紙所作 的任何更改,以及可由工程師隨時提供或書面認同的其他圖紙。(m “ site ” means the land and other pl aces on , un der,in or through which the p erma nent works or temporary works desig ned by the engin eer are to be executed and any other lands and p laces pro vided by the empioyer for working space or any other purpose as

13、maybe apecifically desig nated in the con tract as forming part of the site.“工地”指工程師設計的永久性或臨建工程施工所需的土地及其他場 地,包括地面、地下、在之上或通過部分,以及由業(yè)主所提供的用作臨時儲存或 其他目的的其他土地或場所,只要能按合同明文規(guī)定構(gòu)成工地的組成部分。(n) “approved ” meansapproved in writing ,including subsequent written confirmation ofprevious verbalapproval and“ approval

14、' meansapproval in writing ,including as aforesaid .(1) (2)(3)(5)(6)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(2 0)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37 )(38)()(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49)(50)(51)(52)(53)(54)(5 5)(56)(57)(58)(59)“業(yè)經(jīng)認可”指已經(jīng)經(jīng)書面認可,包括過后對口

15、頭認可的書面確認,“認 可”指書面認可,包括上述規(guī)定在內(nèi)。(2)words importing the singular only also include the pluraland vi ce versa where the con text requires?1 2按合同上下文所需,單數(shù)含義的單詞也可具有復數(shù)的含義,反之一樣。(3) the headi ngs and marginal no tes in these con diti ons of con tract shall not be deemed to be part thereof or be take n into con

16、 siderati on inthe in terpretati on or con structi on thereof or of the con tract.1 . 3合同條款的標題和邊注不得視為合同的一部分,不得用于考慮解釋 條款或合同。(4) the word “cost ' shall be deemed to include overhead costs whether on or off the site .1 . 4 “費用”一詞應視為含工地上或以外發(fā)生的間接費用。engineer and engineer' s reprf . sfntative工程師及工程

17、師代表.in2 . (1) the engineer shall carry out such duties in issuing decisi ons , certificates and orders as are sp ecified in the con tract the eve nt of the engin eer being required in terms of his appoin tme nt by the empio yer to obta in the sp ecific appro val of the empio yer for the execution of

18、 any part of these duties, this shall be set out in part iiof these con diti ons2. 1工程師必須按合同明文規(guī)定,履行作決斷、頒發(fā)證書和發(fā)出指令等 職責。如業(yè)主簽發(fā)的工程師任命書中規(guī)定其某些職責的履行得經(jīng)業(yè)主專門認可, 其要件應在本合同第二部分予以規(guī)定。(2) the engineer may from time to time in writing delegate to the engineer ' s representative any of the powers and authorities v

19、ested in the engin eer and shall furnish to the con tractor and to the empio yer a copy of all such writte n delegati ons of po wers and authorities. anywritten instruction or approval given by the engineer' s representativeto the con tractor with in the terms of such delegati on , but not other

20、wise , shall bind the con tractor and the empio yer as though it had bee n give n by the engineer. provided always as follws :2. 2工程師可隨時書面授權其代表代行其任何職權,但必須將所有此種 授權書的副本提交給承包人和業(yè)主。在授權期間,工程師代表給承包人的任何書面指令或認可(僅限于此)對承包人和業(yè)主具有與工程師的指令或認可同樣的效 力。以下規(guī)定屬于例外:(a)failure of the engineer ' s representativeto disapp

21、rove anywork or materials shall not prejudice the power of the engineer thereafter to disapprove such work or materials and to order the pulling down, removal or break ing up thereof.101112131415161718192021293643505723303744515824252627283132333435384546525359404754414248554956工程師代表對任何工程或材料的不予否認,不得

22、影響工程師此后否認以 及命令拆毀、移動或拆除此種工程或材料的權力。(b) if the con tractor shall be dissatisfied by reas on of anydecisions of the engineer ' s representative he shall be entitled to refer the matter to the engin eer , who shall there upon confirm , reverse or vary such decisi on若承包人對工程師代表的任何決定不滿意,其有權將此決定提交工程師 確認、

23、取消或更改。assig nment and sub lett ing轉(zhuǎn)讓和分包3 . the con tractor shall not assig n the con tract or any partthereof , or any ben efit or in terest there in or there un der , otherwise tha n by a charge in favor of the con tractor' s ban kers of any monies due orto bee due un der this con tract , witho

24、ut the p rior writte nconsent of the empioyer.3. 未經(jīng)業(yè)主事前書面同意,承包人不得將合同或其他任何部分,或合同所規(guī)定或依合同而產(chǎn)生的任何收益轉(zhuǎn)讓,向承包人的開戶銀行支付按本合同規(guī)定 到期或即將到期的款項除外。4 . the con tractorshall not sub-let the whole of theworks . exce pt where otherwise pro vided by the con tract, the con tractorshall not sub-let any part of the works with

25、out the prior written consent of the engin eer , which shall not be un reas on ably withheld, and suchconsent , if give n , shall not relieve the (con tractor from any liabilityor obligatio n un der the con tract and he shall be res pon sible for the acts , defaults and n eglects of any sub-c on tra

26、ctor, his age nts , serva nts orworkmen as fully as if they were the acts, defaults or neglects of thecon tractor , his age nts . serva nts or workme n . p rovided always that the pro visi on of labor on a p iecework basis shall not be deemed to be a sublett ing un der the clause.4. 承包人不得轉(zhuǎn)包整個工程。除非合同

27、另有規(guī)定,未經(jīng)工程師事前書面 同意,承包人也不得分包工程的任何部分,但工程師不得無故不同意分包,一旦同意分包,此種同意不得免去承包人所承擔的任何合同所規(guī)定的責任或義務,他必須對任何分包人、其代理人、雇員或工人的行為、不履行和過失負完全責任, 如同這些行為、不履行或過失是承包人、其代理人、雇員或工人所為。以計件方 式提供勞力不得視為是本條所規(guī)定的分包。9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21222324 2526 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38404142 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 5

28、4 55 56575859con tract docume nts合同文件5 . (1) there shall be stated in part 1i of these conditions5.1以下要件得在合同第二部分規(guī)定:(a) the Ian guage or Ian guages in which the con tract docume nts shall be drawn up and .用以起草合同文件的語言;(b) the country or state ,the law of which is to apply to the con tract and accord i

29、ng to whichthe con tract is to be con strued.合同適用哪個國家的法律以及用哪個國家的法律解釋合同。if the said documents are written in more than one Ianguage, theIan guage accordi ng to which the con tract is to be con strued and interp reted shall also be desig nated in part ii , being there in desig nated the “ruli ng Ian g

30、uage ”.如果文件用一種以上語言作成,用以解釋合同的語言也必須在第二部分 中規(guī)定,且將被寇為“主體語言”。(2)exce pt if and to the exte nt otherwise pro vided by the con tract , the pro visi ons of the con diti ons of con tract p arts i and ii shall p revail over those of any other docume nt forming part of the con tract. subjectto the forego ing ,

31、the several docume nts formi ng the con tract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another , but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies the sameshall be explained and adjusted by the engineer whoshall there upon issue to the con tractor in struct ionsthere on . pro videdalways that if , i

32、n the opinion of the engineer, plianee with any suchin structi ons shall invo Ive the con tractor in any cost, which by reas onof any such ambiguity or discre pancy could not reas on ably have bee n foresee n by the con tractor, the engin eer shall certify and the empio yershall pay such additi onal

33、 sum as may be reas on able to cover such costs.5. 2除合同中另有規(guī)定外,合同第一、二部分的條款規(guī)定優(yōu)于其他任何 構(gòu)成合同的文件的規(guī)定。以上述規(guī)定為準,構(gòu)成合同的數(shù)個文件可視為能互相解 釋,如意思含糊或不一致時,由工程師解釋和處理,并由此向承包人發(fā)出指令。 如工程師認為,服從此種指令會使承包人發(fā)生額外費用,而此種費用是承包人由于上述意思含糊或不一致而按理無法預見的,工程師應予以證明,業(yè)主必須支付相應的額外款額以補償此種費用。freethe6 . (1) the draw ings shall rema in in the sole custod

34、y of the engin eer , but two cop ies thereof shall be furni shed to the con tractor of charge . the con tractor shall pro vide and make at his own expense any further cop ies required by him. at the p leti on of the con tract con tractor shall retu rn to the engin eer all drawings pro vided un der t

35、he con tract1011121314151617181920283542495622232425262729303132333436435057374451583840414546474852535455596. 1圖紙由工程師獨自保管,但須向承包人免費提供兩份副本。承包人 所需的其余副本由他自己制作并承擔費用。 合同履行后,承包人須將全部合同圖 紙歸還工程師。(2) one copy of the draw ings,furni shed to the con tractor asaforesaid ,shall be kept by the con tractor on the s

36、ite and the sameshall at all reas on able times be available for inspection and use by the engin eer and the engineer ' s representativeand by any other person authorized bythe engin eer in writi ng6. 2承包人必須將按上述規(guī)定所提交的一份圖紙副本留在工地,讓工程 師及其代表,或工程師書面授權的任何其他人在所有合理的時間內(nèi)查閱使用。(3) the con tractor shall give

37、 writte n no tice to the engin eerwhe never planning or p rogress of the works ' is likely to be delayed or disr up ted uni ess any further draw ing or order,in cludi ng a directi on ,in structi on or appro val, is issued by the engin eer withi n a reas on abletime . the notice shall include det

38、ails of the drawing or order required and of why and by when it is required and of any delay or disruptionlikelyto be suffered if it is late.6. 3如工程師不在適當時間內(nèi)再提供圖紙或命令,包括指示、指令或認 可,工程計劃或進展便可能被延誤或中斷時,承包人必須書面通知工程師。通知書中應詳細說明所需的圖紙或命令,所需原因和時間,以及如果不及時提供而可 能造成的任何延誤和中斷。entitledunder clause44 hereof and the(4) i

39、f ,by reas on of any failure or in ability of the engin eer to issue within a time reas on able in all the circumsta nces any draw ing or order requested by the con tractor in accorda nee with subclause (3) of this clause,the con tractor suffers delay an d/or in curs costs the n the engin eer shall

40、take such delay into acco unt in determ ining any exte nsion of time to which the con tractor iscon tractorshall be p aidthe amount of suchcost as shall bereas on able .3款規(guī)定索要圖紙或命令,由于工程師沒有或不6.4如承包人按本條第能在合理時間內(nèi)提供,從而導致承包人誤工和左戊承擔費用, 工程師必須考慮此種延誤,以決定是否按本合同第44條規(guī)定延長承包人的工期,且只要有理由,承包人所承擔的 此種費用必須得到補償。7 . the e

41、ngineer shall have full power and authority to supply to the con tractor from time to time, duri ng the p rogress of the works,a copy to the empioyer, in his opinion , the works were substa ntially in structi onsin writi ngsuch further draw ings and in structi ons as shall be n ecessary for the purp

42、 ose of the proper and adequate executi on and maintenance of the works . the con tractor shall carry out and be bound by the same.a certificate of pletion stating the date on which ,p leted in accorda nee with the con tract or give to the con tractor sp ecify ingall the work which ,thattheworksin t

43、he engin eer ' s opinion , requires to be done by the con tractor before the issue of such certificate . the engineer shall also notify con tractor of any defects in the works affecti ng substa ntial p leti on may app ear after sucb in struct ionsand before p leti on of thesp ecified there in . the con tractor shall be en titled to receive such certificateof pletion within days of pletion to the satisfactionof the engin eer of the works so sp ecified and making good any defects so no tified ,48 . 1當工程全部完工且滿意地通過了所有合同規(guī)定的最后檢


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