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1、Lesson EightMinutes Writing會議記錄寫作南京人口管理干部學(xué)院 外語系 楊麗lisayangli163Outline1. Brief introduction of minutes 2. Structure of minutes 3. Types of minutes 4. Stages of producing minutes 5. Language of minutes6. Exercises Sources of information 1.1 Definition of minutesMinutes are a formal brief summary of p

2、roceedings at meetings which is circulated to all people who were (or should have been) at the meeting. It is a final accurate record of what transpired at a meeting, and an official record of the business of an organization. At some meetings, especially of bodies with less formal accountabilities,

3、the term “minutes is sometimes replaced by the term “note. Notes differ from minutes in that, typically, they are less formal, depending on the status of the committee/working party concerned. Also, notes are less detailed and they are not necessarily to be approved at the next meeting. Usually, it

4、is a normal practice for the secretary at each meeting to take the minutes. Minute: minit An official record of the proceedings at a meeting. 會議記錄:會議進程的正式記錄最為涉外文秘寫作技藝的一種,會議記錄是指將會議的內(nèi)容和過程用書面的方式記錄下來,以備未來參考。會議記錄者需求具有扎實的言語功底,以及總結(jié)歸納才干,要具有一定的書寫速度和很強的了解才干。 會議記錄是一種相對來說格式比較固定的適用文體,經(jīng)過多次練習(xí),就可以較好地掌握其寫作方法。圖示Chair

5、 or speakerParticipants Secretary Minutes taker1.2 Functions of Minutes Taking minutes is a necessity of many organizational gatherings. The decisions made and issues discussed during a meeting are crucial to the continued functioning of a business or an organization. In other words, minutes serve a

6、 number of business functions:Provide an authoritative source and permanent record of proceedings for future reference. Provide formal evidence of decision, e. g. appointment, financial allocations, authorized actions. Provide a starting point for action to be taken in future. Create an official rec

7、ord which can be used in legal proceedings.Inform members not present at the meetings and any others of the actions of the body concerned.Assist in planning the agenda for future meetings 2. Structure of MinutesGeneric structure Outline: Headings and Sub-headings UNIVERSITY OF WALES, CARDIFFDEPARTME

8、NT FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION Minutes of Staff Meeting held on Friday, 11 February 1999Present Apologies of absence were received from 1 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 21 JANUARY 19992 MATTERS ARISING 1) Part-time Degrees 2) Mid Glamorgan Community Education Forum 3 DEANS COMMITTEE PAPER ON CREDITS AND MO

9、DULES 4 FUNDING NEWS 5 ANY OTHER BUSINESS 6 NEXT MEETING HeadingSub-headingPeople present and absent Details of meetingMINUTES OF MEETING TIME & PLACE OF MEETING PURPOSE OF MEETING PRESIDING PRESENT ABSENT SUMMARY OF THE MEETING (with headlines or sub-headlines)Prepared by:Signature Notes and explan

10、ation Although there are different styles of minutes, they have the key information in common. All should cover four basic things:Where and when the meeting took place Who was there and who was not What has been decided for the group Who has agreed to do thatTherefore, most minutes can be divided in

11、to four parts:Heading BodyAdjournment Signature of the minutes recorder What When & whereWho What (textbook) 會議記錄的內(nèi)容開會的日期和時間開會地點出席人員缺席人員主持人記錄人休會時間會議討論的問題Content Layout TitlePresidingPresentAbsentItems of Discussion And BusinessAdjournmentRecorderNotes for the various Sections The heading The body Ad

12、journment of MeetingSignatureThe Heading 題頭 This part, which sometimes can be written even before the meeting, includes the following items:1) Meeting title (regular, special, or annual) 2) The name of the group/organization holding the meeting 3) Time, date and place of the meeting 4) The name of t

13、he presiding officer and minutes recorder (the latter also appears at the end of the minutes, with signature typed or printed name)5) List of people attending 6) List of absent member of the group Layout Meeting Title: _Name of Committee _Meeting Date: _ Time: _Meeting Location: _Members Present: _M

14、embers Absent: _Minutes _ _Recorder: _The Body 正文 As the first purpose of a minutes is to set out the conclusions reached so that those who have to take action will know precisely what they have to do; the second is to give the reasons why the conclusions were reached. The body part falls clearly in

15、to three sections:Opening statement, that is, the background Points in discussionConclusions, that is, resolutions or recommendations or decisions reached Opening Statement 開場白This part states the purpose of the meeting or provides the background information about items to be discussed. It can show

16、who was responsible for putting the item before the meeting, what were the reasons for the proposal and the previous history of the matter. The sole purpose of the opening statement is to make the subsequent discussion intelligible without reference to other documents. Cases of opening statements (1

17、) The minutes begin by recording certain document under discussion, giving the name and date of each. It goes like these: “The president noted a letter dated from stating that “The president noted the following information concerning (2) In some meeting minutes the first item begins with approval of

18、 minutes of the last meeting. For example: “Minutes of the last meeting were approved as an accurate record. (3) The minutes of meeting can also begin with call to order. For example: “The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a. m. Points in Discussion 議題 This section contains the reasons a

19、dvanced in the meeting for the decision. It will usually proceed “The following points were raised in discussion and will then set out, in separate paragraphs or in point form, a concise summary of the various points made before the conclusion was reached. It is normally desirable that this part of

20、the minutes should be impersonal, that is, it should not attribute views to persons. The minutes recorder should not hesitate to discard the irrelevant information. It is often unnecessary to reproduce the points in discussion in the order in which they were made. It is better to arrange the points

21、in a logical order. Conclusion 結(jié)論 A minute ends with clear and precise conclusions. The chairperson will sometimes have summed up the discussion and indicated the conclusions reached. But, if he or she has not done this, it is the duty of the secretary to draft a set of conclusions which express fai

22、rly the sense of the meeting. Where action is required, the conclusion places the responsibility firmly upon an individual or the organization to carry it out. If several committee members are concerned they should all be named, to indicate who has the main responsibility. For example:It was resolve

23、dThat Dr. Wang be requested to draft a revised statement onThat the Vice-Chancellor be invited to discuss the matterAdjournment of Meeting 休會The last paragraph contains the hour of adjournment, for example:“The chairman thanked all participants for their presence and concluded the meeting at 5:30 p.

24、m.“There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.Signature 簽名The minutes are closed with the signature and title of the Secretary. 3. Types of Minutes 會議記錄類型Minutes of Narration 表達型會議記錄Minutes of Resolution 決議型會議記錄Minutes of Action 行動型會議記錄3.1 Minutes of Narration 表達型會議記錄Narrat

25、ive minutes provide a summarized record of what was said at a meeting. They give a full account of the meeting in that they include discussion which may lead up to a decision.FYT Network GameMinutes of the 6th Group Meeting Date: 4th October 2006Time: 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Duration: 1 hour Venue: Pr

26、of. Lochovskys office Present: Prof. Lochovsky, Chen Ting, Tony Young Minutes recorder: Tony Young Absent: Shu Yan, Patrick Chris 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING Minutes of the last meeting were approved as an accurate record. 2 DISCUSSION OF PROJECT DEVELOPMENTMinutes of narration2.1 Chen

27、 Ting raised the question about the camera: if the camera is above the character at some particular angle, then we are unable to see very far to the front and may not see the enemies. 2.2 Professor Lochovsky said that there was no so-called “good view angle. If the camera view is that of the charact

28、er, then we can see the virtual world, but we are unable to see the character. The player may lose his orientation since he has no sense about where the character is. 2.3 Tony Young asked whether it was a problem for the character to turn around because the scene would change very quickly and thus m

29、ake the player feel uncomfortable. 2.4 Prof. Lkchovsky said that limiting the speed of turnaround could solve the problem. He said that the main point was to make the game interesting and exciting. The view angle was not that important. 2.5 Prof. Lochovsky suggested that we should design a map to di

30、splay the location of the character so that the players can be aware of the progress and the place of the character. 3 MEETING ARRANGEMENTS 3.1 Prof. Lochovsky asked each group to give s simple demo of their FYP in the next group meeting. 3.2 For the demo, each group should be able to implement a 3D

31、 environment with the characters movements, for instance, forward and backward movements. 3.3 The purpose of the demo is to make sure each group has some basic ideas of how to implement 3D objects and control them. 4 ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at

32、11:00 a.m.5 NEXT MEETING Date: 17th October, 2006Time: 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.Place: FYP Lab Signature: Tony Young 3.2 Minutes of Resolution 決議型會議記錄Resolution minutes, sometimes called decision minutes, only show or record the decision reached during the meeting, not the discussion leading up to the dec

33、ision. In other words, they are limited to the recording of the actual words of all resolutions that were passed.Resolution Minutes of Meeting Date: 27 April 2007, 14:00 17:45Venue: Room 302, East Saxon Savings Bank Participants: All the middle-level managers from Saxony Economic Development Corpora

34、tion and East-Saxon Savings Bank Minutes recorder: Ms. Koch, secretary from Saxony Economic Development Corporation The following resolutions on proceeding were taken in the subsequent discussion. Setup of a Discussion Group “Developers of Economy The establishment of a regular Discussion Group that

35、 will take place, following a rotation principle, at least twice a year has been agreed upon as a suitable instrument for the exchange of information and for coordination. Presentation of the Economic Region There has bee3n agreement that the attractiveness and the profile of the region need to be m

36、ade visible. Main focus for this purpose should be formed by the economy with concentration on certain branches. Profile Sheet and Contact Patterns Filling in a profile sheet for participating partners is regarded as helpful for the provision of basic information, contact partners and probably, core

37、 competence. All partners are requested to return this profile sheet (Attachment) to Saxony Economic Development Corporation by 13 June 2007. They will subsequently be made accessible to all partners. The meeting was adjourned at 17:45.(Signature)Dresden Koch3.3 Minutes of Action 行動型記錄Action minutes

38、 show the same content as the narrative minutes, but in addition indicate any future action required and assign responsibility of tasks to specific people. Therefore, action minutes compromise between resolution and narrative minutes.Examples: 73 of textbook4. Stages for Producing Minutes做會議記錄的步驟Bef

39、ore the meeting During the meeting After the meeting 4.1 Before the meeting Before the meeting starts, you should review a copy of the agenda to understand what the meeting is about. Also, examine the names of the attending participants in order to become familiar with the context of the meeting. Yo

40、u can also use the agenda to serve as the format for the minutes. Before the meeting begins, prepare an outline using the topics from the agenda and leave plenty of white space for notes. 4.2 During the meeting Use whatever recording method is comfortable for you: a notepad, laptop, tape recorder an

41、d so on. It might be a good idea to make sound recordings of important meetings as a backup to your notes. It can be replayed for the vital information that might have been overlooked. An important issue to remember is that writing minutes is not the same as transcribing. Effective note-taking does

42、not mean you are recording every word that is spoken. Concentrate on getting the gist of the discussion and taking enough notes to summarize it later. The minutes of a meeting should serve as snapshot of the decisions and discussions, so keep them brief and to the point. 4.3 After the meeting Youd b

43、etter write the minutes as soon as possible after the meeting. That is because on one hand the matters concerned are still fresh in your mind, and on the other hand, those who attended can be reminded of actions items, and those who did not attend will promptly know what happened. 4. Language in Min

44、utes 1 Past tense and passive voice e.g. The Minutes of the meeting held on 21 January were agreed and signed. It was agreed that samples should also be sent to two other state-level testing centers for further tests. After some discussions, it was decided that2 Reported speech Instead of using “sai

45、d, there are other ways of expression like:Then he outlined the main purpose of the meeting. Following Mr. Xie, Mr. Reeves then described in great detailMr. Reeves also gave a brief report onThey explained that notes believed admitted/denied Sb. that insisted that called attention to suggested/propo

46、sed/recommend3 Amendments in minutes Para. 2, Line 3, should read:Amend heading to read:Line 1 to read:In the penultimate line “Continuing Education Award should be amended to read:Delete delete should be deleted to read “ delete as irrelevant/inapplicable. not applicable and should therefore be del

47、eted. Others: typical expressions and sentences. After calling the May 15 meeting to order at 4 p.m., the president requested the treasurers report. 會議主席在下午4點宣布會議開場。他要求司庫作報告。 The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. 宣讀并經(jīng)過了上次會議的議程。 The treasurer gave the following report: 司庫作如下報告。 It w

48、as moved, seconded, approved unanimously that a leaflet be printed to solicit new membership. 有人動議印制宣傳小冊來招募新的會員,得到附議和多數(shù)經(jīng)過。 After some discussion about improving communication between the club and the local media, the chairperson appointed a committee to report on this at the next meeting. 在對改善俱樂部和媒體

49、之間的交流進展了討論之后,主席指定了一個委員會。并將在下一此會議上就此問題作報告。 His remarks are briefly summarized here: 他的評論簡要概括如下 These recommendations were discussed in detail by the speaker and by several members of the audience. 發(fā)言者和幾名聽眾對這些提議進展了詳細討論。Vocabulary Preside v. 主持 present adj. 在場的,出席的Absent adj. 缺席的,不在場的 adjourn v. 休會,終了Call to order 宣布開會;請遵守會議次序Respectfully submitted 記錄人Report v./n. 報告,匯報 agree v. 贊同Move v. 動議 motion n. second v. 附議Abstain v. 棄權(quán) disagree v. 反對,不贊同Approved unan


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