1、-. z.計算機科學與通信工程學院編譯原理實驗報告題目: 1.詞法分析器2. LL(1)分析器 3. LR(0)分析器班級:: *:指導教師:2017年月-. z.-. z.目錄 TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc483942693一、實驗題目 PAGEREF _Toc483942693 h 1HYPERLINK l _Toc483942694二、實驗目的和要求 PAGEREF _Toc483942694 h 1HYPERLINK l _Toc483942695三、代碼實現 PAGEREF _Toc483942695 h 1HYPERLINK l _Toc4839
2、42696四、總結 PAGEREF _Toc483942696 h 1-. z.-. z.實驗題目詞法分析器分析一段程序代碼,將代碼中的單詞符號分解出來,并對其進展檢查,輸出token表和error表LL(1)文法分析器分析給定文法。求出文法的FIRST集,FOLLOW集,并構建分析表,對給定輸入串進展分析。LR(0)文法分析器分析給定文法。用_CLOSURE方法構造文法的LR(0)工程集規(guī)*族,根據狀態(tài)轉換函數GO構造出文法的DFA,并轉換為分析表,對給定輸入串進展分析。實驗目的和要求學會詞法分析器的實現思路。學會求解FIRST集, FOLLOW集,構造LL(1)分析表。學會_CLOSURE
3、方法,狀態(tài)轉換函數GO, 構造LR(0)分析表。代碼實現詞法分析器program.t*t 中存放要分析的文法:E-TRR-+TR|-TR|T-FGG-*FG|/FG|F-(E)|i:KEYWORD_LIST = while, if, else, switch, caseSEPARATOR_LIST = ;, :, , (, ), , , , OPERATOR_LIST1 = +, -, *OPERATOR_LIST2 = =, , =CATEGORY_DICT = # KEYWORD while: while: , if: if: , else: else: , switch: switch:
4、 , case: case: , # OPERATOR +: +: , -: -: , *: *: , =: relop: LE, =: relop: GE, : relop: GT, =: relop: EQ, =: =: , # SEPARATOR ;: ;: , : : , ,: ,: , (: (: , ): ): , : : , : : , : : , : : ,CONSTANTTABLE = TOKENTABLE = OPERATORTABLE = KEYWORDTABLE = SEPARATORTABLE = UNDEFINEDTABLE = # READ FILEdef rea
5、d_file(path, method): temp_str = try: file = open(path, method) for line in file: line = line.replace(n, ) temp_str += line temp_str = str(temp_str) e*cept IOError as e: print(e) e*it() finally: file.close() return temp_str.strip() + # GETBEdef getbe(): global token getchar() token = return# GETCHAR
6、def getchar(): global character global location while all_stringlocation = : location = location + 1 character = all_stringlocation return character# LINK TOKENdef concatenation(): global token global character token = token + character# IS NUMBERdef digit(): if 0 = character = 9: return True return
7、 False# IS ALPHABETdef letter(): if A = character = Z or a = character = z: return True return False# IS IDENTIFIERdef reserve(): if token in KEYWORD_LIST: return CATEGORY_DICTtoken else: return 0# RETRACTdef retract(): global location global character # location = location - 1 character = return# M
8、AIN FUNCTIONdef main(): global token global character global location s = getchar() getbe() if a = s = z or A = s = Z: while letter() or digit(): concatenation() location = location + 1 character = all_stringlocation retract() c = reserve() if c = 0: TOKENTABLE.append(token) print(這是標識符:, token, :,
9、TOKENTABLE.inde*(token), ) else: KEYWORDTABLE.append(token) print(這是保存字:, CATEGORY_DICTtoken) elif 0 = s = 9: while digit(): concatenation() location = location + 1 character = all_stringlocation retract() CONSTANTTABLE.append(token) print(這是常數:, token, :, CONSTANTTABLE.inde*(token), ) elif s in OPE
10、RATOR_LIST1: location = location + 1 OPERATORTABLE.append(s) print(這是單操作符:, CATEGORY_DICTs) elif s in OPERATOR_LIST2: location = location + 1 character = all_stringlocation if character = =: OPERATORTABLE.append(s + character) print(這是雙操作符:, CATEGORY_DICTs + character) else: retract() location = loc
11、ation + 1 OPERATORTABLE.append(s) print(這是單操作符:, CATEGORY_DICTs) elif s in SEPARATOR_LIST: location = location + 1 SEPARATORTABLE.append(s) print(這是分隔符:, CATEGORY_DICTs) else: location += 1 UNDEFINEDTABLE.append(s) print(error:undefined identity :, s, )if _name_ = _main_: character = token = all_str
12、ing = read_file(program.t*t, r) location = 0 while location + 1 TRR-+TR|-TR|T-FGG-*FG|/FG|F-(E)|i輸入串:i+i*i代碼:NonTermSet = set() # 非終結符集合TermSet = set() # 終結符集合First = # First集Follow = # Follow集GramaDict = # 處理過的產生式Code = # 讀入的產生式AnalysisList = # 分析表StartSym = # 開場符號EndSym = # # 完畢符號為#Epsilon = # 由于沒
13、有epsilon符號用代替# 構造First集def getFirst(): global NonTermSet, TermSet, First, Follow, FirstA for * in NonTermSet: First* = set() # 初始化非終結符First集為空for * in TermSet: First* = set(*) # 初始化終結符First集為自己Change = True while Change: # 當First集沒有更新則算法完畢Change = False for * in NonTermSet: for Y in GramaDict*: k =
14、0 Continue = True while Continue and k len(Y): if not FirstYk - set(Epsilon) 0: # Y1到Yi候選式都有存在Continue = False else: First* |= FirstYk - set(Epsilon) Change = True if Epsilon not in FirstYk: Continue = False k += 1 if Continue: # *-或者Y1到Yk均有產生式First* |= set(Epsilon) # FirstAY |= set(Epsilon)# 構造Foll
15、ow集def getFollow(): global NonTermSet, TermSet, First, Follow, StartSym for A in NonTermSet: FollowA = set() FollowStartSym.add(EndSym) # 將完畢符號參加Follow開場符號中Change = True while Change: # 當Follow集沒有更新算法完畢Change = False for * in NonTermSet: for Y in GramaDict*: for i in range(len(Y): if Yiin TermSet: c
16、ontinue Flag = True for j in range(i + 1, len(Y): # continue if not FirstYj - set(Epsilon) = FollowYi: FollowYi |= FirstYj - set(Epsilon) # 步驟2 FIRST()/ 參加到FOLLOW(B)中。Change = True if Epsilon not in FirstYj: Flag = False break if Flag: if not Follow* ,把FOLLOW(A)加到FOLLOW(B)中FollowYi |= Follow* Change
17、 = True# 構造分析表def getAnalysisList(): for non* in NonTermSet: AnalysisListnon* = dict() row = AnalysisListnon* flag = True for Y in GramaDictnon*: for term in TermSet: if term in FirstY0 and term in Firstnon*: rowterm = non*+-+Y if Epsilon in Firstnon* and flag: flag = False for tmp in Follownon*: ro
18、wtmp = non*+-+Epsilon print(分析表:) for non* in NonTermSet: print( , non*, AnalysisListnon*)# 查詢分析表def findAnalysisList(non, ter): try: tmp = AnalysisListnonter *, Y = tmp.split(-) e*cept E*ception as e: print(find error ) # MA,a為空,發(fā)現語法錯誤print(e) pass return Y# 顯示格式def display(show_list): for item in
19、show_list: print( %-25s % item, end=) print()# LL(1)分析器def analyzer(): head = Stack, StackTop, NowStr, InputStr, Action # inputStr = i+i*i + EndSym inputStr = input(請輸入表達式:) + EndSym print(分析過程:) display(head) stack = location = 0 stack.append(EndSym) stack.append(StartSym) stack_top = stack.pop() w
20、hile stack_top != EndSym and location ,只將A彈出mess = 彈出棧頂符號 + stack_top + 因M + stack_top + , + inputStrlocation + 中為 + stack_top mess = mess + -,故不壓棧 else: # MA,a中的產生式右部符號串按逆序逐一壓入棧中mess = 彈出棧頂符號 + stack_top + ,將M + stack_top + , + inputStr location + 中的 + stack_top + - + result + 的 + result mess = mes
21、s + 逆序壓棧 tmp_list = for char in result: tmp_list.append(char) tmp_list.reverse() stack.e*tend(tmp_list) display(stack, stack_top, inputStrlocation, inputStrlocation + 1: len(inputStr), mess) stack_top = stack.pop() else: break if stack_top = EndSym and inputStrlocation = EndSym: # * = a = # 分析成功,分析器
22、停頓工作display(, #, #, , 匹配,分析成功) print() print(*) print(* Analysis Success *) print(*) else: print(Analysis Error)# 讀取文法defreadGrammar(): try: file = open(grammar.t*t, r) for line in file: line = line.replace(n, ) Code.append(line) e*cept IOError as e: print(e) e*it() finally: file.close() return Code
23、# 初始化def init(): global NonTermSet, TermSet, First, Follow, StartSym, Code Code = readGrammar() n = int(len(Code) print(產生式個數:, n) StartSym = Code00 print(開場符號:, StartSym) print(產生式:G, StartSym, :) for i in range(n): *, Y = Codei.split(-) print( , Codei) NonTermSet.add(*) Y = Y.split(|) for Yi in Y:
24、 TermSet |= set(Yi) if * not in GramaDict: GramaDict* = set() GramaDict* |= set(Y) # 生成產生式集TermSet -= NonTermSet print(非終結符:, NonTermSet) print(終結符:, TermSet) getFirst() getFollow() print(FIRST集:) for k in NonTermSet: print( FIRST, k, : , Firstk) print(FOLLOW集:) for k, v in Follow.items(): print( FO
25、LLOW, k, : , v) TermSet -= set(Epsilon) TermSet |= set(EndSym) getAnalysisList() analyzer()init()運行結果:LR(0)分析器program.t*t 中存放要分析的文法:*-SS-BBB-aBB-b輸入串:abab代碼:VN = # 非終結符VT = # 終結符NFA = # NFA表DFA = # DFA表grammar = # 讀入的文法doted_grammar = # 加點后的文法VN2Int = # 非終結符映射VT2Int = # 終結符映射action = # action表goto =
26、 # goto表DFA_node = # DFA節(jié)點表status_stack = # 狀態(tài)棧symbol_stack = # 符號棧now_state = # 棧頂狀態(tài)input_ch = # 棧頂字符input_str = # 輸入串location = 0 # 輸入位置now_step = 0 # 當前步驟# 讀取文法def read_grammar(file_name): global grammar with open(file_name, r) as file: for line in file: line = line.replace(n, ) grammar.append(li
27、ne) file.close()# 找到終結符和非終結符def find_term_non(): global grammar n = int(len(grammar) temp_vt = l = 0 for i in range(n): *, Y = grammari.split(-) if * not in VN: VN.append(*) VN2Int.update(*: l) l += 1 for Yi in Y: temp_vt.append(Yi) m = 0 for i in temp_vt: if i not in VN and i not in VT: VT.append(i
28、) VT2Int.update(i: m) m += 1 VT.append(#) VT2Int.update(#: m)# 在字符串*個位置加點def add_char2str(grammar_i, i): grammar_i = grammar_i0:i + . + grammar_ii:len(grammar_i) return grammar_i# 給文法加點def add_dot(): global doted_grammar j = 0 n = 0 for i in grammar: for k in range(len(i) - 2): doted_grammar.append(
29、) doted_grammarn.append(add_char2str(i, k + 3) doted_grammarn.append(false) n += 1 j += 1# 顯示加點后的文法def print_doted_grammar(): print(加點后的文法) j = 1for i in doted_grammar: print(%d.%s % (j, i0) j += 1# 顯示讀入文法def print_read_grammar(): print(讀入的文法) j = 0 for i in grammar: print(%d)%s % (j, i) j += 1# 初始化
30、NFAdef init_NFA(): global NFA for row in range(len(doted_grammar): NFA.append() for col in range(len(doted_grammar): NFArow.append()# 找到點的位置def find_pos_point(one_grammar): return one_grammar.find(.)# 文法是否以start開頭,以.開場defis_start(grammar_i, start): if grammar_i0.find(start, 0, 1) + grammar_i0.find(.
31、, 3, 4) = 3: return True else: return False# 查找以start開頭,以.開場的文法,返回個數def find_node(start, grammar_id): num = 0 for i in doted_grammar: if is_start(i, start): grammar_idnum = doted_grammar.inde*(i) num += 1 return num# 構造NFAdef make_NFA(): global NFA grammar_id = for i in range(len(doted_grammar): gra
32、mmar_id.append() init_NFA() i = 0 for grammar_i in doted_grammar: pos_point = find_pos_point(grammar_i0) # 找到點的位置if not pos_point + 1 = len(grammar_i0): NFAii + 1 = grammar_i0pos_point + 1 if grammar_i0pos_point + 1 in VN: # 點后面跟著非終結符j = find_node(grammar_i0pos_point + 1, grammar_id) for k in range(
33、j): NFAigrammar_idk = * add_more(i, grammar_idk) i += 1# 查找關聯(lián)def add_more(i, j): global NFA grammar_id = for k in range(len(doted_grammar): grammar_id.append() pos_point = find_pos_point(doted_grammarj0) if not pos_point + 1 = len(doted_grammarj0): if doted_grammarj0pos_point + 1 in VN: j = find_nod
34、e(doted_grammarj0pos_point + 1, grammar_id) for k in range(j): NFAigrammar_idk = * add_more(i, grammar_idk)# 顯示NFAdef print_NFA(): global NFA, doted_grammar print(NFA鄰接矩陣) print(end= ) for i in range(len(doted_grammar): print(%4d % (i + 1), end=) print() for i in range(len(doted_grammar): print(, en
35、d=) print() for i in range(len(doted_grammar): print(%3d| % (i + 1), end=) for j in range(len(doted_grammar): print(%4s % NFAij, end=) print() for l in range(len(doted_grammar): print(, end=) print()# 初始化DFAdef init_DFA(): global DFA for row in range(len(doted_grammar): DFA.append() for col in range
36、(len(doted_grammar): DFArow.append()# 連接def add_state(to, fro): for i in range(len(doted_grammar): if not NFAtoi = and not NFAtoi = *: DFAtoi = NFAtoi if not NFAfroi = and not NFAfroi = *: # from可連接的點DFAtoi = NFAfroi# 構造DFAdef make_DFA(): global NFA, doted_grammar, DFA_node init_DFA() for i in range
37、(len(doted_grammar): DFA_node.append() for j in range(len(doted_grammar): DFA_nodei.append() for i in range(len(doted_grammar): if doted_grammari1 = false: k = 0 DFA_nodeik = doted_grammari0 k += 1 doted_grammari1 = true for j in range(len(doted_grammar): if NFAij = *: # 有弧DFA_nodeik = doted_grammar
38、j0 k += 1 doted_grammarj1 = true add_state(i, j)# 顯示DFAdef print_DFA(): global DFA, doted_grammar print(DFA鄰接矩陣) print(end= ) for i in range(len(doted_grammar): print(%4d % (i + 1), end=) print() for i in range(len(doted_grammar): print(, end=) print() for i in range(len(doted_grammar): print(%3d| %
39、 (i + 1), end=) for j in range(len(doted_grammar): print(%4s % DFAij, end=) print() for l in range(len(doted_grammar): print(, end=) print()# 初始化LR分析表def init_LR_table(): global doted_grammar, action, goto for i in range(len(doted_grammar): action.append() goto.append() for j in range(len(VT): actio
40、ni.append() for j in range(len(VN): gotoi.append(-1)# 有無規(guī)約項def need_protocol(point): global DFA_node if not DFA_nodepoint0 = : for i in range(len(doted_grammar): if DFA_nodepointi.endswith(.): return DFA_nodepointi else: return None else: return None# 根據文法內容找到文法編號def find_grammar(string): global gra
41、mmar tmp = string0: len(string) - 1 for i in range(len(grammar): if tmp = grammari: return i# 填充LR分析表def fill_LR_table(): global doted_grammar, VT2Int, VN2Int, VN init_LR_table() for i in range(len(doted_grammar): if need_protocol(i): num = find_grammar(need_protocol(i) tmp = r + str(num) for j in r
42、ange(len(VT): if i = 1: actioniVT2Int# = acc else: actionij = tmp else: for j in range(len(doted_grammar): if not DFAij = : if DFAij in VN: gotoiVN2Int.get(DFAij, -1) = j else: tmp = s + str(j) actioniVT2Int.get(DFAij, -1) = tmp# 顯示LR分析表def print_LR_table(): global VT, VN, doted_grammar, action, got
43、o # 表頭print(LR分析表) print(tt|t, end=) print(%3s % ) * (len(VT) - 2), end=) print(Action, end=) print(%3s % ) * (len(VT) - 2), end=) print(t|t, end=) print(%3s % ) * (len(VN) - 2), end=) print(GOTO, end=) print(%3s % ) * (len(VN) - 2), end=) print(t|) print(ttt, end=) for i in VT: print(%3st % i, end=
44、) print(t|t, end=) k = 0 for i in VN: if not k = 0: print(%3st % i, end=) k += 1 print(t|) for i in range(len(doted_grammar): print(, end=) print() # 表體for i in range(len(doted_grammar): print(%5dt|t % i, end=) for j in range(len(VT): print(%4s % actionij, end=) print(t|t, end=) for j in range(len(V
45、N): if not j = 0: if not gotoij = -1: print(%4s % gotoij, end=) else: print(t, end=) print(t|) for i in range(len(doted_grammar): print(, end=) print()# 判斷分析是否完成def is_end(): if input_strlocation:len(input_str) = #: if symbol_stack-1 = * and symbol_stack-2 = #: return True else: return False else: r
46、eturn False# 讀入輸入串def read_input(): global input_str input_str = input(輸入串:) + # 輸出def output(): global now_step, status_stack, symbol_stack, input_str, now_state print(%dtt % now_step, end=) now_step += 1 print(%-20s % status_stack, end=) print(%-25s % symbol_stack, end=) print(%-22s % input_strloc
47、ation:len(input_str), end=)# 統(tǒng)計產生式右部的個數def count_right_num(grammar_i): return len(grammar_i) - 3# 規(guī)約def do_stipulations(): global status_stack, input_str, symbol_stack, location, now_state, input_ch print(分析過程) print(步驟tt, end=) print(%-17s % 狀態(tài)棧, end=) print(%-22s % 符號棧, end=) print(%-20s % 輸入串, end=) print(動作說明) for i in range(len(doted_grammar): print(, end=) print() symbol_sta
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