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1、解析解析(1 分 )大學(xué)英語(三)第三階段一、完形填空1. Interviewing, though by no means the only technique for judging the personalitiesof prospectiveemployees, remains the most widely used. Pencil and paper tests _1_ for many years, but no writtentechniquehas gained as wide an acceptanceamong employers_2_ the traditional d

2、ialogue which aims _3_ forecast future behavior by obtaininginformation about past and _4_. An interview usually _5_ a conversation, which may tak e _6_ different forms. At one end of the scale is the directed conversati on _7_ on topics selected _8_ by the interviewer. At the other _9_ is the undir

3、ected at which the person being _10_ goes on about himself _ 11_ interruption,makinghis own choice of _12_. In between, and mostcommon, lies the friendly conversation _13_ the interviewer moves at ra ndom from one subject to _14_. The carefully phrased questions of the directedconversation invariabl

4、yyield the precise informationthe _15_islookingfor. _16_,the friendlyconversation _17_ turns outto be less_18_ since the interviewer often _19_ dominating the exchange. And onl y in very skilled hands _20_ be an outcome of the uninterrupted talk.糾錯have existedexistedexistexisting得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展

5、開解析答案 A解析(1 分 )likeandasbesides得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 C(1 分 )bytowardatto得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 D解析(1 分 )recentpresentnowfuture得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷 展開解析答案 B解析(1 分 )is containedpersists inmakes upconsists of得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 D解析(1 分 )somea number ofvery muchplenty of得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷 展

6、開解析答案 B解析(1 分 )centerscenteringcenteredcenter得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 B解析(1 分 )in advancebeforeC. agoD. ahead得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 A解析(1 分 )sideparthandend得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 D解析(1 分 )A. interviewed(12)B. talkedC. mentionedD. selected得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 A解析(1 分 )withwithoutoffagains

7、t得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 A解析(1 分 )viewsideastopicsmessages得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 C解析(1 分 )at whichin whichwherefrom which得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析 答案 B解析(1 分 )other subjectsubjectanotherthe other得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 C解析(1 分 )interviewerintervieweedirectoremployees得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析 答案 A

8、解析(1 分 )MeanwhileThoughOn the other handHowever得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 C解析(1 分 )certainlymainlyusuallyD. doubtfully得分: 1得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 C解析(1 分 )productionproductiveproductproduce得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 B解析(1 分 )ends atends inends offends up得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 D解析(1 分 )can good r

9、esultgood results cangood results maywould good results得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 A解析2.Setting up time schedule (計劃) is one of the keys to success in an d out of school. To begin organizingyour time, you must 1 list those activities not connected 27 school eating, playing, exercising, an d sleeping.

10、Taking the schedule 3consideration, you should then incl ude those hours 4you are attendingclass. Where possible, you should fill5your class throughout the day in order that you can study b etween classes. On this same schedule, you should clearly mark tho se hours for study and faithfully study dur

11、ing those 6. You must de cide how many hours are needed to 7the course material. Finally, lo ng-term projects like reading a long novel or writing a 8 should be placed on a monthly calendar (日歷)so that you are frequentlymade 9of how much time is still left.Becoming a successful student also requires

12、 10well-thought-out strategies (策略). First, you should set up class priorities( 輕重緩急) to determine which courses are most important to you. 11this priority list you should thi nk of the grade that you wish to 12for each course by the end of the se mester. You should study for those important courses

13、 when your 13is clea rest. 14all times, your study hours should be concentrated 15, interrupted only by an occasional (偶爾)16. When you work on longer projects, youshould devise efficient strategies to complete them, dividing them 17smal ler tasks and setting a time 18for each. 19 , you should try to

14、 develop anefficient study area one that provides you 20all the necessary study mat erials and allows you time to concentrate without interruption.糾錯(1 分 )alsobothfirststill得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 C解析(1 分 )withtoatD. in得分: 1B. with得分: 1B. with知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 A解析(1 分 )forwithasinto得分: 1知識點:3a

15、第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 D解析(1 分 )A. asC. sinceD. while得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 D解析(1 分 )upwithinon得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 B解析(1 分 )解析解析A. hoursclassesdaysactivities得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 A解析(1 分 )rememberfindmasterprepare得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 D(8)(1 分 )diarylettercompositionpaper得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展

16、開解析答案 D解析(1 分 )usebestmostaware得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷 展開解析答案 A解析(1 分 )surecertaincompleteentire得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 C解析(1 分 )FromOnInThrough得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷 展開解析答案 A解析(1 分 )acceptbringreceivetake得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 D解析(1 分 )mindheartC. spiritD. brain得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 A解析(1 分 )Duri

17、ngInOnAt得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 D解析(1 分 )A. those( )( #)B. thatonesone得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 D解析(1 分 )friendbreakteamusic得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 B解析解析(1 分 )intointoby得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 A解析(1 分 )speedruleendlimit得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析 答案 D(1 分 )FinallyThereforeHoweverOtherwise得分: 1知識點:

18、3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 A解析(1 分 )forwithinby得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析 答案 B解析二、閱讀理解1.One day a few years ago a very funny thing happened to a neighbour of mine. He is a teacher at one of London s big medical schools, He had f inished his teaching for the summer termand wasat the airport onhis way to Russia to

19、 give a lecture.He had put a few clothesand his lecturenotesinhis shoulder bag,buthe had put Rupert, the skeleton (人體骨骼) to be used in his lecture, in alarge brown suitcase (箱子). At the airportdesk,hesuddenly thoughtthathe had forgotten to buya newspaper. He lefthissuitcase near thedeskand went over

20、 to the shop.When he got back he discoveredthat someone had taken his suitcase bymistake. He often wonders what they said when they got home and fou nd Rupert.糾錯(1)(4 分 )Who wrote the story?A. Rupert s teacher.( )( #)The neighbor s teacher.A medical school teacher.The teacher s neighbor.得分: 4知識點:3b

21、第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 D解析(2)(4 分 )Why did the teacher put a skeleton in his suitcase?He needed it for the summer term in London.He needed it for the lecture he was going to give.He wanted to take it to Russia for medical research.He wanted to take it home as he had finished his teaching.得分: 4知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展

22、開解析答案 B解析(4 分 )What happened at the airport?The skeleton went missing.The skeleton was stolen.The teacher forgot his suitcase.The teacher took the wrong suitcase.得分: 4知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 A解析(4 分 )Which of the following best tells the teacher s feeling about the inci dent?He is very angry .He thinks

23、 it rather funny .He feels helpless without Rupert.He feels good without Rupert .得分: 0知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷 展開解析答案 D解析(4 分 )Which of the following might have happened afterwards?The teacher got back the suitcase but not Rupert.The teacher got back neither the suitcase nor Rupert.The teacher got back Rupert

24、 but not the suitcase.The teacher got back both the suitcase and Rupert.得分: 0知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 D解析2.writer of short stories. HiO. Henry was a pen name used by an Americans real name was WilliamSydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina inlife. He did not go to school1862. As a young boy he live

25、d an excitinghe needed tofor very long, but he managed to teach himself everything know. When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas, where h e tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a jo b in a bank, when some money went missing from the bank O. Henry wa s bel

26、ieved to have stolen it. Because of that, he was sent to prison. Durin g the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he gotout of prison, he went to New York and continued writing.He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stori es, becaus

27、e simple as the tales were, they would finish with a sudden cha nge at the end, to the reader s surprise.糾錯(4 分 )In which order did O. Henry do the following things?Lived in New York.Worked in a bank.Travelled to Texas.Was put in prison.Had a newspaper Job.Learned to write stories.e. c. f. b. d. ac.

28、 e. b. d. f. aC. e. b. d. c. a. f.D. c. b. e. d. a f.得分: 4知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 D解析(4 分 )People enjoyed reading O. Henry s stories because they had surprise endingsthey were easy to understandthey showed his love for the poorthey were about New York City得分: 4知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 A解析(4 分 )O. Henry wen

29、t to prison because .people thought he had stolen money from the newspaper( )( #)he broke the law by not using his own namehe wanted to write stories about prisonerspeople thought he had taken money that was not his得分: 4知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 D解析(4 分 )What do we know about O. Henry before he began wri

30、ting?He was well-educated.B.He was not serious about his work.He was devoted to the poor.He was very good at learning.得分: 4知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 D解析(4 分 )Where did O. Henry get most material for his short stories?His life inside the prison.The newspaper articles he wrote.The city and people of New Yo

31、rk.His exciting early life as a boy.得分: 4知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 C解析三、詞匯與結(jié)構(gòu)(1 分 )Jean own a car but I don t believe her.claimsclaims toclaims thatclaims of糾錯得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析 答案 A解析(1 分 )Americans are more t o choose “ love ” as a reason for marriage than any other factor.likeusedinclinedfavor糾錯得

32、分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 C解析(1 分 )There are both playboys and men in the “ Affluent Second Generation. ”A. honestB. loyaldiligenthardworking糾錯得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 B解析(1 分 )Avoid buying junk food - Resist the of buying junk food while shopping or going outside.risktemptationtimehelp糾錯得分: 1知識點:3a

33、 第三階段A 卷 展開解析答案 B解析(1 分 )The new engine must be thoroughly before being out on themarket.tried outtried totried intried with糾錯得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 A解析(1 分 )You d better the warm weather by going for a walk this afternoon.take use oftake the advantage oftake advantage oftake the use of糾錯得分: 1知識點

34、:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 C解析(1 分 )We will not have the picnic unless more people signed insigned withsigned forsigned up糾錯得分: 1知識點:3b 第三階段B 卷展開解析答案 D解析8.(1 分 )Americans believe that love is the main of marriage.foundationsourcerequirementtask糾錯得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 C解析(1 分 )What the story wants to tell

35、 us is that it will be difficult to toprinciplesif their differences only lie in quantity rather than quality.resistviolateadhereD. break糾錯得分: 1知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 C解析(1 分 )Fruits and dry nuts would y our hunger away and keep you from binging on junk food.helpcurbmakeincrease糾錯得分: 0知識點:3a 第三階段A 卷展開解析答案 B解析(1 分 )If a girl just wanted to marry a rich man regardless of his characteror true feelings, her “ good marriage ” would just be .self-confidenceself-satisfactionself-relianceself-decept


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