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1、英語詞匯學(xué)教 程(2004年版)練習(xí)答案Chapter 1Choose the standard meaning from the list on the right to match each of the slang words on the left.tart: loose womanbloke: fellowgat: pistolswell: greatchicken: cowardblue: fightsmoky: policefull: drunkdame: womanbeaver: girlGive the modern equivalents for the following

2、 archaic words. haply = perhaps albeit = although methinks = it seems to me eke = also sooth = truth morn = morning troth = pledge ere = before quoth = said hallowed = holy billow = wave / the sea bade = bid12. Categorize the following borrowed words intodenizens, aliens, translation loans,and seman

3、tic loans .Denizens: kettle, die, wall, skirt, husbandAliens: confrere, pro patria, Wunderkind, mikado, parvenuTranslation loans: chopstick, typhoon, black humour, long time no see Semantic loans: dreamChapter 21. Why should students of English lexicology study the Indo-European Language Family?The

4、Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary. Knowledge

5、 of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately. 2. Make a tree diagram to show the family relations of the modern languages given below.Indo-European Language FamilyBalto-SlavicIndo-IranianCelticItalianHellenicGermanicRoumanianHindi

6、BretonSpanishGreekEnglishLithuanianPersianScottishFrenchSwedishPrussianIrishItalianGermanPolishPortugueseNorweigianSlavonianIcelandicRussianDanishBulgarianDutch6. Here is a text chosen from the Declaration of Independence .“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to d

7、issolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impe

8、l them to the separation.”Pick out all the words of Greek or Latin origin from the text and see of what origin are the words left. What insight does this exercise give you with reference to the borrowings from Greek and Latin?“When in the course of human events , it becomes necessary for one people

9、to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature s Godentitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which i

10、mpel them to the separation .”Most of the content words are either of Greek or Latin origin. What are left are mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latin play a very important part in the English vocabulary.Tell the different elements that make up the following hybrids.eventful Latin +

11、 English falsehood Latin + English saxophone German + Greek joss house Portuguese + English hydroplane Greek + Latin pacifist Latin + Greek heirloom French + English television Greek + LatinPut the following French loan words into two groups, one being early borrowings and the other late ones.amateu

12、r (late) finac e (late) empire (early) peace (E) courage (E) garage (L)judgement (E) chair (E) chaise (L) grace (E) servant (E) routine (L) jealous (E) savat e (L) genre (L) gender (E) d e but (L) morale (L) state (E) chez (L) ballet (L)Match the Italian musical terms with the proper definitons. all

13、egro, f. in fast tempo 輕快 andante, j. in moderate tempo 行板 diminuendo, g. decreasing in volume 漸弱 largo, d. in a slow stately manner 緩慢 pianoforte, a. soft and loud 輕轉(zhuǎn)強(qiáng) alto, i. lowest singing boice for woman 女低音 crescendo, b. increasing in volume 漸強(qiáng) forte, e. loud強(qiáng)piano, h. soft輕soprano, c. highest

14、 singing voice for women 女高音Look up these words in a dictionary to determine the language from which eachhas been borrowed.cherub (Hebrew) coolie (Hindi) lasso (Sp)shampoo (Indian) tepee (Am Ind) kibitz (G)chipmunk (Am Ind) cotton (Arab) loot (Hindi) snorkel (G) tulip (Turk) wok (Ch) chocolate (Mex)

15、 jubilee (Gr) Sabbath (Heb) tamale (Mex)voodoo (Afr)sauerbraten (G)Here is a menu of loan words from various sources. Choose a word to fill in each space.A crocodile much resembles an in appearance.To give up a young lady like that, “ said Andy. A man would have to be plumbThere was a big increase t

16、his summer in the number of competitors in calf ropingat the annual held in Three Forks.This duke ranch we have developed has done well so far, but it promises next yearto be a real , enough to make us all rich. TOC o 1-5 h z Some Eskimos build a winter shelter from snow called an .The Germans perfe

17、cted a type of motorized attack in the Second World War that they called a.The Algonquin Indian in eastern and central North America lived in a domed shelter they called a .Columbus in 1493 used a Carib Indian word to describe the small boats thenative used.In the West Indies the local name fro a vi

18、olent tropical cyclone is a.The Australian aborigines use a throwing stick that they call a .Look like rain, boy, sang out Luke. Better get out your.”a. alligator b. loco c. rodeo d. bonanza e. igloo f. blitzkrieg g. wigwam h. canoe i. hurricanej. boomerang k. panchosChapter 3Write the term in the b

19、lanks accoding to the definitions. TOC o 1-5 h z a minimal meaningful unit of a language ()one of the variants that realize a morpheme ()a moepheme that occurs with at least one other morpheme ()a morpheme that can stand alone ()a morpheme attached to a base, stem or root ()an affix that indicates g

20、rammatical relationships ()an affix that forms new words with a base, stem or root ()what ratains of a word after the removalof all affies ()that part of a word that can take inflectional affixes ()a form to which affixes of any kind can be added ()a. morpheme b. allomorph c. bound morpheme d. free

21、morpheme e. affix f. informational affix g. derivational affix h. root i. stem j. baseindividualisticindividualist + ic stem, base individual + ist stem, baseindividu + al stem, basein + dividu root, stem, baseundesirablesun + desirable stem, basedesir + able root, stem, baseOrganize the following t

22、erms in a tree diagram to show their logical relationships.affix morpheme derivational affixbound rootfree rootinflectional affixprefixbound morphemefree morphemesuffixmorpheme- free morpheme = free root-bound morpheme- bound root-affix - inflectional affix- derivational affix prefix- suffixChapter

23、4AffixationForm negatives with each of the following words by using one of these prefixes dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, non-, un-.non-smoker disobey immature unwillingness illogical non-athletic incapable insecurity inability/disability illegal disloyal unofficially disagreement inconvenient impractical

24、 irrelevantTurn the following nouns and adjectives into verbs with -en, -ify, -ize and then choose them to fill in the blanks in the sentences that follow.harden memorize deepen lengthen fatten horrify falsify glorify intensify sympathize modernize apologize sterilize beautifya. apologized b. beauti

25、fy c. lengthening d. sympathized e. fatten f. falsify g. memorizing h. SterilizeEach of the following sentences contains a word printedin italics. Complete thesentence by using this word to form a noun to refer to a person.If you are employed by a company, you are one of its.A is someone whose job i

26、s politics .The in a discussion are the people who participate in it.A woman who works as a does the same job as awaiter.The person who conducts an orchestra or choir is called the.Your is the person who teaches you.A is someone who earns their living by playing thepiano .If someone examnines you, y

27、ou are the and he or she is the.a. employee b. politician c. participant d. waitress e. conductor f. teacher g. pianist h. examinee/examinerMatch Colume A with Colume B and give two examples for each.trans- = across: transcontinental, trans-world trans-world mono- = one: monorail, monoculture super-

28、 = over, above: superstructure, supernatural auto- = self: autobiography, automobile sub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnutrition mini- = little, small: minicrisis, miniwar pre- = before: prehistorical, preelection ex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompounding2. Analyse the following compound words

29、 and explain their internal grammatical relationship.heartbeat S + V movie-goer place + V far- reaching V + Adv lion-hearted adv + a boyfriend S + complement snap decision V + O on-coming V +adv brainwashing V + O baking powder V +adv dog-tired adv + a love-sick adv + a peace-loving V +O easy chair

30、a + n tax-free adv +a light-blue a + a goings-on V +adv4. Form compounds using the following either as the first or the second element of the compound as indicated and translate the words into Chinese.well-bred / well-behaved, needle work / homework, bar-woman / sportswoman, clear-minded / strong-mi

31、nded, self-control / self-respect, water-proof / fire-proof, news-film / news-letter, sister-in-law / father-in-law, half-way / half-done, age-conscious / status-conscious, culture-bound / homebound, praiseworthy / respectworthy, nation-wide / college-wide, military-style / newstyle, budget-related

32、/ politics-related, once-fashionable / once-powerful, mock-attack / mock-sadness, home-baked / home-produced, ever-lasting / ever-green, campus-based / market-based Conversion7. Pick out the words which you think are converted in the following sentences and tellhow they are converted.We can t stomac

33、h such an insult.Robert Acheson roomed right next to me.he wolfed down his lunchThere is no come and go with her.I m one of his familiars.Poor innocents!She flatted her last note.The engineers ahed and ouched at the new machines.Come to the fire and have a warm.Is Bill Jackson a has-been or a might-

34、have-been?He Hamleted at the chance and then he regretted for it.These shoes were an excellent buy.He turned his head and smoothed back the hair over one temple.a. stomach n f v b. room n f v c. wolf n f vd. come/go v f n e. familiara - nf. innocent a f n g. flat a f nh. ah / ouch int f v i. warm a

35、f nj. has-been / might-have- been finite vnk . Hamlet proper n v l. buy v nm. smooth a vBlendingAnalyse the blends and translate them into Chinese.motel (motor + hotel) 汽車旅館humint (human + intelligence) 諜報(bào)advertisetics (advertisement + statistics)廣告統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)psywarrior (psychological warrior) 心理 戰(zhàn)專 家hoverp

36、ort (hovercraft + port) 氣墊 船碼頭chunnel (channel + tunnel)海峽隧道hi-fi (high + fidelity) 高保真錄音設(shè)備cinemactress (cinema + actress) 電影女演 員ClippingRestore the full forms of the following words and see how these clipped words areformed.copter (helicopter)ab (laboratory)gas (gasoline)scope (telescope)sarge (ser

37、geant)ad (advertisement)dorm (dormitory)prefab (prefabricated house)prof (professor)champ (champion)mike (microphone)tec (detective)AcronymyWhat do the short forms stand for?kg = kilogram cm = centimeter ibid = ibidemft = foot$ = dollaretc. = et ceteracf = conferVIP = very important personOPEC = Org

38、anization of Petroleum Exporting Countries TOEFL = teaching of English as a foreign languageChoose a word from the list to fill in each of the blanks.There was a wide coverage of the talks in the press.There are enemy aircraft on the screen.is still an incurable disease.If one knows language, one wi

39、ll find it easy to learn how to use computers.has long been applied to surgery in medicine.is an international agency of the United Nations which is concerned with improving health standards and services throughout the world.Passive listens for noises emanating from a submarine.The person who works

40、for the Federal Bureau of Investigation is called a.a. SALT b. radar c. AIDS d. BASIC e. Laser f. WHO g. sonar h. G-man Backformation2. Give the original words from which the following words are back-formed.lase (laser)escalate (escalator) babysit (babysitter) peeve (peevish) orate (orator)commute (

41、commuter)Commonization of Proper NamesStudy the following sentences and pick out the words which used to be proper names and explain the meanings in relation to their origins.tantalize TantalusArgus-eyed Argusnarcissism Narcissussabotage sabotsmartinet Martinetyahoo YahooShylock Shylockhoovering Hoo

42、ver8utopia UtopiaUncle Tommism Uncle TomChapter 56. Match the words in Colume A with those in Colume B. ABapes b cattle m doves c geese k wolves g pigs l turkeys d birds a cricket n foxes j sheep f monkeys e hyenas h swans ia. A scientist working in a project to develop industrial uses for nuclear p

43、ower might have all the positive associations with“atomic” , such as “benefit, energy ” , etc.A Japanese resident of Hiroshima, victim of the atomic explosion at the end of World War II, might have all the negative associations with“atomic” , such as asuffering,killing, death, horror, etc.To a stude

44、nt of nuclear physics, “atomic“ might be associated with “mystery, science, knowledge ” , etc.talkative: implying a fondness for talking frequently and at length (neutral) articulate: expressing oneself easily and clearly (positive) gossip: indulging in idle talk or rumours about others (negative) r

45、ambling: talking aimlessly without connection of ideas (negative) fluent: speaking easily, smoothly, and expressively (positive) mouthy: overtly talkative, especially in a rude way (negative)11. NoAppreciativeNeutralPejorative1particularfastidious / fussy2criticalfault-finding / picky3style/voguefad

46、4artfulcunning / sly5unstablefickle / capricious6developingunderdeveloped /backward7encourage / promoteinstigate8groupclique / gang914. bull - HUMAN + MALE + ADULT + BOVINE cow - HUMAN - MALE + ADULT + BOVINE calf - HUMAN + MALE - ADULT + BOVINE rooster -HUMAN + MALE + ADULT + GALLINE hen - HUMAN -

47、MALE +ADULT +GALLINE chicken - HUMAN + MALE + ADULT + GALLINE-HUMANbullcowcalf+BOVINEroosterhenchicken+GALLINE+ MALE一MALE+ADULTChapter 6Polysemy boarda piece of timber tablecouncil tablecouncilors; committee;directors of a companymake both ends meet which means ”havedining tablefood served at the ta

48、ble;meal supplied by the week or monthHomonymy1) Make both ends meat is a parody of enough money for one s needs ” . Here the butcher cleverly uses the pair of homonyms meat and meet to make a pun. It makes a proper answer to the lady s question. (1) Butchers cannot make both ends meat (make whole s

49、ausages with all meat) because they cannot make both ends meet (If they made sausages with all meat, which is morecostly, they would not earn enough money to survive.) (2) Don t complain. All the butchers do the same. I am not the only one who is making sausages with bread.Swallow is a bird which is

50、 seen in summer. But by one swallow we see, we cannot deduce that it is already summer time. Swallow can also mean a mouthful of wine. On a cold winter day, if one has a swallow of wine, one may feel warm.Arms has two meanings: weapons; the human upper limbs. Since “a cannon ball took off his legs ”

51、 , the soldier was not able to fight on, so he “l(fā)aid down his arms ” , which means asurrender ” . It can also mean he laid down his upper limbs.Synonymyavaricious: greedycourteously: politelyemancipate: set freecustomary: usualwidth: breadthadversary: opponent gullible: deceived remainder: residuein

52、nocent: sinless10 obstacle: obstruction vexation: annoyancea. identifiableb. safety c. motivatesdelicatesurroundingsartificialprestigeperspireaccomplishmentsilentimpressiveevaporaterun move spin turn whirl rolla. steadgee-geeripematureeffectiveefficientfatigued, childrentired, kidsdeclinedrefusedran

53、cidaddledPenaltiesn. finesrebukedaccusedAntonymya. similar / samesafesharp / smartsendstingy / selfishsignificant / sensibleskeptical / suspicioussimplesureslipshod / slovenly / sloppysleepiness / sleep / slumber11smoothm. subjectiven. sob / scowla. old-fashioned b. completely c. moisturespecialesse

54、ntial f. similarity g. innocent h. rigid i. loosen j. clarity k. deserted l. fruitful m. peremptory n. depressed o. indifferenta. feed starve, cold-feverwisdom follieshaste leisurepenny pound, wise foolish e. speech silenceabsence presenceadmonish praiseyoung oldwise men fools saint devil j. mind bo

55、dy k. foul fairdanger security m. deliberate-prompt n. children parents o. bully coward p. head tailright wrong dry sweet strong faint light dark high low / deep private public single return hard easy rough calm cold warm12Hyponymy3. furniture: desk, chair, table, bedmatter: liquid, gas, solid meat: pork, beef, mutton go: run, fly, walk4. professionsurgeon: plumber: lawyer: mechanic:workplace clinic, hospital ho


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