1、smeacnuarigteymaentsssyesstsemmesntais i nncdlmuedae disnutrhese eastabnlinualisnhdeexd.bSyt,riactlyinmdpla managementsystem; developed hascomputerand thenetworkofnetwork security responsibilitylmanagementoprietar y,andreleaseofprovisicurit y,assurance responssresponsibl eforconfidentiassword ofthe
2、computerforitsprheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsi bility;weork) for classifie dsecurity protection levels,withoutthirnformatiod-level ing,(XX educati on cioudpiatform),containsfeatureswith e-Governme nt,resourceii brary,test database,maiiservices, such ase -books,aii intranetservic
3、es.No forgradeprotecti on gradi ngrecorda ndevai uation of scequipmentin theciassroomWith Inteicompanyon XX Education City domain networkoftopiccasede sign,reiie son Ciscocompa ny thoughtShuaidchuan proje ctstaff freeprovideshas threeyear stechnoi ogy support,setup aChineseteachereducation cioud pia
4、tform,impiemented ii nks thetwopiatforms.Atpresent,thecitysprimary andmiddieschooi studentst ocomputer3198,vitaiity than10:1;809 equipmentciassest hroug hhooi (units),requirements theschooi (units) accordingto information security gradeprotection a boutpoii cy and standard, organizati on carried out
5、information securitygrade prote ction securitymanagementsystem construction,and technoiogymeasures constructi on a nd gradeevai uation,impiementation gra deprote ction system oftherequireme nts,makes information system security managementieveiobviousiyfaciiityup to160miiiion Yua n,accor ding to t he
6、standard,high quaiity pianningXX educationaimetropoiitan areanetworkreaiizes Wan Zhaokua n to schoois, hundre dsofmegabytes of broa dbandto t hetabie,wire(ie:Web,vi deo,a udi o)to thetarge t,eiectronicwhiteboards,muitimediaciassrooms,remoteinteractivevideo tea chi ng systemof modern educati onaifrom
7、 2009began,a ccordi ng to hig h standards,andhigh of work thought,and manpower pianning,and poi nts ste p impiementation,using schooi earthquakeHoureconstruction ofopportunities,again pianni ng eieme ntary andmiddie schooiscam pus networka nd e ducation city domainnetwork,a nd i ocaibroadcasting net
8、work companycooperation,using broadca stTV network,wiiiphysi cai fiberiaying toeach schooi,to minimum of costa chieve d hasphysicaifiberschooi schooipass;Each schooiconstruction standardsofcampusnetworkand netw orkaccesstoaiirooms;XX educati on metropoiitan areanetw orkce ntermachi neroom equipmenti
9、n theMinistryofeducation standardization managementpiatform,theCentraiLibraryofaudi o-vi suaieducation re sources,the ciassroom (primaryandse condary);36 ofthe campus network.Theesta bi ishment of an advance d,practica i Gigabite ducationai metropoiitan areanetwork,thecitysschoois haveaccess to educ
10、ationaimetropoiitan areanetw ork,schooi shave computernetworks,ciosed -cir cuitteievi sion netw ork, broadcast networksintotheci assrooms,reaiizethe tripie piay.Schoois share Internetba ndwi dth, can me etthe needsofteachingoftheschooi officea nd ata nytime.Accordingto Ministry of education on fuiis
11、tartedimpieme ntation tea chi ng point s digitaie ducation resources fuiicoverpr oje ctofnotification (taughttechnicai ietter(2012) 74th,)and XXPr ov ince Department of education on issued XX provinceteachi ng points digitaieducati on re sour cesfui icov erprojecteantits,on,IdeCeveniteropehads iasrs
12、ruaendg haesmenXtXsCGitoyng Burea uon tea chi ngpoints digitai resources fuiicoverproject ofimpieme ntation programme,Esta biished XX,fuiicoverageofdigitai resource sin m oder n distanceeducati on tea chi ngpr oject ieadi nggroup, XX,chaired theSecretaryforeducation. E stabiished,digitairesources i
13、n moderndista ncee ducation teaching,XX fuii coverage proje ctgroup, XX, Directorofthe Centerforeducationaii nformat ion a ndequipmentchaired Z hu Guiyan,responsibiefordistanceeducati on digitairesourcescoveringprojectw ork.Projects inXX city schooi digitai resour ces i n moderndistancee ducation te
14、aching fuii-coverageproje ctieadi ng group,digitairesour ces i n modern distancee ducation teaching,andXX fuiicoverage proje ctgroup iea dership a nd移動式操作平臺施工方案、編制依據(jù)1、建筑施工扣件式鋼管腳手架安全技術規(guī)范JGJ130-20012、建筑施工安全檢查評分標準JGJ59-993、特殊作業(yè)人員安全技術考核管理規(guī)則GB5306-854、建筑結(jié)構(gòu)荷載規(guī)范GBJ95、建筑施工高處作業(yè)安全技術規(guī)范JGJ80-916、建筑施工手冊第四版扣件式鋼管梁
15、板模板支撐架的穩(wěn)定計算、工程概況三、移動式操作平臺的構(gòu)造、搭設及使用要求本移動式操作平臺使用操作高度不大于 5m的裝飾裝修作業(yè),當高度大于5m時, 應采用工具架或普通扣件式鋼管搭設滿堂腳手架。未明事項按照建筑施工高處作業(yè)安全技術規(guī)范JGJ80-91 及相關法規(guī)、標準進行搭設、實施、監(jiān)督檢查。用扣件式鋼管搭設的移動操作平臺是室內(nèi)裝飾裝修施工的臨時結(jié)構(gòu),他要在室內(nèi)裝飾修施工過程中承受各種垂直和水平荷載,操作平臺的面積不應超過10n2,高度不應超過5m施工荷載小于1KN/m2按規(guī)范及施工組織設計要求對鋼管、扣件、 板材、 輪子等進行檢查驗收,不合格產(chǎn)品不得使用。mprove,se curitypr
16、evention capacity obvi ously e nhanced,securityhidden and securityaccident obviouslyreduce d,effective guarantees information healthdevelopment.XXE ducation Centrereg ularlycarry out day -to-daynetworkse curity monitoring informationand equipment.By t he appropriatetechni calstaff,XXnetwork engine r
17、oom mainte nancestaffonsite managementand mai ntena nceon aregularba sis,sche dule dviewi ng of netw orks,systems,databases a nd associatedequi pmentoperatingconditi ons,and makea recor d.Computerlab maintenance manager sregularlyrun avarietyofdevice sin the schoolinformationsystem parameters,server
18、 systemsand vari ous data ba ckup,sot hattherewas ahar dwarefailure ina systemcrashcanresumequi cklyand efficientl y.Computer lab mainte nancemanagersestabli sh anetworka ntivirussystem, AviraVirus systemona regularbasi s,and anti-virussoftware securitya ssessment,timeto upgrade. Computerla bmainten
19、ance managementforall equi pmentin the rooma reg ulardust,repla ce theold la bel.Regularly host servers, networkswitches, corerouting ,firewalls,har dwaremainte nance,such asequi pmentfailure,shoul d be processedin atimely mannerin ordertoe nsur esafe andrel iable operati on ofthe system.InXX cityin
20、formationand equipmentwas establishedwit hinthe Centre ,educationalmetropolitan area netw orkce nter machi ne roomXX.Serversanddatast oresand applicati onsto set upinXX Citymetropolitan areanetwork center machine room.Wi ndowsServer2003,wi ndowsSe rver2008,windowsServer2012, Linux,the operatingsyste
21、m,thedatabaseforSQL Server2008,Officesoftware,such as MicrosoftOffice software.Schools (units)ofcomputer,i nformationsystem securityproducts for domesticpr oducts,i ncl udi ng the use of360 andki ngsoft Internet securitysoftware.XXeducation metropolitan area netw orkused by the serverforHP,firewalla
22、nd information securitypr oductforHuaweiand Ci scoproducts.Intheirdailyw ork,to publi cizerelate dknowledgeand information security considerations.Enhanced global aw arene ssofnetw orkand information securit y,and strive toachieve netw orkeveryone knows security a ndvirus before theguard,toimprovene
23、tw orkand informationse curity,ensure that t heXXeducati onsystem networkand information systemsecurity. Tracking reportingsystem requiresallparties to strengthen collaboration,w orkcloselywith emergency safetyplandevelope dXXeducati on metropolita n areanetw ork,regularlycarryout emergency drills,a
24、nd carried outspe cialfundsevery yearto protectthe securityofinformation.Annual2-3 professi onaltrai ning fornetwork managers in thecit y,forming technologywitha strong professionaland technicalteam,schoolnetwork managers on commonnetw orkfailures and beca pabl e ofsolvingsecurityi ssue s.Issuesthat
25、cannotbe resolve d,timelyformsofmeetings,such as meetings,a nalysi s,and soluti ons through ameeting,without rolling up thea bilitytosolvepr oblems,and fee dbacktosuperi ors in writing departmentstoresolve.Thr ough self-examinati on,we ar ewellaware,relativela ckofinvestme ntin educati on, facilitie
26、s a nd equi pmentforfurtherupdates,educati on developm ent isstilluneve n, ne w education conceptsnee d tobefurt herenhance d tosomeexte nt andre strictingt he devel opme ntofcity educati on.We will takethe opportunity ofgovernmentsupervision, to strivefortheprovince e ducation demonstration countie
27、s asa drivi ngforce,furt herincrease input in e ducation,efforts t o prom otethel ong wi ng,and Li Wanfu, a nd Michael Jenki ns, a ndChe nJian,a nd Songand xiaochuanyun,7bitcomrade partici pate in province back boneface-t o-faceor netw orklear ning, doea ch teachi ng pointsare hasteachers participat
28、e i ntraini ng,October17,2013, issuedXX city education information andequipmentCe nteron re quireme ntsthe tea ching points schoolt r ele satn ngsaoed e wik ifevisyiitei pre paed oADeim,,rquieeoitn space of sb|,l,Jci|emJato Ifpnv soaefomjuaoarixxucevttiaciaJhes nomne d41ue t tdu in - o ueiui icaiohe
29、slsuideost nUcmoberaa65Hef teoli a Icelhrt -ay -clottagin l-i s 8aH prei parhgh scho isuanodig t n Belon anfvi,su*en ui OrecveugeOAititaeat1 o Hresomeetihe equiemensrec osKuier ma s ansedetsmn mi.XevimraeiaieF iJIveTvilI tine UiH OgandPcat an eaac losihiae ea scostai o eaCigsCoiofBisJidiati pl cto (
30、rsegniJE A du CiUWi zeifXeimk e nato r eauCSo oaca nae ih,aeayllhe asne ne Ca ssocltev es* n dXdyeximmitna uligistm ndedvs wi u amoischoo r eis dydUU|OiUcUaiS|a!e f54 ercnaiavanvdi y ihn erdbt aya( idimixla wvd. sin of acexps/ahla _ssnnira nf mdiziia Dorkt on aeciy esswaiasawade hesdt eratomi ng nse
31、uiove s riai_assee sscen pize Slm.Hdrmaeimiali i vncaneve 3Aoi c)rermogaev - z) impemene inoitoaTshsreousgsmeh tnhtiisnmformoadtieonowfclassifoirckatmioonretrtahianto ning,incfuotrwmatieoingthet 10. chnologyParpapclitcicaetioisnacraegularroopmability trainisnugpoefrtviesai onc,heerdsuicantioounrinci
32、ftoyrrmeaatcihed 100.onsteeri ng,ste eriXnXg,sersieteserinogf effecwtiitvhetihnefoernmda,tion principals ofeducati oninformationi nto performanceassessme ntand schoollevelm onit oring a nd eval uation,to develop a scientific, operational educationinformati onste ering a ssessmentmethods,trackingmana
33、gementof educationinformati ona nd appli cations. ByMar ch2016,100 of theteachers,Iparti cipated ina nationale ducationaltechnologytrainingforprimaryand secondaryschoolt eachers,the teachers havemadetocut80primaryand middleschoolteacherseducationaltechnologyproficie ncytest certificate. At present,a
34、llschools havea ccessto broa dbandnetw orks.Traini ngcla ssificati ontrai ning of teacher s,schooltea cher s,aca demicl eaders,informationtechnology,teachertraining a nd net workmanageme ntpersonnelfrom theCounty,wit hintheschool backt oschooltraini ngonce training i scomplete.Throug h thism ode ofc
35、lassification training, information technology application capabilitytraining of teachersin ourcityreached 100.XX series ofeffectiveinformation2smeacnuarigteymaentsssyesstsemmesntais i nncdlmuedae disnutrhese eastabnlinualisnhdeexd.bSyt,riactlyinmdpla managementsystem; developed hascomputerand thene
36、tworkof(XXeducatinetwork security responsibilityi on oftheequipmentin t-I.-Governme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi- Lheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsi bility;weequpmen necassroomsetup a Chinese teachereducatiny on XXEducationorkoftopic caces, such ase- ugd arrangepl
37、atforms.At present,the cityssede sign, relie son Ciscoprimaryand middle-books,pa ny thought Shu aid-I . I 1-1a ny ougschoolt u aichuan projeNoctfosrtagfrfafdreeepprrootevcidtiesstudentst ocomputer 3198,vitalitythan 10on management perongradi ng record a nd eval- I - . _I -I . .1usonnel i sresponsibl
38、 ewforconfidentwialmanagement, passwordmanagement,has threeyear s technol L一 1.1Intclassests theschool(units) accordi-I .LIL I on computerenjoysindependentrigntrustssssword ofthe computerforitsproprietar y,andreleasebegan, a ccordi ng to hig hstandards,and 一一. II - -lteropehagog sanars,ancondary);36
39、 oftheBurea u oncurity gradeprotecti on a bout poli cyand standard, organizati on carried outinformationse curitygrade prote ction s a ndmanpower planning ,and poi nts ste p implementati on, using schoolearthquakeHou reconstruction ofopportunta bl ishment ofanadva nce d,practica lGigabite ducational
40、metropolitanarea network,t he citysschools have access tn tea chi ng points digitalresources fullcover project of impleme ntation programme, Esta blished XX,fullcoverage ofdigitalresource s inm oderofprovisi ons ispr ohi bited,suchanni ng eleme ntaryand mi - a netwn distanceeducati ontea chi ng pr o
41、jecttns.Bureaducationccording t o whois in charge ofwho s in charge,wddle schools camleadiork,schoolnggroup,對地坪面采取成品保護措施。3、 經(jīng)檢查合格的材料應按品種、4、移動式操作平臺搭設要求:A 立桿上的對接扣件應交錯布置:兩根相鄰立桿的接頭不應設置在同一步dinatinformationng,ork) for classifie dsecur ity prote ction levels,withoutthircurit y,assurance responsibilitiest o
42、schools.itiesofinformationsed-level iherole sand responsibilnd whois responsiucti ona nd gradeeval uation,impleme一一 L-L -ctionsystem ofthereXX educationalmetropolitan area一.一.- -一network realizesWa160 million Yuaquiremen,accor ding tot he standard,II- IIL-III I.I.I.ol phaisgsh; Eaqualityplacnhnsicng
43、hoolnZha okua n to schools, hundre dsof megabytes ofbroa dbandto t hetable,wire (ie:Web,vi deo, a udi o)tothe targe t,electronicw hiteboards,multimediaclassrooms,rem oteinteractivevi deotea chi ng system of moder n educati onalnew orkaccessto all r ooms;XXeducati on metropolita n area netw orkce nte
44、rmachi ne roomequipme nt inthe Mi nistry of educationstandardizationmanagement platform,theCentralLibrary of audi o-vi sualeducation re sources,chi ng point s digitale ducationresource sfull coverpr oje ct of notification(taughttechnicalletter(2012) 74t h,)and XX Prov ince Department ofeducation on
45、issue d XX provincetea chi ng points digitaleducati on re sour cesful lcov er projectXXcity school digitalresour ces i n modern distancee ducation teachingful l-coverage proje ct leadi ng group, digitalresour cesi nmodern distance e ducationteaching, andXXfull coverage proje ct group lea dershipa nd
46、pus network a nd e ducation city domainnetwork,a nd l ocalbroadcasti ng networkclosed -cir cuittelevi sion netw ork, broadcast networks intot hooscam pus newora ns have computernetworks,XX,chaired the Secretaryforeducation.E stablished,digitalresourcesi n modernstem oftherequireme nts,makesinformati
47、on system security management levelobviouslyfacility uptork companycooperation, using broadca stTV network,will physi calfiberlayingt oeahe cl assrooms,real ize the triple play.Schools share Internetba ndwi dth,dista ncee ducation teaching,XXfull coverage proje ct group, XX, Directorofthe Centerforn
48、eeds of teachingum ofcost a chieveeducational i nformation aoftheschoolndequipmenedrastcaoonystcimoeo.Apcacsosr;diaconstruction standards of campus netw一一. . .nt chaired Z hu Guiyan, responsiblefordingto Ministry ofeducation onfull startestanceeducation digital resources coveringd impleme ntation te
49、aorkand netw orkaccessto all rprojectw ork.Projects in規(guī)格分類整齊、平穩(wěn)的堆放在耐磨地坪上,內(nèi),同步內(nèi)隔一立桿的兩個相隔接頭在高度方向上錯開的距離不宜小于500mm;各節(jié)頭中心到主節(jié)點的距離不宜大于步距的1/3B搭接接頭不應小于1.0m,應采用不少于2個旋轉(zhuǎn)扣件固定,端部到扣件蓋板的邊緣距離不應小于100mm。C 移動式操作平臺的四個面必須設置剪刀撐,斜桿與地面傾角宜在4560O之間, 剪刀撐斜桿的接長宜采用搭接,剪刀撐斜桿應用旋轉(zhuǎn)扣件固定在與之相交的橫向水平桿的伸出端或立桿上,旋轉(zhuǎn)扣件的中心到主節(jié)點距離不宜大于150mm。5、注意事項:A
50、 底部移動的輪子在架體投入使用時,應設置鎖止裝置,限制平面上移動3 個自由度。B 架體移動時,架體上不得有作業(yè)人員。位置施工時,應當按照高掛低用的原則系掛安全帶。C 如果上部全封閉后影響施工,必須有一部分敞開式時,作業(yè)人員在敞開D 嚴禁攀登桿件上下。6、安全使用要求:A 高處作業(yè)時,發(fā)現(xiàn)有缺陷和隱患時,必須及時解決;危及人身安全時,必須 停止作業(yè)。mprove,seforall equi pmentin theroom aregpacity obviouslyea nced,se curitynd securityae duced,effective guaranteesih developm
51、ent.ulardust,replace the old la bel.Regularly host servers, networkswitches, corerouting,firewalls,har dwaremainte nance,such aseXXE ducationCentre regqui pmentfailure,shouldcserviassessme ntinformationworkmorethan to cutweig ht10.Practice isaregular roomsupervision,educati on informati onsteeri ng,
52、steeri ng,steeri ngwith tularlycarry out day -to-daynetwbepr ocessed i n atimelymanner inorheend,pri nci pals ofeducation i nformation itinto performanceasseorkse curity monitoring idertoensuretissmenta nd schoollevenformation a nd e qui pment. By thea ppr opriatetechni calstaff,XXnetworkesafeand re
53、lia ble operation ofthesystem.lmonitori ngand evaluatiInXXcity information andequipme,e n, new ensngine roommaintenancestaffonsite managementand maintenanceona regularba sis,sche dule dviewi ngof netw orks,systems,databa ses andassociated equipmentoperatingconditions, and make arecord.Computer lab m
54、aintentwas establishedwit hinthe Centre,educationalmetropolitanareng assessment methods,tracking maanetw orkcenterma chi ne roomXX.Serversand data storesand applicati onsto set upinngthenWeoom. WindowsServer2003,winancemanag ersregularly r una va rietyofdevices indowsServer 2008,wi ndowsServer2012,L
55、inthe school i nformation synux,the operating system, thestem parameters,serversystems andvariousdatabackup, so thatthere wasa hardware failureinasystem crash can re sumequickly and efficiedatabaseforSQL Server2008,Officesoftware,such asoteon systemse curity productsforntly. Computerlabmaidomesti cp
56、roducts,intena ncemanagersestablisha network a ntivirussy stem,AviraV irussystem on aregularbasis,a nda nti-virus softwaresecurity assenetsecurity software.XXeducation metropolitanareanetwork used by thessment,time toserverfor HPupgrade.Computerla b maintena nce managementnd i nformation security pr
57、oductforHuaweincial lnagementofeducati on i nformation a nd a ppli cations. By March2016,100 oftheteachers,Iparticipate d ina nati onal e ducationaltechnology training for primaryand secondaryschoolteachers,thetea cherscherse ducationaltechnol ogy proficiencytest certificate.Atpresent, allschools ha
58、ve acce ss to broa dband networks.Training classificationtraining ofteachers,schooltea chers,aca demiclea ders,i nformationtechnol ogy,tea cher trai ning andnetw ork management personnelfromtheCounty, withint heschoolbackto schooltrainingoncetraining iscom plete.XX series of effectiveinformation3man
59、agementsystems a nd mea suresestabli shed by,a nda numberofpragmatic,combined part -time workfor ceeducati on information,the protecti on ofthe digitalcam pus construction andsustainabledevel opment.SixBureau attaches greatim porta ncet oinformationtechnologysecurity,i nformation technologysecurity,
60、entrust XX City Centerfore ducationalinformationand equi pmentdedicatedtot hew ork. Netw orksecurity l eading group was set up, chairedbyt he Educati onBurea uChief,hea d, forXXe ducation Metro -networkand informati on security emergencyresponse leadership. Deputy group lea derfor XXe ducational met
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- 北師大版八年級上冊數(shù)學期中綜合測試卷(含答案解析)
- 幼兒園創(chuàng)意美勞培訓
- 同濟大學第四版線性代數(shù)課后習題答案
- 醫(yī)療領域人工智能技術應用的倫理與法規(guī)
- 工地春節(jié)停工復工計劃安排
- 美容面部皮膚知識課件
- 胰島素注射的護理